The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1452 Customized Li language

Zhang Chen and the others stayed in Shanghai for one night, staying at the Hilton Hotel not far from the old house on Changshu Road. After dinner, Han Emperor Liu Bang, Liu Ligan, and Xiao Wu drove to Han Emperor Liu Bang and his shop in Shanghai to have a look. , Zhang Chen called Xiaomi over.

The two of them were sitting at the coffee bar of the Hilton Hotel. Zhang Chen told Xiaomi that he bought an old house on Changshu Road in the afternoon. Xiaomi became excited when he heard it and immediately said, how can it be possible? Is it that house? , she described it in Didi, and it was the house that Zhang Chen bought. Zhang Chen was surprised and asked, how come you know that house so well?

Xiaomi told him that when she was a child, a classmate lived in that alley, and she even played in that house. At that time, there were more than a dozen families living in that house. Later, the policy was implemented and the house was cleared. The house that was returned to someone else, turned out to be the house of some kind of paint king or egg king. Their descendants are all in Hong Kong. After it was returned to them, they sold it.

No wonder. Zhang Chen nodded.

"It's great to turn that place into a club. I've been looking for a house in Tai'an Road and Sinan Road these days. I didn't expect you, Mr. Zhang, to move faster than me. It's our company's own. It's great." Xiaomi shouted.

Zhang Chen then talked with Xiaomi. They wanted to put their customized headquarters in Shanghai and let Xiaomi serve as the national general manager. When Xiaomi heard this, she immediately became panicked. She said no, no, and asked me to take charge of Shanghai. I can still do it, but if you ask me to take charge of the whole country, I may not be able to do so.

"Why not?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaomi lowered his head and held it in for a long time before saying to Zhang Chen: "Mr. Zhang, let me tell you the truth. I have never even been to Beijing, so how can I care about it? Mr. Zhang, you also know that we Shanghainese , I just feel that Shanghai is the world, and the world is Shanghai, and I don’t want to go out. If I hadn’t gone to work in a company and went to Hangzhou, I’d probably never even left Shanghai now.”

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "What's the matter? When Xiaoli came to Shanghai, she had never been to Shanghai. When she went to Beijing, she had never been to Beijing. As a result, she did not do well as usual."

"Xiaoli is Xiaoli, and I am me. I am not as courageous as Xiaoli. Xiaoli has the guts... no, no, Mr. Zhang, I am not good at it." Xiaomi said and laughed.

"What do you think Xiaoli has?" Zhang Chen asked.

Xiaomi kept laughing, and she stopped talking.

"Say, I'm very curious." Zhang Chen said.

"Do you really want to say it? Okay." Xiaomi looked at Zhang Chen and said, "Xiaoli has a tendency to break things when she encounters something. I'm not scolding her. Mr. Zhang is saying that she is good. She That's it, okay, if you have the guts, I'm still afraid of you, that's how she is, very courageous and willing to take risks."

Zhang Chen laughed. He understood what Xiaomi meant, that is, an ordinary man, an ordinary man is brave. If Xiaoli were a man, he would still have such a strong momentum. Zhang Chen said:

"Why do I think you have it? We were the first to look for a specialty store. When we went to someone else's factory, you scolded someone else, Factory Director Cao, for being thirteen o'clock, and you almost got into a fight with someone."

"Isn't that urgent?" Xiaomi said.

"You can be anxious now. You can be anxious now that we have driven you to the position of general manager." Zhang Chen said, "Moreover, your position was recommended by Xiaoli. Xiaoli's recommendation is always right." , when she was going to Beijing, she recommended you to be the general manager of Shanghai, saying that you could do a good job. But in the end, didn’t you do a good job? This time she recommended you again, and I think she was right.

"Furthermore, Xiaomi, do you know that half of the reason why we put this privately-customized headquarters in Shanghai is because you are in Shanghai. I can rest assured that I can leave the company to you."

"Thank you Mr. Zhang for your trust." Xiaomi said.

"What should I be afraid of if I haven't been to Beijing? There are still people in charge of the specific business in Beijing. Once you go there, you will be familiar with Beijing. If you go there twice, you will understand it. If you go there three times, you might not want to go to Beijing again. I I hate going to Beijing because of the dry climate and poor food. This won’t be a problem at all. Xiaomi, just do it with confidence,” Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, I'll try my best." Xiaomi bit her lip and nodded.

Next, they began to discuss specific matters. Zhang Chen asked Xiaomi to hand over all the business and personnel of the Shanghai shopping mall counters to Xiaoli, and recommended to Xiaoli a person who could be responsible for all the counter business in Shanghai.

At Jin Mao Tower, register a "Liyu Consulting Co., Ltd." This is the national head office of their private customization business.

Here on Changshu Road, the decoration is still left to Boss Ding and others who decorate their store. But for the design, Zhang Chen is going to let Jason and his Hong Kong company redesign it. Although it is an old house, it still needs to add some fashionable features. , avant-garde elements, especially interior soft furnishings and sanitary facilities, must be very comfortable and convenient, so that guests will not want to leave.

Xiaomi agrees with Zhang Chen's idea. She is right. As long as they can't stay away from our place, their pockets will be opened to us.

