The office door was kicked, and then Liu Ligan's cry was heard: "Zhang Chen! Zhang Chen!"

Zhang Chen held his breath and made no sound.

After a while, he heard Liu Ligan say: "This guy, his aunt is probably here today and has already gone back. Let's go, I will take you home."

Then he heard Xiaoshu's laughter and said, "No need, Brother Zhanzi, it's too much trouble. I'll fight back myself."

"What's the trouble? Just press the accelerator and let's go."

After the two people left, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and could continue.

After a while, Zhang Chen heard the voices of Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen talking, and realized that Liu Ligan had returned from sending the little tree off. The two of them chatted for a while about Xu Wenhui's Wuhan company. He had just called Liu Ligan. The pole is up.

Then, Zhang Chen heard Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen say that Zhang Chen didn't even turn off his computer, but there seemed to be a light inside.

Zhang Chen hurriedly sat there, not daring to move, cursing in his mind, you are a fucking thief. With the curtains drawn, you can still see such a light?

Tan Shuzhen said: "Maybe it's the light coming from Splendid Jiangnan."

Liu Ligan said "oh".

Zhang Chen heard the two people go back to their rooms. Next, everything was silent. Zhang Chen looked at the time and saw that it was already past eleven o'clock.

After level 12, upgrading becomes more and more difficult. You need to fight more monsters and gain more experience points, and the time required is getting longer and longer. What worries Zhang Chen the most is that in the store There are fewer and fewer things that can be purchased. Most of the equipment in the store is for low-level novices. There is no longer what Zhang Chen needs. Everything Zhang Chen needs will fall from the monsters.

Only when you happen to meet other players and sell them as garbage will you happen to have them here. And these equipments, for many high-level players, are not even bothered to pick up, so there are not many.

The trouble is, there are many times when Zhang Chen picks up items that are of sufficient level, but are of the wrong profession and cannot be worn. Zhang Chen has no use for them and can only sell them.

At around three o'clock, when Zhang Chen reached level 18 in one breath, it seemed that it was difficult to level up. Low-level monsters had little experience in fighting them, but high-level monsters were not beaten by Zhang Chen, but by Zhang Chen. In the morning, he was beaten back to Beach City in two strikes.

When Zhang Chen was looking for weapons in the weapons store, a guy came over to chat with him and asked him if he wanted a full set of mage equipment.

"What's there?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Magic wand + skull helmet + magic robe + magnifying glass + ebony bracelet + demon-slaying ring." the other party said.

"How much?"

"Five thousand."

"Game currency?"

"Haha, RMB."

"too expensive."

"I really want it, four thousand eighty, fixed price."

Zhang Chen thought for a moment. He knew that two of them were not equipped at his current level, but they would be used soon. Zhang Chen felt itchy in his heart, and finally couldn't help it and asked: "How to trade?"

"Do you have a phone? Preferably a mobile phone." The other party said.

Zhang Chen told him his mobile phone number.

Zhang Chen's cell phone rang immediately. He looked at it and saw that it was an unfamiliar cell phone number. He picked up the phone.

"Do you want to buy a suit?" the other party asked.

Zhang Chen said yes, "Are you the one who wants to sell?"

The other party also said that he was right, but Zhang Chen still asked him how to do the transaction. The other party said, you have online banking, you transfer money, and I will give you the things in the game. If you see it, I will still stand by your side.

"That won't work." Zhang Chen said, "What if you are a liar? I transferred the money to you, but you didn't give me the equipment."

The other party said: "Well, I'll give you half of the equipment first, and you transfer the money. After the transfer is completed, send me the information that the transfer is successful, and I will give you the other half immediately."

Seeing that Zhang Chen was still hesitating, the other party continued: "I'm not even worried about you not paying for half of the equipment. What are you worried about? Didn't you see that I also have a mobile phone? Don't worry, I won't cheat you out of two thousand yuan. .”

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said yes, that's what he would do.

Immediately, a dialog box appeared, prompting the other party to give him a skull helmet as a gift, and asked him if he would accept it. Zhang Chen clicked accept, and the skull helmet went into his backpack, followed by the wand and magic robe.

"Okay, it's your turn. The account number and name have been sent to your mobile phone." The other party said on the phone.

Zhang Chen said yes, I will transfer it immediately.

After transferring the money, Zhang Chen sent a text message to the other party indicating that the transfer was successful. On the screen, the guy presented him with an ebony bracelet, a magnifying glass and a demon-killing ring. Zhang Chen kept them one by one.

"Happy cooperation!" the dialog box said.

At the same time, Zhang Chen's cell phone rang again, it was still the same number. Zhang Chen answered it, and the other party said to him:

"Brother, please save my number. If you need anything in the future, just call me. We have everything here, as long as it is from Shanda."

Zhang Chen wondered: "Where did you come from these things?"

"It's made." The other party said, "We are a company that specializes in making equipment and providing power training for our customers. If you need power training, you can also contact me."

Zhang Chen suddenly realized that he was really rare and strange. He didn't know that there was another kind of company in the world that made money specifically through this. Zhang Chen said: "Okay, I understand."

With the new equipment, Zhang Chen immediately put it on, and he felt a whole new look. He saw that now, he was exactly the same as the mage in the three pictures for them to choose from.

