The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1487 I watched myself die

They finally made up for the arrears of the deposit, and the account was safe. Everyone thought they had overcome the difficulty. Meng Ping even believed that this was the success of self-salvation, and the most difficult and critical moment had passed.

But soon, they felt something was wrong, that this was not a way to get through the difficulties, but that they had just bought themselves a pass to the intensive care unit.

Their state is very much like that of an emergency patient. They are put on a ventilator, intubated, and lying there with their eyes still open, but they can no longer do anything.

On October 17, as soon as the market opened, PTA rose by 1.96%, and their margin account miraculously reached over 80 million. In other words, in fact, they did not replenish the more than 50 million earlier. Go in, and now their account has also turned from negative to positive.

PTA once rose to 5960 points, an increase of 2.30%, and their margin account also exceeded 100 million.

In the office, everyone felt relieved and breathed a sigh of relief. Ma Li also called out "God bless you". Everyone laughed and felt that they were really favored by God today. God, Allah, Bodhisattva, and all the gods are all blessed today. They are all on their own side.

At this time, they would have taken the opportunity to increase their positions and continue to push the price up, but none of them dared to move.

Everyone knows that if they continue to increase their positions at this time, as long as the intraday price sneeze and slides down a little, their margin account will immediately turn from positive to negative again.

Lao Ni, Meng Ping, and Liu Ligan were staring at the big screen, feeling itchy in their hearts, but they didn't dare to take action. This feeling was really uncomfortable. At this time, how much they hoped that there would be one billion or two billion in their accounts. Funds, if that happens, they may turn things around in one fell swoop and turn the market over.

Unfortunately not, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, after looking at it for the past two days, also saw a little bit of knowledge. The two stood there, tut-tutting and tutting with regret.

Chen Yaqin looked at them, pursed her lips, and smiled.

But after ten o'clock, the situation suddenly changed, and God and Bodhisattva seemed to have left work together and were too lazy to care for them anymore.

The intraday price of PTA began to turn downward. They found that not only when the price went up, they could do nothing, but when the price went down, they dared not move. Everyone in the room became bystanders. Apart from staring at the disk and letting it change freely, everything else has nothing to do with them.

As the market turned from red to green, the price was falling step by step, and their margin account was shrinking rapidly. By the time trading stopped at noon, it was already -325 yuan. Fortunately, Mr. Qin and his 40 million had arrived. Lao Ni Quickly added it.

At this time, both Meng Ping and Liu Ligan felt the seriousness of the situation. They felt that things had begun to move in the opposite direction to what they hoped.

At this time, even Chen Yaqin did not dare to set a stop loss line, let alone close the position. If they closed the position, their orders would disappear. Although these orders are now negative, they are still there anyway.

If the position is closed, all their funds will become more than 30 million. Even if the price skyrockets and reaches the daily limit, it will not have much to do with them. Their total principal is only more than 30 million.

No one dares to make the decision to close the position. They are like a cow being led to the slaughterhouse. The body has already entered the door, but only the tail is still outside. At this time, even if the tail is cut off, there is almost no hope. I can only look at this tail, like a lizard's tail when it falls to the ground, twisting and turning, as if it is still alive.

Although at this time, the most correct thing for them is to stop the loss in time, admit the loss of more than one billion, keep the more than 30 million, change direction, and follow the trend. Their more than 30 million, Maybe it will grow a little bit.

But the right approach is often the most difficult one to choose.

Starting from the afternoon, it is not themselves who decide their fate, but the hope that God, Allah and Bodhisattva can stand on their side again, but this is impossible, because in this plate, God, Allah and Bodhisattva are Liu Yun and Ren Rongrong, they are the masters, and they will not leave any chance to Lao Ni.

The whole afternoon, people in the office were silent. They watched the price drop and the margin shrink. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the futures market was closed. There was still 16.82 million in their margin account. They lost nearly 100 million today. More than four-fifths.

PTA closed at 5660 points, down 166 points or 2.85%. Everyone knows that according to today's trend, tomorrow is very likely to be the last day for them to stay in the futures market.

Both Meng Ping and Liu Ligan felt how desperate they were. Neither they nor Lao Ni had any plans to raise funds. The situation was already very clear. Unless they now have 1 billion or 2 billion in funds and start all over again, what the heck? Spending tens of millions to make up for it is of no use and is all thrown into the water.

What's more, Lao Ni's whole body has been deformed. His usually red and shiny face is now gloomy. At first glance, he looks like a bad luck ghost. He wants to borrow money at this time. , people can tell at a glance that this guy has just been in bad luck.

Chen Yaqin looked at them. She was probably the only one who was still somewhat sober. She wanted to tell them that the long position was hopeless, so let's empty the long position.

