The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1498 Wave after wave

Zhang Chen was sitting in the office, and Tan Shuzhen came in. After she came in, she didn't say hello to Zhang Chen. She went straight to the sofa and sat down, and then looked at Zhang Chen blankly.

"What's wrong, Tan Shuzhen, isn't your company's stock still rising today? Why are you keeping a straight face and pretending to be serious?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It will fall soon, plummet!" Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen was startled and quickly asked: "Why?"

Tan Shuzhen did not answer why, but said: "Zhang Chen, is there any way you can find Liu Ligan?"

"He hid whenever he wanted and was too lazy to look for him. Anyway, he is fine now. I am worried about Meng Ping," Zhang Chen said.

"It's okay, hum, to put it lightly, you find him, I'm going to skin him and beat his tendons." Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen burst into laughter and said, "What hatred? Tan Shuzhen, you can't do this, you can't do this."

Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen and nodded, "Okay," she said, "I really want to peel off his skin and slap his tendons now. He has caused misery to all of us, including Xiaofang. We will all be killed by him." .

"What on earth are you talking about?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Tomorrow, Ms. Cai from Fubon Financial Holdings and Mr. Qiao from Shenzhen Anxin Trust are coming." Tan Shuzhen said, and Zhang Chen was shocked when he heard this.

"You damn comer is evil!" Zhang Chen blurted out.

"People just don't do good things." Tan Shuzhen said, "Just like the song in the play, it's like one wave after another. Zhang Chen, I really don't know how to deal with it. I want to surrender with both hands." Useless."

Everyone knows that when Miss Cai and Mr. Qiao come here at this time, they must be here to discuss and ask Splendid China to redeem its corporate bonds. Otherwise, Miss Cai will not come in person. As soon as this big news gets out, Splendid China will just rise. A stock that rises will definitely fall back to its original state, and no one can save it.

At this time, not only Tan Shuzhen and her company, but also all the managers at the middle level and above had all their wealth thrown into the stock market to increase their stock holdings. Even Zhang Chen had used most of his cash, of which 346 million was used to purchase In addition to Liu Ligan's security rights, he also lent 70 million to Tan Shuzhen to increase his stock holdings.

There is also Xiaofang. The funds she helped find will be lost once Splendid China's stock price drops to a low and is eventually delisted from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Tan Shuzhen was right, this time, everyone was really dragged in.

Zhang Chen thought of something and said, "I remembered, Tan Shuzhen, the prerequisite for them to come at this time and ask you to redeem the corporate bonds no longer exists. Haven't we already solved the pole issue?"

"What doesn't exist? According to the agreement, Guang Gangzi did not inform them and provided external guarantees without authorization, which brought unnecessary risks to them. With this one clause, they can ask for redemption. I have already studied this with Lawyer Yu. This is a typical breach of trust," Tan Shuzhen said.

Zhang Chen sighed. Liu Ligan's matter has been resolved. Tan Shuzhen's company has issued an announcement. It is impossible for Miss Cai and the others not to have seen it. If they have seen it, they still come. This is even more solid. They are here to demand redemption from Splendid China. of corporate bonds.

"I didn't dare to tell anyone else about this matter, but I came to you right after I received a call from Mr. Qiao. Once I tell you, I think there will be an explosion in the company.

"For example, Ying Ying not only took her own money, but also took out all her parents' savings to increase her holdings of 16 million shares. Sister Guihua took out the demolition compensation from her family. Lao Tan was I have to lose all the money Sister Tianlin earned. If they find out about this, I don’t know how I should face them..."

Tan Shuzhen kept chattering, but Zhang Chen calmed down.

Zhang Chen asked Tan Shuzhen: "Have you ever met Miss Cai?"

Tan Shuzhen shook her head.

"I have seen it." Zhang Chen said, "Miss Cai came in person this time. Tan Shuzhen, let me tell you, it may not be a bad thing, but I am afraid that she will not even show up, and just let Lao Qiao and the others issue an ultimatum. , that’s terrible. Logically speaking, she really doesn’t have to come forward to demand the redemption of corporate bonds.”

"What do you mean? Zhang Chen, what do you mean?" Tan Shuzhen asked urgently, "Why is it not a bad thing that Miss Cai came here in person?"

"I have met Ms. Cai, and I know she is not a difficult person to talk to. Her coming in person this time may be an opportunity for you two to communicate face to face and completely resolve your corporate debt matter. Otherwise, this matter will never be resolved. Hanging over the head, if there is some news today, the stock price will fall. If there is some news tomorrow, the stock price will fall again.

"To completely solve this problem can be done once and for all. Yes, Miss Cai's visit this time is an opportunity to completely solve this problem." Zhang Chen said.

"Zhang Chen, aren't you trying to comfort me?" Tan Shuzhen asked doubtfully.

"I'm still trying to comfort you, but I'm not a comfort man."

Zhang Chen stood up with a smile and said, let's go.

"Where to go?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"Brother Liu, Miss Cai is a friend of Brother Liu. It was Brother Liu who first brought Miss Cai to Hangzhou and introduced her to the pole." Zhang Chen said, "Let's go and let Brother Liu teach you how to interact with Deal with Miss Cai.”

