The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1562 Night Supper Club

The late night snack is from 10:30 to 12 o'clock in the evening. The late night snack is on the roof of Banmutian Hotel. There is no dressing room on the roof. Xu Jianmei, Feng Laogui and the others need to put on makeup in the box downstairs. Then go upstairs.

Tan Shuzhen was doing makeup on Xiang Nan. Cao Minfang and Lao Xie came. Tan Shuzhen asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

This time, Tan Shuzhen mainly accompanied Xiangnan to see Feng Laogui, so she did not call Lao Xie to tell him. Lao Xie must have learned from Cao Minfang that she had arrived in Sanya.

Lao Xie smiled and said: "I know you have arrived in Sanya, how could I not come over?"

Cao Minfang said: "I don't even know if I don't know. Xiang Nan's performance has become a sensation. Don't forget Mr. Tan. Like you, I am also an actor. I am anxious to come and see it."

When the performance of "Stealing Immortal Grass" at the late night venue started, it caused a sensation again. At the request of the audience below, it was performed twice.

Tan Shuzhen, Lao Xie, and Cao Minfang stood there and watched. When Xiang Nan spoke, Lao Xie said that half of Sanya could hear this sound.

Cao Minfang smiled and said: "This can really attract business for us."

Tan Shuzhen thought about it, and said to Cao Minfang: "Mr. Cao, when the performance is over, can you please trouble the chef and waiters to work overtime? I would like to treat the troupe to dinner."

Cao Minfang said that there is no need to work overtime. This place will not end until three or four in the morning. At this time, I am afraid that the seats in the back have been booked early. In this way, how about I let them open three private rooms below and eat in the private rooms?

Tan Shuzhen said yes, you can help me arrange the dishes.

"Mr. Tan is treating me to a treat, Xiao Cao, you are willing to spend the money." Lao Xie said from the side.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "Yes, yes, I will give them all the good ones."

Cao Minfang said, I understand.

Cao Minfang went downstairs to make arrangements, but Tan Shuzhen and Lao Xie were still on the roof.

On the stage, "Hua Tou Tai" was already being performed, which was a literary opera. Teacher Wu asked Xiang Nan to go down to rest and replaced Xu Jianmei on the stage.

Tan Shuzhen and Lao Xie retreated to the elevator entrance and found two chairs in the waiting area to sit down. Lao Xie and Tan Shuzhen talked about the situation in Hainan.

Lao Xie said that after the New Year, he plans to start a project in Sanya and Haicheng first, so that in the second half of the year, their Hainan branch will have projects to launch. As soon as these two projects are launched, he will be here in Hainan. There will be funds coming in, and there is no need to rely entirely on blood transfusions from the head office.

Lao Xie and Tan Shuzhen said:

"I discussed it with Mr. Han that day. We felt that the east coast of Hainan has been too hot now. The land acquired on the east coast now has limited room for value-added, but almost no one has gone to the west coast.

"Everyone is shaking their heads. They are all crowded in the areas of Sanya, Qionghai, Wanning and Wenchang. Even Lingshui almost has no coastline. But in fact, on the west line, like Dongfang, Changjiang, and Baimajing, the coastline is very beautiful and the sea view The beach and beaches are both very good and will definitely have great potential in the future.

"Our idea is that we will not compete with them on the eastern front and focus on the western front."

Tan Shuzhen said yes, we have more than thirty projects on the Eastern Front, which is enough for us to develop one by one. In addition, I am also worried that after the surge, there will be a wave of plummets. The Eastern Front has indeed risen a bit too much. The International Tourism Island After the concept is hyped, there should be a decline on the Eastern Front, and it cannot remain so prosperous forever.

"Mr. Han means the same thing." Lao Xie said, "He said that regardless of the east or west line, most of the home buyers must be from the mainland. The real demand for steel in Hainan is in the middle line, which is also the most densely populated. When they do When they come to the western front, we will retreat to the middle line, so that we can always be one step ahead of them."

Tan Shuzhen said yes, I agree with your plan.

Cao Minfang came upstairs and saw them. Cao Minfang and Tan Shuzhen said, "The arrangements have been made. Why don't you go sit in the box?"

Tan Shuzhen said yes, she pointed to the stage, and Cao Minfang immediately said, I will notify them.

Tan Shuzhen nodded.

After the performance, everyone came down and started removing makeup in the box. Teacher Wu, Teacher Xu, Feng Laogui, Xiangxiang, Xu Jianmei, Xiang Nan, Lao Xie, Cao Minfang and Tan Shuzhen were in the same box.

Tan Shuzhen went to the other two private rooms first and told everyone that everyone can come and eat. You can add whatever you want to eat and order what you want to drink. Anyway, there won't be a performance until tomorrow night. It's just like when we went on tour before, it's noisy. An all-nighter is okay.

Those people shouted, "Don't worry, Zhenzhen, we won't be polite. Anyway, you don't have enough to eat, so we won't eat for free."

Tan Shuzhen laughed and said, OK, it's best if you eat me up and go bankrupt.

After saying hello to both boxes, and before they returned to their own box and sat down, Teacher Wu said to Tan Shuzhen, "Zhenzhen, we have already agreed that when you are in Sanya, Nannan will come here to perform every day."

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, no problem, as long as Nan Nan is willing.

Xu Jianmei said with a bitter face: "Fortunately, Nan Nan is only temporary. If she stays in the troupe for a long time, will I be ostracized by Nan Nan after being ostracized by you, Tan Shuzhen? You mother and daughter are too bullying."

Everyone laughed.

