Zhang Chen and Liu Lipole sat for more than ten minutes. Harada Shino arrived. He didn't come empty-handed. He was holding a painting in his hand. This painting was carefully wrapped with kraft paper. The wrapping kraft paper was very It's stiff, as if it's glued on top.

On the outside of the kraft paper, the four corners of the picture frame are also made of four triangular sheaths with black plastic sheets, which are placed on the outside of the kraft paper. In this way, even if they are accidentally bumped, the picture frame and the contents inside will not be damaged. painting.

Harada Shino put the painting on the conference table and said to Zhang Chen, "Zhang Chen, what do you think of this painting?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Zhang Chen walked to the desk, took the utility knife from the pen holder, walked back and handed it to Harada Shino. Harada used the utility knife to carefully cut the transparent glue on the outside of the sheaths, took off the four sheaths, and then used Use a knife to remove the transparent glue at the seal of the kraft paper, and open the kraft paper. There is another layer inside, which is also the kraft paper packaging.

Harada Shino also opened the package. The painting was placed on the table with its back facing up. He held the white frame with both hands and turned the painting over. Zhang Chen's eyes lit up and he was immediately attracted by the painting. , Zhang Chen was shocked when he looked at the signature on the painting.

This painting was actually painted by Ikuo Hirayama, a world-famous painter and one of the "Three Mountains" of Japan (Kuii Higashiyama, Matazo Kayama, and Ikuo Hirayama).

Ikuo Hirayama is a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. He has long served as the president and honorary president of the Japan-China Friendship Association. He is enthusiastic about helping China protect Dunhuang cultural relics.

The size of this painting is not large, about fifty-five by fifty-five centimeters. It is not a Dunhuang theme that Ikuo Hirayama is good at, but a still life of flowers. In a transparent glass vase, there is a large handful of red flowers. The expression technique of the whole painting is a combination of Western oil still life paintings, such as those of Redon and Caravaggio, and Japanese Ukiyo-e.

The roses in the painting are very realistic, but the whole painting has a more decorative effect. The red roses are blooming to the extreme, as if the petals are about to fall. If it is late at night, watching this Painting, Zhang Chen felt that his whole body would suddenly become nervous, and he would be worried that the slight crunching sound of falling petals would sound at any time.

The red in the picture is very full and extremely bright. Between the roses, there are dark shadows. Because of the richness of the red, the shadows look turbulent and uneasy.

Although the main color of this painting is red, which is supposed to bring excitement and stimulation to people, Zhang Chen felt a kind of sadness when looking at this painting. It freezes time in its peak and decline. In the last moment, as long as it is just a little bit later, the petals of the rose will wither, and the full and rich colors will return to emptiness and silence.

This is like the last swan song of life, the last note when the strings are about to break. It shows the dazzling splendor of the flower, but points to the decline after the splendor.

It really makes you want to cry when you watch it.

"How is it?" Shino Harada and Zhang Chen stood side by side. The two of them stared at the painting for a long time. Shino Harada asked.

"Great! It's truly a masterpiece."

Zhang Chen admired, and then told Harada Shino about his feelings. Harada Shino was slightly surprised and asked Zhang Chen:

"Zhang Chen, do you know the name of this painting?"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

""Sad Rose""

Harada Shino said, Zhang Chen was stunned, Harada Shino continued: "It seems that you really understand this painting, Zhang Chen, this painting is given to you, and also to your Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery."

Zhang Chen was taken aback and said quickly: "No, no, Shino, this is too expensive. I cannot accept such an expensive gift from you."

"This is not mine." Harada Shino said, "I didn't give it to you either."

Seeing that Zhang Chen didn't understand, he explained:

"This painting was made when I went to Mr. Hirayama Ikuo's home and told him about you. He picked out this painting himself and asked me to bring it to China and give it to your Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery. Mr. Hirayama Ikuo also said , when he has the opportunity to come to China again, he will definitely come to Hangzhou and go to your art gallery. He wants to see his paintings and hang them with the works of his Chinese colleagues."

Regarding this painting, Harada Shino had nothing to say to Zhang Chen. When he went to Mr. Hirayama Ikuo's house, he brought the album from the Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery. Hirayama Ikuo opened the album and saw Xiaoshu's painting " "Sister", he was attracted. Shino Harada explained to him who this sister was and what her relationship was with Zhang Chen and Xiao Shu, the author of the painting.

Harada Shino also told Mr. Hirayama Ikuo that Zhang Chen brought Xiao Zhao’s urn home from the cemetery and placed it beside the bed. Harada Shino was also present that day.

With tears in his eyes, Mr. Ikuo Hirayama selected this painting and asked Shino Harada to donate it to Zhang Chen and the Lakeside Oil Painting Gallery.

Harada Shino feels that "Sad Rose" and "Sister" are similar in approach and approach. Isn't this rose also Xiao Zhao?

