The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1466 Several shots of playback

On the evening of April 30th, Liu Yun and Ren Rongrong, people from their department, went to the buffet restaurant upstairs in Jinmao Tower and ate at the buffet. After eating, Liu Yun returned home.

After taking a shower and putting on her nightgown, Liu Yun thought for a while and then walked into the room filled with clothes designed by Zhang Chen. All the clothes in this room were from Half Acre Field. Liu Yun's own usual clothes, All hanging in the walk-in closet.

The holiday starts tomorrow, and Liu Yun feels extremely relaxed. When she is relaxed, she feels that she can wear cotton and linen skirts at home to experience the warmth.

Liu Yun picked a linen dress, put it on, and looked in the mirror. She felt that she looked like a different person in the mirror.

A change of style really means a change of person. Liu Yun couldn't help but smile. She pinched the belt with both hands and tightened her waist slightly. Looking at herself in the mirror, she still had a graceful figure, just like when she was a girl. , and there has been no change until now.

Liu Yun is the kind of person whose body shape will not change no matter what she eats. This saves her a lot of worries and gives her a lot more enjoyment in eating.

Liu Yun put her hands on her chest and stroked down her skirt. The slightly rough texture of the linen made her palms itch. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt a little shy. This was a dress designed by Zhang Chen. , as if it was designed for her. What kind of skillful hands and what kind of care must be taken to design such a docile and gentle dress.

Liu Yun looked around and felt that her eyes were full of treasures. She decided that the next time she went to the United States or Europe for vacation, she would no longer bring any famous brands, but a box full of clothes designed by Zhang Chen. She would wear them for Everyone looks at it, and when they ask, she can proudly say, "Does it look good? This is designed by my friend."

She knew that if she said this, someone would have an ambiguous understanding of the word friend, and would look at her meaningfully. If it was ambiguous, it would be ambiguous. Liu Yun felt that she liked this kind of ambiguity.

Liu Yun thought of Zhang Chen walking past her that day in Jiangpan Park. She remembered that he was sitting there, looking at the other side with such deep eyes. Liu Yun sighed softly.

Liu Yun walked out in a linen skirt. She walked to the terrace connected to the living room. The wall beside the terrace was covered with roses. Liu Yun stood in front of the wall of roses and looked outside. The Jinmao Tower stood tall and shining, The construction site of the International Financial Center next to it was also brightly lit and was in progress.

Behind and to the right of them is the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Liu Yun stood on the terrace for a while and then walked back to the living room.

She first walked to the refrigerator, opened it, took a lot of snacks and drinks from it, and put them on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Then she walked to the study, took her laptop, and sat back on the sofa. She wanted Enjoy your first night of vacation.

Liu Yun picked up the remote control of the stereo and pressed it. Soon, the melodious sound of Bach's unaccompanied violin filled the spacious two-story living room.

Liu Yun leaned on the sofa, put the computer on her lap, opened it, and started browsing the Associated Press website. Soon, an unobtrusive piece of news caught Liu Yun's eyes.

This news said that a tropical storm "Nargis" has formed in the Bay of Bengal, and the meteorological department began to monitor its movement path from "Nargis" as it approached India.

As expected by the meteorological department, the tropical storm did not make landfall in India. It would turn sharply eastward. However, it did not follow its usual route and enter the mountains of Bangladesh or northwestern Myanmar. Instead, it struck the low-lying Yiluowa in central Myanmar. bottom delta.

In this news, the Associated Press quoted Mark Rand, a professor of meteorology at the University of Guam, as saying: "As soon as I saw the storm track map, I said, 'Oh, this is bad.' It will form a huge storm. The tide is like Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans, USA."

Liu Yun was shocked. The damage caused by Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans in 2005 shocked the world. Because of the social chaos and ineffective disaster relief caused by Hurricane Katrina, President George W. Bush was criticized at the time. Polls dropped sharply.

If this hurricane is as powerful as Hurricane Katrina, it is something to be reckoned with.

In the same report, Jeff Masters, an official of the American "Weather Underground" organization, said that the storm's "unusual eastward turn" directed its finger at "the most densely populated areas of Myanmar" and the terrain where the storm made landfall. It is also not conducive to reducing its power.

Regardless of whether it lands in India, Myanmar, or Bangladesh, as long as its power is comparable to Hurricane Katrina, Liu Yun predicts that it will seriously affect the financial market, especially natural rubber. The entire Southeast Asia is the main producer of rubber. Origin.

Liu Yun picked up the remote control of the stereo and pressed the pause button. Bach immediately hid in every corner of the house and remained silent.

Liu Yun picked up her mobile phone and called Ren Rongrong. Ren Rongrong had also returned home. Liu Yun told her the matter on the phone. Ren Rongrong was surprised. She said, Mr. Liu, I was also watching the news, but I didn’t. Get relevant reports.

"You are watching domestic news, right? When the hurricane makes landfall and causes damage, domestic news will report it." Liu Yun said, "The Associated Press predicts that the hurricane will land on May 2, which is the early morning of the day after tomorrow. You pay attention."

