The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1560 It feels a little different

"Tan Shuzhen, have you noticed that Xiang Nan's return this time is a little different from before?" Zhang Chen asked Tan Shuzhen.

"Have you noticed it too?" Tan Shuzhen said and sighed.

"She doesn't seem as happy as before." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said, "I have always wanted to go to Beijing Film Academy. Going to Beijing Film Academy is probably different from what I imagined."

"What's wrong?"

"I asked her about the specific situation, but she refused to tell me. But Wenwen knew a little bit about it. Wenwen said that their ghost school was different from ordinary universities. Everyone was very scheming. If you think about it, they were all fighting for each other. Ah, especially for someone like Nan Nan, who can act in and take on roles as soon as she goes to school, other students will inevitably be jealous."

Tan Shuzhen said, Zhang Chen nodded, Zhang Chen said, Tan Shuzhen, you still have to communicate with Xiang Nan. If you don’t want to make money, what’s the point of making money if your daughter is gone?

"I want to communicate, but she doesn't want to. Let alone communication, it's difficult to even meet more. It's the same at home. I shut myself in the room all day long, surf the Internet, and lock the door. You call her too many times. , she is still impatient, Zhang Chen, to be honest, I am a little scared to be with her now."

Tan Shuzhen said and sighed again. She said, "I don't know how that daughter who used to be very clingy became like this. Do you think every daughter will be like this when she grows up?"

"I don't know, but Xiao Zhao and her mother don't seem to be at this stage, and neither is Xiao Fang. Lao Zhang and I have gone through such a process, and you know it." Zhang Chen said.

Tan Shuzhen said with a bitter face: "I have watched my daughter grow up day by day, and now she seems like I don't know her. I don't know what is going on in her mind."

While the two were talking, Xiaoshu and Yao Fen came. They had had New Year's Eve dinner with Yao Fen's parents at home first, and then came over. Yao Fen's parents knew that they had to attend two games, so the four of them We had New Year's Eve dinner before it was even ordered, so that Xiaoshu and Yao Fen could rush here again after finishing their meal.

"Okay, here comes another problem daughter." Tan Shuzhen whispered when she saw Yao Fen.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, but if you think about it, Yao Fen and her parents were so tense that they could finally reconcile, so you have nothing to worry about.

Tan Shuzhen opened her eyes wide: "You want me to go through that process too? It's too scary!"

Yao Fen was also pregnant. When Xiao Zhao's mother saw her arriving, she asked her to sit on the sofa and stop being tired.

Zhang Chen saw Xiaoshu coming and called him to the work shed at the back. The three of them stood there. Zhang Chen told him about Xiang Nan and asked him, are all you art students like this? When you were in college How do you feel?

"There is also a process of adjustment and adaptation." Xiaoshu said, "When I first arrived at school, I felt a sense of disillusionment, and I slowly adjusted."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen were startled. Tan Shuzhen hurriedly asked: "What does disillusionment mean?"

"We who learn painting can be said to be very simple. We must have a very passionate and beautiful feeling for art, otherwise we would not be able to learn well." Xiaoshu said, "I think Xiangnan should be like this for performances. .”

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen both nodded, and Xiao Shu continued:

"The same goes for schools. When I was studying painting, I imagined Central American School, Zhejiang American Academy of Fine Arts, etc., which are far-fetched temples of art. They are very pure places, especially the teachers. Looking at their names, each one of them is... They are so sparkling that I can’t even imagine that one day I can be with them.”

Xiaoshu smiled bitterly and said: "But when I got to school, I found that it was not the case at all. All the beauty was just my imagination. Those teachers were not gods. They were all ordinary people. Some were still very wretched. Very bad people, what you think is the temple of art, gathered together is just a bunch of rabble.”

"So the sense of disillusionment arises?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaoshu nodded and said yes, "I felt like something fell out of my heart, and those shining names no longer shined. For a while, I wondered if I was in the wrong place, and whether there was any need to be here. Keep studying, what can you learn here?

"During that period, it can be said that I was very painful and depressed. I drank a lot of alcohol and wanted to hide in one place every day and not go to school."

Tan Shuzhen understood and said, "Xiaoshu, what you are talking about is really very possible. Nannan is probably in such a process."

"It should be." Xiaoshu said, "Think about it, when they study acting, they used to see their teachers as images on the screen. What is the image on the screen? It is created. Of course it is attractive. As a result, once reality comes into contact, they are all mortals, and that illusion is completely broken.”

"Xiaoshu, why didn't I know you had such a process, and your sister doesn't seem to know either?" Zhang Chen said.

"How could I let you know?" Xiaoshu said with a smile, "You are so old, and I still cry in front of you?"

"Then how did you get out?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Although it's hard, I'll get used to it gradually," Xiaoshu said. "I'm very grateful to Yao Fen. She was always with me at that time."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen nodded, understanding.

Xiaoshu said: "As time goes by, whether it is complicity or compromise, anyway, you will gradually come to an understanding of people and yourself, and you will know that art is art and life is life.

"If you realize that you are just an ordinary person with seven emotions and six desires, there is no need to ask others to be saints. Isn't art the self-salvation of us ordinary people? Otherwise, why would we need art? We can just eat, drink, poop and sleep every day."

"That's very well said, Xiaoshu." Tan Shuzhen praised.

