The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1458 A Snow in 2008 (Thank you for the everlasting chair in the world, Emperor Yan!)

In 2008, for all Chinese people, the most anticipated event is of course the Beijing Summer Olympics. The media calls this year the Olympic year.

But entering 2008, many Chinese, especially those in the south, feel that they have been beaten hard and feel that this year is destined to be an extraordinary year.

Almost as soon as the bell rang at zero o'clock on New Year's Day, it started to snow in Hangzhou. For Hangzhou, which had not had any serious snowfall in two years, the arrival of this snow brought a lot of excitement to people. Delighted.

Hangzhou people have become accustomed to it. Whenever they see snow, they will think of the four words "snow on the broken bridge". Their first thought is to call friends and go to the West Lake with their cameras to see the snow. Take photos as a souvenir.

In addition, it was a holiday on New Year's Day, so on this day, the West Lake was crowded with people watching the snow.

The snow was also very suitable for the occasion, as if it knew people's expectations. It snowed very heavily on this day, but it only lasted one night. By the time people flocked to the West Lake, the West Lake was already covered with rime, and the sky, clouds, mountains and The water is white above and below, and the shadows on the lake are just a trace of the long embankment and a pavilion in the center of the lake. It is already a world of ice and snow.

If you hold up your camera, you can take in the scenery anywhere and it will be picturesque.

Isn't it said that auspicious snow heralds a good year? It's almost the end of the year, and with such a heavy snowfall, everyone thinks it's a timely snowfall.

The snow didn't stop, it kept falling, kept falling, one day, two days, three days...

People gradually began to realize that something was wrong. There was no snow in their memory that could fall continuously for such a long time. This was not the plum rain in the plum rain season, which could keep falling. It turned out that the snowy days in Hangzhou could last continuously. If half a foot of snow accumulates on the ground the next day and night, it is considered heavy snow.

But the snow this year has been falling all the time and has no intention of stopping. What do you mean?

The temperature has also begun to drop sharply. It has been many years, and it has never been as cold as this year. Zhang Chen and the others are in the office, turning on the air conditioner, and it seems that the air conditioner is blowing out all the cold air. Even when they go to work, They all still need to wear down jackets and lie there bulky like a bear.

The water pipes upstairs in the dynamic zone were frozen. Xiaowu and the others boiled water and poured water on the pipes all the way to the first floor. Only then did water start to flow out of the pipes. But the next day, It was not the problem with the water pipes upstairs, but the water pipes coming in from the first floor were frozen. The water pipes were buried underground and they had no way to water them.

I called the water company. The water company said it was fine there, but it was frozen. In many places, the water pipes were cracked and exploded. Our maintenance staff were working around the clock to repair them, but they couldn't repair them. .

Okay, it's pretty good, and I finally feel a little relieved. But the water has stopped, so I can only boil snow water to wash my face. Xiao Wu simply rubs snow on my face every day, which is considered as washing my face. .

The snow kept falling, with no intention of stopping. When they looked at the snow, they no longer had so many romantic feelings. They just found it annoying, so why didn't they stop?

The streets were already freezing, and the sanitation workers couldn't clear the snow as fast as it was falling. It became very difficult to even drive from "Splendid Home" to the "Dynamic Zone". Zhang Chen simply stopped driving. , walk to work every day.

Thinking of Xiasha, it has become a place that is out of reach and can only be contacted by phone and computer.

Turn on the TV and computer and take a look. They are really doing well. Hunan, Hubei and Jiangxi are even worse. The snow has become a disaster. On TV, a proper term has appeared, called the southern snow disaster.

The snow disaster in the South in 2008 is destined to become an unforgettable memory for southerners who have little snow.

High-voltage transmission towers have been crushed by snow, and power outages have begun in many places. Planes have begun to be delayed and grounded on a large scale, and trains have also begun to stop running. Long-distance buses are the most affected, and a large number of passengers are stranded in stations, which is the most worrying thing. Yes, the Spring Festival travel season has begun.

Liu Ligan and his construction company had stopped work long ago due to heavy snow. The workers had already taken vacation, but they had no way to go back.

Not to mention that the tickets themselves are difficult to buy, even if you buy the tickets, you still can’t walk. The highways leading to various places are closed, and almost all long-distance buses have been suspended. For the trains that are still running, the stations also announce their stops every day. Transportation information, it is very likely that the ticket you bought is in it.

Even if you are lucky enough to get on the bus, it does not mean that you can go home. It is very likely that you will just transfer from Hangzhou City Station or East Station to a train station closer to your home. After getting off the bus, you You will still be stranded at the station, and there will be no short-distance buses home.

The worries of Liu Ligan and others, as the time approached, immediately turned into the worries of Zhang Chen. Thousands of his workers were also unable to leave and were stranded in the factory. The problem was that there was nothing to do, and the fabrics The supply of food and auxiliary ingredients was extremely irregular, and we could only do it intermittently. Then, the supply of vegetables also became extremely irregular. The old man had to go to the market to grab vegetables every morning.

Originally, Hangzhou itself, after passing the Qingtai Overpass, Sijiqing, Wufu Village, Sancha Village, Shuixiang Village, Sanbao to Jiubao, are mostly vegetable villages. The supply of vegetables in Hangzhou will not be a problem and can meet its own needs. In addition, we can also supply to neighboring cities.

