The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1372 I am Gong Xue

Zhang Chen still had something to do in Sanya. He did not return to Hangzhou with Xiaofang, He Hongmei and the others. He Hongmei suddenly appeared and left in a hurry.

Zhang Chen has a lot of things to do in Sanya. In the evening, he has to take turns inviting Xiao Ding and Xu Lixing, as well as the leaders of the base, to dinner. In the morning, he has to have morning tea with Jason and Jacques to discuss design matters. During the day, he has to When he went to the Banmutian Hotel on Renmin Road, there were several areas that needed to be reworked. Zhang Chen had to watch them do it himself and even teach them step by step.

Otherwise, returning it will be in vain.

When you talk to these foremen and workers, they all seem to understand it. Zhang Chen also thought they understood it, but looking back, he found that the work was completely messed up, so he had to do it all over again. Zhang Chen tried After two times, I didn’t dare to leave anymore. I simply stayed there and acted as a supervisor myself, watching them do what they did.

He finally understood why Jacques had to be present in person even to lay the floor tiles for the parking lot. The overall construction level in this place was like this, and the supervisors were as fucked up as the construction team. This made Zhang Chen complain endlessly. I had no choice but to return to my old profession as an instructor.

When Zhang Chen left every morning, He Hongmei hadn't gotten up yet. Every night when he came back from socializing, there were a lot of adults and children together. The two of them felt that they didn't have much time alone this time, and neither of them had a good conversation.

We are leaving tomorrow. Tonight, everyone went to Chunyuan Seafood Food Stall for a late-night snack and came back. The two of them took a shower and did not go to bed. Instead, they moved the sofa to the floor-to-ceiling window, turned off the lights in the room, and talked to each other. Sitting there snuggled up, looking at the stars in the garden outside and the dark sea in the distance.

The two people seemed to have a lot to talk about, and they didn't seem to know where to start. They just looked at each other's obscure and mottled face with the help of the light shining in from outside, and touched and kissed each other with their hands from time to time.

Zhang Chen looked at He Hongmei. The waves from the swimming pool outside reflected in and kept changing on He Hongmei's face, making her face sparkling. Zhang Chen felt that He Hongmei was very close at one moment and very far away at the other. He held her hand, and when he felt it was far away, he tightened it, lest she slip away.

He Hongmei felt it, smiled softly, and asked quietly: "What are you doing?"

Zhang Chen told her how he felt. He Hongmei sighed and said, "I think you are the same way."

The two people's bodies were closer, and their heads were touching.

After a while, He Hongmei laughed softly again, and Zhang Chen asked: "Why are you laughing?"

He Hongmei said: "Now even Xiaofang has given up on trying to get us married."

After a pause, Zhang Chen asked: "Yes, why can't we get married?"

He Hongmei stretched out a finger and pressed it on Zhang Chen's lips, indicating that he didn't need to say anything or ask.

He Hongmei turned around and sat on Zhang Chen's lap. The two kissed. Zhang Chen looked outside through He Hongmei's hair. He felt that the whole world in front of him was furry.

Zhang Chen sent them to the airport. In a corner of the airport waiting hall, the Sanya Travel Products Exhibition was being held. The children ran to buy gifts for their families. The three adults lined up to check in. After completing the check-in process, they stood in front of In the passage leading to the security check-in area from the check-in area, we are waiting for them to come back from the south to the north.

"Brother-in-law, you should be nicer to Sister Hongmei." Xiaofang and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei both laughed, and Xiaofang said, I mean it.

Zhang Chen nodded and said yes.

Xiaofang looked at He Hongmei and said, "My sister is gone. In my heart, you are my sister. You should also be nicer to your brother-in-law."

He Hongmei took Xiaofang's hand, shook it, and said, I understand, treasure.

"I'm just a little worried." Xiaofang said. Zhang Chen and He Hongmei both looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

Xiaofang continued: "You two are too smart. Smart people are actually the stupidest. What they are best at doing is torturing each other."

"What nonsense!" He Hongmei scolded.

"Really, look at the instability and turmoil in the entire world. It's not all caused by smart people. Those mediocre people, even if they want to make something happen, don't have that much energy. At most, they can only If you tie explosives to your body, run into a crowd and explode, only smart people will start a world war." Xiaofang said.

"Yao Mei, you've gone too far." He Hongmei smiled.

"Far, not at all. The truth is like this. When a smart person doesn't have the chance to mess with the world, he will mess with himself and the people around him. Both of you have this tendency, especially you, Sister Hongmei."

Xiaofang looked at them and said seriously, holding He Hongmei's hand and echoing for a while.

For three consecutive days, the Ban Mu Tian store on Huaihai Road in Shanghai closed at 9pm, an hour earlier than usual.

