The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1305 Liu Ligan’s new life

Zhang Chen has always felt that he knows Tan Shuzhen best. He has been closest to Tan Shuzhen since they were in the troupe, and the two of them are also the most in tune with each other. However, their closeness and synchronization are all public, magnanimous, and never It will arouse the jealousy of Liu Ligan or Jin Lili.

But now Zhang Chen feels that he and Tan Shuzhen have communication barriers. Regarding her and Liu Lipole, Zhang Chen has chatted with her many times, but Tan Shuzhen is like a wall. How hard Zhang Chen used it If you hit it, it will bounce back with great force, and the wall will remain motionless.

When he talked to Tan Shuzhen calmly, Tan Shuzhen would evade him lightly. When he was straightforward and even yelled at Tan Shuzhen, Tan Shuzhen would tell him straightforwardly that she had no ideas. Don't put your ideas into words. If you force yourself on me, she will yell back.

"The whole world thinks that you two should be together, but you can't figure it out. It's not you, it's you, Tan Shuzhen, but you can't figure it out." Zhang Chen scolded.

"Why can't I carry it clearly? The whole world thinks, then let the whole world be with him. Please, don't involve me." Tan Shuzhen responded to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen stared at Tan Shuzhen, half-dead with anger. Tan Shuzhen looked at him and suddenly laughed.

Zhang Chen felt that he had become the Guizhou donkey in the middle school textbook, and there was nothing he could do to Tan Shuzhen.

As for Liu Ligan, when he is with Zhang Chen now, he seems to talk less and less. He is like a defeated rooster, and he keeps losing, which makes Zhang Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

Lao Tan and Zhang Chen said that although Tan Shuzhen now likes to push Liu Ligan for everything, Liu Ligan is even better. He almost doesn't care about anything. If you ask him anything, he will say, let Tan Total decision.

The person who had just left Tan Shuzhen's office to find Liu Ligan came back. When we talked about the matter again, Tan Shuzhen said, didn't I ask you to go find Mr. Liu?

The man said, go. Mr. Liu said that he didn't care and let you decide. Since Mr. Liu said that she would decide, Tan Shuzhen had to make a decision and had to take over the matter.

"It's really dumbfounding." Lao Tan and Zhang Chen said, "Sometimes, the pole disappears all day long, and no one knows where it went. Fortunately, there is Zhenzhen in the company who is supporting her. Now she says she doesn't care. In fact, we have more control than before.”

Soon, Zhang Chen also discovered that when he came to work in the morning, he saw that Liu Ligan's door was closed and thought that he had gone to work. But at noon, Zhang Chen walked out of the office and suddenly saw Liu Ligan. I was squatting on the flower bed in front of my door, brushing my teeth.

Xu Qiaoxin looked strange upstairs and leaned on the railing of the corridor and asked: "Mr. Liu, are you brushing your teeth or performing a show?"

One was to ridicule Liu Ligan for just getting up now, and the other was to find it strange that there was a bathroom in this room, so why did he have to go outside to brush his teeth.

Liu Ligan took a sip of saliva, spit it out twice, and then pointed at the flowers and trees in the flower bed and said to Xu Qiaoxin:

"Young man, I can do more than one thing with one stone. You know, while I was brushing my teeth, I was breathing in the freshest oxygen they had just created. At the same time, if you see, I also watered the flowers. What I ate last night was Seafood, you still have the aftertaste of seafood in your mouth now, it’s so nutritious, they’re enjoying it, you should learn to eat it.”

"Disgusting!" Xu Qiaoxin cursed, "It must be the smell of smoke. No wonder the flowers they bloom are smelly."

Zhang Chen walked over and asked, "Just got up?"

"Yes." Liu Ligan said.

"You don't have to go to work now?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I found that I have no other role in the company except creating a lot of repetitive work."

"What duplication of labor?"

