The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 142 Don’t let him go back

Zhang Chen kept staring at Liu Ligan. When he finished speaking, Zhang Chen said, "Tan Shuzhen is married."

Liu Ligan was shocked. He grinned and wanted to smile, but the smile quickly disappeared from his face. Zhang Chen continued: "Tan Shuzhen and Feng Laogui have already registered."


Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and asked. Zhang Chen nodded. He turned to look at Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu turned his face away, not daring to look at him.

Although Liu Ligan sent his first postcard to Tan Shuzhen in Hai'an last year, and then went to the newspaper office and finally settled down, he wrote his first letter to Tan Shuzhen, but he never received a reply from Tan Shuzhen. Zhan felt a little uneasy, feeling that something was wrong, but he convinced himself every time.

It's okay, it's okay, Tan Shuzhen is still the same Tan Shuzhen, she won't change, she doesn't reply, naturally she has her reasons, Tan Shuzhen has her own way of doing anything, you don't know it now.

But at this moment, when Liu Ligan heard these words coming out of Zhang Chen's mouth, he still didn't want to believe it and wanted to reject it, but there was a voice in his heart that said, it's finally here.

Liu Ligan felt that his heart was freezing.

He knew that Zhang Chen would joke with him about everything, but he would not joke about his relationship with Tan Shuzhen, just like he often joked about Zhang Chen and Jin Lili, but when it came to the relationship between the two of them, he showed it , just worries and reminders.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Lily. She has already called Tan Shuzhen's home, and her mother has confirmed that you called Mr. Xia's eldest brother and they are together..."

Liu Ligan patted his hands lightly on the table. He looked at Zhang Chen and smiled miserably: "No, I believe it."

Liu Ligan stood up and walked toward the door. Xiao Wu stood there, leaning against the door. Liu Ligan said, "Xiao Wu, let me out."

Xiao Wu didn't move.

"Pole, where are you going?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'll go to the airport to see if there are any tickets to Guangzhou now."

"What do you want to do? Go back to Yongcheng?"

"Yes, Tan Shuzhen and that sissy got married. I will go back to congratulate them and give them a big gift."

"Is this interesting?"

"Of course it's interesting. It's so interesting to watch your girlfriend get married to your best friend."

"Come back and sit down." Zhang Chen said.

"I'll go to the airport to see and then come back."

"Don't go, there's no need."

Xiao Wu stood there and Liu Ligan looked at him. He turned away and never looked at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan said again, "Xiao Wu, let me pass."

Xiao Wu shook his head and said, Brother Chen is right, Brother Zhanzi, don’t go back.

Liu Ligan reached out to pluck Xiao Wu, but nothing happened. Liu Ligan wanted to pluck again, but Xiao Wu said, "Brother Zhuangzi, if you don't listen, I will do it."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "Then go ahead and do it. What do you want? Hit me? Okay, I just deserve a beating now!"

Xiao Wu's face turned red, and he said to Liu Ligan, "I'm sorry, Brother Ganzi, I can't speak, but Brother Chen is right, you don't want to go back."

Liu Ligan sighed and said, "Okay, Xiao Wu, let me ask you, what would you do if you were me?"

Xiao Wu shook his head: "I don't know, I'm not you."

"I mean, what would you do if your girlfriend married your best friend?"

"I don't have a girlfriend."

"I mean, for example, there is."

"I would chop their heads off and kick them like balls."

"Xiao Wu!" Zhang Chen shouted sharply.

Xiao Wu looked at Zhang Chen and muttered: "Brother Chen, if it were me, I would really do this."

"Okay, then you still won't let me go?" Liu Ligan said.

Xiao Wu shook his head and said: "You are not such a person, Brother Ganzi. You don't have the murderous intention. You know a lot of truths. If you go, you can't kill people. You will eventually convince yourself with reason, Brother Chen." Sister Lili is right, if you go, there will be no other consequences besides embarrassment."

"Ha, haha!" Liu Ligan laughed, "Zhang Chen, did you hear that, this guy is fucking teaching me a lesson."

"He is right." Zhang Chen said, "There are only two results to solve this kind of matter, either kill someone or endure it. There are many beautiful girls in this world. Let's find another one, one who is more beautiful than Tan Shuzhen. Pretty, piss them off.”

