In Hangzhou in August, the sun is blazing and the heat is unbearable. August in the Gregorian calendar is also June in the lunar calendar. As the saying goes, if a good man doesn't make money in June, he just dislikes the weather in August. At this time, you still want to Running around outside shows that your life is not very good.

There is also a folk custom that you have to weigh yourself once at the beginning of summer, and again at the beginning of autumn. If your weight is light, it means that you have had a bitter summer. On the day of the beginning of autumn, you have to eat and drink wildly, commonly known as If you can't even put on autumn fat, then you will basically have a miserable year.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan didn't know whether they were heroes or not. Anyway, in August, they were very busy, even busier than July.

For many industries, summer is a nasty season when they need to slow down and avoid high temperatures, but for the construction industry, it is a rare good season. The cast-in-place girders and floor slabs are poured in the morning and have dried by noon. When you apply putty indoors, you are still scraping the back, and the front has already dried. After scraping the back, you can polish the front, and in the evening, you can paint or paint the wall.

For them, this is the most productive season.

What's more, in the real estate industry, there is also a saying that the next September and October will be their peak sales season. With the promulgation of "State Council Document No. 18" on August 12, the entire real estate industry is like eating. It was like taking an aphrodisiac and suddenly became excited. Everyone felt that this year's Golden Nine and Silver Ten were particularly worth looking forward to.

Many of Liu Ligan's projects across the country have to make progress in August and strive to launch in September and October. Nowadays, the supervision of the real estate industry in various places is becoming more and more strict. Blocking the project is not allowed, but your property has not been built. It is not possible to open the market in advance according to the prescribed progress.

In addition, Lao Tan is getting married in September, and Liu Ligan always gives him some time to prepare. For many things, Liu Ligan will do it himself and let Lao Tan retreat.

When they arrived at Zhang Chen's place, in August, they first had to face the problem of insufficient power supply. Although he had already used connections to change the original circuit in the factory from Gaosha Village to Xiasha Economic Development Zone, it was relatively simple. It is said that the number of power outages is much less than that in Gaosha Village, but it is still insufficient and power rationing is required from time to time.

The main reason is that in the past two years, as a large number of new buildings have been put into use, the number of air conditioners used in Hangzhou residents' homes has increased significantly, which has made Hangzhou's electricity consumption suddenly tense.

Between developing the economy and ensuring people's livelihood, the Hangzhou City Government of course prioritizes people's livelihood. In addition to stipulating that the air conditioners in all large shopping malls, public facilities and government institutions must not be lower than 25 degrees, the lights beside the West Lake at night The show also stopped, and the lights in the sky of Gemstone Mountain and Gushan dimmed.

However, it still cannot make up for the huge power gap. We can only limit the power consumption of industrial enterprises during the peak period of electricity consumption, and implement one-stop power supply during the day.

The problem is that in August, Zhang Chen and his colleagues are at their busiest time for production. Domestic sales have to start stocking up on autumn and winter clothing, and exports are about to start shipping autumn and winter clothing. If the supply is off, many of their orders will not be able to be filled. If it is completed on time, not only will it face huge claims, but there will also be a risk of losing a large number of customers.

Zhang Chen discussed with the development zone management committee, and the management committee was also very considerate of their company's difficulties. Finally, the two parties reached an agreement that Zhang Chen and the others could not have a day off, but they had to adjust their working hours to ten o'clock in the evening. , to 8 o'clock the next morning to avoid the peak period of electricity consumption.

In this way, Zhang Chen was upstairs in the dynamic zone during the day. Xiao Zhao was gone and he had to be away. Many financial matters had to be decided and handled by him. In the middle of the night, he often needed to go to Xiasha Factory to take a look. Many times, he simply He took a mat, spread it on the floor of the office and slept. At dawn, when the workers were about to get off work, he took a shower and went to the company.

If something happened in the middle, Zhao Zhigang would come and wake him up.

This August, he had no time to immerse himself in the sadness of remembering Xiao Zhao, nor did he have time to chat with He Hongmei online or on the phone.

He Hongmei is also very busy. Her cooperation with Zhang Yimou has been confirmed. It is a martial arts film in ancient costume. She goes to Beitu every day to collect a lot of background information. In addition to making the costumes of the entire film extremely gorgeous, She also wanted to keep the details meticulous and true, so she wanted to come up with a plan herself first, then bring it to Hangcheng and ask Zhang Chen to help revise it.

"That way I can stay in Hangzhou for a while longer."

He Hongmei said that in order to complete the cooperation project with Zhang Yimou, she had asked Wenwen to reject all other projects, at least until this project was completed.

It's not that this project can bring her more income, but she feels that she must do one thing seriously and not just hang around in those bad movies all the time.

In the evening, Liu Ligan returned to the upstairs of the dynamic zone. He walked into Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen asked him, had all Brother Tan's invitations been sent out?

Liu Ligan nodded and said, Tan Shuzhen and the others sent it away.

The two sat for a while and were about to go out for dinner. Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. He picked it up. It was Yao Fen. Yao Fen asked anxiously:

"Mr. Zhang, have you seen Xiaoshu? His mobile phone has been turned off all day."

"If it's not at school, it should be at Zhao Xin's place." Zhang Chen said.

