The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1366 Find it out

Many things in this world are carried out quietly and develop silently when you are not aware of it, just like the water moistening the dry land, like the wind blowing through the treetops in autumn, and the changes are early. It's already started, but you don't even know it.

And you may still be the protagonist of this incident.

Zhang Chen once worried about the demolition of Xiaomi's Shanghai store. After the year, due to the incident in Sanya and the company's personnel and business adjustments, Zhang Chen was so busy that he forgot that there was such a thing. He forgot. But some people have not forgotten, and the world has not forgotten. Xiaomi called him and said, Mr. Zhang, our place has decided to be demolished, and the district wants you to come over immediately to discuss it.

Zhang Chen was taken aback and asked, is it true? It's not hearsay?

"No, no, the word "DEMOLITION" has been painted on our outside, and the demolition notice has also been sent." Xiaomi said.

Are the words "split" painted on the outside? Zhang Chen couldn't imagine what it would be like to draw a big red circle on his white heavenly book, and then write a big red word "demolition" inside. If the Chinese people hadn't been accustomed to the large-scale demolition in various places, they would have long been accustomed to it. I have long been accustomed to this word, and it is really a "heavenly book" that people cannot understand.

After hanging up the phone on Xiaomi, Zhang Chen immediately called his uncle and asked him if this was the case and why he wanted to dismantle it.

My uncle told Zhang Chen that he knew that there was a section of Huaihai Road that was going to be demolished. He didn’t know if it was Zhang Chen’s specialty store. He told Zhang Chen that when it happened, he would call and ask and then tell Zhang Chen. .

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you uncle.

Ten minutes later, my uncle called me. He told Zhang Chen that this was indeed the case. You were the largest account in that area and also the most difficult account to deal with.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "No one has ever contacted me, how do you know that I am the most difficult account to open?"

"I told them, I said that you, the Zhejiang boss, are not easy to talk to and have a backer, Mr. Zhang. At this time, of course you have to be difficult. Or are you not easy to talk to and know how to cut?" My uncle said, "On Huaihai Road, They are all public housing, right? If the city government wants to demolish it, it’s not a big deal. The only difference is that it’s a private house or the largest one. Do you know how to demolish it?”

Zhang Chen understood what his uncle meant and knew that he was setting off a smoke screen for him. He said yes, thank you uncle!

"The demolition of this place is not to be used for other purposes. It is also to build the Ganghui Building for real estate owners. What are you so polite about? It's all business, so let's talk about it. It's not just a cool thing." My uncle was afraid that Zhang Chen would still return the favor. I didn’t understand, so I explained it again.

Zhang Chen said okay, I understand.

After hanging up the phone with his uncle, Zhang Chen immediately called Liu Ligan and told him about the matter. Liu Ligan said, "I'll be right over" and hung up the phone.

After a while, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen appeared in Zhang Chen's office at the same time.

Zhang Chen told them his uncle's phone number again. Liu Ligan said that they were already starting to take action. The matter was already a certainty. They were bound to win. Uncle was right. This was not a sentence. Oh, it's just refreshing.

"Old rules, you should step aside, Zhenzhen and I will come in." Liu Ligan said to Zhang Chen.

"You are now a group here. Go and print the business card of the vice president of the group for me." Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen immediately opened Photoshop on the computer, called up the template of their company's business card, replaced the name and mobile phone number on it with Tan Shuzhen's, and then called Xiao Sheng over and asked him to go to the printing shop that printed their business cards. Expedited.

"When do you want it?" Xiao Sheng asked.

"It's coming tonight. If you get the phone number on your business card, give me the phone number and I'll tell you where to send it." Tan Shuzhen said to Xiao Sheng, and Xiao Sheng agreed.

"We will leave early tomorrow morning." Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen said, "Also, if I call you and tell you that you are in a meeting, you will curse without saying a word. You can curse anything, and hang up the phone after you finish." If I hit you again, don’t answer."

"What?" Zhang Chen asked.

