They arrived at Guijie Street. On the entire Guijie Street, rows of red lanterns were hung at the entrance of almost every store. Most of the storefront decorations along the street were mainly red. Standing at this end of the street and looking inside, Zhang Chen saw I feel that this place is not like a night snack street, but more like a red light district.

They entered a shop and sat down. Wenwen quickly ordered three or four flavors of crayfish, including spicy, thirteen-spice, and boiled with minced garlic and water. There were four full basins of crayfish. The dishes are very simple, just a plate of beef in sauce, a plate of cucumbers, and a plate of salted edamame.

Wenwen and Zhang Chen said: "Mr. Zhang, when we arrive at the Dragon King Palace today, we will have trouble with crayfish. Are you afraid that Ao Bai's father will come to you?"

"Who is Ao Bai's father?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, Nezha is the one in the sea. If you eat his shrimp soldiers and crab generals, he still won't come to you." Wenwen said.

"That's Ao Bing, and Obai, you illiterate, Obai is the one who was killed by Stephen Chow in "The Deer and the Cauldron"." He Hongmei scolded.

"Moreover, this crayfish is not from the sea, but from the fields. If you want to find it, it is the Land Master who is looking for you." Zhang Chen said.

Wenwen was stunned for a moment and cursed: "Well, drinking with you educated people is really boring. I made two fools of myself in one sentence. I came with that strong man. After talking about this, he always admired me and thought I understood There are so many.”

Zhang Chen, He Hongmei and Qianqian laughed. Zhang Chen said, you are just trying to stand up from the flock.

"What do you mean?" Wenwen asked, Zhang Chen smiled and said nothing.

He Hongmei said: "He is scolding you, and only being illiterate will make you appear less illiterate."

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, I've written it down. I can use it next time." Wenwen giggled.

While they were talking and laughing, two girls came over and stood next to them. Qianqian thought that these two girls were here to sell singing, and told them, we don't want to request songs.

The two girls blushed. They looked at Zhang Chen and asked, "Excuse me, are you Wu Zhenyu?"

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and Wenwen shouted: "You are too powerful. We even disguised him as a blind man, and you still recognized him?"

The two girls were excited when they heard it and shouted: "It's really Wu Zhenyu, great!"

Zhang Chen had no choice but to smile and nod towards them.

"Mr. Wu, can we take a photo with you?" one of the girls asked.

Before Zhang Chen could say anything, Wenwen shouted: "That's great. This is Beijing. Even Hong Kong people must be close to the people when they get here. Are you right, Brother Wu?"

Zhang Chen could only continue to nod.

"Come on, get up and take a photo."

Wenwen said and pulled Zhang Chen up. Qianqian also got excited and pulled Zhang Chen from the other side. Two people pulled him up. Wenwen asked the two girls if they could take a photo here?

The two girls nodded repeatedly.

"Come on, give me the camera and you guys stand over." Wenwen said.

The girl gave the camera to Wenwen, walked over, and stood in front of Zhang Chen. Wenwen raised the camera and put it down again. She said to Zhang Chen:

"Brother Wu, please be more friendly to the people. You shouldn't."

Qianqian picked up Zhang Chen's two hands, one on each side, and put them on the girl's shoulders. The two girls were so excited that their faces turned red. Wenwen said, come on, hold your heads together again. Go to the middle, a little closer to this Aberdeen, and a little closer.

Qianqian reached out and moved their heads so that they were all close to Zhang Chen's chest.

Yes, yes, that's good, that's it. Wenwen pressed the shutter with her finger and the flash flashed.

"Would you like another one?" Wenwen asked.

The two girls nodded repeatedly, and Wenwen came up with another one.

After taking the photo, the girl took out the book and asked Zhang Chen to sign it. People often said that he looked like Wu Zhenyu. Zhang Chen was naturally more concerned about Wu Zhenyu's affairs. He drew them for them based on Wu Zhenyu's signature in his memory. Got two.

There were already three or four people standing next to them. After Zhang Chen signed the names of the two girls, they also asked Zhang Chen to sign their names, and Zhang Chen was satisfied with them all.

After being busy for a while, it finally calmed down. The four of them sat there and looked at each other. They wanted to laugh but were holding back their laughter. Wenwen and Qianqian no longer called Zhang Chen, Mr. Zhang, but continued. Calling him Brother Wu, Zhang Chen didn't even dare to say a word. He could only bury his head in eating crayfish. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, someone would hear that he was a fake. He couldn't speak a word of Cantonese.

The four of them finished their supper and walked outside. Wenwen patted Zhang Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Are you enjoying yourself today?"

"What kind of addiction do you have? I'm sitting there, not daring to say a word. I'm almost exhausted." Zhang Chen cursed, and the three girls laughed.

"It's a pity that this boss is not a fan of Wu Zhenyu. Otherwise, he might give us a free order." Wenwen said.

"What a beautiful idea." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen felt a little strange and asked them: "Are Wu Zhenyu and I really so similar?"

He Hongmei said: "There are often rumors that celebrities eat late-night snacks in Guijie Street, which makes people suspicious."

Wenwen stared at Zhang Chen and said, if you put on sunglasses and a mask, it would look more like him.

