The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1377 A Band-Aid

Zhang Chen climbed to the top of the mountain alone and found a shade to sit down. He was sweating profusely, but his mood did not calm down as expected.

He remembered that day at the top of the mountain with He Hongmei and Xiaofang. He Hongmei said that she didn't like it here. This place was too unreal and it was easy to isolate herself from the world.

Zhang Chen smiled bitterly. Isn't that what he is doing now? When he climbed to the top of the mountain, he just wanted to isolate himself from the world. He thought that when he arrived at a place outside the world, all his worries would disappear. But is it possible?

People's troubles come from the human heart, not the environment. Those who often express emotions about the passing of time are because you care too much about the environment, and you will feel its change. If you are in a state of paralysis, the stars will change and the world will be turned upside down. Nor will he be moved by it.

Naturally, Zhang Chen would recall everything he had with Huijuan yesterday. He had to admit that even now, under the bright sunshine, when he thinks back on it, it was a wonderful experience. If Huijuan could do it now Around him, Zhang Chen was not sure whether he would be with Huijuan again in this unreal place.

Many times, the body will always show its true face before our rationality. Those who are hungry have almost no room to think when facing food. When a man faces a beautiful woman or a woman you admire, The body will naturally show excitement, and reason is used to suppress this excitement.

The reason why a saint is a saint is that he can make his body always look so unreal. Zhang Chen feels that he is not a saint.

Zhang Chen looked at everything in front of him, shrouded in a haze of light. It was probably this haze of light that gave people an unreal feeling, as if they were in a dream.

He was very sure that if Huijuan got here, she would be amazed. She would not say whether she liked it or not, but more like, as long as you are here, it will be good wherever she goes. How similar is this to Xiao Zhao? .

Zhang Chen shook his head. He felt distressed again. This distressed feeling was because he felt that he had broken something beautiful. The relationship between him and Huijuan, which he thought was pure, was different from that between him and He Hongmei. Pure love even shattered his imagination and deliberateness about himself.

Chicken feathers everywhere.

Have I become less innocent? Zhang Chen remembered Huijuan asking him this. Zhang Chen wanted to tell her that it wasn't you, it was me who had become impure.

Everyone has a favorite self. If Zhang Chen could choose by himself, he would like the innocent and awesome self in the theater troupe and Gao Hong. No one can buy it, and he can not care about anything, because he doesn't care. If you don't buy it, you won't have any worries, and you won't worry so much about gains and losses, or even be indifferent.

Zhang Chen took out his mobile phone. He found He Hongmei's phone number and stared at it, but did not make a call. He wondered where He Hongmei would be now, Hengdian? Or Beijing? He Hongmei always has so many things that she doesn't know and that are not transparent, so she makes herself guess.

Zhang Chen thought that from today, not yesterday, he had become opaque to He Hongmei, such as why he didn't answer the phone and why he never called back.

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and pulled out a piece of grass with an unknown name. He put it in his mouth and chewed it. It was a bit bitter. Just like his current mood, Zhang Chen thought, is it true that in this world, every mood will have a certain kind? The taste should suit him. So many people will drink when they are in a bad mood. Is wine just the taste of a bad mood?

Zhang Chen stared at He Hongmei's phone. This string of numbers was familiar yet unfamiliar. When he took them apart one by one, they were meaningless. When they were put together, their meaning came out. For example, it can be combined into a street sign, a hotel room number, or a phone number like this.

It can also be combined into your ID card number, which represents your existence or non-existence. It can also be combined into a series of numbers on the report. Whether you put them on the left or the right, it is different for a company. Putting them on the left represents assets. , the right side is liabilities, the left side may be accounts receivable, and the right side may be accounts payable. The movement of position can determine the life or death of the company. How wonderful is this?

Zhang Chen wiped the screen of his mobile phone with his fingers. This group of numbers did not become clearer or blurrier, but this group of numbers represented a person and a familiar voice. When he dialed it, He can hear it.

Zhang Chen's hand was on the dial button, but he didn't have the courage to press it. Just like last night, his finger was on the doorbell button of Huijuan's room, but he couldn't press it. When he pressed this button, he could hear What he heard was a familiar voice, and when he pressed that button, he got a hot body. Is it right or wrong?

I have no idea!

Zhang Chen felt as if someone was asking this question. He raised his head and called out, but there was nothing above his head. Except for the pine needles of Masson pine, there was also the blue sky. The blue sky was so blue that it made people feel uncomfortable. Want to cry.

Zhang Chen sighed, lowered his head and hands. He closed his eyes and sat there, as if he was about to fall asleep.

The wind on the top of the mountain blew loudly, messing up the grass and leaves, Zhang Chen's hair, and the collar of his T-shirt that was standing up.

Zhang Chen opened his eyes, picked up his cell phone, found Cao Minfang's number, and dialed it. He said to Cao Minfang:

"Mr. Cao, please make arrangements and see who else needs to have dinner together. Arrange them for tonight. I will return to Hangzhou early tomorrow morning."

