The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1406 Planning in advance

After sending away the two people from Zheng Commercial Office, Ren Rongrong went to Liu Yun's office. Liu Yun asked her, do you know anything about PTA?

"I have done research and found that PTA is the abbreviation of Pure Terephthalic Acid in English. We call it purified terephthalic acid in Chinese. It is the main raw material for the production of polyester fiber, that is, polyester yarn and polyester bottle flakes, such as Coke bottles and mineral water bottles. Some are used to produce polyester films, but the greatest demand is for the production of polyester filaments," Ren Rongrong said.

"Then its main demand should be in Zhejiang?" Liu Yun asked.

"Yes, in Shaoxing County, Keqiao, and Qianqing areas, the main manufacturers include Zongheng Group, Dahua Group, Wuhuan Group, etc."

"Not bad." Liu Yun laughed, "It seems that you have indeed done research."

"Our country is the world's largest PTA demander, and we have been calling for the listing of PTA futures products for a long time." Ren Rongrong said.

In fact, Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin had studied PTA and related products when they were still at Lao Ni's place. At that time, Ren Rongrong tricked Lao Ni into starting futures. The earliest reason was not hedging to ensure that the profits of his factory were not affected by the market. The impact of the rise and fall of raw materials.

"Zhengzhou Commercial Exchange, have they disclosed to you when this variety will be available on the market?" Liu Yun asked.

"Next year," Ren Rongrong said.

Liu Yun nodded: "The time is very tight. In this way, you first make a list of the top ten companies in demand for PTA across the country. It is estimated that after this variety is launched, large traders will also be among these companies in demand. and among suppliers.”

Ren Rongrong is right, even for hedging purposes, these companies will not be absent.

"After the list is listed, the organizer first conducts a basic investigation of their situation, especially their relationship with financial institutions and their ability to mobilize funds." Liu Yun said, "Then, we will see which ones we can cooperate with. , and then follow them up for a long time.”

"I understand, Mr. Liu." Ren Rongrong said.

Hearing what Liu Yun said, Ren Rongrong felt confident. It seemed that Liu Yun had already set PTA as their target without having to instigate it himself.

Also, as a newly listed futures product, the market size will not be very large, and there will not be many people who are just beginning to participate in trading. This is when they have a lot to do.

When the long and short sides of the market start to see each other, they will become the key force. Whichever side they stand on, the balance will tilt to which side. This is what Liu Yun said, see which companies can cooperate, and choose Good partners can work together when the time comes.

According to their previous method, they would first select their partners. At the beginning, they did not enter the market themselves, but let their partners enter the market first to fight. When the two sides formed a confrontation situation, they fell behind slightly, attracting many small investors to follow. When the single entered the market, they suddenly appeared and caught the opponent off guard with their huge amount of orders. The situation on the market suddenly changed and a large number of small players were eliminated.

In the end, the entire market actually turned into a duel between several large investors. At this time, whoever can mobilize more funds will win the final victory.

This is why Liu Yun asked to find out all possible opponents and their ability to mobilize funds.

This is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke, or a slaughterhouse. It is especially important to know yourself and your enemy.

"Understand more clearly the main domestic PTA manufacturers and importers, as well as their relationship with the demand side, and, by the way, also understand the nature of their enterprises." Liu Yun said.

Ren Rongrong said yes, I understand, Mr. Liu.

The reason Liu Yun also asked Ren Rongrong to track these companies for a long time is that if a productive company like this is expanding its production capacity and investing in infrastructure, its funds will definitely be tight and its ability to mobilize huge funds will be limited. , and also, if his customers are mainly small and medium-sized textile factories, then he has little room for maneuver.

As for the business nature of manufacturers and importers, it is necessary to clearly understand the nature of the enterprise. That is because if they are large state-owned enterprises, their funds and accounts receivable are very strictly managed, and it is difficult to carry out large-amount fund lending. If they are private enterprises, , relatively easy.

Ren Rongrong returned to her department. She arranged the matters explained by Liu Yun and asked her subordinates to collect information about relevant companies and gain a comprehensive understanding of them. Ren Rongrong listed sixteen questions for them to ask. Find out from these sixteen aspects.

Only, Ren Rongrong left Dahua Group to himself and did not hand it over to the people below. Dahua Group is Lao Ni's company. Ren Rongrong knows the situation at Lao Ni best and does not need others to understand.

A week later, after all the information was collected, Ren Rongrong went to report to Liu Yun. When reporting to Dahua Group, Ren Rongrong deliberately concealed an important piece of information, that is, Dahua Group had two close The partners are Liu Ligan's Zhejiang Jinxiu Group and Nanjing Meng Ping's company.

The reason why Ren Rongrong wanted to hide this information was because she was worried that when Liu Yun was choosing her opponent, she would not confront him head-on because she was wary of the strength of the two partners of Dahua Group. If so, Ren Rongrong's purpose There is no way to achieve it.

After reporting back from Liu Yun, Ren Rongrong assigned a new task, which was to track the operating status of these companies for a long time.

Similarly, this time Ren Rongrong gave herself the task of tracking Dahua Group.

Director Chu of the Hangzhou Land Acquisition and Storage Center was quite critical of the targeted transfer of the land on Yan'an Road that included Zhang Chen's half-acre store.

