Zhang Chen vaguely knew something about Yao Fen, not from Xiaoshu, but from Zhao Xin. The two girls had been together for a long time and had a good relationship. No matter how secretive things were, they would always tell them. When you are young, secrets are like passing flowers by beating drums, and the person listening can't help it. He is unwilling to keep other people's secrets in his own hands and always wants to spread them out.

So, after Yao Fen left the "Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery", Zhao Xin told Zhang Chen about Yao Fen during a casual chat.

Yao Fen's parents are both employees of the Hangcheng Public Works Section of the Shanghai Railway Bureau, and her father is also an engineer.

Yao Fen has always done well in studies since she was a child. Her parents, relatives and friends all have high hopes for her, thinking that she will definitely go to a prestigious university and become a female engineer or professor.

Unexpectedly, when Yao Fen was in her second year of high school, she suddenly became obsessed with painting. She also said that she would take the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts or the Central Academy of Fine Arts for the college entrance examination. Yao Fen's parents were shocked, but at first, they thought she It was just a joke, but she didn't expect that she used her saved pocket money and New Year's money to secretly buy painting materials and enroll herself in an art training class.

At that time, in Yao Fen's school, students who did not live on campus were required to study in the evening on a voluntary basis. They could come to school or not. Yao Fen was the kind of good student who insisted on coming to study in the evening even if he did not live on campus.

Yao Fen went out after dinner every day. Her parents thought she was going to school to study late as usual.

It wasn't until her mother went to a parent-teacher meeting more than a month later that the head teacher told her mother that Yao Fen had not come to self-study for more than a month, and her grades in all subjects had declined. One, down to five or six, I hope Yao Fen's parents can pay attention.

Yao Fen's mother was shocked. After returning home, under strict questioning from her parents, Yao Fen told them that she had gone to study painting in the evening. She also told her parents nonchalantly that she had to meet the cultural requirements of the art exam. It’s okay if you don’t have to study. It doesn’t matter whether you go to school now or not, let alone study late at night.

Yao Fen's parents realized that Yao Fen was not joking when she said she wanted to take the Academy of Fine Arts exam.

The two frightened parents immediately took action and found a painting folder, paint, paper and pens from under the bed and in the cabinet of Yao Fen's room. Yao Fen's father went crazy on the spot and chopped up the painting folder and the oil painting paper with a kitchen knife. It was made of cardboard with a layer of linen glued on it. It couldn't be torn apart by hand, so her mother used scissors to shred it.

The oil paints were all piped in by her father and squeezed into the bathroom squat.

Of course Yao Fen fought with them, but she couldn't compete with the two of them. She could only cry and watch her beloved things being destroyed bit by bit. Yao Fen had a big argument with her parents and ran out. , didn’t come back that night, didn’t go to class the next day, and didn’t come back again that night. Only then did her parents panic, worried that something had happened to her because she couldn’t think about it.

They mobilized all their relatives and friends to search all over Hangzhou, and even went to the police station to report the case, but in the end found nothing. When the head teacher learned about the situation, he also mobilized the entire class to help search for her, but there was no news.

It wasn't until more than twenty days later that a classmate on the bus home from school said he saw Yao Fen at the gate of Zhejiang University. He went to school the next day and told the teacher, who quickly called Yao Fen's father. office and told him the news.

Yao Fen's parents immediately ran to Zhejiang University and searched the entire campus, but could not find Yao Fen. As they searched, they wondered, Yao Fen had just run away from home. Why did she come to Zhejiang University?

Finally, I asked the security guard at the door. The security guard asked them, what does your daughter do? Yao Fen's father thought of it. He said he learned to paint.

The security guard said that behind Zhejiang University, in the farmers' houses near the Temple of Fortune, there were many painting students living there. Would your daughter be there?

Yao Fen's parents immediately went to the back of Zhejiang University. At that time, Zhejiang University had a gate and a wall in front, but there was no wall in the back. If you walked straight, you could reach the village called Caishen Temple in the back.

Yao Fen's parents searched from house to house, and sure enough, they saw Yao Fen and seven or eight children who came to learn painting from out of town in a rented house of a farmer. The men and women lived in the same room, and they all had floors.

When her parents saw Yao Fen, the down jacket she was wearing had a thick layer of stains on the front, her hair was unkempt, she looked like a beggar, and her body exuded a musty smell. Yao Fen's mother hugged Yao Fen Fin cried bitterly.

But Yao Fen didn't cry.

Her parents wanted to take her back, but Yao Fen said it was okay to go back, but unless they agreed to let her learn painting and take art exams, she would never go back until she died.

In that situation, seeing their daughter like this, the parents' hearts were broken, and they couldn't care about anything else. Of course, they agreed to Yao Fen's request, and Yao Fen went home with them.

Next, although Yao Fen's parents agreed to Yao Fen's study of painting, they agreed under special circumstances and were not really willing. The two of them continued to persuade Yao Fen to give up that unrealistic fantasy. Of course not.

Although the two parties no longer quarreled, they still had small conflicts, and the more they looked at each other, the more they felt dissatisfied.

When it comes to the art exam in the second year, those who study painting like Zhao Xin usually apply to many schools, and they are from high school to low school, including the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, the only two schools in the country, which belong to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Culture. All professional art academies under the ministry, all the way down to prefecture-level colleges, such as ceramics, silk, and craft colleges, will apply.

The professional requirements of these schools are relatively low, and the number of applicants is relatively small, which can improve your hit rate.

But Yao Fen is a very stubborn person and thinks very highly of himself. He probably also wants to be angry with his parents and wants to show them what he wants.

