The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1568 I still have to speak on stage

Zhao Zhigang called Zhang Chen and told him that Jiangshan had contacted him and asked us to go there on Monday. We could go there tomorrow to sign, but County Magistrate Qiu will not be there tomorrow, and Magistrate Qiu will also attend the signing ceremony.

Zhang Chen said okay, then we will go on Monday.

Zhang Chen returned to his office, took a pen and paper, and drew a renovation plan for the coal depot of Genshan Power Plant.

Tan Shuzhen walked in from outside and asked, have the transfer procedures for Genshan Power Plant been completed?

Zhang Chen said he didn't know, I just came back from outside.

Tan Shuzhen said, I don’t know either, I won’t be here in the afternoon.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Go and talk to Liu Jun in front of here, otherwise you think I am so free that I have time to visit you," Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, "Why are you looking for Liu Jun?"

Tan Shuzhen did not answer what he was looking for Liu Jun for. Instead, she saw the painting on Zhang Chen's table. Tan Shuzhen pointed at the painting with her fingers and asked, what is this?

"Garment factory." Zhang Chen said.

"Garment factory? Do you want to build a clothing factory? A new one? Have you decided where to move it?"

"Yes, Genshan Power Plant."

"Zhang Chen, what are you doing?" Tan Shuzhen shouted, "Can Genshan Power Plant put down your garment factory?"

"A small factory."

Zhang Chen smiled and said that he gave all the equipment in the factory to Zhao Zhigang and his management staff and asked them to move to Jiangshan. He would only keep a small clothing factory in Genshan Power Plant to specialize in e-commerce ideas and Tan Shuzhen said.

After Tan Shuzhen listened quietly, she looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Have you thought about all this?"

Zhang Chen nodded: "I have thought about it, I have already discussed it with Zhao Zhigang."

"Well, since you have already thought about it, I won't say anything more." Tan Shuzhen said, "There is only one thing left, and that is the issue of demolition compensation. I will help you negotiate this when the time comes."

Zhang Chen said yes. He picked up the drawings on the table and looked at them. He said, "There is one more small thing. I still need a warehouse. There is no room for Xiaoli and their e-commerce department's warehouse in Genshan Power Plant."

Tan Shuzhen asked: "How big does it need to be?"

"A few hundred square meters, maybe."

"I have already freed it up for you." Tan Shuzhen said.

"You helped me free it. Where?" Zhang Chen was confused.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I came here just to tell you about this. It's right in front of you, Liu Jun's badminton hall, which can be used as a warehouse for you. It's big enough."

"What are you doing, Tan Shuzhen, you won't burn bridges like this, right? Xiangnan doesn't want to learn badminton now, so you just withdrawn the badminton club?" Zhang Chen asked.

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and cursed: "Zhang Chen, am I, Tan Shuzhen, this kind of person in your eyes? The badminton club is still there. Not only is it there, but I am ready to expand it and turn it into a sports club. I asked Liu Jun , is to let him become the general manager of this sports club."

"what happened?"

"Our 'Sky City' gymnasium and stadium, as well as the mountain racecourse have been built. I am going to move this badminton club to 'Sky City' as a project under the 'Sky City' Sports Club. , it’s that simple, are you satisfied?”

Zhang Chen chuckled and said it was pretty much the same, but the road to learning football was a little longer.

"Why are you afraid of the long journey? Now the buses are open, and our company also has shuttle buses. You can take them. If you are even afraid of riding in the car, can you still play well? After moving out here, you can use it as a warehouse for Xiaoli and the others. , Also, Liu Jun took me to the basketball gym next door earlier, he had a suggestion, I think you can refer to it. "

Tan Shuzhen said that Zhang Chen asked: "What is the proposal?"

"Not many people come to the basketball gym now. Liu Jun suggested that you simply change this place into an experience hall to fully support the market below you. Only half of the basketball court is enough, and other rock climbing, Billiards, table tennis, treadmills, mountain climbing machines, resistance training equipment, etc. If the merchants below need it, let them arrange it themselves," Tan Shuzhen said.

"This is a good suggestion." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "It seems that Liu Jun has some business acumen. You made the right choice in choosing him as the general manager."

"Of course, he still has a lot of ideas about sports clubs, and he will tell you about them later." Tan Shuzhen said with a proud smile.

Xiao Wu and Zhao Jingjing walked in from outside. Tan Shuzhen asked Zhao Jingjing, is it done?

Zhao Jingjing nodded and said, okay.

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "This Genshan Power Plant is really losing money, and it has no benefits. I need people to manage it, and provide security guards and cleaning staff. The rent of Dazhong Market is not enough to pay them wages. Okay. Well, Zhang Chen, I finally dumped this money-losing thing on you, thank you."

"It doesn't matter." Zhang Chen said, "I have a way to generate income."

"What can we do?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

Zhang Chen said seriously: "I can set up a toll station on the pier. From now on, I will charge all the people who get on and off your cruise ship again, or you will cover everything."

Zhao Jingjing and Xiao Wu laughed, and Tan Shuzhen glared at him.