"It means pushing the people below back and forth. Tan Shuzhen pushes her to me, and I push her back again. Isn't this duplication of work? It would be more efficient if I don't go." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen was speechless. It turns out that you know the company's situation well, so there is no need to remind you.

Zhang Chen went back to the office. After a while, Liu Ligan came in. Without saying anything, he walked to the sofa and sat down. He slumped on the sofa, lifted his feet up and put them on the coffee table.

Zhang Chen walked over and sat down on the sofa next to him. Zhang Chen said to Liu Lizhan seriously: "Zhangzhi, maybe you and Tan Shuzhen have come to an end."

"Okay." Liu Ligan said.

"Gangzi, maybe you can try a new life." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay." Liu Ligan continued.

After Liu Ligan finished speaking, he stood up. Zhang Chen asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Aren't you trying a new life?" Liu Ligan said, "I'll go pick up girls, and you'll treat me and my girlfriend to dinner tonight."

Liu Ligan said and walked out.

At almost five o'clock, Liu Ligan walked into Zhang Chen's office with a woman. Zhang Chen felt that the woman looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen her before.

The woman stretched out her hand towards Zhang Chen with a smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Zhang, I am Wei Qian."

Zhang Chen quickly shook hands with her and said, "Oh," and then he remembered that she was the host of Zhejiang Economic Channel's "Economic News". After Zhang Chen's fashion show, there were several articles about the fashion show and Zhang Chen himself. The news was all reported by her. Zhang Chen had seen it, so he had an impression of it, and she had probably seen Zhang Chen from the news she reported.

Although the two people have never met, they are considered familiar.

Liu Ligan and Wei Qian sat down on the sofa and held hands together. Zhang Chen understood that this was the girl Liu Ligan went to pick up in the afternoon. She was really quick.

Xiao Zhao came in with a floor plan. This was what Xiao Li sent her. It was a floor plan of Parkson Shopping Center in Beijing. Zhang Chen and his family had half an acre of land. They used to have a counter in Parkson, but it was in the middle of the island. During the show, the shopping mall's deputy general manager and women's clothing department manager came and decided to give them a side hall position during the adjustment in March.

It's not March yet, but I have already given them the floor plan and asked them to come up with a decoration plan first.

The side hall in a department store is equivalent to a store within a store. It is located next to the main channel that surrounds the business hall. It is the only place where consumers must pass. The side hall is not only a good location, but also large in area. Each room has thirty or forty people. A square, it is easy to create an image.

It turns out that Nakajima's counter is in the lobby, with seven or eight square meters separated by clothes hangers. It is open on all sides. The ceiling and floor are also unified in the mall. There is nothing to decorate. At most, the clothes hangers can be made more personalized. , and then make some small embellishments.

The side hall is different. The side hall is a storefront. From the floor to the ceiling to the three walls, it needs to be renovated according to your own needs. It will also have its own independent dressing room, unlike the original one. Several brands share six changing rooms. Many times, salespersons need to carry clothes and wait with customers outside the changing rooms.

For every department store, side rooms are scarce resources that everyone is scrambling for, but in many cases, it is useless to grab them. It does not mean that they will be given to you if you have a good relationship with the mall. To the mall, side rooms are, It is also equivalent to their appearance. If you can be stationed in the side hall, you must be convincing, that is, everyone must recognize you as a well-known brand.

This time, Parkson could give them a side hall, which was a recognition of their brand. Xiaoli was very happy and told Xiao Zhao that she would let Mr. Zhang design it well so that it would stun Beijing when it opens on May 1st.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said okay, we will try to stun you to death.

Xiaoli was on the phone, laughing.

Xiao Zhao walked in and saw Liu Ligan and Wei Qian sitting together. The two of them did not avoid suspicion. When they saw Xiao Zhao coming in, they still held hands together until Xiao Zhao walked over and smiled with Wei Qian. Qian shook hands, and Wei Qian let go of her hand, stood up, and stretched out her hand to shake Xiao Zhao's.

