The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1414 You have to pay it back sooner or later

Xiaofang called Zhang Chen and told him that she had obtained all the credits, and the next step was the thesis defense. There should be no problem. My tutor told me that as long as I performed normally, he would grade my thesis. Very high. He told me that as long as I clearly explain the basic points of the paper during the defense, passing the defense will not be a big problem.

"Great!" Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang giggled on the phone and asked: "Brother-in-law, can you come to my graduation ceremony? My parents will accompany me."

Zhang Chen said okay, when is the graduation ceremony?

"May 24th." Xiaofang said.

"There are still more than two months left, and it's still too late to apply for a visa. Then I will apply for a visa immediately tomorrow." Zhang Chen said.

Xiaofang said yes, thank you brother-in-law!

"By the way, brother-in-law, how are you and Sister Hongmei doing now?" Xiaofang asked.

"It's okay." Zhang Chen said.

"That's not good." Xiaofang sighed, "I asked Sister Hongmei, and she was hesitant. What's going on with you two?"

Zhang Chen thought to himself, I don’t know what’s going on.

"All conditions are met, why can't you reach the boiling point?" Xiaofang asked.

Zhang Chen held the phone and smiled bitterly. He didn't want to talk about this issue anymore. The more he said, the more clearly he couldn't explain it. Zhang Chen felt that it would only become more confusing.

Zhang Chen changed the subject and asked: "Xiaofang, what do you want to eat? I will bring it to you when the time comes."

"There are so many things I want to eat, but I'm afraid you won't be able to bring any of them. Can you bring spicy hot pot?" Xiaofang giggled, "Also, I also want to eat stinky tofu."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, "There's no need to bring stinky tofu. If I bring a piece of tofu, it will stink even when I get to the United States."

Xiaofang laughed and said it was true. Every time I go to Chinatown, I look for stinky tofu everywhere, but I can't find it. However, I heard people say that there is stinky tofu in Chinatown.

"Okay, when I come, I will accompany you to look for it together." Zhang Chen said, "I have a better nose."

"Okay, that's great." Xiaofang shouted happily.

After hanging up Xiaofang's phone, Zhang Chen felt very emotional. He remembered that when he and Xiao Zhao returned to their home for the first time, Xiaofang was still a little girl who liked to lean on Xiao Zhao's side, hold her hand, and blush when talking. Girl, in the blink of an eye, I have graduated from graduate school and will soon become a doctor. Time flies so fast.

Zhang Chen remembered Xiaofang's previous question again. He thought that it was not just Xiaofang. From the first time, he was holding a bag of xiaolongbao in one hand and a pair of chopsticks in the other, eating while Walking into their booth, how long have you known He Hongmei? They have gone through so many things together. Logically speaking, they should have known each other well for a long time. Why do they feel more and more strange now?

Zhang Chen still clearly remembers that day when He Hongmei walked into their stall, she found a stool and sat down on her own. She sat down and said to him with a smile: "Wait while I finish eating the buns first."

From that day on, He Hongmei became one of them, almost like family.

Zhang Chen sighed, feeling a little achy in his heart.

Zhang Chen looked at the computer screen in front of him. On MSN, He Hongmei's status still showed leaving. Zhang Chen sent a rose, thought for a while, and then sent a hug picture.

Xiao Sheng walked in from outside the door. Zhang Chen looked at him and asked: "How is it?"

Xiao Sheng came over, put Xiao Zhao's BMW keys on the table, and told him that the collision was not very serious, just the rear bumper was broken, and that it was fine inside, and it could be repaired the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Chen nodded and said to Xiao Sheng, "You can take me to Shanghai tomorrow."

Xiao Sheng said yes, what time will we leave?

"Come early, pick me up at my house at seven o'clock." Zhang Chen said.

Stimulated by the "house purchase and household registration" policy, the property market in Hangzhou has begun to pick up. However, there are cities that have picked up faster than Hangzhou. Instead of picking up, they have immediately boiled over, boiling, and simmering. heat.

For the first time, the housing prices in Hangzhou no longer lead other cities in the country. The housing prices in the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen suddenly left other cities behind and surged forward, as if they were agreed upon. The housing prices in major cities across the country were the first. For once, there begins to be separation and no longer acting in concert as a collective.

This phenomenon makes many people say they can’t understand it.

Real estate developers in Hangzhou blame the Hangzhou City Government for lagging behind Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the start-up of Hangzhou's real estate market. The previous year's policies were too heavy-handed and the medicine was too harsh, which has caused the entire Hangzhou real estate industry to suffer. , fell down suddenly, lying on the ground, half of his life was gone.

Of course it takes time for a person who has lost half his life to get better.

Liu Ligan was worried every day. He turned on his computer and looked at the new housing prices and real estate market news in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen every day, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The central government's macro-control policies have not ended. Isn't the skyrocketing housing prices in these cities an attempt to stimulate the introduction of more stringent control measures? If so, it has only been a few good days, will it be over soon?

Lao Wan called Liu Ligan excitedly every day and told Liu Ligan how much the house prices had increased in the project today.

Liu Ligan scolded, "It's going up, it's going up, it's going up," and I hear you talk about price increases every day.

Lao Wan smiled and said, There is no way, Mr. Liu, the projects around are priced at one price per day. We have to make money from this ready-made money.

"The success rate." Liu Ligan and Lao Wan said, "Even if you don't change the price, I will sell the houses in the project as soon as possible."