Tan Shuzhen also stood up, and Zhang Chen said, I'll take your car, and I'll call first to see where Brother Liu is.

Zhang Chen got through the phone number of Han Emperor Liu Bang and asked him where he was. He said that he and Tan Shuzhen had something to do with him. Liu Bang, the Emperor of Han Dynasty, said, "Then let me come over. I'm at the bowling alley next door."

Zhang Chen said yes.

He sat down on the sofa. Tan Shuzhen was surprised and asked, why didn't you leave?

"Brother Liu is next door, he's coming over." Zhang Chen said.

After seven or eight minutes, Han Emperor Liu Bang arrived. Zhang Chen told Han Emperor Liu Bang that Miss Cai would come to Hangzhou tomorrow. Han Emperor Liu Bang was surprised. He said, she didn't call me.

Immediately, the expression of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, became serious. When Zhang Chen saw it, he knew there was something hidden and quickly asked: "Brother Liu, do you think Miss Cai is..."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, looked at Tan Shuzhen. Tan Shuzhen said, Brother, if you have anything to say, just say that I can withstand any bad news now.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, shook his head and said: "Logically speaking, if Miss Cai comes to Hangzhou, she will definitely call me first. She didn't call. She wanted to do business, and she also knows about my relationship with you." Yes, she doesn’t want to be affected by me. This time, I’m afraid it’s going to be bad, and she will definitely ask you to redeem the corporate bonds.”

The words of Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, made Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen feel very cold.

"But it doesn't matter." Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty, said, "She doesn't want to see me, but I still want to see her. Zhenzhen, I will go to the airport with you to pick her up tomorrow."

Tan Shuzhen said yes, thank you Brother Liu.

"Don't worry, Zhenzhen, even if I look down on my old face, I still want Miss Cai not to add fuel to the fire and do anything detrimental to your company at this time." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, after finishing his words He sighed again: "However, the money belongs to others, and the decision-making power is still in their hands."

Tan Shuzhen said I know, I still want to thank Brother Liu.

Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty, waved his hand.

Tan Shuzhen asked Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, for advice on what she should pay attention to when meeting Miss Cai tomorrow, and what she should say and what she should not say.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, asked: "The pole still can't be contacted?"

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen shook their heads together.

"It's a bit troublesome." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "Miss Cai is easier for men to deal with. For women, especially those as good-looking as Zhenzhen, she is more or less like that, that is, when a woman meets a woman , the one you know..."

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, saw that Tan Shuzhen was getting nervous and said quickly: "But it's not necessarily the case. Awan has a very good relationship with her. Zhenzhen, when dealing with Miss Cai, just show your truest side. Don't Let her feel that you are a bit pretentious, and Miss Cai is a bit, a bit... How do I put it, a bit self-important, especially in front of women.

"It's no wonder. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and she came all the way from National Taiwan University and Stanford in the United States. So, don't let her feel that you are pretending to be smart, pretending to be smarter than her, and trying to overshadow her, but , and don’t pretend to be stupid, it will make her think you are hypocritical. If she has this impression, she will weigh everything you say next. "

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "This is really a difficult role, Tan Shuzhen, can you master it?"

"Yes, it's true." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "Didn't I say that it's a bit difficult for women to deal with her? She doesn't have many female friends in Taipei. I saw that she was surrounded by men. However, Their line of work is originally a men’s world.”

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, thought of it. He picked up the phone, called Lin Shuwan and asked her, did you know that Miss Cai is coming to Hangzhou tomorrow?

"I don't know." Lin Shuwan said.

"It seems that she is here to kill people." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, "We can't let her do this. Awan, you have a good relationship with her. You are both women. You and Zhenzhen can tell you how to deal with Miss Cai. .”

"Is Zhenzhen with you, Brother Liu?" Lin Shuwan asked.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said that we are all here with Zhang Chen.

"Let Zhenzhen answer the phone." Lin Shuwan said, "By the way, Brother Liu, will you pick up Miss Cai tomorrow?"

"Yes, she doesn't want to see me, but I want to see her."

"Let my brother go tomorrow. Miss Cai has a good impression of him. She has told me about my brother more than once. The painting my brother gave her is hanging in her office in 101. Others ask about it. , she always said that this was painted by my good friend from mainland China." Lin Shuwan said that Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, agreed.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, gave the phone to Tan Shuzhen. Lin Shuwan made an appointment with Tan Shuzhen on the phone where they would have dinner at night. She said this was very important. Miss Cai likes to observe people while eating. She looks like She eats and talks to you very casually, but there is actually a pair of eyes behind her, and she is watching your every move.

"Also, Zhenzhen, you're fine. Miss Cai is difficult to deal with, but she prefers people like us." Lin Shuwan said.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "What type are we like?"

"You are a woman who has never read any books or has a high degree of education, but she is very hard-working, hard-working, self-reliant, and does not rely on men. Zhenzhen, isn't that like you? I think you are like that," Lin Shuwan said.

Thank you for your monthly votes from Vast Sky, Soft Voice 123, Tianying 1978, and Human Chair! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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