"Why does it look more like wearing sunglasses?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Those bullshit second- and third-rate celebrities like to wear sunglasses most at the airport. They say they are afraid of being recognized and annoying." Wenwen said, "I think they are afraid that no one will notice them. If they Don't pretend to be a fool, just ignore them. If you wear sunglasses at the airport, people will definitely think you are Wu Zhenyu."

The four of them got into the car, and Wenwen was still driving. Wenwen started the car, and He Hongmei told her to find a hotel for Mr. Zhang first.

"Is there something wrong with you?" Wenwen shouted, "Which hotel are you looking for? Are you afraid that we will eavesdrop on you, or are you afraid that we have more money? If you have more money, let's go. I'll turn around and we'll have another meal. If you're afraid of us, Eavesdropping, don’t worry, Mr. Zhang’s movements are not as big as those of Hercules, just ask Qianqian.”

Qianqian was laughing randomly on the side.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei were pulled back to the villa by Wenwen. They entered the room and looked around. Zhang Chen took a deep breath and said, "I haven't spent the night in this room for a long time."

He Hongmei asked: "Does it smell good?"

Zhang Chen nodded and said, "It smells good."

He Hongmei giggled: "Okay, I'll take you in."

"If you don't take me in, I won't have anywhere to go." Zhang Chen said.

"Down below, there are two more people who will take you in." He Hongmei pointed downstairs.

"Okay, then I'll go."

Zhang Chen made a gesture and walked towards the door, but He Hongmei grabbed him and said angrily: "How dare you!"

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "I don't dare, I'm afraid that a strong man will beat me to death."

The two of them laughed and entered the bathroom. They had just eaten crayfish, and their bodies were filled with the smell of spicy and spicy food. The previous bath was in vain and they needed to take another one.

It can be seen that He Hongmei was very happy because of Zhang Chen's sudden arrival, and she was very happy the whole night.

The two of them finished taking a bath and finished the unfinished business that was interrupted by Wenwen. They lay there with He Hongmei nestled in Zhang Chen's arms.

He Hongmei never mentioned He Dongmei's matter, but Zhang Chen had to mention it. Zhang Chen's hand touched He Hongmei's back and said to her:


"What did you say?" He Hongmei was touched by Zhang Chen and felt so comfortable that she almost fell asleep. She asked after hearing Zhang Chen's words.

"I said sorry!" Zhang Chen said.

"Sorry for what?"

"I should have discussed with you in advance about changing the exchange rate," Zhang Chen said.

"I'm not from your company, why are you discussing with me?" He Hongmei asked.

"Yes, you are not from our company, but you know this matter better than the people from our company." Zhang Chen said, "At first, Meng Ping made a suggestion of franchising, and then he perfected the entire agreement. , we did it together, have you forgotten?

"Also, Chongqing is our first general agent. That is also your decision."

"It's not me, it's my family." He Hongmei said.

"The people in your family didn't know what franchising was at that time. If you didn't rush back to Chongqing from Hangzhou to convince your family, how could they do it?"

Zhang Chen said: "Including many times later, and when you quarreled with people in Beijing and Zhengzhou in West Lake, you were completely involved in the whole thing. Without you, our entire system would not be so fast. Build it up.”

"Then why don't you thank me?" He Hongmei smiled and rubbed her face against his chest.

Zhang Chen kissed her and said to her, "Thank you!"

"So I should have discussed this matter with you earlier, including He Dongmei. Think about it, every time we have something, she is the one who supports us the most. I know that half of her does it for your sake."

He Hongmei sat up, turned around and asked Zhang Chen: "Do you think you need to discuss it with me because He Dongmei is my sister?"

"That's the reason." Zhang Chen said honestly, "But the more important reason is that you know both the general agent and our company. You can make better suggestions from your perspective."

He Hongmei looked at Zhang Chen and said to him seriously: "My suggestion is that you did the right thing. I was a little emotional in the morning, so I said those words to you. After thinking about it, you did the right thing. "

"I was wondering if things would go well if things slow down. Is there a better way?" Zhang Chen said.

"There is no better way. This kind of thing can only be cut across the board." He Hongmei said, "You are a lizard now. If a lizard has its tail trampled by someone, when it wants to escape, it can only cut off its tail to survive.

"You're right. I know the company's situation very well. Those inventories are the tail you are being stepped on. If you don't get rid of it, you will be killed by this tail. Do you remember that SARS just came? At that time, the entire factory was almost overwhelmed by returns.

"No one can guarantee whether something like this will happen a second time. If it happens again and the time is longer, you will be dragged down by these returns."

"But He Dongmei can be treated specially here." Zhang Chen said.

"No, there's really no need. He Dongmei and I have made it clear that you need to change, and she needs to change too. Otherwise, you won't be able to survive." He Hongmei said.

Thank you to Standby Time, Doll Tin Soldier, Two Fish One Up and One Down for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you, Baby Tin Soldier, Feng Zhonglie? , Fantasy in the Wind, Book Friends 20180616122552946, A follows? It doesn’t matter, winsonliu, standby time, Qianqian dad’s monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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