Careful people will find that although the store has closed, there are still many people coming in and out. However, the door has been closed. When someone comes in or out, it opens a crack and then closes immediately. Behind the door, It seems like someone is still guarding it.

The self-relocation deadline stipulated in the contract is coming soon. Xiaomi is using the last time to hold a week-long event to give back to VIP customers and private custom customers. The discounts for this event are very fierce, and the whole audience is excited. All are 50% off. You must know that this is not an end-of-season sale, but a product of the current season. In major shopping malls in Shanghai, the lowest discount is still 12% off.

One of the important reasons why we have to make it so mysterious and secretive, and not offer big demolition incentives like other stores, is to thank our VIP customers for their support to Half Acre Field over the years. After the store is demolished, everyone must They will have to wait until two years to meet again. Unless they are VIP customers who have upgraded to private customization, they can go to Jin Mao Tower.

Another reason is that their counters in major shopping malls are still selling normally. You are offering a 50% discount here, and the clothing department manager of the shopping mall is still not scolding you? They could only make it an internal activity.

But because this event allows customers to bring their friends, a lot of people are attracted at once. The time is set from nine to ten o'clock every night, but in fact, Xiaomi and the others have to wait until ten o'clock every night. I don't get off work until about one o'clock.

Every customer who bought clothes and was about to leave held Xiaomi's hand. Everyone knew that this store would be demolished soon, and they felt reluctant to leave.

This store is more than just a shopping place for these VIP customers. Even if they don’t buy anything, they can always come in with their friends when they go to Huaihai Road, go up to the third floor, sit down, and enjoy Nice free coffee and refreshments.

Sometimes, just because they were bored at home, they would come here to sit, drink coffee and tea, and read original fashion magazines. This was a rarity at the time and could not be seen everywhere. , or chatting with other VIP customers who came to the store, going to Lingling Market, feeling that it was no longer boring, and then went home.

Or go ahead and go to a hotel for dinner together.

It can be said that this store has been a part of their lives. Now that it is about to close, it is equivalent to cutting off a corner of their living space, and they feel empty in their hearts.

Many people know that Xiaomi still has private customization, and it will continue in Jinmao Tower, but not every VIP has the ability to become private customization. They can only pretend not to know when weighing their own wallets.

Xiaomi didn't particularly publicize the private customization in front of them. She had to find out the details before attacking accurately, otherwise it would hurt people.

On the third floor of the store, Xiaomi's official office has been moved to Jinmao Building, and now it doubles as a warehouse. The clothes that are to be returned to the factory are packed in boxes and piled in Xiaomi's office.

After the new office was settled in Jinmao Building, Xiaomi couldn't help but really started to find Gong Xue.

Xiaomi asked Xiaoli for the address of Gong Xue's company. Their company is on the forty-sixth floor. Xiaomi and their half-acre farm is on the thirty-fifth floor. There are five to six elevators in the Jinmao Tower office building every ten floors. Elevators are directly accessible. The higher the floor, the greater the number of direct elevators.

Therefore, the elevator to the 46th floor did not stop at the 35th floor. Xiaomi could only go to the first floor first, and then change the elevator to the 46th floor.

Gong Xue's company is not small in scale. They own half of the 46th floor. The glass door of the company is open. When you enter, you will find a front hall. Behind the long front desk, there are two reception ladies. One was on the phone, and the other saw Xiaomi coming in and said to her with a smile:


Xiaomi walked closer, and the other party continued to smile and asked: "Madam, which department do you want to go to?"

Xiaomi said: "I want to inquire about someone."

"Which department does he belong to? Do you know his name?" the other party asked.

Xiaomi shook her head and said, "I don't know which department she is from, but her name is Gong Xue."

When the other party heard this, he smiled and turned to look at the other receptionist. That person had already answered the phone. After hearing Xiaomi's conversation, she came over and said:

"I am Gong Xue, what do you want from me?"

Xiaomi was surprised when she saw the work badge on the young lady's chest. Her name was indeed Gong Xue.

Xiaomi originally planned to go to the front desk and ask if there was a real person named Gong Xue, then go to the front desk to find out who the person was and then quietly withdraw. Unexpectedly, the person who came in and had a head-on confrontation was Gong Xue himself.

This is really embarrassing.

What's the matter? What's the matter? What's the matter with me? I can tell the other party that it's nothing. It's just that you are shopping online, which has aroused the curiosity of many of us. I am just curious to see who you are.

Can it be so two hundred and fifty?

Xiaomi hesitated.

Thank you for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, Doll Tin Soldier, and reading the book every day! Thank you for your monthly votes at around three o'clock in the middle of the night, Tianying 1978, Zeng Ji, and Book Friends 20170225141942997! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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