The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 14 Going to Zhanjiang

When Zhang Chen and the others woke up, it was already dark outside. The three of them were startled. They didn't expect that they had slept in the car all night. What they didn't expect was that after such a long time, the car hadn't started yet. Fortunately, they slept comfortably enough and felt somewhat refreshed.

Many people in the car were urging the driver to start driving. The driver, who was sleeping on the recliner last night, retorted:

"Why are you so anxious? Look at the last three people. They arrived at nine o'clock last night. They don't have any objections until now. They sleep soundly."

When he turned around, he saw that Zhang Chen and the others had woken up, looking very embarrassed, and smiled at them.

Liu Ligan shouted: "We have no objection. No, even the hotel fee is saved, but there are more mosquitoes."

The driver smiled and raised his hand towards Liu Ligan.

"I'm going to die!" As soon as Liu Ligan said that, Jin Lili felt itchy all over her body. Looking at her feet and arms, there were red envelopes bitten by mosquitoes. She quickly took out the wind oil essence and asked Zhang Chen to apply it on her.

Someone again urged the driver to leave quickly. The driver looked at the car and saw that only half of the people were sitting in the car. There were still eight or nine empty seats, and he said:

"Wait a moment, another person will come and leave immediately."

After a while, two people came. They paid and sat down. Everyone thought that it was time for the driver to drive. Unexpectedly, the driver opened the door and got out of the car. The person in the car shouted, "What are you doing?" ?

The driver said as he ran, go to the toilet.

This trip lasted twenty minutes. When I got back to the bus, the first thing I asked was: "Is there anyone who just got on the bus and didn't buy a ticket?"

Many people roared together, no!

Someone scolded, "You only went to the toilet for half an hour."

The driver replied, there is nothing we can do, I have diarrhea.

In the middle of the carriage, a man suddenly stood up. He cursed loudly in what must be the local dialect of Zhanjiang. Zhang Chen and the others couldn't understand it, but they could get a rough idea. What the man was scolding was, "You have diarrhea every fucking time." Didn't you die? Can't open it? If you don't give me your money back, I'll get off!

Others shouted, yes, refund the money!

Some people also kindly advised me, let’s go, it’s almost done, we can still attract customers on the way.

The driver said with a sad face: "There are no customers on the road. This road is as if it has been scratched by a grate. There is not a hair on it."

Zhang Chen has been angry with the driver since last night. He originally wanted to join the siege. When the driver said this, his heart softened again. Thinking about it, it was not easy for him. Zhang Chen sat without saying anything and stopped him. Jin Lili participated in the scolding war.

Although the driver was reluctant, he still started the car.

Last night, the three people were just driving and didn't care about anything else. Now, as the car drove out of the yard, they quickly looked out the car window, wanting to see the legendary city of Guangzhou. After a while, the three people were disappointed. What I saw outside the window was that it was shabby, and the whole street was filled with short houses, similar to Hangzhou.

Jin Lili tapped her fingers on the shoulders of the person in the front seat and asked:

"Master, is this the suburbs of Guangzhou?"

"Here? The urban area, it should be considered the city center."

Jin Lili almost cried, feeling like she had been cheated.

The car finally drove out of Guangzhou City. At that time, there was no expressway from Guangzhou to Zhanjiang. The car swayed and crawled on the bumpy national highway. After crawling for more than an hour, the sun came out.

As soon as the sun came up, the bus was stuffy and hot. Although the windows were open, the curtains were drawn on the half of the windows facing the sun. The smell of feet, sweat, cigarette smoke, and an indescribable stench were mixed together. Jin Lili was about to vomit, and she relied on opening the cap of the Fengyoujing bottle in her hand from time to time and sniffing the breath of Fengyoujing.

Just after passing Heshan, the driver stopped the car on the side of the road. The people in the car asked him what he was doing. He said the water tank was empty, add water.

He found a piece of car inner tube and got out of the car, scooped water from the pond on the roadside, and filled the car with water. After filling the water, he continued to drive. After driving for thirty or forty kilometers, he stopped again and said that he needed to fill the car with water again.