Lao Wan was surprised and thought to himself, our company's houses have always been at a high price in the same area. When did Mr. Liu stop pursuing high housing prices? Didn't he always say, "You get what you pay for"? Let them strictly control the quality of all projects and be the price leader on the other hand?

"If that happens, Mr. Liu, then we will be the cheapest compared to the surrounding projects." Lao Wan said.

"I don't care, Lao Wan, I just demand that your Shanghai project be sold as soon as possible, no matter what, by any means." Liu Ligan said, "Do you understand, Lao Wan?"

"I understand, Mr. Liu." Lao Wan said.

Putting down the phone, Lao Wan felt uneasy. He picked up the phone and called Tan Shuzhen again. He told Tan Shuzhen about the conversation between him and Liu Ligan just now, and also told her that Liu Ligan wanted him to do whatever it took. , the requirement to sell the house by any means necessary.

Although Tan Shuzhen also felt that Liu Ligan was a bit of a bastard, she still told Lao Wan that you listen to Mr. Liu and do as he asks.

Lao Wan said yes.

After hanging up the phone, Tan Shuzhen stood up and walked to Liu Ligan's office.

Liu Ligan was sitting there, holding a cigarette in his hand. He had a new way of playing. He put the cigarette on the table, packed the tobacco inside, and left a section on it. He took out a cigarette. , broke it off, took out the tobacco inside, and stuffed the tobacco into the cigarette in front and the empty part on the head, but it couldn't be stuffed properly, either the cigarette paper was torn or deflated.

He looked at Tan Shuzhen who came in, threw the cigarette in his hand on the table, and said to Tan Shuzhen angrily:

"The average price in Beijing increased by 320 yuan yesterday from the day before yesterday. These people really don't remember to fight."

Tan Shuzhen asked: "Is it possible that you are nervous?"

"How is it possible?" Liu Ligan said, "What does the above policy say? Stability is the most important thing. What year is it today? 2006. It is still more than two years away from the 2008 Beijing Olympics. If it is because The rising housing prices have caused a lot of complaints in the capital. Do you think the higher-ups will just ignore it? Are those flat-headed guys in Beijing out of their minds?"

Real estate bosses in Beijing are famous in the industry for liking crew cuts and wearing cloth shoes, so Liu Ligan calls them crew-cut brothers.

Tan Shuzhen thought about Liu Ligan's words and felt that they made sense. In a country where politics takes the lead, stability is the most important thing in politics and no one will be allowed to challenge it.

Tan Shuzhen sighed and said, "Then we have no choice but to watch them go crazy..."

"You can still watch them perish!" Liu Ligan scolded, "This is all what you fucking asked for."

Liu Ligan's words came true.

Looking at the soaring housing prices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and the people's growing aversion to high housing prices, decision-makers can't sit still.

On May 17, the Prime Minister of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council and formally proposed six measures to promote the healthy development of the real estate industry, known as the "Six National Measures" in history.

Next, from June to December, the regulatory forces of nine ministries and commissions, including the Central Bank, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Construction, the Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Supervision, successively introduced 13 real estate policies in just six months. control policy.

Policies are becoming more stringent, more targeted, and the proposed measures are becoming more and more specific, involving housing structure, land management, taxation, credit, market transaction order, and even anti-corruption and other aspects and links. The market has finally I feel an unprecedented regulatory storm, not that the storm is about to come, but that it is coming more violently.

Among these policies, the most famous and the one that has had the most profound impact on China’s real estate industry since then is:

"Since June 1, 2006, for all newly approved and newly started commercial housing construction, the proportion of housing area with a floor area of ​​less than 90 square meters must account for more than 70% of the total development and construction area."

This is the abbreviation of the "90/70" policy. Liu Ligan felt that this arrow was coming towards him. Before this, among the projects they started building, the smallest unit was 112 square meters, except for LOFT. apartment.

Liu Ligan also felt scared at the same time. Fortunately, the "Dragon Family" had completed all the approval procedures last year and had started construction. If it were done now, it would be in vain.

At this time, the real estate developers in Hangzhou thanked the Hangzhou City Government for its vigorous use of medicine last year, which allowed them to survive a difficult 2005. They even survived 2005. Are you still afraid of 2006?

Hangzhou's "buying a house into a household" policy is obviously contrary to the general direction of the above-mentioned regulation. After being implemented for several months, in June, after the "National Six Regulations" came out, it came to an end.

The real estate market has always been known as the policy market. With the continuous introduction of various measures by the central government, the real estate market in various places has also begun to cool down. Liu Ligan looked out the window and thought to himself, this summer has not officially arrived yet, and Cicada has not yet arrived. Climbing to the treetops, winter has already arrived.

"Get ready to spend the winter in the dog days of summer." Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen said.

When the "Six National Regulations" came down, Lao Wan called Liu Ligan and said, Mr. Liu, did you have any gossip in advance? How did you estimate so accurately? You've guessed it all.

"Not only did you guess correctly, you didn't know that I also went to Beijing and participated in the formulation of policies?" Liu Ligan said seriously.

"Really? Why have I never heard of it?" Lao Wan asked.

Liu Ligan laughed, and then Lao Wan realized that Liu Ligan was teasing him, and Lao Wan also laughed.

"How is the situation there?" Liu Ligan asked.

"According to your instructions, almost everything that should be sold has been sold. Now it is those companies that are reluctant to sell, and they are complaining." Lao Wan said.

Liu Ligan suddenly thought of a sentence, if you come out to fool around, you will have to pay back sooner or later.

Thank you Hu Hu and Daosheng123 for the reward! Thank you Hu Hu for your monthly vote! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Good evening everyone!

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