"You're just a sidekick. Don't you know what you're doing?" Tan Shuzhen asked. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both laughed, and Zhang Chen shook his head.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen left. Zhang Chen sat there alone, thinking blankly. He didn't expect that this was really the case. Last year, there was no Beijing specialty store. When there was no Beijing specialty store, he still felt that Shanghai and Beijing were different. It’s different. Shanghai is my own house, so what’s the difference in my fate?

He even thought that when he bought this store, he thought that after it belonged to him, he could open a century-old store. Unexpectedly, it didn't even last ten years, and the factory, that is, the church, soon... No more, now back to the specialty store.

Zhang Chen thought again that when the wheel of the times rolls over, the power of an individual is actually very little.

He has thought about this ending and heard about this rumor, so it is not as sudden as it was in Beijing, nor as sad as when the Beijing store was withdrawn, but he feels that another branch of his roots has been cut off, and that feeling is real. Here I am.

Zhang Chen even felt that it was like a castle he had built, which was being eroded and demolished bit by bit. The person who demolished it even felt that there was no need to ask him first. In the eyes of many people, he seemed They are Boss Zhang and President Zhang, but in the eyes of others, they are still just ordinary people, ordinary people, ugh! Don’t discuss important matters!

Even the negotiations had to be done by Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan on his behalf, as well as design and acting. Otherwise, he would have no leverage at all.

Just like the demolition of Sanbao Factory and the acquisition of land in Gaosha Village, if Zhang Chen were to do it by himself, he might not care about anything, and he might even get praise and affirmation from the demolition office. He's honorable, but what about other than that? Who would really take you seriously?

You are a piece of shit. Zhang Chen told himself.

No one will help you fight for the money you lose or underpay. No one will consider your interests just because you are upright, and they will only laugh secretly.

Only when Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen did those bullshit things that made you displeased were your interests guaranteed.

My uncle is right, it is all business. The factory in Sanbao was demolished and eventually turned into real estate land. In the hands of real estate developers, they built houses and sold them. Whether it is land or houses, it will not be because of Your high moral character is worth a dime.

The same goes for land in Shanghai. Eventually it will be in the hands of real estate developers and turned into houses, which will also be sold or rented at high prices. It will not be cheaper because of your high moral integrity.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Chen felt that he was not even good at all. Most of the time, he was just an inappropriate idiot.

When Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen arrived in Shanghai, it was around nine o'clock in the morning. The two of them first went to Ban Mu Tian's store on Huaihai Road. They saw it from a distance. Sure enough, Huaihai Road was on this side. The houses have a big word "demolish" written on them, and a large eye-catching red circle is also drawn on the piece of heavenly script in front of the Ban Mu Tian store, surrounding the word "demolish".

"So damn ugly!" Liu Ligan cursed.

The two people walked in, went up to the third floor, and walked into Xiaomi's office. When Xiaomi saw them coming, she quickly stood up. She handed a demolition notice on the table to Liu Ligan, who looked at the signature. , is the "Luwan District Huaihai Road Ganghui Building Project Headquarters." Liu Ligan understood that it was actually sent by the Luwan District Land Acquisition and Storage Center.

At that time, the land acquisition and storage centers in various places were weird. They performed the administrative functions of demolition and land acquisition on behalf of local governments and monopolized the primary land market. However, in actual operations, they were completely market-oriented and corporate. I also know that my credibility is not that strong, so I often do things like this.

Tan Shuzhen said to Xiaomi, "Please make an appointment at two o'clock in the afternoon."

Xiaomi agreed, and after making a phone call, he told them that they were in the conference room of the Luwan District Government.

Tan Shuzhen nodded, they sat for a while, and their uncle arrived. He told them that the developer of this project was Hong Kong's Sun Hung Kai Properties, which cooperated with a local real estate company in Shanghai, because it was the Shanghai Municipal Government that went to Hong Kong to attract investment. The contract was signed at the time, so this project has become a key project in Luwan District.

Hong Kong people, you also know that Huahua has a lot of guts. He said he wanted to build the brightest commercial pearl on Huaihai Road, but in fact it was just a gimmick. Mr. Liu, you can do it too.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen laughed and understood.

