The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1473 For several days

For several days, Lao Ni did not show up in the chat room. Ren Rongrong opened the small window and left a series of symbols for him. Lao Ni also ignored her, which made Ren Rongrong worried.

Ren Rongrong knew that this time Tianjiao 0805 had beaten Lao Ni painfully, but not enough to knock him down.

If Lao Ni becomes low-key from now on and no longer appears in the chat room, or because his performance is so bad this time, his self-esteem cannot stand it, and he feels embarrassed to deal with Mao Xiaomao and the others again, then in such a big futures market, so many futures Among the varieties, it would be difficult for me to find him.

You must know that the last time Ren Rongrong found Lao Ni, it took almost two years.

What Ren Rongrong is most worried about is that this time he not only hurt Lao Ni, but also scared him. He will never do futures again. If that happens, he will have no way to deal with Lao Ni, not in the financial market. , but in the real shopping mall, if he had to fight with Lao Ni, that old turtle, he would not be his opponent at all.

After thinking about it, Ren Rongrong felt that it was not in line with Lao Ni's character to stop doing futures trading. No matter what Lao Ni did, it was just like him chasing women. He would never give up until he achieved his goal, let alone wipe his face like this, swallow his anger and walk away. .

It was because of his pride that he felt that he had lost too ugly in this battle and was worthy of the title of king. He would no longer appear in front of everyone, most likely until he achieved glory in a certain battle and could wash away his shame. , Lao Ni will come back proudly.

Ren Rongrong was in a state of confusion. She stared at the computer screen. Without Lao Ni's chat room, it was much quieter. Many people no longer chatted about futures, but chatted all over the world.

Someone also discovered the same problem and asked in the chat room: "Where is the king? Why haven't you seen the king in the past few days?"

Someone immediately said below: "What kind of king? The king who was beaten until his teeth were everywhere?"

Ren Rongrong was shocked. If Lao Ni saw this, he would be even more embarrassed to show up in the chat room. When Ren Rongrong saw that the person who left this message was one of his subordinates, Ren Rongrong quickly called him over and cursed him. , asking him to delete his message immediately.

"None of you should provoke him for me. If he comes in, you will continue to support him as usual. Do you all know that?"

Ren Rongrong told her subordinates, and they all said they understood.

Ren Rongrong returned to her office and sat down. She glanced at the computer screen and her eyes lit up. She saw Lao Ni opening the small window to greet her.

Lao Ni and Mao Xiaomao said, "Can you still fight?"

Haha, it seems that Lao Ni is still reluctant to let go of himself.

Ren Rongrong thought about it for a moment and understood. She knew that Lao Ni was not reluctant to let go of her, but he was reluctant to let go of such a huge amount of money behind him. When the two armies faced each other on the battlefield, she was a key ally and might be able to make the decision. The key factor in winning or losing.

Ren Rongrong didn't reply immediately. She couldn't let Lao Ni see it. She seemed to be staring at the computer screen all the time, looking for him and waiting for him.

Ten minutes later, Ren Rongrong replied with an ambiguous message: "The pressure is over. The first two days were really difficult, but now everything is settled."

What Ren Rongrong meant was that with such a huge loss, of course the customers would have objections, but it was all settled now.

Lao Ni smiled, and in turn enlightened Ren Rongrong, saying that victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists.

Ren Rongrong said yes, I told my clients the same thing, where can there be any ever-victorious general? Lin B, the ever-victorious general you think of, was chased away like a rabbit by Sun Liren in the Northeast.

Haha, Lao Ni laughed again and said, let’s move on to PTA. I am familiar with PTA.

In order to win over Mao Xiaomao, Lao Ni almost told him that because I was one of the largest PTA users in the country, I could even influence the spot market.

Lao Ni thought for a while but didn't say anything.

Ren Rongrong agreed, and she said, of course I will follow the king and earn back what I lost. By the way, king, do you have MSN? If so, I will add you so that we can make contact more convenient.

"No." Lao Ni said, "I have QQ."

"Then can I add you on QQ?" Ren Rongrong asked.

Lao Ni didn't answer whether it was okay, but directly sent a QQ number. Ren Rongrong said, OK, I'll add you right away. Your Majesty, my QQ name is also Mao Xiaomao. By the way, my real name is Mao Xiaomao.

Ren Rongrong added Lao Ni's QQ, and Lao Ni's account was approved immediately.

Ren Rongrong stared at QQ on the computer and couldn't help laughing. He was saying in his heart, let's see where you run away. Hum, you are very familiar with PTA. Okay, I know you are very familiar with it, so I will let you die. On PTA, you will not only be familiar with it, but also remember it deeply and unforgettable.

Ren Rongrong looked at her watch. She stood up and walked to the conference room to attend their weekly meeting. It was almost time.

At the regular meeting, Liu Yun and the managers of their various departments said that there is a lot of turmoil on Wall Street right now, and major events will happen at any time. All departments must be careful. The trend of the weakening of the US dollar will not change, and we will continue to short the US dollar.

Domestic A-shares have not yet bottomed out. Unfortunately, there is no margin trading mechanism in China, and there is no way to short-sell directly. My opinion is to withdraw all A-shares first, wait until the bottom is reached, and then enter the market. On the one hand, we can short the FTSE China A50 in Singapore.