"No, I have searched both places and there is no one there," Yao Fen said.

Zhang Chen looked at his watch and said, "At this time, he may have gone home. I'll call back and ask."

"Okay." Yao Fen said and hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen called home, and his mother answered the phone. Zhang Chen asked, has Xiaoshu come back?

"Little tree? No, I haven't seen anyone for several days. They said they were painting something. What happened to little tree?" Zhang Chen's mother asked.

Zhang Chen said it was okay. His phone probably ran out of battery and couldn't get through. I couldn't find him if I wanted to see him. Could he be at his parents' place?

"No, his mother is here with me, and she has never seen Xiaoshu." Zhang Chen's mother asked, "Chenchen, is Xiaoshu okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. What could happen to such an old man? I'll look for it elsewhere." After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone to save his mother from asking further questions.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chen thought for a while. He remembered what Xiaoshu said to him when he sent Xiaofang to Shanghai Pudong Airport that day. Zhang Chen dialed Yao Fen's number and told her that she was not at home.

"Yao Fen, Xiaoshu said that he was painting in a very quiet place. Do you know this place?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Oh, it's my place. Xiaoshu is painting here. Last night, after the painting was completed, he cried all night. I went to work in the morning and saw him falling asleep on the sofa, so I didn't call him. When I came back, I found that he was gone," Yao Fen said.

"You said Xiaoshu cried all night. Why did he cry?" Zhang Chen asked in surprise.

"Mr. Zhang, you'll know when you come over and take a look." Yao Fen said.

"Okay, I'll be right over."

Zhang Chen quickly hung up the phone, stood up, and Liu Ligan followed him out.

Yao Fen's home is in Qianjiang New Town, in the "Splendid Qianjiang" community developed by Liu Ligan and his family. The community has only been completed for half a year, but Qianjiang New Town has slowly become popular, and the crescent-shaped Hangzhou Grand Theater has been completed. , the new city government building and the Universal Convention Center have also begun construction.

One-third of the people in this community have not yet moved in, and one-third of the people will never move in. They bought this place with the intention of using it for speculation.

The one-third who can't wait to move in are those who really need housing. They can't wait any longer, and they don't care that the garden of the community is still being carefully carved. colored tiles.

Yao Fen's home is in the innermost row of "Splendid Qianjiang". It is also the only loft apartment in this community. The developer has uniformly decorated it. The selling point is that you can move in with your bags. After it was assigned to Yao Fen, she immediately separated from her parents. Home, just pack your bags and move in here.

Although the community is new, the trees block out the sky and the sun. These tall camphor trees were collected by Liu Ligan from the countryside below. This is their first real estate in Qianjiang New City. The quality here will determine the ones that follow them. The selling price of the real estate, so Liu Ligan took advantage of the snacks.

The road in the community is a winding stone road, running through the tall trees, giving the impression of a winding path leading to a quiet place. When they arrived, it was almost dark, and there was a sound of cicadas above their heads. People think it is noisy, but it will bring a kind of tranquility to people.

Xiaoshu said that he was painting in a quiet place. Zhang Chen felt that this place was indeed quiet enough. The newly built road outside was not even accessible by buses, and there were few people on the road.

They arrived at the fifth floor. As soon as they walked out of the elevator hall and walked into the corridor, a door opened and Yao Fen walked out. It seemed that she had been listening to the sound of the elevator with her ears bent. When the elevator arrived, she knew they were there. Already arrived, welcomed out.

Zhang Chen, Liu Ligan and Yao Fen walked into the room while talking. As soon as they walked in, they couldn't help but fell silent.

They saw that in the room and in the atrium of the living room directly connected to the second floor, there was an oil painting that was nearly three meters high and one meter wide. Although the indoor space was too small and they could not step back to appreciate the full picture of the painting, the picture was The momentum conveyed still calmed them all at once.

They saw that the entire painting was of Xiao Zhao's head. It was so detailed that even the brushstrokes could not be seen. The faint blue veins under the skin of Xiao Zhao's neck and the lines on his lips were clearly visible. The halo-like fine fuzz, standing here, seems to allow people to hear Xiao Zhao's paused breathing and alert nose.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but wanted to reach out and touch him, but he retracted his hand. Xiao Zhao on the screen was staring blankly into the distance. There was a trace of panic in her eyes, as if she didn't know what was going to happen. The inexplicable unknown made her feel horrified. It was this inexplicable unknown that made her hold her breath and wait.

Behind Xiao Zhao was a man's back. Zhang Chen could see it. It was a sad version of himself. Although it was just a back view, he could see that he was trembling all over and feeling inexplicable grief, just like when he was at the airport, looking at He Hongmei's back. , as if there were tears hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"Zhang Chen, what I feel is really unreal? Why do I feel so scared and want to cry?"

Liu Ligan said and turned to look at Zhang Chen, only to find that he was already in tears.

Thank you to Vampire Knife Repair, Doll Tin Soldier, and Ri Ri Shu Shu for your rewards! Thank you to Nagging Lao Dao, Daqiang 666, Book Friends 20200318232956519, Qidian Activities, Gu Xiaoqiuqiu, Zhongkai 727, and Mo Shuilan for your monthly passes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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