The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1477 The storm is coming

By August, more than half the year had passed, and Tan Shuzhen felt the pressure was endless. This year, the entire real estate market was still half-dead. Developers were waiting for a pick-up, and consumers were waiting. While everyone was waiting, sales slipped away.

Tan Shuzhen and the others have only achieved a sales target of 20 billion this year, which is a little more than 1/4 of 5 billion. Although there are still September and October to come, after 2007, developers have reached the so-called After the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten", Tan Shuzhen began to be skeptical. Tan Shuzhen put almost all her hopes on the Jiangcun project that was to be launched one after another in mid-December.

Therefore, they planned a very large marketing plan. This plan was formed in Liu Ligan's mind when he went to Jiangcun again and again before he got the land.

Liu Ligan firmly believes that as long as the plan is implemented, the Jiangcun project, like the "Dragon Family", will become another project of his company that goes against the market, and will drive up the housing prices in the entire Jiangcun area in one fell swoop.

After Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan reviewed Liu Ligan's marketing plan, they felt that his expectations were likely to be realized. At this point, they had to admire Liu Ligan. This guy always seemed to be able to stimulate the target consumers the most. Sensitive nerves, or pain points that prick them, make it impossible for them to move.

However, if the Jiangcun project is to be launched as scheduled in mid-December, it must work overtime to meet the construction deadline. And to meet the construction deadline, money will flow out like water. For projects without guaranteed funds, the construction period cannot be guaranteed, and time will be lost. It is consumed in the back-and-forth tug-of-war between Party A and Party B.

The problem is that the funds in their accounts are already very tight. The price of the four plots of land in Jiangcun far exceeded their expectations. Tan Shuzhen originally estimated that the four plots of land could cost 33.44 billion. To win it, unexpectedly it cost 4.2 billion, which was nearly 1 billion more than expected.

Including the land acquired by each branch, they spent more than 8 billion on acquiring land alone in the first half of the year. There is no way around this. Land is the lifeblood of real estate companies. Without land, all you can build is a loft in the sky. .

Moreover, they cannot say that they have acquired land in Hangzhou but not elsewhere. If so, the branch's business will be interrupted. For each company, they must ensure that there is a project for sale, a project under construction, and a planning and design There are still at least two pieces of reserve land for the projects in progress. If we don't follow this pace, it will be difficult to guarantee the sales performance of each branch.

They are now a listed company, and their annual sales growth is a requirement of thousands of shareholders for the company. Including their sales target of 20 billion this year, it only meets market expectations.

If you want to ensure your annual sales, you must launch new properties in a rhythmic manner. A house cannot be built in one day, and the sales target cannot be achieved in one day. In addition, now, it is no longer possible to rely on just a drawing. When selling a house, local regulatory requirements require at least plus or minus zero to qualify for pre-sale.

Tan Shuzhen now regrets that she hesitated and was not firm enough to stop Liu Ligan from taking the fourth piece of land in Jiangcun.

Tan Shuzhen called the general managers of each branch back to Hangzhou for a meeting. Firstly, she asked them to work harder on sales. Secondly, she reminded them to increase revenue and reduce expenditure. In fact, for real estate companies, there is nothing to increase in open source, and there is more in open source. For sales, the main thing is to remind them to cut down on expenditure.

Tan Shuzhen made it clear to them that the company is currently strapped for funds, and projects in various places cannot be stopped. If the projects are stopped, it will not only affect the sales performance this year, but will also drag down next year.

The branch managers who attended the meeting also felt melancholy. Ying Ying and Tan Shuzhen said, I have done several market surveys and it is clear that everyone has a high desire to buy a house, but the actual sales cannot be made.

"Everyone is waiting and watching," Tan Shuzhen said. "It's the same here in Hangzhou. Everyone is holding money to buy. What they fear most is that like now, the policy and direction are unclear."

"It's just crazy." Zhang Musheng said, "Every time the market just picks up a little bit, a policy is introduced to suppress it, or it is simply made clear that you developers do not need to develop or sell the houses, and simply return to welfare distribution. Fang, but he didn’t dare, and the result was that we were caught in the middle and suffered from both ends.”

"Okay, don't complain like this, especially not in front of the employees below you. Not only will it not help, it will also affect morale." Tan Shuzhen said.

"I know, even if you think about holding your breath, it's not like being a urinal." Zhang Musheng said, and everyone laughed.

By September, some people finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

On September 3, Vanke Group launched the "Youth Home Buying Plan" in Hangzhou. Its four projects and hundreds of units were sold at prices as low as 20% off, triggering a rush to buy that day.

Vanke's "ground-breaking" move triggered an unprecedented shock in Hangzhou's property market. The response from the industry and the public was greater than the response to any of the most stringent macroeconomic control measures.

The property market in Hangzhou, where prices have always been on an upward trend, suddenly suffered an "attack" from huge price cuts. The market suffered a severe setback, just like a cliff breaking caused by an earthquake.

In the magical real estate market of Hangzhou, the myth that "house prices only rise but never fall" has always been played out. Vanke's ground-breaking price reduction has had a disruptive impact on the Hangzhou real estate market.

Vanke's price cut also caused a panic within the Jinxiu Group. They were snapping up properties. The properties of other real estate companies suddenly became deserted, and sales plummeted.

Tan Shuzhen came to Liu Ligan and asked him, how is it, should we follow up?

Liu Ligan shook his head and cursed: "This Wang has ruined the entire property market in Hangzhou. If he does this nationwide, he will bring down the entire property market, this bastard."