But she didn't dare to say it. The truth was still the same. As long as she said this, it would be to end everything and start over. Get rid of the cow's body and keep a tail. In this way, they might be able to earn hundreds of thousands a day. But it is almost impossible to make a comeback.

The most frightening thing is that if they turn short from long, the market will also turn upward. At that time, she will be blamed by everyone and will have to bear all the responsibilities. Who can say clearly about the changes in the financial market, and who can guarantee that this will happen. Things won't happen?

Chen Yaqin looked at the lost Meng Ping. In just a few days, this person seemed to be someone she didn't recognize. Chen Yaqin felt a little distressed in her heart.

Liu Ligan sighed and said, that's it, just leave it to fate.

Lao Ni and Meng Ping remained silent. They knew that this was the only way they could do it. There was a glimmer of hope left in their hearts, waiting to see if a miracle could happen or watch themselves die quickly.

Liu Ligan looked at Meng Ping and felt a little strange in his heart. He remembered when the Hainan real estate bubble collapsed. Wasn't it the same as today? It was also like this, watching the buildings around me collapse and the ground sinking, but I was helpless and could only sit blankly and watch myself die little by little.

Why two of them again?

Lao Ni said dullly, "Let's all go back."

But no one stood up and left. Lao Ni walked out by himself.

Liu Ligan fell down on the sofa. He saw his mobile phone and was shocked. Then he remembered that he hadn't turned on his phone all day, and it seemed that he couldn't turn it on. He felt that the world might be in chaos outside, but only in this room. , is safe.

On this day, none of them left. Liu Ligan, Meng Ping, Chen Yaqin, and Ma Li all spent the night in the office. They hardly said anything, just ate instant noodles in silence, and then sat down. It was late at night, and everyone staggered to sleep. Liu Ligan and Meng Ping sat on the floor, fell asleep with their backs against the wall, and gave up the sofa to Chen Yaqin and the others.

They are collectively mourning their own death.

Meng Ping woke up hazy, and he felt as if Chen Yaqin was curled up in his arms. The two of them had been in the same room for such a long time, and they had never had such close contact, but today, under the eyes of so many people, , Chen Yaqin curled up into Meng Ping's arms, and Meng Ping hugged her tightly.

The next day, at around ten o'clock in the morning, their accounts had been cleared, and the next step was negative. At almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yaqin received a call from the exchange, informing them to pay back the margin. Chen Yaqin said calmly. She said "I got it" and hung up the phone. She didn't even tell Meng Ping and the others what the call was about.

That night, they stayed in the office and continued to pay their respects.

On the third day, when the market opened, their account was already zero. They were guarding an empty account and looked at today's PTA. It had fallen for another day. They were completely out. Today's drop only verified one thing. That is, if they paid tens of millions in additional deposits today, the result would be the same.

If a person is intubated and put on a ventilator, if there is no miracle, besides watching himself die, can he stand up from the hospital bed and remove the intubation and ventilator?

Liu Yun and Ren Rongrong, from 9280 points on September 12th to 4250 points on November 13th, they experienced the entire PTA decline process. They and President Mao’s Yangzi Petrochemical, during this process, The net profit was more than 5.8 billion.

When Liu Yun walked in and told them that next, your department will be given a ten-day holiday. Where would you like to go on holiday? When she reported her plan to the office, the office burst into cheers.

Ren Rongrong sat there and let out a long breath. She knew that Lao Ni was dead, because she had seen the news about Lao Ni from newspapers and the Internet more than half a month ago. She didn't know that she had no idea. I have laughed happily so many times.

What Ren Rongrong was hesitating in her heart was whether she should tell Liu Yun that the people they killed along with Lao Ni were Meng Ping and Liu Ligan. You may know these two people, Mr. Liu, because Ren Rongrong When researching their information, I found that they were also in Hainan for a period of time, which overlapped with Liu Yun's experience in Haicheng.

Ren Rongrong thought for a while and finally decided not to tell her. Let the past be the past with Lao Ni.

Ren Rongrong was wondering if it was time to go back to Hangzhou and take a look at his house. By the way, he should also take a look at Chen Yaqin across the street. If she didn't have a job, he might even consider bringing her to Shanghai. As far as the two of them are concerned, Ren Rongrong feels that their relationship is still good.

Thank you Tiezhongshang 1. I don’t know if anyone asks me. Two fishes go up and down, and I reward you at three o’clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly votes from Running with a Smile Y, Green Bamboo Shoots in the Mountains, Book Friends 20190104201758318, Why Can’t I Change My Name, Peter, Tianying 1978, Daosheng 123, Doudou, Gongzi Mianzhi, and Humorous Tribe! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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