The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 154 Making canvas is a delicate job

When Zhang Chen arrived at the cloth store, he didn't find linen, so he went to the industrial product store, where he found fine canvas. After thinking about it, Zhang Chen simply bought one and tied it to the back seat of the motorcycle.

Returning to the construction site, I soaked the canvas in water to prevent it from shrinking. Then I called Xiao Wu and helped him lift the soaked canvas. They reached the slope made of moso bamboo and bamboo slices leading to the construction site on the roof. , open it and hang it on the railing.

"Brother Chen, are you going to paint?" Xiao Wu asked. Zhang Chen often stretched canvases in the troupe. Xiao Wu and the others were not used to it. Sometimes Zhang Chen would call them and help them. .

"Yes, I haven't painted for a long time. I'm afraid my hands will be raw." Zhang Chen said.

"I understand, this painting is just like practicing boxing. If you don't do it for a few days, you will feel itchy all over, right?" Xiao Wu said with a smile.

Zhang Chen said yes, when you say that, it makes me itchy even more.

Zhang Chen wrote down a set of dimensions and asked the carpenters on the construction site to help him make a dozen wooden frames. Zhang Chen went out again on his motorcycle.

He went to the chemical supply store and bought white powder and lithopone, as well as five packs of gelatin. Latex and nailing were available at the construction site, so there was no need to buy them. When Zhang Chen came out of the chemical supply store, he already had all the materials for making canvas.

Zhang Chen went to the cultural supplies store again and bought oil painting boxes, oil paints and oil brushes, turpentine and mixing oil. When Zhang Chen painted, he liked to mix the two oils together. Using turpentine alone, he felt that the color It would become gray, so he thought it was okay to paint landscapes just by using mixed oils, but when it came to painting people, especially their faces, the paint was too thick and it didn't feel right.

Zhang Chen returned to the construction site. The fine canvas that had been hung out in front had dried. Two carpenters moved a lot of wooden frames to Zhang Chen's office. One of them was Xiao Wu's apprentice. Xiao Wu stopped the two of them. Let them find two manual nail guns.

Xiao Wu had done this before and knew how to stretch the canvas to the wooden frame. He asked Zhang Chen, should it be tighter or looser?

Zhang Chen said tighter.

Xiao Wu understood. He said you go ahead and boil the glue. I'll do it here.

Zhang Chen walked out with bags of granular gelatin and a steel pot. He found a leeward position in the open space outside, built a simple stove with bricks, and boiled the gelatin.

When he came back with a pot of gelatin, Xiao Wu and the others had already stretched half of the picture frame. Zhang Chen tried it with his hands and found that the tightness was just right. Zhang Chen thought to himself, I wonder if Xiao Wu can do this when he hits someone. Is the intensity controlled just right?

Zhang Chen used a brush to brush gelatin on the stretched canvas. After brushing it once, he changed the direction of the picture frame and brushed it again. After brushing, he lifted the picture frame and shined it against a bright place to confirm the canvas fibers. The pores in between have been blocked with glue, and then I started painting the second piece.

After painting a piece, Zhang Chen took it into the office and stood it against the wall facing inside to prevent dirt and dust from getting on it.

After all the painting was done, the walls around the office were covered with canvases. It was time for lunch. Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu went to the cafeteria to have lunch and then returned to the office to eat. Liu Ligan didn't come to eat either. Zhang Chen asked Xiao Wu. Wu, how was the date yesterday?

"It doesn't seem to be going well. He said he would keep up his efforts and fight against repeated defeats."

Zhang Chen laughed. He said it was good, at least he had a goal to strive for. By the way, he still slept with Wenwen and Qianqian?

Xiao Wu almost spit out his rice. He laughed and said, "I went to sleep last night, but I came back later."

"What's wrong?"

"The two girls got into a fight and were jealous."

Zhang Chen also laughed and cursed, "Fuck it, this show is getting better and better."

"Yeah, later on, Wenwen ran to my room and wanted to sleep with Zhanzi, but I drove her away. I said, you can't do it in front of me. If you want to go back to do it, Zhanzi said that you can hang a sheet in the middle. I didn't agree, and he became anxious. He said that Zhang Chen and Lily used to sleep here, and we would always hang a sheet in the middle.

"I told him that if you and Sister Shuzhen sleep here, hanging sheets in the middle is fine, but she can't, and I can't adapt. When Zhuangzi asked why, I said, I'm familiar with Sister Shuzhen, but I'm not familiar with her."