"Is it that serious?" Lao Tan asked.

"Of course, this bastard pretends to be familiar with world famous books all day long. In fact, he only knows a few words and doesn't understand anything. He doesn't even understand the most basic old sayings. Don’t you know ‘buy up, don’t buy down’? Everyone has been waiting and watching, and their confidence is very fragile. With his actions, home buyers are even more afraid to buy a house. Just wait and see.”

Liu Ligan's words came true. After September 3, many real estate projects in Hangzhou followed Vanke's price cuts, and house prices in Hangzhou began to plummet.

However, despite the lower prices, the entire property market has become even more sluggish. In the 61 days of the "Golden Nine and Silver Ten" periods, less than 3,000 houses were sold in Hangzhou, with an average of only 48 units per day, which is not as good as in the traditional off-season. July and August.

In addition to stimulating some conditioned home buyers due to price reductions, the purchasing power of the public has not been stimulated, but has even retreated. If the price is low, people's expectations will be even lower. The price reduction has intensified the "wait and see" mentality. Emotions and confidence in housing prices also collapsed while waiting and watching.

A more severe situation is coming soon. If developers feel it is very hard now, they will feel even harder in the future. Real estate developers who feel life is very difficult now should taste what it means to live like a year and still have a living. Better to die.

On September 15, 2008, the twelfth day after Vanke Hangcheng's house price cut, the most serious landmark event in the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was that Lehman Brothers, the fourth largest investment bank in the U.S., declared bankruptcy. The financial tsunami spread rapidly across the world from Wall Street.

The black swan that Xiaofang talked about, the major event in the future that Liu Yun talked about, has finally arrived.

The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers caused the U.S. stock market to plummet. The speed and magnitude of the plummet were comparable to those of Niagara Falls. In an instant, it swept away the entire Wall Street. Yesterday, many people who were in neat suits, shiny leather shoes, and walking with wind Financial practitioners woke up and found that not only their jobs were gone, but their companies were also gone.

The bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers happened during the holidays in China. August 13th, 14th and 15th are consecutive holidays of the Mid-Autumn Festival and weekends. The stock and futures markets are closed. If we talk about this world, some people are watching helplessly. How did they die? It was because of these people who manipulated the financial market.

When Chen Yaqin saw the news on TV, the first word that came to her mind was "It's over." They had just experienced a brief excitement, and then it was over.

On September 12, their positions were almost full and they speculated on PTA. It closed at the highest point of the day at 9208 points, an increase of 258 points or 2.88%.

Chen Yaqin kept reminding Lao Ni that the position was too heavy, but Lao Ni was unmoved. He shouted, if it rises to more than 200 points today, it is victory. Give me a hit.

The reason why Lao Ni has this confidence and dares to fill his position is that there is a difference of 500 to 600 yuan between the futures price and the spot price of PTA. The spot price of PTA has risen to 961 tons, and the futures price is still below 9000 tons, which is rising. Isn’t the space still obvious?

Another reason is that Lao Ni will follow up with Mao Xiaomao. Mao Xiaomao has not yet made a move. His current funds have reached about one billion. The role Lao Ni assigned to him is that I will charge first and you will reinforce from behind. This way Only by setting off wave after wave of climax can we attract more funds from various parties to enter the market. When they come in, we will withdraw. Then you rush and I will support you.

Mao Xiaomao promised that by September 16th, Mao Xiaomao's one billion funds will enter the market, pushing the price that Lao Ni has pushed up today even higher. Lao Ni has nothing to worry about.

Chen Yaqin reminded Lao Ni that there is a three-day holiday next, and it is taboo to take heavy positions before the holiday.

Lao Ni said, isn't it just three days? Any major event will happen within three days, that is, the Myanmar hurricane. We thought the market would plummet at the opening, but how much did it actually fall?

Chen Yaqin couldn't control this mad cow and had no choice but to give up. But now, she felt deeply that it was over. She knew that the PTA would definitely plummet on the 16th. On Monday the 15th, the news came out that the country was still on holiday, but London The futures market was already plummeting. Chen Yaqin took a look and was shocked to see that the plummet was not just a few points, but dozens of points.

For example, London copper and nickel have almost halved. Who can stop such a decline?

Although there is no PTA product in the external market, the futures market is linked. When other commodities are plummeting, the confidence of the entire market is destroyed, and your PTA cannot be alone.

What scares Chen Yaqin the most is that they are still the same. Lao Ni does not allow a stop loss line to be set. If a stop loss line is set, Chen Yaqin can now calculate the maximum loss, whether it is 100 million or 200 million, but there is no stop loss, and According to this drop, Chen Yaqin felt that there was only one result, and that was to get the position filled. The position was almost full and was filled. Chen Yaqin did not dare to think about it.

She didn't even dare to call Lao Ni. She knew the outcome she could see, and Lao Ni could definitely see it. The night was already very deep, and Chen Yaqin was leaning on the sofa. Even now, the summer in Jiangnan has not passed yet. But Chen Yaqin felt herself trembling.

And this night, Lao Ni didn't sleep at all. He sat there and smoked constantly, almost counting the bells on the wall and watching the sky outside light up little by little.

Thank you to Xiaosheng, who is forty-eight years old, has two fishes, and gave me the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for the monthly votes of Xiao Sheng Nian Fang 48, Shijiazhuang Jiaozi, Gongzi Mianzhi, Humorous Tribe, Why can’t I change my name, Tianying 1978, The snake that bit the farmer, and Book Friends 20170724112651879! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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