"You want to go back to Hangzhou, are you in such a hurry?" Cao Minfang asked.

Zhang Chen was right, there was something going on in the company and he needed to go back immediately.

"Okay, I understand." Cao Minfang said, "If this is the case, then one box cannot be arranged, and two boxes are needed."

"Okay, then you can arrange two private rooms. At worst, we can join the show." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen drove the car and left the Tropical Botanical Garden and went back to the Banmutian Resort Hotel. He turned into the city and reached Renmin Road. Huijuan was not here in the afternoon and went back to the Banmutian Resort Hotel. Zhang Chen asked the boss of the construction team here He and Lu Hong called over and told them the last two areas that needed to be reworked.

After Zhang Chen finished explaining, he asked the boss of the construction team to repeat his requirements, and then asked Lu Hong, do you understand?

Lu Hong said, I understand, Mr. Zhang.

"When the rework is completed, you should check it according to the requirements. If it doesn't work, go back again until it meets the requirements." Zhang Chen and Lu Hong said, and Lu Hong agreed.

Zhang Chen patted the boss of the construction team on the shoulder and said to him: "Brother, don't do wasted work, get it right the first time. Hello, hello, hello. Hello everyone, finish the work early and settle the bill early."

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Zhang." The boss nodded quickly.

Zhang Chen left the hotel and drove along Renmin Road. When he passed a drug store, he thought of something. He got out of the car, walked into the drug store, bought a few band-aids, looked in the rearview mirror, and used the band-aid to cover the Covering some of the purple kiss spots, I put my hand on the band-aid and patted it gently.

Zhang Chen returned to Banmutian Resort Hotel, parked the car, and went directly to Cao Minfang's office. Huijuan was also here. When she saw him coming in, Huijuan blushed slightly and turned her head to the side.

"Ouch, Mr. Zhang, what happened to your neck?" Cao Minfang shouted when she saw the band-aid on Zhang Chen's neck.

Zhang Chen said: "It's okay. I was scratched by a branch at the botanical garden construction site."

Huijuan became anxious upon hearing this and shouted, "Let me see if the wound is deep and whether I should go to the hospital."

As she said this, she came over and wanted to take off Zhang Chen's band-aid to see. Zhang Chen quickly covered the band-aid with his hand, avoided it, and shouted, "It's okay, it's okay, it just hurt a little bit of his skin."

I was thinking that if this was revealed, it would be embarrassing. Cao Minfang would know immediately that there would be no second person who could leave a kiss mark on this neck.

Zhang Chen wasn't the Second Artillery Group, and even the women the Second Artillery Group found would not leave kiss spots on men. They were professionals and would not do such amateurish things.

Zhang Chen saw Huijuan standing there, looking at him with a strange expression. Zhang Chen was afraid that Cao Minfang would notice something strange, so he quickly changed the subject.

Zhang Chen asked Cao Minfang: "Have you made arrangements for the evening?"

"It has been arranged. There are two boxes in total. One is for Xu Lixing and the leader of the base, and the other is for the planning bureau, forestry bureau, and soil management bureau. The boxes are at one end and one at the end. They will not touch each other. arrive."

Cao Minfang said, Zhang Chen nodded.

"You two should also divide your work at night." Cao Minfang, Zhang Chen, and Huijuan said, "Xu Lixing and the leaders of the base don't like and are taboo about having unrelated women together. Huijuan, you don't need to be there." This box appears, you are in charge of another box."

Huijuan said yes.

Cao Minfang and Zhang Chen said: "In Huijuan's box, Mr. Zhang, you just need to show up one by one and say hello, and leave the rest to Huijuan. She can handle them."

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you, Teacher Cao!

"Damn it, you screamed again!" Cao Minfang cursed.

In the evening, Zhang Chen and Cao Minfang were waiting at the door of the hotel. Xu Lixing and Xiao Ding arrived first. Zhang Chen accompanied them upstairs. Cao Minfang continued to stand there. When the leader of the base arrived, Cao Minfang accompanied him up. After being brought into the box, she backed out.

Just after finishing the round of drinks, Cao Minfang walked in, clapped her hands gently, and said to Xu Lixing and others, "Sorry, sorry, leaders, I have something to do with Mr. Zhang and it will take up a few minutes of his time."

Zhang Chen understood. He waved apologetically to Xu Lixing and the others, stood up, and followed Cao Minfang out.

Walking to the corridor, Cao Minfang whispered to him that everyone over there was here.

Zhang Chen followed Cao Minfang into the box. The atmosphere in this box was very different from the one in front. It was very lively. Zhang Chen picked up the cup, gave a toast, and said to them, sorry, sorry, I still have things to deal with over there.

As soon as Zhang Chen finished speaking, someone called out: "Mr. Zhang, go and do your work. Just leave Huijuan behind."

Thank you Jin Sanzhangshi, Xixi Zi, Feng Zhonglie? , Age of Innocence 1122, Zhongkai 727 monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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