"Great, that's the icing on the cake!" Ren Rongrong shouted.

Liu Yun cursed softly: "Do you still have humanity? It is said that the level of this hurricane is comparable to Hurricane Katrina. If so, many people will lose their lives."

"Okay, Mr. Liu, I sympathize with them." Ren Rongrong smiled, "But isn't this the bowl of rice we eat?"

Liu Yun was stunned for a moment, and then laughed softly. She put down the phone and thought, yes, those who work in finance are still eating disaster meals. They make money from the national crisis, the Southeast Asian financial crisis, September 11, and Hurricane Katrina. , the Gulf War, in which disaster did I absent myself, didn’t I make a lot of money?

Anyone who works in finance should go to hell. Liu Yun thought to herself as she reached out and took a piece of white chocolate.

She pressed the remote control of the stereo, and Bach's voice continued to linger around her.

While Chen Yaqin was calculating rapidly in her mind, Lao Ni was sitting there, and his mind was also running rapidly. Chen Yaqin calculated a loss of 120 million. Lao Ni calculated further than her. He calculated, one There is no way to get out of 200 million. If you want to get out, the loss should be at least 210 million. This loss is too great, and Lao Ni doesn't want it to happen.

Yanyan came over and chatted with Lao Ni, telling her what brand of essence she still needed. She was almost out of facial cleanser and toner. My dear, please accompany me to the center of Hangzhou.

"Can you shut up and let me be quiet?!" Lao Ni yelled at Yanyan. Yanyan was stunned for a moment, and then her mouth flattened.

Lao Ni stood up, picked up his laptop, and walked to the dining table. Yanyan opened her big eyes and looked at him aggrievedly. Lao Ni gave her a look that could kill people. Yanyan's heart I felt cold and was stunned.

Lao Ni walked to the dining table and sat down, put the computer in front of him, and opened the trading software. He reviewed the trading on the 30th. He felt that if the trading time was extended by another hour, he would not necessarily lose the chance of winning. Although the many parties won, it was not that easy. The most important thing, Lao Ni judged, was that they had exhausted their main force and there were not many bullets left behind.

210 million. The only way to avoid this loss is to knock down the many parties and push the natural rubber 0805 back to around 20,000 or 20,500 points. Of course Lao Ni knows that the current situation is beneficial to many parties. The topic of the Myanmar cyclone will definitely be hyped.

But in fact, it is only Myanmar that suffers, not Thailand or Indonesia. These two are the rubber giants. They account for more than half of the world's natural rubber production. Myanmar, in fact, does not account for much of its rubber production. Not even the output of Hainan Island.

Lao Ni also settled on the long side, that is, most of them are speculators, and the short sides that have been washed out are the real rubber traders. For speculators, facing the approaching delivery date, spot delivery The pressure will increase. How many of them have the courage to increase their positions and not hesitate to smash the market? Whether they have a warehouse to receive the spot goods is a question.

Lao Ni also has another hope, that is, he feels that as long as he persists and King Ni's flag remains standing, those empty parties who have been washed out will definitely regroup their strength and re-enter the field. By that time, the battle will be better. Change your mind immediately.

Old Ni Si thought about it and felt that this was his only way to avoid huge losses, and it was also his life and death battle. Starting from tomorrow, he would implement more funds. These funds must be in his account early Monday morning Now that he has ammunition in his hands, Lao Ni feels that he can still fight no matter how difficult the battle is.

Just like the purchase of polyester yarn, Lao Ni faced more and more debts that he could not even imagine, and more and more polyester yarns that could no longer be piled in the warehouse. He gritted his teeth and persevered, and finally I live a life of eating sugar cane.

Day and night, as long as Lao Ni shrinks one day, he will be finished, there will be no story behind him, and he will not be the Lao Ni he is now.

Lao Ni picked up his mobile phone and started calling his friends one by one. He didn't want to tell Liu Ligan and Meng Ping about this, and he didn't want them to know the number of 210 million. He knew that for people who have not participated in the financial market, , this number will shock them, and in the financial market, 210 million is nothing.

The most important thing is that Lao Ni doesn't want to attract them. Because of this, paying too much attention to their joint venture will make Lao Ni feel that his hands and feet are tied. As it is now, it's good.

There is another thing that Lao Ni can't say, which is face. Lao Ni feels that Liu Ligan and Meng Ping have recognized that it is not their young talents who can do big things. They have recognized Lao Ni and think that he is also a ruthless character. .

For men, many times, without face, they have nothing, and they feel lifeless.

The idea was decided and the funds were secured. Lao Ni stood up and walked to the living room. Yanyan was sitting there, wiping her tears with a tissue. Lao Ni looked at his watch and said to her, let's go to Hangzhou. city ​​center.

"Really?!" Yanyan burst into laughter.

Thanks for the tip, Pindao Ami! Thank you Tie Zhongshang and Shuyou 2018107182533788 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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