The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1358 Who to share with (Thank you book friend 854***999!)

Chapter 1358 Who to share with (Thank you book friend 854999!)

On the first day of work, Xiaoding sent a report to the Provincial Oceanographic Bureau requesting the allocation of 500 acres of sea area as the Sanya World Tropical Botanical Garden (tentative name) project for future expansion of the Tropical Marine Life Museum. The Sanya Municipal Government and Zhang Chen’s company have drafted an agreement to jointly build the Sanya World Tropical Botanical Garden (tentative name).

The Tropical Marine Life Museum was an idea that Xiao Ding came up with on the spur of the moment when he reported to the Provincial Oceanographic Bureau. When he thought about it, he thought it was great. He told Zhang Chen his idea and told him that with this Haiyu, Mr. Zhang, you should really consider building a marine life museum. The original one in Sanya is already outdated. Who would be interested in specimen display anymore?

Zhang Chen also thinks that Xiao Ding’s idea is good.

Zhang Chen read the agreement drafted by Xiao Ding and thought there was no problem. On the same day, accompanied by Xiao Ding, he went to the Sanya Industrial and Commercial Bureau to apply for pre-approval registration of the name of Sanya World Tropical Botanical Garden Co., Ltd.

Xiao Ding took Zhang Chen directly to the office of the Director of Industry and Commerce. He handled special matters and sent the pre-approval notice to Zhang Chen on the spot, so that Zhang Chen could open a bank account and engrave the official seal.

Sanya World Tropical Botanical Garden Co., Ltd. is composed of two shareholders, one is Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd., and the other is Sanya Banmutian Resort Hotel. After getting the capital verification account from the bank, Zhang Chen asked Zhao Jingjing to invest 100 million The registered capital was transferred in the names of Zhejiang Banmutian Clothing Co., Ltd. and Sanya Banmutian Resort Hotel.

The construction of the World Tropical Botanical Garden is a major event and a big project for the Sanya Municipal Government. On the day he went to work, the mayor arranged to hold a mayor's office meeting to discuss Xu Lixing's proposal to allocate the entire hilltop to the Tropical Botanical Garden to facilitate subsequent construction. , also discussed their agreement with Zhang Chen, determined that special matters would be dealt with, and the signing ceremony would be held the day after tomorrow, which is the tenth day of the lunar month.

While the meeting was in progress, Xu Lixing received a call from Xiao Ding, telling him that the industrial and commercial bureau had completed the process, the bank account had been opened, and Mr. Zhang's registered capital of 100 million had been paid out today.

Xu Lixing immediately reported the matter to the mayor, and everyone in the conference room became excited. They felt that this company was good, not irritating, and acted vigorously and resolutely. It looked like someone who was doing big things, and it was also truly powerful. With 100 million, at that time Not a small amount of money.

Everyone feels that by handing over the project to such a company, they can rest assured that it will not end up being unfinished or a fishing project like some projects. In the end, their municipal government will need to come forward to wipe their butts for them.

Therefore, Xu Lixing's proposal to appropriately expand the mountain area of ​​the project to facilitate subsequent construction was quickly approved.

On the afternoon of the next day, Xiao Zheng led a deputy director of the Provincial Oceanic Bureau to Sanya, and brought the Provincial Oceanic Bureau to the Sanya Municipal Government, approving their application report, along with a letter agreeing to allocate it to On the 500-acre sea map used by the World Tropical Botanical Garden, every point that the line passes through is clearly marked with longitude and latitude.

On February 18, 2005, the tenth day of the lunar month, which was also the afternoon of Friday, both parties attended the signing ceremony. The mayor of Sanya City and Zhang Chen signed the agreement respectively. The deputy of the Provincial Oceanographic Bureau The director, as well as the leaders of the Yulin base, also attended the signing ceremony. Such a large project in Sanya is inseparable from the support of the army.

Lao Tan also made an agreement with his old leaders that when this project starts to be built, it will be a joint construction project between the military and civilians, and the base will provide strong support in terms of manpower and material transportation.

The signing ceremony was held at Banmutian Resort Hotel, and in the evening, a celebration dinner was held at Banmutian Resort Hotel.

The dinner was the same as Zhang Chen's during the Spring Festival. It was not placed in a private room or in the lobby. Zhang Chen asked Cao Minfang to place it in the conference room, so that everyone could gather together to appear lively, but it was also separated from other guests.

Xu Lixing was very happy on this day. After all, he was in charge of the field. How could he be unhappy when such a big project was launched? The other leaders had all left after eating, and there were only four of him, Xiao Ding, Lao Tan, and Zhang Chen. Still sitting there.

Xiao Ding is a knowledgeable person. When he saw this situation, he made an excuse that Cao Minfang came to see him for something, and he walked away and went to Cao Minfang's office.

As soon as Xiao Ding left, the remaining three people, Lao Tan said, Zhang Chen is his little brother, and also your Xu Lixing's little brother. Come on, we have no mayor or boss Zhang here today. It's just three brothers getting together, having a good drink, and having a good chat.

The three people raised their glasses, clinked them, and drank. What they said next was of a personal nature. Putting aside the official words and clichés, Xu Lixing said to Lao Tan, "Come on, Lao Tan, I need to clean my ears. It's time." You lectured.

He explained to Zhang Chen that when we were together before, I just liked to listen to Lao Tan's lectures. As a person, there are not many people who can convince me, but I admire Lao Tan and I like to listen to his lectures.

"What you're saying is just the truth." Lao Tan said, "As leaders, you are used to hearing compliments from others. You really think that you are right every day and wise all the time. I, Lao Tan, don't fall into this trap. I don’t need to buy your fault, I don’t buy your fault, and you can’t do anything to me, right? I just told a few more truths.”

