The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1318 Life goes on

Zhang Chen went to Beijing. As one of the areas most severely affected by the epidemic, Beijing has returned to normal social and economic life and relaxed various control measures against the epidemic. It is also one of the most cautious cities in the country.

Parkson Shopping Center only informed Zhang Chen that they could enter the mall in late July. Moreover, as a brand that re-entered the mall after the epidemic, they also hoped to make the entry event more lively and have a more formal entry ceremony. The CEO of Parkson Shopping Center and Zhang Chen jointly cut the ribbon for this entry.

As the boss of a shopping mall, it is rare to personally cut the ribbon for one of the thousands of brands and various products below, and it also means to celebrate, so Zhang Chen must attend.

Liu Ligan asked: "Do you need me to accompany you?"

Zhang Chen said if necessary, it’s best to find three more people, and you guys can carry me together.

The corner of Liu Ligan's mouth twitched, and he said okay, it wouldn't be a big deal anyway, it was just a matter of clicking the scissors.

The airport where Liu Ligan sent Zhang Chen to.

Zhang Chen was sitting on the plane, looking at the layers of white clouds outside the window, and felt a kind of sadness in his heart. He remembered that Xiao Zhao was infected with the virus in the air on this route more than two months ago.

Zhang Chen remembered a biology book he had read that said that horizontally, living things are all over the world. Vertically, the distance between the top and bottom of the space where living things exist is not large. The tallest tree is only a hundred meters tall, and the birds fly the highest. It is only two thousand meters deep. Although bacteria still exist on the seabed at a depth of four thousand meters, most marine life gathers within a depth of one hundred and fifty meters.

Below the ground, generally speaking, living things are only limited to the soil layer within fifty meters, and the biosphere surrounding the entire earth is only such a thin layer.

Zhang Chen looked at the screen in front of him. The screen showed that the current flight altitude was 10,852 meters. Zhang Chen sighed. It seemed that this cabin protected those viruses, this damn plane!

Zhang Chen closed his eyes. He imagined the scene when Xiao Zhao was on the plane. Patient No. 004 knew that he had symptoms. He took antipyretics and got on the plane. He must have breathed a sigh of relief and looked very happy. Relaxed, just like usual, even his eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao is the kind of person who makes people's eyes light up.

Moreover, Xiao Zhao is still the kind of person with a kind face who doesn’t make people feel uncomfortable getting close to him. This guy might even strike up a conversation with Xiao Zhao, and Xiao Zhao will also smile and answer him politely. A few words.

That's it. These signs make people relax their vigilance, so when the flight attendant brings Xiao Zhao coffee and Chinese food, Xiao Zhao will take off his mask to eat. Zhang Chen finds it unreasonable that since everyone is encouraged to wear it on the plane Masks, what kind of drinks and food are you sending in the cabin? Without some services, is this first class not first class?

It's still the same 004. If this guy can restrain himself after getting on the plane and show a little nervousness, it may arouse Xiao Zhao's alert, or he may wear a mask the whole time. Although wearing a mask alone is not enough to protect against SARS. The invasion of the virus, but maybe it will work this time and Xiao Zhao can escape by luck?

Zhang Chen sighed.

Zhang Chen imagined that Xiao Zhao was like him now, sitting there, not knowing that danger was quietly approaching, not knowing that the god of death had quietly walked behind her and stared at her, Xiao Zhao had no idea.

She must be thinking that she will be waiting for her at the exit later. She thought that they would meet again today as usual, as if this reunion was stolen and they would enjoy it quietly and alone first.

When they come out of the airport, they don't go directly to the dynamic zone upstairs. They sneak home first, go upstairs, act like gangsters, and sweat profusely. Then they take a shower and change clothes, then go downstairs and drown themselves in the streets outside. In traffic.

They will go to the dynamic zone, but they will not stay too long. Xiao Zhao will go to the financial center. After handling a few urgent matters, they will rush back to the "Splendid Home" again, waiting for Xiao Zhao at home. , there is Zhang Xiangbei, there is Xiangnan, there are their parents, Xiaofang Xiaoshu, and a large table of dishes. They must go back.

Definitely, Zhang Chen thought, that afternoon, Xiao Zhao was sitting on the plane, with the boring blue sky and white clouds outside, just walking back and forth meaninglessly. She must have thought of this, and she would purse her lips. , smiled softly.

Zhang Chen thought of that afternoon, after picking up Xiao Zhao, the epidemic prevention personnel at the airport asked them to self-quarantine first. When they decided to go to Peach Blossom Spring, they felt a secret joy in their hearts, as if the next three or four days were like a sudden drop from the sky. A long and luxurious world for two people.

When they arrived at Taohuayuan's home, they couldn't wait to kiss, hug, and play tricks, and they were in such close contact.

But what Zhang Chen still couldn't figure out was why he was fine. What was on him that prevented the virus from invading him? If he knew, he could give some of it to Xiao Zhao, how great would that be?

"Sir, would you like something to drink?"

The flight attendant asked Zhang Chen in a soft voice. Zhang Chen came to his senses and said water would be fine, thank you.

Zhang Chen walked to the exit and saw He Hongmei at a glance. The two looked at each other and were startled. Zhang Chen saw that He Hongmei's eyes were red.