She looked down on all other schools, so she set her sights on the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. She also looked down on provincial professional art academies such as the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, let alone the Zhejiang Institute of Silk Technology and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Universities like Jingdezhen Ceramics Institute.

She is stubborn and has set a very high standard for herself.

As a result, Zhao Xin was admitted to the Suzhou Institute of Arts and Crafts. In Zhang Chen's view, Yao Fen, who had a higher level than Zhao Xin, was not admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts or the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. She failed.

What's worse is that that year, Yao Fen's classmates had worse grades than Yao Fen in school. The child of their colleague in the building opposite them was admitted to Tongji University. They held banners at the gate and in the yard. Set off firecrackers and celebrate lively.

In those days, Yao Fen's parents didn't even dare to leave the house, for fear of running into the colleagues across from them, and even more afraid of running into other colleagues and asking them how Yao Fen did in the exam.

They persuaded Yao Fen to give up the idea of ​​taking the art exam and study for a year. They felt that there was still a possibility that Yao Fen would be admitted to a prestigious university. After all, the foundation was there.

Yao Fen refused, and she still insisted on taking the art exam. Yao Fen's parents refused to agree to anything, and a serious conflict finally broke out between the two parties. Yao Fen ran away from home again, and had her first experience. This time Yao Fen's parents didn't even bother to look.

Without the support from her family, Yao Fen actually cut off the basic conditions for her to take the art exam again. The art exam is very expensive. You usually have to pay tuition for training classes and buy materials for painting. The materials are not cheap. Although Yao Fen is not like Zhao Xin and others, they have applied to many schools and have to travel all over the world. Even if it is the Central Academy of Fine Arts, you have to have travel expenses to Beijing.

Where can Yao Fen get these? Even her daily livelihood was a problem. She couldn't even afford to eat porridge or steamed buns every day. She didn't have a fixed place to live, so she stayed at friends and classmates' houses. At that time, the houses in every house were not spacious, and even if she stayed there, they couldn't be crowded. It takes a long time, not to mention buying painting materials and attending training classes, not to mention signing up for exams.

After leaving home, Yao Fen actually said goodbye to the possibility of taking the art exam again. Apart from relying on her looks and fooling around in society, she actually had no other way out.

Children in the city are not as good as children in the country. It really makes her look embarrassed. When she looks for a job, she is willing to go hungry and be picky. When she is a salesperson, she is also worried that she will be seen by her classmates and acquaintances, and she will not be embarrassed. Make that face.

As for going to any serious unit, it was not like now. What unit does not need to open a back door? Where can Yao Fen find a back door?

So Yao Fen had no choice but to live in society and be a loser. She quickly learned to smoke and drink, and got a boyfriend. That boyfriend was a rotten person, and he was also a lazy person. There was nothing wrong with it. A serious job, just relying on cheating and kidnapping to make a small amount of money, thus maintaining the minimum living for the two of them.

Yao Fen's parents had not severed ties with Yao Fen at that time. Although Yao Fen had run away from home, they were still worried about her. They asked the children in the neighborhood to help inquire about Yao Fen's situation. The children's eyes and ears were also They had a wide range of contacts, and they soon found out that Yao Fen lived with a man named Tiao'er, who was a gangster.

When Yao Fen's parents heard about it, it was like a bolt from the blue. At that time, a girl would not do well living with a boy. If she was hanging out with a gangster, she could basically be identified as a female gangster.

Yao Fen's parents found the place where they lived several times and wanted to persuade Yao Fen to go home. Her mother cried and said to Yao Fen, we don't want you to go to college anymore, so just go home and stay at home. It doesn't matter if you don't have a job, your parents will support you.

Yao Fen refused to go home no matter what. When he met Tiao'er, Yao Fen's father would always have a big quarrel with him and then break up unhappy.

The last time, Tiao'er accompanied Yao Fen home to get something. Yao Fen's parents put Yao Fen in, but refused to let Tiao'er in. Tiao'er and Yao Fen's father not only quarreled, but also beat him. After getting up, Tiaoer punched Yao Fen's father until his face was covered with blood.

Fortunately, the neighbors from next door rushed over and several people grabbed Tiao'er together, twisted him downstairs, and drove him out of the door.

Tiaoer cursed for a while on Jiangcheng Road outside the door, then left angrily.

At Yao Fen's house, the quarrel between Yao Fen and her parents is still going on. Her father is completely desperate. Different from before, he is no longer trying to keep Yao Fen, but is yelling at her mother to let her go. If you don't have this daughter, you are driving her away.

Of course Yao Fen wanted to go out. Her mother was furious and finally said, if you go out today, don't come back to this house again.

Yao Fen said yes, I won’t reply.

Everything on your body was bought by your mother. If you have the ability, return them all to me.

Her mother's original intention was, of course, to blackmail Yao Fen and make her afraid to go out. Unexpectedly, Yao Fen actually took off her clothes and pants one by one in front of her parents.

It was winter at that time. Yao Fen took off her down jacket, then took off her sweater, woolen pants and underwear, then took off her shoes and socks. Finally, she stood there wearing only a pair of shorts and a bra, glaring at her mother and asking:

"Can I do without?"

Her mother was completely dumbfounded and couldn't say anything. Yao Fen turned around and walked out of the house with her bare feet. Neighbors gathered around to watch the excitement. Some of them couldn't stand it anymore and put their own labor protection coats on Yao Fen's. On Fen's body.

Yao Fen just left, and she completely severed ties with her family from then on.

Thank you for the reward after waiting for this autumn, Flying Bat Ke Zhene! Thank you for waiting for this autumn, Flying Bat Ke Zhene, Chair in the World, lang68, xiaoyong2005, Book Friends 130221184047110, Book Friends 110115233651898 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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