The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1505 The finishing touch (Thank you, Salted Fish Sewer, I am only forty-eight years old!)

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen went to Miss Cai's room at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The two of them sat down on the sofa in the living room. Tan Shuzhen and Miss Cai said, "Dr. Cai, the Alian you asked us to find has been found."

"Oh!" Ms. Cai, who was sitting, stood up when she heard this.

"However, she passed away two years ago." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Ah." Miss Cai sighed in surprise.

She stood up, walked to the window, and looked out blankly. The West Lake not far away was a bit dazzling in the afternoon sun. Miss Cai frowned slightly.

Miss Cai asked softly: "Miss Tan, do you know what disease caused him to die?"

"The house caught fire and all three members of the family were killed."

Tan Shuzhen looked at Miss Cai's back and said slowly:

"The result of the police's subsequent investigation was that there were multiple sources of fire indoors. In other words, it was determined that it was not caused by a short circuit in the wires or human negligence, but by someone deliberately setting the fire. The fire started at about two o'clock in the morning. There were no signs of outsiders entering."

Miss Cai put her hands on the window sill and asked, "They lit it themselves, right?"

"Yes." Tan Shuzhen nodded, "But among the three of them, there is no way to tell who lit it. Also, the police investigation found that Alian suffered from severe depression."

After Tan Shuzhen finished speaking, she stopped talking. Miss Cai stood with her back to them and did not speak anymore. Tan Shuzhen looked at her back. She could see that she was standing there, sobbing silently. This was not a back-view play, but It's real sadness.

Tan Shuzhen stood up, picked up the tissue box on the coffee table, walked over, and gently placed it on the windowsill beside Miss Cai.

Miss Cai said softly: "Thank you, Miss Tan!"

Tan Shuzhen came back and sat down on the sofa again. She and Zhang Chen looked at each other. Both of them had doubts in their hearts. They didn't know what the relationship between Alian and Miss Cai would be.

Tan Shuzhen checked A-Lian's background very carefully. She is a native of Hangzhou, and the relationship between their families seems to be very simple. There are no relatives on her father's side, and there is only one younger brother on her mother's side, who is also in Hangzhou. Apart from this, their family has no other relatives, let alone overseas connections, so it is impossible for them to interact with Miss Cai.

Alian's information was in Tan Shuzhen's bag, but Tan Shuzhen felt that there was no need to take it out now.

Miss Cai took out the paper towel, folded it twice, and folded the paper towel into a rectangle. Then, instead of wiping it, she pressed it on her eyes, first on the left side, then on the right side. Then, Miss Cai turned around, her face Peace has been restored.

It seems that this matter has come to an end.

"Mr. Zhang, your art museum is very valuable, more valuable than you think."

As Ms. Cai spoke, she walked to the desk, picked up a thick evaluation report with a dark blue cover on the desk, walked over, and handed it to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen opened it and looked at it. The first page was the appraiser's statement. In fact, the content was nothing but some formulaic language. The second page was the summary of the appraisal report. Zhang Chen looked at the appraisal conclusion in particular and gave it to them. The appraisal price given by the appraiser for the entire "Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery" collection is 48.23553 million yuan.

The entire evaluation report has more than 30 pages, and most of them are numbered tables that indicate the title of the work, the author, and the estimated price.

Zhang Chen closed the evaluation report and handed it back to Miss Cai. Miss Cai said, this is for you. Zhang Chen said thank you.

"Miss Tan, if you need it, we can increase your quota by another two billion yuan." Miss Cai and Tan Shuzhen said.

Tan Shuzhen quickly said, thank you, Mr. Cai!

"By the way, I will go back to Taipei tomorrow. Xiaohu, Lawyer Xie, and Mr. Qiao will stay here. Next, we will wait for Miss Tan's shareholders' meeting. After it is over, they can handle the relevant procedures with you. "Ms. Cai said.

Tan Shuzhen said yes.

"Also, I may not have the chance to come to Hangzhou again in the future, but Xiaohu will come often. I hope you two can help me take care of him."

Miss Cai said, Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen both nodded.

Ms. Cai laughed and said: "You two are also welcome to go to Taipei. Mr. Zhang, I will hang the painting you gave me in my office in the 101 Building. I am really happy." I like it. From now on, when I look at it, I will think of you and Hangzhou."

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen quickly said thank you!

At two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Splendid China Holdings Co., Ltd. will be held in the conference room of Taohuayuan Hotel. All shareholders who plan to attend the extraordinary general meeting in person will arrive in Hangzhou before then.

Five o'clock this afternoon is the last date for shareholder registration. Whether the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders can be held as scheduled depends on whether 60% of shareholders can register at the company or by phone before five o'clock.

Zhang Chen felt that he was more nervous than Tan Shuzhen and the others. If today's registration number did not meet the target, the extraordinary shareholders' meeting would be held at another date. Shareholders with 5% voting rights would initiate a motion again, and all procedures would be completed. If we go over it again, the situation at Jinxiu Group will not be resolved in the short term.

Moreover, if the shareholder registration does not meet the standards this time and the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is not held as scheduled, it will definitely have an impact on the share price of Jinxiu Group. If the stock price falls, those investors who have lost confidence in the company will have no intention to attend any extraordinary meetings. At the shareholders' meeting, whoever you love will go and die.

