The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1321 Can’t be wronged

The entrance ceremony was held at 10 o'clock in the morning the next day. The CEO of Parkson Shopping Center and the manager of the clothing department all knew about Xiao Zhao. After seeing Zhang Chen, they all expressed their reluctance to part with Xiao Zhao's experience.

Sun Hou and Huang Jianren knew that Zhang Chen had arrived in Beijing, so they came all the way from Tianjin and brought flower baskets to attend their entrance ceremony.

The whole ceremony was very brief and ended in five or six minutes. The consumers gathered at the door went in, and Ban Mu Tian's counter in Parkson Shopping Center officially opened for business.

Zhang Chen looked at the crowds coming in and out, and the business place that was only one-twentieth the size of their own store, but he was a little dazed. What he thought was that for such a small project, Xiao Zhao had paid so much The cost of life.

At noon, Sun Hou and the others invited Zhang Chen and He Hongmei to have a meal together. After the meal, Sun Hou and the others had other things to do in the trip and needed to drive back to Tianjin.

Zhang Chen was supposed to go to Parkson to see how things were going after it opened, but he didn't want to go and said to He Hongmei, "Let's go and see your studio."

"What's there to see? Isn't it just a small clothing workshop that you haven't seen yet? Do you want to see my boudoir?" He Hongmei asked.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Okay, let's go see your boudoir."

The two people got in the car and drove towards Changping for nearly an hour. He Hongmei and Zhang Chen said, further ahead is Badaling. Do you want to climb the Great Wall?

Zhang Chen said he didn't want to, and he started laughing. He Hongmei asked, "Why are you laughing?"

Zhang Chen said: "At the end of last year's fashion show, I also thought about holding it once a year. Originally, I wanted to hold it on the Great Wall this year, and then I would go to Sanya and Chen Qihang's casinos in Macau."

"Okay, this is a good idea, why not continue?" He Hongmei said.

"Didn't I tell you that the energy is gone and I can't be ruthless? Without the ruthlessness, I can't hold a fashion show. Think about it, we were able to put on such a big show in such a short time last year. Oh, how ruthless we were at that time, do you still remember that Mr. Li was forced by us to work as a weaver in the workshop?"

As Zhang Chen said, He Hongmei stretched out a hand and held his hand.

"We're here, just go into the community in front."

He Hongmei said that Zhang Chen saw a villa area appearing not far ahead, and it was here that He Hongmei bought a villa as her current studio.

The villas here are different from the Peach Blossom Spring in that they are squarely planned. Each villa and its garden are separated by wrought iron railings, so that everyone can stay in the same place.

The courtyard door outside the villa was closed, He Hongmei honked the horn, and Qianqian ran over from the villa and opened the door.

Qianqian tilted her head and looked at Zhang Chen sitting in the passenger seat. She waved to him and ran over here. He Hongmei stopped the car. As soon as Zhang Chen got out of the car, Qianqian called Mr. Zhang, "Hello, Mr. Zhang." She reached out and took his arm.

Wenwen came out of the villa and shouted when she saw them: "Mr. Zhang!"

Wenwen also ran over, took Zhang Chen's other arm, and rubbed Zhang Chen together.

He Hongmei looked at them and laughed and cursed: "The two damn things are going crazy again. He is not a pole."

Wenwen shouted: "I know, I know, I promise not to use up my dear."

He Hongmei scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You two have not returned home all night, are you two alone and talking about your ideals?" Wenwen said, "If this is the case, you can't bear it, but I can't. I'm going to take action."

Qianqian laughed, Zhang Chen and He Hongmei both blushed at Wenwen's comments. Wenwen looked at them and said: "Look, I was right, this is normal, otherwise you two wouldn't have Sickness is non-humanity.”

Neither Zhang Chen nor He Hongmei dared to answer. They knew that if they did, they would be afraid that this crazy girl would have more to say, so they simply remained silent.

Wenwen and Qianqian walked to the door of the villa with Zhang Chen between them, and then let him go. He Hongmei and Qianqian said, "Take Master around, he wants to inspect our studio."

"You can put a fart on your head and still have to inspect it?" Wenwen said, "Compared with Mr. Zhang's factory that can fly airplanes, this place is not as big as your workshop."

Zhang Chen said: "Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. It is not the same."

Wenwen wanted to say something else, but He Hongmei slapped her on the butt and scolded: "It's none of your business, just go about your business."

Wenwen got close to He Hongmei and sniffed. He Hongmei looked at her and said, "You smell like Mr. Zhang."

He Hongmei's face turned red and she stretched out her hand to hit her. She ran away with a smile. Zhang Chen smiled and said, with her here, you will never be lonely, right?

"Not only will I not be lonely." He Hongmei said, "This lunatic, we went to Tiananmen Square to watch the flag raising that day, and the soldiers were walking in such a goose-step, she must chase after them and shout, Handsome boy, handsome boy, are you from Zhejiang? I am from Zhejiang, yes No handsome guy from Zhejiang can be my boyfriend?"

Zhang Chen and Qianqian laughed, and Qianqian said: "I saw some soldiers who couldn't hold it in anymore and were about to laugh."