"See, it's coming."

Xu Lixing and Zhang Chen laughed. Zhang Chen looked at him and Lao Tan and thought of himself and Li Yong. Their relationship is probably the same. They both started from nothing together. After so many years, Their relationship with each other has been established, and there is no need for anyone to compliment the other. No matter how your identity and position change, this will not change.

Xu Lixing and Lao Tan said: "Come on, go on, don't you understand me? Then say a few more words to me to make me happy."

Lao Tan looked at Xu Lixing and said to him:

"You want to say? Okay, then I will tell you. Let me remind you, don't think that the sky is high in Sanya and the emperor is far away, and you can reach out randomly. In today's society, just looking at it will make people dizzy. There are too many temptations and no concentration. If it really doesn’t work, I just hope you can control your hands. As a leader, if you can’t control your mouth, you will offend others at most. If you can’t control your hands, it will violate party discipline and state law. Don’t think you can escape.”

"That's not possible." Xu Lixing said, "Don't worry, Lao Tan. At my age, I don't want anything else. I just want everything to go smoothly until retirement and live a stable life. Those messy things cannot and cannot be done." Dare to do it, Lao Tan, you understand me and Xu Lixing. There are three brothers in our family, the eldest and the second have not read any books, so the whole family supported me to go to college alone.

"Even though I can't do much good to them now, speaking of it, the deputy mayor always has a bright face. If something happens to me, let alone other things, my family will collapse. Lao Tan, you also know that we Hainanese, we Hainanese attach great importance to family, I don’t just earn face for myself, I also want to earn face for them.”

Lao Tan nodded and said, "If you think so, then I feel relieved. In fact, when I went to your house for dinner that day and saw that my siblings were still the same, I was half relieved."

"Really?" Xu Lixing laughed, "Isn't my wife nice? When I was in Baoting, she was a farm employee. She planted rubber and cut rubber every day. She never made any demands on me, and she never said that I had become an official. , we have to move her too.

"At that time, when Lao Tan came to our house, she was like this. Now in Sanya, she is working as an ordinary manager at the farmer's market, taking care of the vendors every day. Is it still the same as before?"

Lao Tan said that he was right, that's why I felt relieved. For those of you who are leaders, if you do bad things, half of them will happen to your wives. To tell you the truth, Xu Lixing, I saw the families of those cadres putting themselves to death. By acting like a lady, I know that something will happen to this person sooner or later, and the person who does the bad things is usually the lady's wife.

Xu Lixing laughed and said, "Old Tan, you are good, but think about it, this is really the case. It seems that in the future, the Discipline Inspection Commission will only need to look at his wife first to review cadres."

The three of them chatted and laughed, eating and drinking until after ten o'clock. Xiao Ding came a few times, sat for a while and then left. Finally, he came in and accompanied Xu Lixing home.

Before Xu Lixing left, he told Lao Tan and Zhang Chen that today was really fun. Lao Tan and the others, I can't drink so much, and I don't dare to drink. I still have my wife to go through when I get home. Well, with you, Lao Tan, there will be nothing to worry about and everything will be easy.

After seeing off Xu Lixing and Xiao Ding, Zhang Chen and Lao Tan sat in the lobby bar for a while and drank tea. Lao Tan asked Zhang Chen what he was going to do next. Zhang Chen said, I want to set up an expert group immediately. , let them give expert opinions first, and then ask Jacques and Jason to come over and start planning the entire project. Jacques should be good at doing this.

Lao Tan is right, expert groups are most needed. How to plan, which plants and birds to introduce, including in the botanical garden, and how to distribute these plants, all need expert opinions. We can't mess around, let alone useless efforts. By the way, Experts should not only be invited from China, but also from abroad. They are more familiar with the external situation.

Zhang Chen is right, I think so too.

Lao Tan thought for a while, and he told Zhang Chen, you call Jason, their company has done many projects in Singapore, and they should be in contact with the University of Singapore to see if they can help introduce it to you.

Zhang Chen said yes.

The two went upstairs, and Zhang Chen returned to his room. He took out the agreement from his bag and read it again. In the agreement, the area of ​​the entire World Tropical Botanical Garden is 500 acres of sea and 1,280 acres of land. Fifteen point three acres, 4164 point eight acres of mountainous land, such a large piece of land will be your own world from now on, and you can make a lot of achievements.

Zhang Chen became excited when he thought about it like this. He quickly took out his phone, found Xiao Zhao's number and was about to dial it. In the past, when he signed every project, the first thing he would do was When Xiao Zhao received a call about this matter, he would definitely shout on the phone:

"Really, honey, that would be great!"

When Zhang Chen was about to make a call, he realized that Xiao Zhao was no longer there. Zhang Chen stared at Xiao Zhao's number for a while and sighed.

He found He Hongmei's phone number again. He stared at the number on the screen, but hesitated. He didn't know what he should say to He Hongmei after the call went through. He didn't know what He Hongmei would say when he received the call.

Zhang Chen sighed again. He put his phone on the sofa next to him, feeling a little disappointed.

He took the agreement and read it again, then put it down, picked up the phone next to him, found Liu Ligan's number, and dialed it. The phone rang twice and was connected. Zhang Chen and the person on the phone Say, Pole, I have signed the agreement here.

"Great, Zhang Chen, so you are the landlord of Sanya, ready to dominate the mountain and become the king?" Liu Ligan shouted on the phone.

Thank you book friend 854***999 for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for your monthly ticket, Wooden Man! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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