Tan Shuzhen sat down in her seat. She introduced Lao Xie to Teacher Wu, Feng Laogui and others, and told them that this is the general manager of our Hainan branch. If you have any difficulties in Hainan, you can call him directly. .

As soon as Tan Shuzhen finished speaking, Cao Minfang said, there is no difficulty. If there is any difficulty, I can solve it here. Mr. Zhang has explained it.

Teacher Wu smiled and said, yes, we are here, and Mr. Cao takes good care of us. We enjoy the treatment that we have never had before when we go out to perform. Everyone is reluctant to go back every time.

"We were together in the past, and I know how difficult it is for people in the troupe to go out," Cao Minfang said.

Everyone remembered that Cao Minfang used to sing in the Flower Drum Opera, so she had to perform a part. Cao Minfang couldn't refuse, so she stood up and pulled Lao Xie, a fellow fan, up as well, and the two of them performed a part of "Chopping Woodcutter with Bangs".

Next came Xiangxiang and Xu Jianmei, then Xiang Nan, and finally Tan Shuzhen couldn't refuse. She got up and sang a section. After singing and sitting down, Tan Shuzhen's eyes were wet. She said that it had been a long time since she had been with the troupe. Sometimes I really think about the past.

Cao Minfang listened and nodded repeatedly. She said, "It feels like the days on stage go by very quickly, but the days off stage are really difficult."

Xiangxiang patted Xu Jianmei on the shoulder and said, "There is another one here, the director's wife. She has been transferred to the library, but she didn't work for two months and came back again."

"Oh, there's still this thing?" Tan Shuzhen looked at Xu Jianmei and said in surprise.

Xu Jianmei smiled and said: "What can I do in the library? When someone comes to borrow a book, I register it. The word looks like a chicken claw. I blush when I write it. I copy it from the book and copy the wrong title. I am embarrassed." I really can’t sit in that seat, so it’s better to come back to the troupe to save trouble.”

Teacher Wu said from the side: "For this reason, Lao Ding even approached the theater troupe and wanted me to do the work of Jianmei."

"In the end, he was scolded by Teacher Wu." Xu Jianmei said with a smile, "He went back and learned from me. Teacher Wu said that other people came to poach our troupe, but we had no choice. Your Cultural Bureau also came to poach, and you still Can you sleep well? Old Ding was so scared that he never dared to go again."

Everyone laughed.

Xiang Nan asked: "I have been in the troupe since I was a child, and I have seen just such a few people in the troupe. How come it is still there now? Aren't there any young people coming in? Aunt Jianmei, you can't be sixty or seventy years old and still play Bai Suzhen? Are you still playing "Bai Suzhen"? "Stealing Immortal Grass"?"

Xiang Nan's words made everyone lower their heads. Xu Jianmei said quietly, "When I'm sixty or seventy years old, I'm afraid I won't even know if the troupe is still around."

Teacher Wu sighed and said, where can we find newcomers? Although the salary of this drama actor is not high, the requirements are not low. Without several years of childlike skills, he can't even get on the stage. Now, there are not even student classes in the troupe. If there is no more, how can there be any young people coming out?

Xiangxiang said: "It's useless even if there are student classes. Today's children, whoever comes to learn drama or learn to be a chef will have more potential than acting. Lao Gui and I both came from the countryside. At that time, How difficult is it to get into the student class? Why? Once you get into the student class, your household registration will be solved. From an agricultural household registration to a residential household registration, this is the way out."

"Yes, at that time, the only way to obtain a household registration was to go to college, be recruited by a sports school, be recruited by an acrobatic troupe or a theater troupe, and even join the army. You had to do so before you could transfer your household registration and become a The squad leader and platoon leader returned from demobilization and became farmers as usual.

"At that time, we were admitted to the theater troupe's student class, but the whole commune was a sensation. Others were extremely envious, so they said we could eat from the public family." Feng Laogui also said from the side.

Teacher Wu smiled and said: "Don't talk about you. At that time, when we went to recruit students, we all looked like big shots. When we were having dinner, the commune secretary and director personally accompanied us."

"The hukou is useless now." Xiangxiang said, "What's the benefit of joining the troupe now? It's gone. It's still an iron rice bowl, but this iron rice bowl is empty nine times out of ten. We can’t even guarantee a monthly salary, so why are we so strong? If it weren’t for Zhang Chen and Zhenzhen, our group would have been disbanded long ago.”

While the others were talking, Tan Shuzhen was silent. When they finished speaking, Tan Shuzhen said:

"Teacher Wu, Lao Gui, Nan Nan is right. If our troupe continues like this for a long time, it will definitely not work. We still need to have successors. I think so. The student class of the troupe must be re-established immediately. This is the foundation, Xiangxiang If no one signs up to learn opera, then we will improve the treatment and increase the monthly subsidy for students in the student class to make it attractive.

"I'll go back and discuss it with Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen and I will bear the cost. We will pay to establish a fund or something, which is a fund for cultivating new Wu opera talents. With a formal fund, the money will not be misappropriated. I also told Yongcheng Cultural Bureau, this money is for the student class and cannot be used for other purposes. The money they should give to the troupe must not be less."

Everyone listened and nodded. Teacher Wu said that if this was the case and the funds were guaranteed, the student class could definitely be started.

"Okay, then we've settled on this. I'll call Zhang Chen tomorrow. Laogui, please come up with a plan here. Write down clearly the number of admissions and the approximate annual expenses. Zhang Chen and I will take a look. , how to do this fund." Tan Shuzhen said.

Feng Laogui said yes.

Thank you book friend 20170120193524134, for the reward I don’t know even if you ask me! Thank you zpengyong1, Shi Yitan, Chuan Lin, and Ermao for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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