The next afternoon, Zhang Chen went to Xiasha Factory. Zhao Zhigang saw him coming and walked into Zhang Chen's office with a piece of paper in his hand.

Zhao Zhigang and Zhang Chen said that Monday must be down, and we should arrive before 11 o'clock in the morning. At 11 o'clock, there will be a brief ceremony. First, County Magistrate Qiu will speak, then you will speak, and then the director of the management committee will Sign with me and you and County Magistrate Qiu will witness it.

"I'll go!" Zhang Chen cursed upon hearing this.

"Of course you are going, didn't you agree to go?" Zhao Zhigang said with a smile.

"I agreed to go, why do I have to go on stage to speak?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Of course you have to speak. Are you a foreign monk or a great monk? How can you not speak when this great monk arrives?" Zhao Zhigang said, "Anyway, I have agreed to this process."

"I'll go! Zhao Zhigang, you are selling me, you clearly know..."

"I know, I know you can do it, you are so eloquent." Zhao Zhigang said with a smile, "Or you can regret it now and not let us go to Jiangshan."

Zhang Chen was helpless. He sighed and said: "Okay, okay, Zhao Zhigang, I will let you sell it once. Remember, you owe me. When I go to Jiangshan in the future, you have to treat me to a good meal." food."

"No problem. If you want to eat human flesh, I will cut off a piece of myself for you to eat."

"Get out!" Zhang Chen cursed, and Zhao Zhigang laughed.

Zhao Zhigang handed the piece of paper in his hand to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen looked at it and found that the first one was Zhao Zhigang and Caidi, with a total of 30%, and the second one was Zhao Zhilong and his wife, also with 30%. thirty.

Zhang Chen frowned and said to Zhao Zhigang:

"Zhao Zhigang, you, Caidi, and Zhao Zhilong are the veterans of this factory. Zhao Zhilong's wife has nothing to do with this dime. I told you that day, you three are 60% each. You don’t even know what twenty means?”

Zhao Zhigang looked a little shy and said, "I know what you mean, but Zhao Zhilong said that our two families each have 30%."

"You agreed?"

"We are all a family, he said it, what else do I have to disagree with." Zhao Zhigang said.

"Where's Caidi? Does Caidi agree?" Zhang Chen asked.

Zhao Zhigang nodded and said, "She also agrees."

Zhang Chen sighed and thought, Zhao Zhigang and Caidi are also loyal. Zhang Chen said:

"Well, since you all agreed, I don't have anything to say. After all, this is your factory, and it's not appropriate for me to say more."

Zhang Chen then looked at the other eleven people, ranging from three to six percent of the shares, two cents, "working class" and Lao Fu. These senior management personnel were 100%. Six, this distribution is also very reasonable.

Zhang Chen returned the paper to Zhao Zhigang and told him, that's it, you can just draft the company's articles of association based on this share distribution.

"By the way, is Xiaoli here today?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Come here, she actually has nothing to learn in the workshop. Her hands and feet are faster than the average worker on the sewing machine." Zhao Zhigang said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "What, you mean Xiaoli knows how to sewing? Why didn't I know?"

"Of course." Zhao Zhigang said, "She used to live in the factory, and we worked overtime at night. She would play in the workshop every day when she had nothing to do. She was very fussy. She wanted to play with all the machines, even electric scissors."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, he didn't expect that this stupid trick could come in handy now.

"I asked her to follow the two points and let her take care of the quality inspection." Zhao Zhigang said, and Zhang Chen agreed.

Zhao Zhigang walked out, Zhang Chen also stood up, and he walked to the top of the building.

It had been a long time since I had been to the roof of this building. Zhang Chen saw the T-shaped platform painted on the ground on the roof. Although the color had faded, it was still vaguely visible.

Zhang Chen walked along the T-shaped platform, walked out, and walked to the edge of the roof. He stood there and looked at the Xiasha Development Zone and No. 1 Road opposite.

He thought that when this house was just completed, he had stood on the roof of this building in the same place. At that time, he looked at everything in front of him and was very high-spirited.

He had stood here before when preparing for the fashion show. The models were still practicing their catwalks behind him, and their voices could be heard clearly. At that time, he was full of longing for the future.

After Xiao Zhao passed away, he stood here, his heart filled with sadness, and he felt the bone-chilling cold from the inside out, but even in those days, he finally got over it.

Today he stands here again, looking at everything in front of him, and all he feels is a sense of loneliness. In a few months, everything in front of him will still be there, and it is no longer possible for him to stand here again. This rooftop will also It will disappear from here, not into the night, but into the eternal void.

Gone, everything.

Zhang Chen stood for a long time, the lights in front of him lit up one by one, and the surrounding sky began to slowly darken. Even if it was dark, it was not dark. This is a factory, and factories never sleep, no matter how dark they are. Even deep in the night, there will be lights piercing the darkness, unless this factory no longer exists.

Thank you book friend 20191110092725148 for the reward! Thank you to Yuanxi, Fantasy in the Wind, Book Friends 20190104201758318, lulu6717p11, Beicheng Scholar, No Penetration, and Clear Mind for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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