"Don't worry, Sister Shuzhen, Xiang Nan will come out. She has this understanding. Just give her more space. Excessive attention will actually cause a kind of pressure on her. You just need to let her know that no matter when , no matter how bad the situation is, you will support her and stay with her." Xiaoshu said.

Tan Shuzhen nodded thoughtfully and said, thank you, Xiaoshu.

"By the way, you can also find some biographies to read to her, the kind that are written very realistically. I remember that I was reading "Longing for Life" by Irving Stone at that time, about Van Gogh, which was of great help to me. I know that it turns out that these great people are also ordinary people, even a little annoying, which is very good for getting rid of the illusion.

"You may not listen to what others say to you, but when you read alone, you will think a lot and touch your soul."

As Xiaoshu spoke, Tan Shuzhen kept nodding her head. She smiled bitterly and said, "I didn't expect that dealing with my daughter would be more difficult than dealing with myself."

"Do you understand Lao Tan's difficulties now?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't understand. At that time, as Xiaoshu said, he really put too much pressure on me and gave me a sense of oppression. It turned into a psychological shadow. That's why there is still a gap today. Xiaoshu It reminded me that I can't do this," Tan Shuzhen said.

"I think you can go out with Xiang Nanduo. During this holiday, she will definitely have places she wants to go." Zhang Chen said, "Traveling together can increase your relationship."

"Why don't you go and accompany Beibei?" Tan Shuzhen rolled her eyes at him and asked.

"He has Xiaofang. He and Xiaofang have a very good relationship. They get along very well. I won't be lonely. I can rest assured." Zhang Chen said with a smile, "However, if I have time this summer, I will also go to the United States to accompany him. .”

"Okay, I'm going to ask Nannan if there's any place he wants to go," Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, I think there is a place in the south that I really want to go to.

"Where?" Tan Shuzhen asked.


"Sanya? How many times has she been there, and she still wants to go to Sanya?" Tan Shuzhen was surprised.

Zhang Chen smiled and said, "This time it's different."

Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen and understood. She knew what Zhang Chen meant by being different. Feng Laogui and the others are still performing in Sanya. Before Xiangnan, the one she wanted to see most during the Spring Festival was Feng Laogui. In her heart, Tan Shuzhen knew that she had always felt that Feng Laogui was very pitiful, and she would feel sorry for her father.

Tan Shuzhen walked to Xiang Nan's room, knocked on the door, walked over to Xiang Nan, opened the door, and Tan Shuzhen walked in.

After more than half an hour, Zhang Chen's mother told everyone it was time to eat. Tan Shuzhen and Xiang Nan also came out. Zhang Chen saw Xiang Nan smiling. Tan Shuzhen approached Zhang Chen and whispered to him, "If you want to die, you still have to eat." It’s really Sanya.

"How about it? You don't know your own daughter as well as I do, right?" Zhang Chen smiled proudly and asked after he finished laughing, are you ready to go?

"Yeah." Tan Shuzhen nodded, "I'll go tomorrow, but I heard that hotels in Sanya are very nervous. We looked online and found no rooms. I don't care, you can find them for me."

"No problem." Zhang Chen said, "They are all women anyway. If it doesn't work, you can squeeze into Cao Minfang's dormitory."

Tan Shuzhen and Xiang Nan arrived in Sanya, and Cao Minfang came to pick them up at the airport. When Cao Minfang saw them, she told Tan Shuzhen, I'm really sorry, Mr. Tan, there is no room available in the hotel, so I have to live in my dormitory.

Tan Shuzhen said yes, it’s just like this. Will it trouble you?

Cao Minfang quickly said, it's not troublesome.

Cao Minfang took Tan Shuzhen and the others directly from the airport to her dormitory, which was a small apartment with one bedroom and one living room. Cao Minfang gave Tan Shuzhen the key to the room and told her, you will live here, can you squeeze into the same bed? Problem?

Tan Shuzhen said there was no problem, but if you gave us the bed, where would you sleep?

"Office, there is a small bed in my office. Sometimes I will sleep there when I am on duty at night." Cao Minfang said, "If you want to eat, you can eat in the cafeteria below or go to the hotel to eat. Just say that you are my guests. "

What Xiang Nan wanted to ask anxiously, Tan Shuzhen understood, and she said, "Where is their troupe now?"

Cao Minfang looked at her watch. It was already past four o'clock in the afternoon. Cao Minfang said to them:

"During dinner, they will perform at the Half Acre Field Hotel. The supper is upstairs in the hotel. At this time, they should have arrived at the hotel and are putting on makeup. What, you want to go over and have a look? I will accompany you there."

Tan Shuzhen said quickly: "We can go there by ourselves. Mr. Cao, you are busy with your business."

"do you know how to go?"

"I've been there a few times, so I know." Tan Shuzhen said.

Cao Minfang gave the car key to Tan Shuzhen and told her, you can keep this car for use when you are in Sanya. Wherever I want to go, I can ask the hotel driver to deliver it.

Thank you to readers 1297873838407110656, book friend 20210410153124786, Xiang Yimi, Doll Tin Soldier, reading books every day, third from top to bottom, three o'clock in the middle of the night, and two fish rewards! Thank you to readers 1297873838407110656, End, Hao, Lu, Qianbo, Cowboy Grandpa, Book Friends 20170724112651879, Lao Dibowei, winsonliu, Sanran Daxia, Book Friends 20190514215348395 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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