"Then you must thank Mr. Ikuo Hirayama for me." Zhang Chen said.

"I've already thanked you." Harada Shino smiled.

The three of them went to the sofa and sat down. Zhang Chen made tea for Harada Shino. Harada Shino picked up the tea cup with his left hand and the cup lid with his right hand. He gently scraped the tea leaves on the water. Zhang Chen looked at it. Looking at him, I felt that he seemed to have something on his mind.

Harada Shino scraped it a dozen times and put the cup down instead of drinking. He looked at Zhang Chen and said:

"Zhang Chen, I will be returning to Japan in a few days."

"On vacation?" Zhang Chen asked.

Harada Shino shook his head and sighed softly. He said: "I may not come back again. Our offices in Hangzhou and Beijing have been withdrawn."

When Harada Shino said this, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and Zhang Chen asked: "Why?"

Harada Shino said: "Now, unlike in previous years, there are fewer and fewer film and television projects cooperating between Japan and China, and there is no need for an office to exist. Also, after our old president of Shochiku Pictures retired, a new one took over The new president has a different understanding of China than the old president.

"There are not as many people in Japan like Mr. Hirayama Ikuo and the old president who have good feelings for China as before."

Harada Shino looked at Zhang Chen, smiled bitterly, and said:

"I have been in Hangzhou for twelve years. This is my second hometown. Zhang Chen, when I really had to leave, I was very sad, just like Mr. Ikuo Hirayama. I was at his home and talked to him. He is also very sad about the current situation of the two countries. Zhang Chen, I am just like that painting, the sad Harada Shino, and there is a sense of failure."

"The taste of failure?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Yes, the smell of failure, Zhang Chen." Harada Shino said, "When I first came to China, I came with the idea of ​​doing something for Japan-China friendship and cultural exchanges between the two countries. However, More than ten years have passed, and the two countries are no better than each other, and there are even more conflicts.

"We Japanese have many misunderstandings about China, and you also have many misunderstandings about us. This makes me feel that all the work I have done in the past ten years has been in vain, and there is no achievement at all."

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan understood what Shino Harada meant by the taste of failure.

"Well, I'm afraid you have more responsibility." Liu Ligan said, "We have never invaded you. It was you who invaded us, and now you are turning around and calling us a China threat."

Harada Shino nodded and said, you are right, but things are not that simple.

"Isn't that the truth?" Liu Ligan asked.

"It should be said that the current situation is like this, but the reasons behind it are complicated. Especially when you are developing very fast and your GDP will soon surpass ours in Japan, many Japanese people feel very complicated. " Harada Shino said.

"Why is it complicated?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There are some people, like Mr. Hirayama Ikuo, like me, we sincerely hope that China will be better, and there are also some selfish people who feel that they can only be better for themselves, and no one else can be better, let alone better. I, there are such people everywhere, they are not worth mentioning.

"There are still many Japanese people, as I said, when they look at China, they have mixed emotions. They wish you well, but they are also worried..."

"Worried, what are you worried about?" Liu Ligan asked.

Harada Shino smiled and said: "Japan has indeed done very bad things to China. Let me give an analogy, if you have a neighbor and you bully him, and then you see that he has a son at home, slowly Are you worried about growing up and getting stronger? Aren't you worried that he will seek revenge on you and beat you up? "

Liu Ligan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "What you said makes sense, and it seems normal to worry. However, you guys, to use a Chinese saying, it is called judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain."

"I hope so." Harada Shino said.

"What the pole said is not unreasonable." Zhang Chen and Harada Shino said, "I have seen a piece of information that said that after Japan surrendered, because there was no transportation means to transport your people back to the country, tens of thousands of people The prisoners of war stranded in Jiangwan Camp in Shanghai could not wait for a ship for weeks and months.

"General Zheng Dongguo organized them to build the Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway. When the highway was being built, these prisoners of war lived in villages along the highway. At that time, the Anti-Japanese War had just ended, and the Chinese people still remembered the cruelty of Japanese soldiers. General Zheng Dongguo, You Xin, was worried that the common people would retaliate against prisoners of war and ordered his troops to be on strict alert.

"But in the end, such a thing has never happened once. Chinese people are still very kind."

Harada Shino nodded and said: "Zhang Chen, what you said is very interesting. I will look for information on this when I go back and the people who experienced it at the time. If possible, I will make it into a documentary. Now, In Japan, there are too few things that can help us understand China better."

"Don't worry, Brother Shino, even in Japan during the period when J-State prevailed, Lu Xun still had his friendship with Mr. Fujino." Liu Ligan said, "No matter what, you will always have me and Zhang in Hangzhou." Chen, my two friends, even if you return to China, we welcome you to come back to Hangzhou at any time."

Thank you Zhenwu Longyi for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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