He and Liu Ligan complained, "Screw this piece of land. We originally expected to stay open for three years and only open for three years. This piece of land is closer to Wulin Square than the land of Zhejiang Medical University. Wulin Square is now It is the center of Hangzhou. We originally hoped that this piece of land would become a new "land king", but we didn't know who in the province would be in charge of attracting investment.

This land was directed to Cheung Kong Holdings. You tell me, the supply of land in Hangzhou exceeds the demand and we have to attract investment. What about Li Ka-shing? He said it to the sky. He is not a real estate developer. There is no way. We are soft-spoken and have nothing to do. Method.

Therefore, he very much supports Zhang Chen's raising the price on the land. It is best if the demolition cannot be carried out and they can go away and we can do the bidding ourselves. As long as we can auction another "land king", whether it is replacement or cash compensation, I guarantee that Zhang Chen can get it. Total satisfaction, now, alas!

Liu Ligan and Director Chu said, just bring our conditions. If our conditions are not met, we will definitely not demolish this piece of land. Whether it is Li Ka-shing or Wang Ka-shing, I will pay whatever price he has. According to the price, I will build as high a building as he builds. This condition is here, that is, in the province. Does the person who makes the decision dare to come to the table and say why it must be given to him?

Director Chu patted Liu Ligan on the shoulder and told him, I will definitely bring the message to you. If they can retreat despite the difficulties, brother, I will be happy too. I will also serve wine to thank you.

Unexpectedly, when Director Chu mentioned this condition to the representative sent by Yangtze River Industries to Hangzhou, the other party immediately agreed. This made Director Chu and Liu Ligan speechless.

On that piece of land, there are only two largest units, one is the Provincial Food Department, and the other is Zhang Chen, plus the latter piece, they are all public housing of the Housing Management Committee. Zhang Chen has done it here, and the other ones are not difficult. The demolition work has been brought forward as a result.

It turns out that the demolition will start next spring, and demolition mobilization will begin after the Spring Festival. Now it will be vacated before the year, so Zhang Chen and the others must start mobilizing immediately.

For Zhang Chen and Xiaoli, the most troublesome thing is the placement of the employees in the specialty store. Xiaojuan was transferred to the company and served as the deputy general manager of the sales company. Together with Xiaoli, the three accountants were also transferred back. The company's financial center, after the number of projects in Sanya increased, the manpower of the financial center was already a little tight, so it was just right that they were transferred back.

There is no way to place the remaining salesmen. Zhang Chen and his factory are looking for skilled workers. Even now, they would not be willing to ask those salesmen to learn how to use sewing machines.

Hangzhou is not as good as Shanghai and Beijing. Shanghai and Beijing also have counters in shopping malls. After the specialty stores are demolished, salespeople can arrange to go to counters in major shopping malls. In the major shopping malls in Hangzhou, half an acre of land cannot be owned by oneself. At the counter.

One problem with the large shopping malls in Hangzhou is that they are not only not interested in local brand clothing, but also hold a deep prejudice. They always think that no matter what brand you are, you are just a market product. Zhang Chen and After two contacts, they gave up on entering the mall.

But by this time, personnel placement has become a problem.

Although for a private enterprise like theirs, no one would say anything and just disband and go home if there was no need anymore. Everyone thought it was normal. However, Zhang Chen and Xiao Li always felt a little uneasy. After all, they were together like this. After a long time, no matter how hard it is, their jobs will be gone.

Zhang Chen asked Liu Ligan, Qu Tianlin, and Han Gaozu Liu Bang for help. The last part went to Liu Ligan and his company to sell houses, some went to Qu Tianlin's factory, and some went to Han Gaozu Liu Bang and his company to sell cakes and milk tea, and Li Wei and his company. Four more people were arranged, and there were a few more who were unwilling to go to these places. Everyone was given an additional three months' salary and went home on their own.

Before the party was dismissed, everyone gathered at the Tuxiangyuan Hotel to have a break-up meal. Zhang Chen asked Ge Ling, Xu Qiaoxin, Xiaoli Xiaojuan and Zhao Jingjing to go there. Tan Shuzhen also came. Most of the people inside were Tan Shuzhen. She was there when she was the manager. Tan Shuzhen said, I will also come to see them off.

That meal was filled with cries and tears. Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen said they never wanted to experience this kind of scene again. It was too uncomfortable.

Tan Shuzhen asked Zhang Chen, looking at this scene, do you feel that the burden on your shoulders is heavier and you have more responsibility to do a good job in the company. Only when the company is good can this scene be avoided? Anyway, it gave me a great education.

Zhang Chen scolded: "Tan Shuzhen, have you figured it out? My store is very good. Someone dug me up by the roots so that I couldn't open it. I didn't want to close it myself."

"It's the same. Anyway, these people below have no way out."

Tan Shuzhen said that when she said this, she forgot that a year ago, when they laid off the sales staff in the sales department, she was very determined, but nothing happened.

Thank you, winsen666, for the reward that I don’t know even if anyone asks me! Thank you to Tianying 1978, Sinful Orchid Finger, Not the Impossible World, Standby Time, and Xu Yuenian for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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