He Hongmei's villa has been fully utilized. The garage is used as a warehouse, and the car can only be parked in the yard. The basement is used as a bathroom and back door. Walking into the first floor, there is a living room and two rooms. One room was used as a dining room, and the other room and the living room were used as a sewing workshop with more than a dozen sewing machines.

There are three rooms on the second floor, one is a board room and sample room, a tailoring room, and the other is a room for Wenwen and Qianqian.

On the third floor, there is He Hongmei's bedroom and studio, as well as the reception room.

The whole environment, although crowded, is very clean and gives people a warm feeling, which is similar to that of a family doing things together.

He Hongmei and Zhang Chen said that she rented three rooms in the property to serve as dormitories for workers.

"How is it? Have you found the feeling of starting a business?" He Hongmei asked, "But we are so big every year, no matter how large the batch of clothing is, we just put it in other factories to make."

"Is it easy to find a clothing factory in Beijing?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's easy to find. Now Dahongmen in Beijing is your Zhejiang village. They are all Zhejiang people doing clothing wholesale business. The business model is the same as Sijiqing. There are many clothing workshops there. Wenwen and Qianqian have also found many fellow villagers. , many of our clothes are made by their fellow villagers.

"Anyway, one advantage of our kind of costumes, except for a few starring roles, is that the quality requirements are not high, as long as they can stand up to a drama."

He Hongmei said, Zhang Chen nodded.

When the two of them arrived on the third floor, He Hongmei whispered to Zhang Chen, "You took a nap, but you didn't get much sleep."

Zhang Chen agreed, He Hongmei took Zhang Chen into her room and let him sleep. Zhang Chen asked, what about you?

He Hongmei blushed and said, "Why, you still want me to sleep with you during the day? What a wonderful idea!"

Zhang Chen laughed and He Hongmei closed the door and went out. She walked to the sofa in the reception room and fell down. Just as she was about to sleep, Wenwen walked in and shouted:

"Oh, you are so pure, why do you have to sleep in separate beds?"

He Hongmei sat up and asked her what was going on. Wenwen told her the matter, pulled her up again, and told her, stop being hypocritical, go to bed and sleep well. Only when you can rest can you fight. Don't worry. I'm on guard on the second floor, and no one is allowed to come to the third floor.

Wenwen pushed He Hongmei to the door of her room, opened the door and pushed her in.

Zhang Chen sat up from the bed and laughed when he saw He Hongmei being pushed in by Wenwen. He Hongmei got angry and cursed: "Just sleep, no one is afraid of who!"

She turned around and locked the door.

It was already after six o'clock in the evening when they woke up. They took Wenwen and Qianqian to a nearby restaurant for dinner. After sending the two of them back to the studio, they went to the Parkson Shopping Center and arrived at the Half-acre Field on the fourth floor. In the side hall, they saw that there were many customers inside. Xiaoli and the two salesmen were busy, so they did not go in.

The two people walked around the entire women's clothing department, comparing, and finally felt relieved when they finally determined that they had the most customers in the store.

When they came to pick up Xiaoli and the others to go to Guijie Street for late-night snacks, Xiaoli told Zhang Chen, Mr. Zhang, our sales ranked first today.

Zhang Chen said, thank you for your hard work.

"Why are you so hard? I just miss Sister Xiao Zhao. If Sister Xiao Zhao were here, she would be so happy!" Xiaoli started crying as she said this, and He Hongmei quickly hugged her to comfort her.

Zhang Chen stayed in Beijing for another three days. He Hongmei drove him back to Hangzhou and told him, no, no, if this continues, both of us will be ruined. There is no need to do anything else, and we will become discouraged.

"When you miss me, you can come to Beijing to see me at any time, and I will definitely go to Hangzhou, okay?"

He Hongmei sent Zhang Chen to the airport and told him when they were about to say goodbye at the security checkpoint.

Zhang Chen agreed, and he asked: "Do you always get kicked away like this every time you come here?"

"Not within a reasonable time." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen laughed.

After a while, He Hongmei sighed, and Zhang Chen asked what happened?

"Actually, I'm afraid." He Hongmei said.

"What are you afraid of?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'm afraid that if we stay together for a long time, I will become too attached to you, and then I will want to be together every day. In the end, I will give up all my own principles." He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen hugged her and said, "Actually, it's okay. Just let everything take its course. There is no need to be too harsh on yourself. The so-called principles are not just for giving up."

He Hongmei shook her head: "No, then I will really feel wronged and suppressed, and then one day it will suddenly explode and hurt both of us. What I am most afraid of is this, you know? Many times, giving up Principle, compromise, and ultimately get this result, and I don’t want it.”

Zhang Chen nodded.

Zhang Chen returned to Hangzhou and returned to his home. The first thing he did was pick up a towel and wipe Xiao Zhao's urn. Although the doors and windows were closed when he left, after a few days, the urn was still covered with stains. A fine layer of dust was applied, and Zhang Chen chattered to Xiao Zhao while wiping it:

"I haven't seen you for a few days. I went to Beijing. Hongmei came to pick me up at the airport. Xiao Zhao, Hongmei and I played hooligans. We all miss you. By the way, Xiaoli misses you too. Parkson, let's go in Yes, business is good. Today is the fifth day. For the past four days, we have ranked first in women’s clothing every day..."

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