After greetings, Xiao Zhao shook the floor plan in his hand and said to Zhang Chen, "Put it on your desk?"

Zhang Chen nodded.

Xiao Zhao put the picture on the table, turned around and went out.

The three of them, Zhang Chen, sat there and continued talking for a while. Liu Ligan looked at his watch and said to Zhang Chen, it's almost time to go to Tuxiang Garden. I had already called Huijuan and asked for a private room. .

Zhang Chen said okay, then I'll call Xiao Zhao.

Zhang Chen walked to Xiao Zhao's office. Xiao Zhao watched him come in and lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on with the pole and this announcer?"

"Boyfriend and boyfriend," Zhang Chen said.

"What about Sister Shuzhen?"

"Tan Shuzhen has always stated that she has nothing to do with the pole, and she doesn't want to have anything to do with it. Then it is impossible to say that she will stick to the pole and don't need to worry about them. If Tan Shuzhen can't stand it anymore, let them solve it on their own. In that way, maybe it can still be solved It really helped them," Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao snorted: "You believe it too."

"Let's go and have dinner together." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao quickly shook his head and said to Zhang Chen with a grimace, "It's better not to go. I don't want to go. I'll take Xiang Nan to North to eat KFC and watch a movie."

Zhang Chen understood that Xiao Zhao did not want to get involved in this matter. No matter what Tan Shuzhen thought, if Xiao Zhao got involved, there would only be harm but no benefit. Xiao Zhao was right to have this concern.

Zhang Chen is not afraid. I have made it clear to you, Tan Shuzhen. If you still have objections to me, Zhang Chen thinks that he can scold her in turn. Aren't you capable of doing it? I don't know how to die. of?

You yourself said that the pole can have his own life. Now that he has his own life, you are not satisfied?

Zhang Chen said okay, then I will be the light bulb alone.

Xiao Zhao nodded "Yeah": "You are enough alone, my dear, you are very bright, two hundred watts."

Zhang Chen walked out with a smile. He walked back to his office and told Liu Ligan and Wei Qian, "Let's go."

"Where is Xiao Zhao?" Liu Ligan asked Zhang Chen.

"She has promised Zhang Xiangbei to take them to see a movie in the evening. I don't care about her. The three of us will go." Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan and asked: "Do you think I am redundant? Otherwise, I will avoid it too. ?”

"Get out of here!" Liu Ligan scolded, and Wei Qian's face turned red.

Zhang Chen asked Wei Qian: "You don't have to go on the show tonight?"

Zhang Chen remembered that Zhejiang Economic Television’s “Economic Television News” was a live program that started at 6:30 every day.

"It's a day off today." Wei Qian said, and Zhang Chen understood.

The three of them went downstairs. Liu Ligan and Wei Qian did not take Zhang Chen's car, but went to Liu Ligan's Aston Martin.

The three of them ate and sang in the private room of Tuxiangyuan until about ten o'clock in the evening.

When they arrived at the parking lot below, Zhang Chen drove his car and was about to cross the bridge when he heard the roar of the motor behind him. Liu Ligan grabbed him and, with a change of direction, crossed the bridge in front of Zhang Chen, causing Zhang Chen to have to A sudden brake.

In such a cold weather, the Aston Martin opened its hood, Liu Ligan raised his middle finger high, and Wei Qian looked back at Zhang Chen and giggled.

Soon, they crossed the bridge and disappeared.

"Slut!" Zhang Chen cursed.

On the way back, after passing the dynamic zone, Zhang Chen turned into the parking lot to take a look. He saw that Liu Ligan's car was already parked here. There was no one in the car. It seemed that they had gone upstairs and were continuing to make love to each other.

"Slut!" Zhang Chen cursed again, drove out of the parking lot and went home.

Thank you for the tip that I didn’t even know anyone asked! Thank you for your monthly pass in May and the demo! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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