But in the past few years, the vegetable fields in these places have been expropriated. Especially after the Hangzhou City Government’s Eastern Strategy was implemented, the vegetable fields in these places have been turned into real estate land, and these villages have been converted into residential areas. .

Hangzhou must also rely on importing vegetables from other places. In such an extreme climate and traffic jams, the supply of vegetables will naturally become a problem.

There were too many monks and too little food, so the old man had to reduce the food supply in the cafeteria. As a result, the workers complained again.

Zhao Zhigang called Zhang Chen, but Zhang Chen had no choice. He said, if I can solve this problem, I can become the county magistrate or the mayor.

"Boss, isn't that mayor your friend? Can't you call him and ask him to help?" Zhao Zhigang said.

"You damn Zhao Zhigang, why should I call him to help buy vegetables? You can imagine that people have more headaches than me. You have thousands of fucking people, and they will scream if you miss one bite of vegetables. You have to take care of hundreds of people." Food for ten thousand people, do you understand?" Zhang Chen cursed and hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen was right, and he could imagine how difficult it was for Li Yong now, even more difficult than when Sass was at that time. When he called Zhang Chen and the others, his voice was hoarse.

Cao Minfang called Zhang Chen and told him, Mr. Zhang, we have nothing to do in Sanya. You can either come to Sanya.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, at this time, how could he leave so many people behind and run to Sanya? Although he thought that Sanya was indeed very tempting, wearing a bulky down jacket, an island uniform and flip-flops, that was the taste of freedom. .

Zhang Chen couldn't leave himself, but he decided to send the elderly people away. "Splendid Home" is also now unable to provide water and electricity normally. Zhang Chen discussed with Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan, and they sent all the elderly people at home to Sanya. Zhang Chen said that if Lao Liu and Lao Tan wanted to fight, he should also let them go to a warmer place to fight.

Xiaoshu, Yao Fen, and Xiang Nan accompanied them.

After sending all the old people away and keeping Zhang Chen and the others, they had the intention of fighting this snow disaster.

I can't wash my face and take a bath properly every day. Every day, everyone looks a little unkempt, but it doesn't matter, the people in the whole city are like this anyway. As long as the people in the whole city are like this, it doesn't matter, even if the whole city is like this. People in the city are running around naked, and everyone will soon get used to it.

They were all prepared for a protracted war, and were prepared to spend this year in such a noisy, messy and sloppy way. Unexpectedly, at the end of January, the weather suddenly cleared up.

Although the snowstorm is still going on in Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei, and even northern Guangdong, in Zhejiang, by the end of January, the snow suddenly stopped, and the stop was a bit dramatic.

The access to the north began to be unblocked, but the difficulty was in the south. After the access to the north was unblocked, vegetables from Shandong began to come in continuously. The price of vegetables did not rise due to the approaching Spring Festival, but instead fell. The problem of vegetable supply was solved.

Then, the highways leading outside the province began to resume operation one by one. Those who were eager to go home for the New Year did not care so much. No matter the road ahead was bleak, they resolutely hit the road, even if they were stuck on the road. , and the closer to home, the better.

Zhang Chen and his factory began to evacuate in an orderly manner. Those in Sichuan and Guizhou were far away. Zhang Chen was worried that they would be stuck on the road, so he simply bought them air tickets and sent them back. Fortunately, those in nearby Anhui, Jiangsu, and Henan had high-speed trains. Once it is opened, they can be allowed to take the train back.

If he really couldn't reach the place, Zhang Chen gathered all the vans and drivers in the company, and simply let the driver drive the car, take the people nearby with him, and then drive back after the Spring Festival.

Just halfway, three vehicles were stopped. They said they were operating illegally and the vehicles would be impounded. This is really unreasonable. My own company's vehicles are used to transport my workers home. Is this also called illegal operation?

Zhang Chen argued with the other party on the phone for a long time, but the other party refused to let go at all. In the end, he had no choice but to fine him several thousand yuan and continue on his way.

This damn thing made Zhang Chen feel angry all day long.

When the last batch of workers were sent away on February 5th, the 29th day of the year, Zhang Chen felt that he was almost exhausted.

The same goes for Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen. They also experienced the same thing as Zhang Chen. This winter's snow seemed to make all companies agree on time and actions, and everyone encountered the same difficulties.

On the evening of the 29th of the New Year, the three people who had finally finished their work got together, thinking that they should go to Sanya for New Year’s Eve dinner the next day, but they all felt that they were not interested. They felt that Sanya was too far away. It’s really the end of the world.

"Go to my house tomorrow and have New Year's Eve dinner at my house."

Xiao Wu told them that the three of them agreed without even thinking about it.

Thank you to the chair in the world and the evergreen Emperor Yan for the reward! Thank you for the chair in the world, Eternal Emperor Yan, Humorous Tribe, Xiao Husuansa, lcs0001, Book Friends 20170113091218553, Brother Harmony, Summer is Cool and Autumn is Coming, w Yuanlai is Youw, HBWCW, I Have Ten Pieces of Heart, Wu Yuehou’s Monthly Ticket ! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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