The second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is likely to fail again.

At around three o'clock, Zhang Chen left his office and went to Tan Shuzhen and the others. When he walked into Tan Shuzhen's office, he saw Lao Tan, Yao Fen, and the secretary-general all here, and the four of them looked solemn.

Zhang Chen asked: "What's wrong?"

"There is still more than an hour, still 1.1% short." Tan Shuzhen said with a wry smile.

Zhang Chen said: "Don't be anxious, there is still more than an hour, isn't it?"

Tan Shuzhen continued to smile bitterly: "This kind of thing will come as soon as it comes. Who would delay it until the last moment? Starting from this afternoon, no one will come to register again."

"Besides, it's useless to be a small investor, you have to be a big investor." Yao Fen said, "One point and one percent, that's more than 68 million shares."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment, then looked at his watch, and asked, "Is the Hong Kong Stock Exchange closed?"

"That's not true, they are at four o'clock in the afternoon." Tan Shuzhen said, "What do you want to do?"

"Isn't it just one by one? Can't we just buy it ourselves?" Zhang Chen said.

"Where can I get so much money? According to the current stock price of 6.13 yuan, it would cost more than 400 million in cash." Tan Shuzhen said.

When Zhang Chen heard this, he was discouraged. Now, even he couldn't come up with so much cash, and it was impossible to get the money together in such a short time.

Lao Tan said: "This, and there is also the risk of insider trading. We all know that as long as the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is held and the relevant procedures are signed, not only will the corporate debt problem of Ms. Cai's place be solved, but there will also be fifty Hundreds of millions of dollars of capital came in, knowing that as soon as this news was released, the stock would definitely rise sharply."

"Yes, insider trading can be severely punished." The secretary-general said from the side.

"So, we have no other way?" Zhang Chen asked.

Tan Shuzhen said with a bitter face: "Unless God has eyes and sends us a big customer, otherwise, there is really nothing we can do."

Zhang Chen took out his mobile phone and said, I'll call Xiaofang and ask her if there is any workaround, or if there is any way for the fund to increase its holdings immediately.

"If we increase our holdings at this time, it would be suspected of insider trading, right?" Lao Tan said.

"Moreover, Americans are all sleeping now. Even Xiaofang can't drag people out of bed to buy stocks, right?" Tan Shuzhen said.

"Let me ask, is there any other way?" Zhang Chen asked.

Lao Tan and Tan Shuzhen also felt that there was no other way to think of, so they watched Zhang Chen make the phone call.

The phone was connected, and Zhang Chen said to Xiaofang, "Xiaofang, I'm sorry for waking you up, but there is something very urgent."

"Tell me what's going on, brother-in-law." Xiaofang's eyes were sleepy and her voice was still unclear.

Zhang Chen told her the matter and asked her if there was any other way.

Xiaofang's voice became sober, and she said, "Wait, brother-in-law, let me do the math."

Everyone here is confused, what does she mean by calculating?

After a while, Xiaofang laughed on the phone and said, brother-in-law, don't worry, that's enough.

"What's enough?" Zhang Chen asked puzzledly.

"I've got enough stocks, I'll come." Xiaofang said.

"What do you mean, Xiaofang, you mean you're here to buy now? But, will this involve insider trading? You know everything here." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang giggled and said:

"To buy it now, it costs more than 400 million Hong Kong dollars. I don't have that much money. But brother-in-law, when the stock price was more than 50 cents, I personally bought more than 80 million shares. At that time, I just wanted to support Sister Shuzhen. With Brother Lao Tan and others.

"Also, brother-in-law, don't worry. When I bought it, it was the most difficult time for them, and nothing happened after that. This does not involve insider trading."

Everyone here was shocked. Zhang Chen said: "But Xiaofang, where did you get so much money? I know you have a high income, but you have only worked for more than a year."

Xiaofang continued to smile: "I told you, I bought it when I had more than 50 cents in Hong Kong dollars. I didn't spend more than 400 million, but more than 40 million. My sister and brother-in-law, I spent all the money you gave me. It’s useless. When I was studying, I got the highest scholarship every year. Plus my annual salary, commissions and bonuses, I originally wanted to buy 1.5 billion shares, but then I saw the stock went up, so I didn’t buy it.”

Everyone here understood and laughed. Tan Shuzhen said:

"I didn't expect that God didn't open his eyes. It was Xiao Zhao who was watching us all the time. She sent us Xiao Fang. Xiao Fang, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, Sister Shuzhen. I'll send you my ID number, passport number, and transaction account number, so you can register right away." Xiaofang said with a smile, "I thought your numbers would definitely be exceeded, and you wouldn't need me. , I didn’t mention it, I didn’t expect that the last shot was shot by me, it was great!”

Thank you Xianyu Sewer and Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48 for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes from Shihan, Salted Fish Sewer, Xiao Sheng Nian Fang Forty-eight, xiongtj, wxd121, Book Friends 20191217033238847, Sanran Heroes, Yuanxi, The Snake That Bites the Farmer, The Air Is Not Human, and Brother Bing! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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