Zhang Chen and Xiaomi said that when decorating, you should be more involved, tell the designer your ideas, and you can also consult with customers about their needs for this place.

Xiaomi said yes.

This is our first club in Shanghai. After Shanghai was built, Beijing and Hangzhou started to build it one after another. We must strive to make each place a high-quality one with its own characteristics.

In this way, for example, when your customers in Shanghai go to Beijing, they can also go to our club in Beijing and enjoy the same services as in Shanghai. In this way, our advantages compared with other companies can be reflected.

Xiaomi said yes, Mr. Zhang, this is a great idea. By the way, we can also make one in Sanya, right?

"Yes, we can do it now in Sanya. Just put out two or three villas in the Tropical Botanical Garden." Zhang Chen said, "By the way, in Beijing, you can ask them to see if there are any suitable courtyard houses. They can rent or buy them." Okay, we already have the address in Hangzhou."

Xiaomi laughed and said, "Why do I feel like the investment in this company was huge from the beginning?"

"Of course, you are serving high-end people, so your starting point must be high." Zhang Chen said, "The private customization business has been our company's most profitable but also most demanding project from the beginning. The prospects are going to be good.”

Xiaomi nodded and said yes, which can be seen from the trend.

A month later, Wenwen introduced that after an old artist who sang drums in Beijing passed away, three children had a quarrel over a courtyard house left by the old artist. Wenwen acted as the middleman, brokered the deal, and encouraged them to The house was sold to Zhang Chen, and after everyone divided the money, they stayed away from each other for a long time.

The three children also felt that this way of handling the situation was the most trouble-free, and finally sold the old artist's courtyard house to Zhang Chen for 23.5 million. In this way, Zhang Chen and the others, Liyu Consulting Co., Ltd. The company also has its own club in Beijing. Jason and the others rushed to Beijing after finishing the design in Shanghai.

In addition to the clubhouse that is about to be built in Hangzhou, it is true that as Xiaomi said, the company's initial investment was very large.

This is something.

Zhang Chen and the others returned to Hangzhou from Shanghai. As soon as Zhang Chen walked into the office, Xiaoli followed. Zhang Chen told Xiaoli about Shanghai. Xiaoli said, I already know. Xiaomi called her last night. I talked about the handover of the shopping mall, and I plan to go to Shanghai tomorrow to get acquainted with my colleagues in Shanghai.

"Xiaomi also wants to help me get to know the managers of major shopping malls. After I went to Beijing, the managers of the women's clothing departments in many shopping malls in Shanghai have changed." Xiaoli said.

Zhang Chen said yes.

After saying this, Zhang Chen saw that Xiaoli had no intention of leaving. She looked at him, as if he was hesitant to speak. Zhang Chen asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Xiaoli nodded.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Chen asked.

"That...Chongqing, Mr. Zhang, that's...He Dongmei..." Xiaoli hesitated.

"What's wrong with He Dongmei?" Zhang Chen asked.

"He Dongmei is not going to do it anymore." Xiao Li said.

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was surprised. His first reaction was that it was because of He Hongmei, but he still asked: "Why, have you asked the reason?"

"I asked, it has nothing to do with Sister Hongmei." Xiaoli said, "The house is about to be demolished and a suitable place cannot be found. Mr. Zhang, I feel that He Dongmei is very sad. When she called me, I'm crying, but I'm too embarrassed to call you..."

Zhang Chen nodded and said, I understand, I will call her now.

Zhang Chen dialed He Dongmei's phone and told He Dongmei, "Sister Dongmei, Xiaoli just told me that your place is going to be demolished."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, the entire Huixian Tower is going to be demolished. What is it? We need to carry out directional blasting. With one blast, the entire Huixian Tower will be gone. This place is said to be a new landmark in Chongqing. Chongqing is now The better places are all being demolished, and I can’t find a new store anywhere. Mr. Zhang, it’s really not that I don’t want to build half an acre of our land..."

"I know, Sister Dongmei." Zhang Chen said, "Aren't all our stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou still demolished? It’s so expensive that it’s difficult for a specialty store to do it. Even if you want to do it, I will advise you not to do it.”

"Isn't that right, Mr. Zhang, I just can't bear to part with it. Over the years, we have always cooperated so well. Also, Mr. Zhang, that little girl is ignorant and disobedient. Last time she came back, our whole family scolded her. But Mr. Zhang, no matter what, we are still friends, right?" He Dongmei said.

"Yes, we will always be friends, but we won't be friends anymore. Sister Dongmei, you are welcome to come to my place to play when you come to Hangzhou. I still want to arm-wrestle with you. And uncles and aunts, you can help me." I told them that they will always be welcome here, and I am very grateful to you for taking care of us, Xiao Zhao and his family over the years."

He Dongmei took a long breath on the phone and said: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, I will definitely take your words to you. My parents will be very happy. Mr. Zhang, we are still worried because of Yaomei." , what do you think of us?"

"No, Sister Dongmei, and I also respect and understand Hongmei's choice." Zhang Chen said.

He Dongmei sighed again on the phone, said goodbye to Zhang Chen, and hung up the phone.

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