"Why don't you find another one?" Liu Ligan asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent.

"Brother Ganzi, what you said is too much." Xiao Wu scolded.

Liu Ligan knew that it was impossible for him to go out today. He sighed, walked back, and sat down opposite Zhang Chen. After a while, he said to Zhang Chen:

"Zhang Chen, I'm sorry!"

Zhang Chen shook his head: "It doesn't matter. I understand how you feel now. If it were me, I couldn't stand it and would also want to go back and find Tan Shuzhen to find out. But, what's the use? You can't change anything now."

Liu Ligan's eyes were red and he said: "Zhang Chen, I just can't stand it. Last year, we were fine. We agreed to come to Hainan together. If Tan Shuzhen comes too..."

"I know, I know, pole, this is fate. If Tan Shuzhen had left with us that morning, it would be easy to leave. When we get here, I believe you will be fine."

"Bang bang bang!" Someone knocked on the door. Xiao Wu looked at Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen didn't know who would be there at this time.

"Instructor, I am a fool. Open the door. I know you are inside." The fool shouted from outside the door.

Zhang Chen told Xiao Wu that Xiao Wu opened the door because he was our friend.

Zhang Chen thought to himself, if the second-rate guy comes here at this time, everyone can talk and laugh, and maybe it can lighten the atmosphere a little bit.

Xiao Wu opened the door. When the idiot saw Xiao Wu, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who are you?"

Zhang Chen quickly said: "This is our former colleague from the theater troupe."

After hearing this, the second-rate guy quickly shook hands with Xiao Wu, and then walked over. He looked at Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan wanted to turn his face away, but the second-rate guy still saw it. He was very surprised and shouted: "Hey Hey, big reporter, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying like a bitch? Tell me who bullied you."

Liu Ligan scolded: "You have never seen anyone lose their love. I was kicked by someone."

The idiot laughed loudly: "Well kicked, you are forced to raise me. After kicking you, you will be free. There is nothing to be sad about. There are plenty of women. Let's go, let's go. Come with me later. I, the idiot, can specialize in treating people like you." sick."

The second-hand guy put an envelope in front of Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen took it over and looked at it. There was a wad of money inside. Zhang Chen looked at the second-hand guy in confusion: "What is this for?"

"The project on Haidian Island has been completed. Lao Tan said that you were responsible for most of the project. This is what you deserve." Erhuo said.

Zhang Chen pushed the envelope back and said to Erhuo: "I have been away from the company for such a long time, so I can't ask for this money."

"Hey, you raised by force, don't give it for free. Lao Tan gives it to you, just keep it. I'll take it back. You raised by force will be scolded by him," said the second-hand guy.

Liu Ligan stood up, snatched the envelope away, and shouted: "Yes, the chief is right, don't give it up, let's go, let's go eat coconut chicken hot pot and see the scenery."

The four people walked out and arrived at the coconut chicken hot pot restaurant. The place was crowded and they had to queue up to get a number. Xiao Wu stood there, looking around. He asked Liu Ligan: "Brother Ganzi, what scenery is there to see here? There is no shit." .”

The other three laughed loudly. The idiot patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder and said to him: "Brother, the scenery here is the people. Take a look at these women and see which one you like. Brother will negotiate the price for you." Arrange a time."

Xiao Wu understood and his face turned red. The idiot reached out to touch Xiao Wu's face and shouted: "Haha, it looks like a chicken at first glance, then they will give you a red envelope."

Xiao Wu grabbed Er Guo's hand, and Er Guo screamed out in pain. Xiao Wu quickly let go, and Er Guo cursed: "You're forced, I didn't expect my hands to be so strong."

Liu Ligan said: "Xiao Wu has more than just strong hands. Chief, next time someone comes to trouble you, your name is Xiao Wu. You can fight three with one."

"Really?" The second-rate guy clapped his hands and smiled, "Great!"

When the four of them were eating, Zhang Chen's BB phone rang. He looked at it and saw that the message was from Xiao Xu. Zhang Chen said to the three of them, I have to go back to the construction site, and you can continue.

When he stood up, he looked at Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu nodded, which meant that he understood. You can go ahead with peace of mind, Brother Chen.

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