The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1279 2002, second half of the year

In the second half of 2002, spurred by China's accession to the WTO, China's economy experienced a wave of rapid growth, especially in Zhejiang, a province with an export-oriented economy and a predominantly private economy. When it comes to Liu Ligan and the others, it is really simple and crude. Whether it is houses in Hangzhou or Ningbo, they only go up.

Those bosses who have made money and have a lot of export orders in their hands, when they come to buy a house, their voices are louder than before. Has the price increased? purchase! Price increase again? purchase! Something is not about buying up or down.

As soon as I place these orders, the money will come back.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen felt unprecedentedly comfortable. On the one hand, house prices were rising, and on the other hand, everything seemed to be going well in the company.

First of all, after the Wuhan branch completely solved the problem of relocated households, Xu Wenhui was able to resume work smoothly this time.

According to Fan Jianguo, the project in Xiamen can be capped this year. Although Zhang Musheng's project in Hefei has been bumpy, it seems that it can continue without any serious problems. Anyway, there are fewer and fewer calls from Zhang Musheng to complain.

It seems that people still need to get along. I don't know whether Zhang Musheng got along with the compatriots in Hefei, or the compatriots in Hefei got along with Zhang Musheng. Anyway, they are more in tune now.

What makes Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen feel most comfortable is that Miss Cai and his Fubon Financial Holdings obviously saw the boom in mainland real estate and were unwilling to be absent. They took the initiative to enlarge the scale of Liu Ligan's corporate bonds and used the sky to Zhicheng's property charging rights were used as collateral, and through Mr. Qiao and others, another 2.8 billion corporate bonds were issued to Liu Ligan and his company.

This is also easy to understand. Since they want to increase investment in the mainland real estate industry, instead of giving it to those companies that don’t know the depth, it is better to give it to Liu Ligan, their profitability, and their projects in the past few years. , they all witnessed it with their own eyes, and there was already a basis for cooperation.

Liu Ligan and the others took the money and bought more than a dozen pieces of land in Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou and Nanjing. Finally, they felt a little full. They had enough land in their pockets. At least for the next two years, they would not have to pay for the land. Worry about things.

Everything looks beautiful, and all the troubles seem to have been solved. In addition to the few people sent to various places, in addition to Xu Wenhui, Fan Jianguo and Zhang Musheng, Ying Ying, Lao Wan and Song Chunming are also very happy. Being capable, every branch and every project has nothing major to worry about, and it’s impossible for them not to feel comfortable.

As soon as she felt better, Tan Shuzhen even thought about whether it was time to move to a townhouse by the Mishi river. She wanted to take Lao Tan and the two of them from Yongcheng.

Tan Shuzhen first discussed this idea with Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen listened and said to her, Tan Shuzhen, I think the most important thing for you is to clarify your relationship with the pole. What do you want?

Now that the relationship between you two is clear, everything else will be easy to handle. Everyone is so old, even Teacher Tan and Mrs. Tan. I don’t think they will object much. If it doesn’t work, I will talk to Teacher Tan.

Tan Shuzhen was silent for a while, and she said, our relationship is just like this, just keep it as a work relationship. I think it's good. To be honest, I really don't want to go through the trouble anymore.

"Then why don't you find someone?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What do you mean, Zhang Chen, I can't do this?" Tan Shuzhen asked, "You men, do you think that all women must have a man to lean on, and it's just me and Xiang Nan?"

"What about the pole?"

"I have made it very clear to him and have never objected to him finding other women. How is he and what does it have to do with me?"

"If you think it doesn't matter, then why are you hesitating? If the relationship between you and Zangzi is really about work, then whether Teacher Tan and the others will come or not is not a matter of your own words? Old Tan If he can interfere with your marriage, he can also interfere with your work? Isn't it because you hesitate because you need to consider the relationship between him and the pole? You don't want them to have a quarrel?

"Otherwise, you don't have to ask other people's opinions, and you don't have to care about how the pole feels. You can just take it."

Tan Shuzhen was speechless by Zhang Chen. In the end, she stood up and said to Zhang Chen, there are some things you don't understand, and walked out.

Let’s put this matter aside for now.

Entering October, Zhang Chen has become very busy. In the past few years, the domestic clothing market has been in chaos. Everyone is vying for land and recruiting franchisees. A clothing factory with only 20 or 30 sewing machines dares to call itself It is a brand that dares to develop franchise stores and charge franchise fees.

The three major women's clothing distribution centers in China, Guangzhou, Hangcheng and Wuhan, are a mixed bag of good and bad, with serious plagiarism and piracy. In each of the following cities, more than a dozen clothing franchise stores with various names have opened on one street.

Zhang Chen felt that it was no time to delay and it was time to improve his brand image. When there are chickens everywhere, you must make yourself a crane or a phoenix so that others cannot catch up with you. For this reason, Zhang Chen and Ge Ling After discussion, we decided to hold a large-scale fashion show at the end of November.

The model was hired from New Silk Road and Chen Yifei's model company. As for the location, Zhang Chen decided to put it on Baidi, the section of the lake from the Broken Bridge to Jintai Bridge. They had already communicated with the Hangzhou Garden Bureau and obtained the model. They agreed, and the theme of the entire fashion show was lake light, beautiful clothes, and beautiful women, and the name was "Xizi Colorful Clothes—The Mountains, Waters, and People."