They know that, in other words, this land will have to set a lot of conditions and conduct targeted bidding to exclude other companies.

As usual, for such projects, the money for land acquisition and compensation is paid by these two companies. The Land Acquisition and Storage Center helps them come forward. When the land passes from their hands, they charge a lump sum of money. To put it bluntly, Cooperation between government and business is, to put it bluntly, a form of collusion.

While they were having lunch together, a call came to my uncle. After answering the phone, his uncle told Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen that the afternoon meeting was attended by a deputy district chief of Luwan District, who was responsible for coordination, and The director of the district land acquisition and storage center, representatives of the two real estate companies, and lawyers were also brought along.

Tan Shuzhen nodded and said yes, thank you uncle.

The two o'clock meeting was agreed upon, so Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen deliberately delayed their arrival until 2:10. When they arrived, eight or nine people were already sitting in the conference room, waiting for them.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen coming in, especially Tan Shuzhen. There were few women in this industry, and even fewer beautiful women like Tan Shuzhen.

As soon as Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan sat down, before the host of the meeting introduced the people attending today's meeting, Tan Shuzhen glanced at the attendees with a cold face, and asked: "Who is the lawyer?"

Tan Shuzhen started to get angry at this time, and she deliberately chose the time. You can't wait until someone introduces the deputy district chief before getting angry. That would be too rude to the deputy district chief. If you get angry now, no one will know about it. I will know it later. Apologize, the effect you want is achieved, but the damage is also controlled.

Sure enough, this woman had a seizure as soon as she came in. Everyone was stunned for a moment. Sitting opposite, a man in his thirties at the very edge said, "I am."

Tan Shuzhen looked at him and asked aggressively:

"Are you a lawyer? Which country's law did you study? Has our store been expropriated? Has a demolition agreement been signed? Don't you know that it is our company's property and our legal business place? Who? Give you the right to write the word 'demolished' with paint on our houses?

"Legally, this should be classified as intentional damage to public and private property, right? Do you know how much impact the word 'demolish' will have on our business? Who will bear the loss? This is intentional interference under the provisions of the Company Law and Civil Law. And disrupt the company’s normal business activities, right?”

Some people muttered, "It's not your family, that part has been written."

"So what if you write them all? Even if you write all the houses in Shanghai, you can't change the fact that it's illegal or the fact that it disrupts our normal business activities."

Tan Shuzhen looked at the person who was speaking and said, the person immediately shrank back, and someone quickly came to the rescue and said:

"No, no, you may have misunderstood. It is also customary to write the word 'demilitarize' there. Isn't this because you are afraid that people who don't know the truth will misunderstand and rent a house there? This kind of thing has really happened before. It is obviously necessary to It was demolished and the house was rented to others.”

"So what, lawyer, you can tell him that there is no minimum period for renting out a house legally. I just rent it out for an hour. As long as someone rents it, it is legal. I tell you clearly that without our consent, no matter who does it Yes, this just won’t work.”

As Tan Shuzhen spoke, she glanced at the entire conference room again. She saw that the person sitting at the head of the conference table must be the deputy district chief. His face was expressionless and he just looked at her with interest. The person opposite him was expressionless. When people were waiting in line, her face became uglier. Tan Shuzhen was secretly happy in her heart. This was exactly the result she wanted. Tan Shuzhen continued:

"Isn't this the conference room of the district government? Hasn't the central government always emphasized the need to govern the country according to law? Well, let's deal with this matter first today and clarify the rights and wrongs of this matter."

The people attending the meeting looked at each other, their scalps were numb. They felt that it would be difficult to do this today. Let's figure it out. When will it be done? Everyone was talking about this matter. It's not in court, nor There is no judge at the scene, is that clear?

It seems that the rumors are right, this Zhejiang boss is indeed difficult to deal with.

Thank you to the fish-eating brother, who ranks third from top for the tip! Thank you book friend 20180906223204934 for your monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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