Liu Yun and Ren Rongrong said that your futures department should pay special attention to the fact that all commodities have the risk of plummeting, including crude oil and gold. Going long in any variety is questionable. Tianjiao 0805 just caught the opponent. A short-selling behavior cannot become the norm. In the next period of time, short selling will still be the main focus.

Ren Rongrong nodded and said yes.

Xiaowu, Xiaoshu and Zhang Xiangbei went to Wenchuan for more than half a month and returned to Hangzhou.

It was evening when they returned to Hangzhou. Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan, and Yao Fen were waiting for them in Zhang Chen's office. When they arrived, they went to Tuxiangyuan to have dinner together.

When the three people saw them, none of them had the joy of seeing them again after a long separation. Their expressions were dull and taciturn. Zhang Chen thought they were tired. When he asked them, they all said they were not tired.

When it was time to eat, the three of them ate very little. They sat there, thinking thoughtfully every time they picked up their chopsticks, as if they had to think carefully before taking their chopsticks.

Zhang Chen gradually understood that they were not tired, but they had seen a lot of things that Zhang Chen and the others could not see, things that people living in a city where singing and dancing were prosperous and the parents were short-lived could not possibly see.

Yao Fen called Zhang Chen and told him that after returning from Wenchuan, Xiaoshu rarely talked. He went to the studio very early every morning and came home late at night. He wanted to visit his studio, but he wouldn't let him go.

Zhang Chen and Yao Fen said that Xiaoshu needs a process.

Yao Fen said, I know, I have to wait for him to release all the suppressed things in his heart through the brush.

Zhang Chen is right.

He felt that Xiaoshu's current state was very similar to that of Xiaozhao's death. He needed to find a gate to express his inner emotions.

Zhang Xiangbei and Zhang Chen said that in Wenchuan, my uncle cried. When we got there, three people crowded into one tent, and there were two tents, which were given away. My uncle was in the tent at night, and he would cry when he lay there. Cry secretly.

"Did you cry?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes." Zhang Xiangbei said, "It was so tragic. As soon as I saw that scene, I burst into tears."

Zhang Chen asked Xiaowu, how did it feel to go to Wenchuan this time?

Xiao Wu looked at him blankly, speechless.

Two days later, Zhang Chen asked again and Xiao Wu could speak. He said, "I'm too timid."


"I said I have become timid. Seeing those scenes, I feel like I have become timid." Xiao Wu said.


"That's right, that's right..." Xiao Wu thought hard, looking for the right words. Xiao Wu said, "It's that scene that makes you feel that you are nothing. Compared with the power of the earthquake, people are nothing. Only half of the mountain looked like it had been chopped off by an axe. Those houses didn't just fall down, but were twisted into twists and then shattered.

"The foundation under the house bulges or cracks such a big hole. Not only the house is distorted, but the foundation and the mountain are also distorted. Who can do it? The Japanese devils' three-guang policy cannot do it. A bomb can't explode like this. The ground is like a piece of paper. It can be crumpled into a ball or torn apart like paper.

"Those roads and bridges were broken into sections, and they were buried by mudslides that fell from the mountains. The trees have grown up to the bridges. It seems like it took decades. Those trees and grass seem to have been growing there for a long time. , who knew they just moved here twenty or thirty days ago."

Zhang Chen nodded and understood.

More than a week later, Xiaoshu called Zhang Chen. On the phone, she weakly said to him: "Brother-in-law, do you want to see my paintings?"

Zhang Chen said yes, I will come right away.

Zhang Chen arrived in Gome and went to Xiaoshu's studio. Yao Fen opened the door for him. He saw Xiaoshu slumped in an armchair as if he was exhausted. Opposite him was a row of 1.89 meters high and 1.89 meters long. A triptych measuring over six meters.

Zhang Chen was startled. He asked Xiaoshu, you painted such a big painting in more than a week?

The corner of Xiaoshu's mouth twitched and he forced out a smile.

Zhang Chen stood behind Xiaoshu and looked at the painting. His eyes immediately became moist.

There are no people in this painting. It is a landscape painting of the entire Wenchuan, but it is clearly filled with people. The mountains, rivers, sky and ruins all seem to be like a person, with tears in his eyes, but he is about to cry.

The mountains and rivers are really full of tears, speechless and choked.

If in Corot's landscape paintings, you can see the wind flowing on the painting, in Pissarro's Paris snow scene paintings, you can smell the fresh air on the screen, in this painting of Xiaoshu , everything is solidified, time and space are solidified, the trees do not move, the clouds do not move, the water does not flow, everything becomes very heavy, weighing heavily on people's hearts.

Xiaoshu used the heart that painted "Sister" to paint Wenchuan. Sadness will make people forget about themselves.

For the first time, Zhang Chen felt that the blue sky and the green trees could be as dull and gloomy as black.

Thank you book friend 20200911160109750, Doll Tin Soldier, flipping through books every day, ranking third from top to bottom, and rewarding two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you Tie Zhongshang, Lao Ze, Book Friends 854***824, Fantasy in the Wind, Why can’t I change my name, Book Friends 20190104201758318, and the monthly pass of Tampai! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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