The last time they were separated was after Xiao Zhao's funeral. At that time, Zhang Chen was immersed in great grief. Everything in front of him was hazy and blurry. Who came, what When the time came, he couldn't figure it out at all. It was Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan who made the arrangements. Even Zhang Chen himself went wherever Xiaofang or He Hongmei asked him to go.

He knew that He Hongmei flew from Beijing to Hangzhou the day after he and Xiao Zhao were admitted to the hospital. She took a plane at that time, especially after knowing that Xiao Zhao was infected with the virus on the plane, she had to take another plane. It’s a lot of inner fear that needs to be overcome.

In the half month from Xiao Zhao's death to the funeral, He Hongmei helped in Hangzhou. At that time, whether it was Zhang Chen's parents, Xiao Zhao's parents, or their whole family, almost everyone had collapsed, including those in the factory, home, and company. Tan Shuzhen, He Hongmei, Lao Tan, Qu Tianlin and Liu Ligan were all responsible for supporting the matter.

Zhang Chen knew that they had a division of labor, but he never asked. He had no time to ask and didn't bother to ask. He even looked at the sky gray every day, so how could he care about this.

Several times, when he saw He Hongmei's busy figure, he wanted to say thank you to her, but in the end he didn't say it once, and He Hongmei went back to Beijing.

When Zhang Chen saw He Hongmei again, he felt a little excited and felt that there was something he needed to say.

Zhang Chen walked over and He Hongmei asked, "Are we here?"

Zhang Chen said "hmm" and then said: "Thank you?"

"Thank you for what?" He Hongmei looked at him and asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, feeling that he couldn't express what he should be grateful for. He said, "Everything."

He Hongmei smiled and said softly: "Let's go."

The two people arrived at the parking lot and got into the car. He Hongmei did not start the car, but sat blankly. Zhang Chen was also silent. After a while, He Hongmei asked: "Master, how are you at home?"

"Okay." Zhang Chen said.

"Where is Zhang Xiangbei?"

"It's good, I'm starting to accept reality." Zhang Chen said.

"I still can't accept it." He Hongmei said, "On the way here, Master, you know, I was crying all the way. Whenever I think about how I won't be able to pick up Xiao Zhao when I come to the airport in the future, I will I couldn’t stop crying.”

As He Hongmei spoke, tears flowed down. Zhang Chen sighed and said, I still see her often. There is a figure who looks very similar to her, or she also has clothes of the same color. The moment I see it, everything I thought it was her, but after looking carefully I realized it wasn't.

Sitting in the office, when I think of something, I want to call her and ask her to come over. Only when I pick up the phone do I realize that she is no longer here.

"It would be great if I could keep her and ask her to stay with me for one more day," He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said: "There are no ifs. Everything is destined by God. There is no way."

They sat in the parking lot for more than half an hour. He Hongmei wiped away her tears, started the car and drove away. They went directly to Parkson Shopping Center, where Xiaoli and two salespersons were waiting for them. They will be there tomorrow. Opened, they are very busy today, trying to sample all the goods.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei are also responsible for arranging the soft decoration and atmosphere of the entire side hall. This is something that the decoration company cannot do, so Zhang Chen and He Hongmei need to do it themselves.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei arrived at the women's clothing world on the fourth floor of Parkson Shopping Center and walked to their side hall. Xiaoli screamed as soon as she saw Zhang Chen, ran over, hugged Zhang Chen and started crying. He Hongmei scolded on the side. road:

"Damn it, didn't you agree not to cry?"

Xiaoli shook her head and said, "I can't help it."

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Cry, it's okay."

Xiao Li looked at He Hongmei and cursed: "Damn it, haven't you cried too? Your eyes are still red, and you still talk about me."

He Hongmei turned sideways with some embarrassment.

Even Zhang Chen's luggage was still in He Hongmei's car, and they began to get busy decorating the small space. Zhang Chen brought some small posters printed by a color printer from the company and pasted them on the hangers and walls. but felt it was still not enough, so he started painting on the spot again.

Feeling that the light gray wall above the clothes rack was too deserted, he simply used a pen and brown-gray paint to draw an abstract human body on the wall.

In the side hall, from the door to the mannequin standing inside, He Hongmei compared each set of clothes repeatedly. These are the places where customers' eyes are most likely to stay, and each set must be matched well.

Xiaoli and two salespeople took out all the clothes from the cartons, hung them on each hanger one by one according to color and size, ironed them with an ironing machine, and made a ledger.

The five people were busy until about ten o'clock in the evening. They were finally done. Zhang Chen looked around and felt that there was nothing that needed to be adjusted. He agreed to call it a day and go have a midnight snack.

Xiaoli said to him, Mr. Zhang, you and Hongmei go, I want to clean up the hygiene again with them, and I will take them to eat next to where we live.

"Damn you, don't regret it if you don't even go to the boss's treat." He Hongmei scolded.

Xiaoli giggled: "Tomorrow is the first day of business. You can still invite me after the evening. Boss, right?"

Zhang Chen said yes.

Thank you Muyu, for the reward at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to users 267124206, Hu Hu, it’s really annoying, book friend 20180620224028804, young Abin, don’t take it too seriously, and Qianqian dad’s monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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