Zhang Chen was very satisfied and felt that the money was well spent. When walking in Beach City, Zhang Chen subconsciously puffed up his chest. He felt that he should have some wind when walking.

After reaching level 23, it was already dawn outside. Zhang Chen stood up, walked to the window, and opened the curtains. The sun had risen outside, and the waves of the canal came into his eyes. Reality The world is back.

Zhang Chen stared out the window blankly, and a voice in his heart said: "Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen, what did you do this night?"

At the same time, he also thought that even he could get stuck in this game and be unable to get out, not to mention Zhang Xiangbei. Adults really said that it is easy for children, but in many cases, he was not even as good as a child.

Not only Zhang Xiangbei, as long as he is led by this game, of course Zhang Xiangbei will not be able to study hard, can he manage the company well?

Zhang Chen went to the bathroom and took a cold shower. He completely woke up. He sat on the sofa for a while and thought about everything.

My hands and feet felt cold just thinking about it.

He stood up, walked to the computer, logged out of "Zhang Mumu"'s account, and then deleted the entire game, even though there was still money in the account, even though he had just spent 4,800 to buy it a few hours ago. A set of equipment.

He has also decided that he wants to say goodbye to this game completely.

"We can't continue." Zhang Chen said to himself, "Otherwise you will become a useless person, just like Xiaoshu said, unless you want to dominate the Internet for the rest of your life."

Zhang Chen stood up and walked out of the door. He looked towards the dormitory building and suddenly shouted: "Pole!"

Liu Ligan rolled off the bed, pulled on his slippers, opened the door, and saw Zhang Chen turning down the stairs.

"Crazy!" Liu Ligan cursed, thinking, what is this bastard doing in the office so early? He didn't know that he had been fighting here all night.

Zhang Chen returned home. Xiao Zhao was still lying on the bed and didn't get up. Zhang Chen got on the bed and hugged Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao didn't even open his eyes. She smiled and reached out to touch Zhang Chen's face. touch.

"You didn't come back until now?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen said "hmm" and hugged Xiao Zhao, curling up like a person who has made a mistake.

"Go to sleep, dear, I won't call you later." Xiao Zhao said, turning around, hugging him, and patting his back gently, like coaxing a baby.

Zhang Chen said "Yeah" again, feeling a little guilty and sad. He hugged Xiao Zhao tighter.

As soon as the school bell rang in the afternoon, Zhang Xiangbei and two other classmates rushed out. They ran downstairs and ran to the school gate. After exiting the school gate, they turned right for a hundred meters and found the "Feiyang" Internet cafe.

The three people ran here. They didn't even need to register. They just ran in. When they saw three empty seats, they sat down. After a while, the sister would come over to collect the deposit.

Where do they have time to register? In just five minutes, the Internet cafe will be noisy, and all the empty seats will be occupied by classmates from their school. Fortunately, today, they are better than the sixth grade and junior high school classes. School ends early and one person can grab a computer, which is so cool!

Usually, most of the time, they can only grab one or two computers, and the three of them take turns doing tasks. They only have time to finish the tasks that must be done that day before going home.

As for these two computers, Zhang Xiangbei negotiated with his sister who managed the Internet cafe, and he agreed to pay double the Internet fee, so they kept them for him.

"Legend of Hot Blood" is on the desktop, and almost everyone in the Internet cafe here is playing this game.

Zhang Xiangbei opened the game, entered his name and password, and entered Beach City. The first thing he had to do was the tasks he had to do today. Only in this way could he ensure the speed of his upgrade and not fall behind those two classmates. later.

Zhang Xiangbei bought a lot of equipment and gave some to the two classmates, but the three of them were still rubbish. Even if the three of them joined forces, they didn't dare to fight the powerful monsters. To explode those high-end equipment, they could only use Mainly do the tasks.

Zhang Xiangbei was playing and felt someone standing behind him. Zhang Xiangbei looked back and was startled.


Zhang Xiangbei shouted and stood up quickly. The other two people trembled when they heard the shout and stood up. The three children stood there with their heads lowered and their faces flushed. The other students chuckled, secretly glad, okay, okay, this is not their father.

Even the little girl who was watching the Internet cafe suddenly became nervous and quickly called her boss. If a child was caught in the Internet cafe by his parents, the Internet cafe would definitely follow him and be scolded by the angry parents. She couldn't be nervous.

Zhang Chen smiled at them and said to Zhang Xiangbei: "Sit down, sit down, keep playing, daddy will watch you play."

Zhang Xiangbei looked at Zhang Chen and thought that this was a joke. He dared to sit down. Zhang Chen stared at the computer screen and asked: "Zhang Xiangbei, which one of these is you?"

Zhang Xiangbei pointed to a soldier and said, "This one."

Zhang Chen looked at it and said with a smile: "Xiao Xiao Xiao Po? Why do you choose such a name? But it sounds nice. Hurry, hurry up, get on with the task, otherwise it will be too late. Dad will be here to watch. At five o'clock we will Is it okay to go?”

Zhang Xiangbei quickly nodded "hmm", turned around and sat down. After playing for a while, he forgot that there was a father standing behind him.

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