Xiao Wu blushed when he said this. What he didn't say further was that Liu Ligan told him that either you go over and sleep with Qianqian, and Wenwen and I sleep here.

Xiao Wu said that he did not have this hobby.

Liu Ligan suggested again that he and Wenwen go over, and he mobilized Qianqian to come over to sleep, but Xiao Wu scolded her again.

"What happened next?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Later they went back, and it seemed that he had taken care of both of them. The three of them were talking and laughing. Hell, the chicken didn't even crow. The pole was singing Hey Hey Hey Hey to them."

Xiao Wu said, Zhang Chen smiled and bent over. He could imagine that scene, it must be much more tragic and exposed than Caizhen and Xiao Lin.

Liu Ligan, you are so fucking awesome!

After eating, Zhang Chen picked up the picture frame and tried it with his hands. The gelatin on it was no longer sticky to his hands, but it had not yet dried. Zhang Chen went out and walked around the construction site on the roof of the building, and then went to the parking lot in front to look at it. Look, the temporary lobby there has begun to be built. Although it is temporary, the lighting and air conditioning in the lobby must be installed in place, and nothing can be done carelessly.

By the time Zhang Chen returned to the office, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. The gelatin on the canvas had dried. Zhang Chen began to paint the base color. He put the eighty-five-by-sixty-centimeter picture frame that he would use tonight. He took it out, and then took out a smaller piece. He planned to finish these two pieces today, and he would talk about the rest when he had time.

Zhang Chen mixed the white powder, lithopone, latex and water in the ratio of one to one to 0.5 to two, and used a six-centimeter-wide brush to brush it horizontally according to the texture of the canvas. After about an hour, he brushed it again after it was dry. Before brushing the second time, he polished it slightly with fine sandpaper and tried it with his hands. He was also very satisfied.

After the second coat of base color was dry, Zhang Chen polished it again with fine sandpaper, then mixed latex and water in a ratio of one to six, and applied the top coat again with a brush. After applying the top coat, a piece of oil painting The cloth is ready.

Zhang Chen turned them towards the inside again, stood them up at the foot of the wall, and waited for them to dry.

Zhang Chen looked at the time and saw that it was already past six o'clock. The workers on the construction site began to finish work one after another.

After a while, Xiao Wu came, and after a while, Liu Ligan came.

Zhang Chen looked at him and said with a smile, "You're not going on a date tonight?"

"Mom, we originally agreed to have dinner together, but boss Liu Yun, the fish catcher, came over from the mainland and doesn't have time today." Liu Ligan said.

"How is the progress between you and Liu Yun? Zangzi, Liu Yun is a nice person. If you want to talk, just talk to her properly." Zhang Chen said.

"I wanted to have a good talk with her, but she told me that it's okay to be friends, but not to fall in love. Damn it, I sat on their golf course all night and didn't even let me touch her hand. Damn it, I brought a condom with me for nothing." Liu Ligan cursed.


"You're still talking about me, you idiot. I made an agreement with Qianqian last night, and she already agreed to come and sleep with you. Damn you, you're so pretentious." Liu Ligan looked at Xiao Wu and scolded He said, "Otherwise, we would be brothers-in-law now, how wonderful."

"Get the hell out of here, brother-in-law, you want to go in and out of the same family as Xiao Wu." Zhang Chen scolded with a smile.

Xiao Wu's face turned red and he shouted: "If you like it, you can use it yourself. Don't bother me. I'm not a womanizer now."

"But it's a pole. Xiao Wu is right about it. What do you think this is? I'm not talking about you. Liu Yun is also our friend after all. He helped you when you were in the most difficult time. I don't think you can do this to others. If you want to talk, Just pursue someone in a serious manner, what the hell is going on, be careful if Qihang and Li Yong find out about it, and they will fall out with you." Zhang Chen said.

"I seriously want to talk to her. Wenwen and Qianqian are just entertainment activities. Didn't you see that they also had fun? They just got what they wanted." Liu Ligan said quibbled.

"Unreasonable!" Zhang Chen cursed, "I think you should stay away from Liu Yun, so as not to hurt others."

Liu Ligan sneered: "Yeah, I'm far away from Tan Shuzhen, and I'm serious, but it's useless. I'm sleeping with a sissy now, and I may be using it for a damn. I paid for it." Damn it, is it useful to be serious? If you want to have a good talk, will people treat you well?"

Zhang Chen and Xiao Wu looked at each other and shook their heads. It seemed that Liu Ligan's knot in his heart was still here.

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