While the fashion show is being held in Baidi, a "Half Acre Field Spring and Summer Clothing Order Fair for 2003" will also be held in the showroom of their factory.

These two activities are a whole, but they are different inside and outside. The fashion show is mainly to show the strength of their company and the overall brand image to the public and the media. In addition to the invited guests, there are media reporters from all over the country, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. , leaders in the clothing industry, as well as clothing department managers in major department stores across the country.

The order fair is for franchisees from all over the country to see actual samples and place orders.

These franchisees will watch the fashion show at the West Lake and then return to the factory to participate in the ordering meeting in the factory.

Once the time was determined, everyone's pressure suddenly increased. You must know that such a large-scale fashion show cannot be held without three or four hundred sets of clothing. And the order fair, according to their past habits, can be held in one season. There need to be five to six hundred styles. However, in the past, new models were continuously launched during the sales process. Now Zhang Chen requires that they be launched all at once.

Moreover, the clothes for the catwalk and the clothes for the trade fair are completely different types. The clothes for the catwalk are more exaggerated in style and focus on the performance nature of the clothes, while the clothes for the trade fair focus on wearability. How many people buy clothes? People have the body of a model, and no one dares to buy the clothes that the models dare to wear.

And let the models wear the clothes for the order fair. Of course they will look good, but they won’t be outstanding enough, and the entire fashion show will be flat.

Zhang Chen and Ge Ling said that there is actually a relationship between superiors and subordinates. The two batches of clothing each form their own style. The fashion show is about personality and breakthroughs, and the liberation of thoughts and concepts, while the order fair is about Clothing can borrow many elements from fashion show costumes, but a lot of modifications must be made. There are angels in the front, and in the back, the angels must be in the world.

Can't live without fireworks.

I understand, I understand. When you say this, ancestor, we all understand. Several designers said.

They divided the work internally, and Zhang Chen focused his main energy on the costume design of the fashion show. Shouldn't it have a stage effect and be performative? He was good at this.

Ge Ling and the rest of the design center mainly focus on the clothing for the ordering fair. They all know that Zhang Chen is quick to make moves. When the time comes, they can look at Zhang Chen's designs and learn from them while designing. Zhang Chen doesn't mean to Let them learn from many elements.

This design work is so important. If it succeeds, it can be said that their Half Acre Field clothing will stand out from all kinds of people, making everyone feel that Half Acre Field really has a lot going for it.

But if they don’t do it well, it will also damage their brand image. People will think that half an acre of land is just a matter of two.

He Hongmei turned down a design invitation from a crew and sent the workers below for vacation early. She took Wenwen and Qianqian back to Hangzhou from Beijing to help.

He Hongmei expressed her own idea, but Zhang Chen disagreed at first. He said that this way your own work will be interrupted, and the nature of your work cannot be interrupted.

"There is no interruption. I was doing design in Beijing. When I came back to Hangzhou, I was still designing. I stayed in Beijing for a long time and did the same job. I felt a little stupid. When I returned to Hangzhou, it was just a change of mind. It's a process of learning and recharging. Why, Master, I want to learn a few more tricks from you, but are you afraid? Don't want to?" He Hongmei said.

Zhang Chen laughed. He knew in his heart that this was He Hongmei's excuse and a good intention, so he did not refuse. On the other hand, he felt that he really needed He Hongmei. The project this time was too big, and Zhang Chen wanted to take drastic measures. Move forward and let go of your thoughts, otherwise you won't be able to impress people.

And while he was moving forward boldly, as before, he needed He Hongmei to help him with the details.

"Okay, you are welcome to join." Zhang Chen and He Hongmei said.

He Hongmei was on the phone, smiling. The next day, she took Wenwen and Qianqian back to Hangzhou. In fact, before that, after Ge Ling told her about it, she had already arranged for workers They went home, Zhang Chentong disagreed, she had already made up her mind to come back.

He Hongmei came back, Ge Ling and the others cheered. With their teacher here, they felt more confident. Although He Hongmei came back this time, mainly to assist Zhang Chen in his work, they still felt that it helped them a lot, mainly , they can discuss whatever matters and ideas they have with He Hongmei, and Zhang Chen, no matter what, he is still the boss.

Employees are always a little reserved in front of their bosses.

He Hongmei is back. The first thing Zhang Chen and she have to do is to go to Zhangjiagang again. If the clothes want to be outstanding and stunning, first of all, the fabrics must be very novel and make people's eyes brighten. .

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei's trip to Zhangjiagang this time is different from before. Instead of going back and forth on the same day, they will stay there for a few days. They will work with Mr. Li and others to develop several new fabrics. Zhang Chen's most important thing The idea was to see if I could combine linen and lycra to make a stretchy hemp.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you for the monthly votes of Hai Kuo Tian Tian, ​​Jiang Nan Zhi Nan 0111, Why can’t I change my name, Book Friends 20190118025224314, First Home Mortgage, Book Friends 20190521191028129, Hou Lixin, Book Friends 20201109111351923, and wxd121! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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