There were curses in the car, and the driver looked at them and said innocently: "The water tank is leaking, and there's nothing I can do about it."

They drove and stopped like this, more than 400 kilometers from Guangzhou to Zhanjiang. They set off from Guangzhou at five o'clock in the morning. When they arrived in Zhanjiang, it was already eight o'clock in the evening. After everyone else got off the car, the driver saw Zhang Chen and the three of them. One was still in the car and asked:

"Where are you guys going?"

"Dock." Zhang Chen said.

"Port?" the driver asked.

"Pier, take a boat to the pier opposite."

"Which one is on the opposite side?" The driver was confused.

"Hainan Island!" Jin Lili said.

"You want to go to Hainan?" The driver opened his eyes wide, "Why are you taking this car to go to Hainan? This place is still far away from Hainan."

"Didn't that woman of yours say that she would go to Hainan as soon as she reached Zhanjiang?" Zhang Chen said, "I asked her specifically."

The driver snorted: "You believe what they say."

"Then she's not with you?" Jin Lili shouted.

"I don't even know her. She is a solicitor, and she earns ten yuan per customer." The driver said.

Zhang Chen and the three of them were all stunned. The driver urged, hurry up and get off, I have to repair the car.

"Then where are we going after we go down?!" Jin Lili shouted.

"How do I know?" the driver said, "Either you are in the car and follow me back to Guangzhou tomorrow morning, but there are still eighty-one people."

Zhang Chen and the three of them got out of the car. It was completely dark. They were standing in a strange city and on a strange street, not knowing where they were going next.

For a moment, the three of them felt a trace of regret and sadness. If they had not left Yongcheng, they would still be under the tallow tree, eating fried snails and peanuts, and drinking the spicy Qianbei Shao. How comfortable it was. Now that I think about it, this kind of life seems so far away from them, so far away that it becomes unreal.

"I wonder what Zhenzhen is doing now?" Jin Lili sighed.

They felt hungry, so they walked into a roadside noodle shop and decided to fill their stomachs first. By the way, they asked the shop owner how to get to Hainan.

Zhang Chen ordered three bowls of noodles. While waiting for the noodles, Zhang Chen asked the boss, how should I go to Hainan from here?

The boss told him that you should first go to Xuwen, then take a bus to Hai'an, and then go to the pier to take a boat and cross the sea to Hainan.

"Is there still a bus to Xuwen?" Zhang Chen asked.

"No more." The boss replied.

"Are you going to Hainan?" asked a customer eating noodles, and Zhang Chen said yes.

"Then when you go to the roadside and see a car with the 'Hai'an' brand, just wave. That car goes directly to the Haian Pier." The man told them.

"Do you still have a car now?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Yes, there are many. There are many buses going to Hainan now, 24 hours a day, anytime. Just wait by the highway." The man said.

The three of them were overjoyed and quickly thanked each other. They looked at each other and felt that it was not that bad. They hurriedly ate their fans. Liu Ligan suddenly raised his head and asked:

"Do you remember that at Guangzhou Railway Station, there was someone holding a 'Hai'an' sign?"

Jin Lili and Zhang Chen thought about it, and it seemed that this was the case. Jin Lili regretted: "Oh, if we had got on that car, we might have arrived in Hainan by now."

Jin Lili rolled her eyes at Zhang Chen: "It's all you, save that dollar and ten cents."

Zhang Chen quickly defended: "Teacher Li, blame Teacher Li. He told us categorically that it would be fine as soon as we get to Zhanjiang."

Jin Lili sniffed her nose: "I think we should find a place to take a shower first. Don't you think you already stink?"

When Jin Lili said this, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan also felt that they smelled very bad.

It was a hot day, after a thirty-hour train ride, and then another twenty-plus hours in that bus, it would be strange if it didn't stink.

Anyway, his stomach was full and buses were available 24 hours a day. Zhang Chen also felt that it was time to relax. He said, "Okay, let's go find a hotel and take a shower."

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