The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1265 Continuous calls

In the following days, Xiao Zhao no longer went to work with Zhang Chen. Every morning, she would leave alone first. Zhang Chen knew that she was looking for Tan Shuzhen, so he didn't bother to ask.

Tan Shuzhen no longer went to work with Liu Ligan, but asked him to leave first. She wanted to stay and wait for Xiao Zhao. As soon as Xiao Zhao arrived, the two of them got into the room and chatted. When Zhang Chen came to work, the two of them left Tan Shuzhen. When he came out of his room, Xiao Zhao would always smile at him and go to his office.

Tan Shuzhen, on the other hand, glanced at him hastily and went to work.

Zhang Chen secretly felt funny in his heart, but he didn't ask and let them go. He knew that the two of them were exchanging information and analyzing problems together. Xiao Zhao told Tan Shuzhen what Xiaofang said on the phone the night before, Xiaoshu What did Zhang Xiangbei say?

Tan Shuzhen will also tell Xiao Zhao what Xiang Nan said.

What troubles them is that these children are getting more and more impatient when answering their phone calls. Tan Shuzhen said, Nan Nan, when I called her, she actually said as soon as she answered the phone, "Mom, we are fine and safe. Goodbye." .

Before Tan Shuzhen could say a word, Xiangnan hung up the phone, leaving Tan Shuzhen feeling disappointed.

Xiao Zhao said yes, and so did Xiao Fang. After I hit her three times, she would answer once, and she would die after just a few words.

Also, that Beibei is even more outrageous. I beat him yesterday, but he didn't hang up. I talked for a long time, thinking why he was so good and obedient today. But you know what happened? I heard on the phone, he He was laughing with Xiaoshu far away. He pressed the answer button and threw the phone aside. He didn't listen to me at all, causing me to waste my expression.

Tan Shuzhen laughed after hearing this. In the end, the two of them could only comfort themselves by saying that it was okay, at least they could get through on the phone.

Zhang Chen walked into his office. As soon as he sat down, Liu Ligan came in. Zhang Chen felt strange and asked, "What time is it now? You haven't gone to the company yet?"

"Zhang Chen, please take care of your wife." Liu Ligan said.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"He comes here early every morning, just like Tan Shuzhen and Xianglin's wife, and is carrying someone on his back."

"What, what else do you want to hear from them?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Don't listen. I sympathize with Xiaofang and the others. They finally went out to play. These two mothers, you know what they do. Tan Shuzhen is in the office and calls Xiangnan more than a dozen times a day. Even if the call goes through, there is no response. For other things, if it's morning, ask what time you went to bed, what time you got up, what you had for breakfast, and whether you were full.

"In the afternoon, I asked what we had for lunch, which dishes, who ordered the dishes, whether the dishes were delicious, and you can tell's all a mess, a few children, probably about to be eaten. They tortured me like crazy.”

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan and asked, "Tan Shuzhen is on the phone in the office. What's wrong with Guan Xiaozhao? Why are you coming to see me? You are her boss. You can criticize her in person, or simply deduct her salary."

"No, no, I'm here to remind you that Xiao Zhao must have the same problem." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said: "Come on, are you afraid of taking care of your wife, so you want me to step in? I don't dare to take care of her either, I'm afraid of my wife too."

Liu Ligan stared at him, shook his head and said, "Forget it, forget it, forget it, I didn't say anything, I went to work."

Zhang Chen looked at Liu Ligan's back and laughed.

But when Zhang Chen received a call from Zhang Xiangbei, he realized the seriousness of the matter. Zhang Xiangbei said to him on the phone: "Dad, please, can you ask mom and the others to stop calling."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked.

"It's so annoying. If we could, we would all throw away the phone." Zhang Xiangbei said.

"Yes, we are scared when the phone rings now." Xiaoshu called from the side.

"The most outrageous thing is that we were sitting on the bus. We didn't want others to know that we had mobile phones in case there were thieves on the bus. As a result, the four people's phones rang one after another." Xiaofang said.

"Also, there is my mother. I was exhausted from climbing the Big Wild Goose Pagoda that day. She just wanted me to talk about this and that. I gave up and called again." Xiang Nan said from the side.

Zhang Chen quickly said, OK, how about you guys turn off your phone first, and then turn it on when you get to the hotel in the evening? Yes, that's it, every morning when you go out, you turn off your phone, and when you return to the hotel in the evening, turn it on again to report the situation. If something happens in the middle, turn the phone on again. If nothing happens, turn it off.

Zhang Xiangbei said weakly: "Okay, goodbye dad."

More than half an hour later, Xiao Zhao ran in in a panic. She said, "Dear, it's not good. Xiao Fang and the others couldn't get through on the phone. None of the four of them could get through."

"Yes, I asked them to turn off their phones." Zhang Chen said.

"What, you asked them..." Xiao Zhao was mid-sentence when the phone rang. She looked at it and saw that it was Tan Shuzhen. She quickly picked it up. Tan Shuzhen said anxiously on the phone:

"Xiao Zhao, have you called Xiao Fang and the others? Why was Nannan's phone turned off when I called her?"

Xiao Zhao handed the phone to Zhang Chen and said to him: "Sister Shuzhen, you can speak for yourself."

Zhang Chen took the phone and said to Tan Shuzhen: "Don't call Xiang Nan. They are very nice. I just talked to them on the phone. I told them to turn off the phone and not turn it on until I return to the hotel in the evening."

"What, Zhang Chen, your name is Nan Nan..."

"That's it, Tan Shuzhen, goodbye." Zhang Chen hung up the phone before Tan Shuzhen finished speaking.

Zhang Chen returned the phone to Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao stared at him and waited for him to explain. Zhang Chen said:

"Don't look at me like this. You should reflect on your own behavior. Not to mention Xiang Nanxiangbei, Xiaofang and Xiaoshu are already adults. You must respect them and trust them. They are both Zhang Xiangbei’s aunt, one is Zhang Xiangbei’s uncle, Zhang Xiangbei is following them, what do you have to worry about?”

"I respect them very much. When did I disrespect them?" Xiao Zhao said.

"Whether you are respected or not is not up to you, but whether they feel respected. Why do they become more and more impatient when they answer your calls? They just feel that they are not respected. Your behavior does not respect them. Give They are assigned telephones so that they can contact us when something happens, instead of being monitored.

"How many phone calls do you make a day, no less than ten, right? Are your actions monitoring and controlling them? This phone is not a phone, but the line under the kite. You use this line to To control them, think about it yourself, do you have the intention to control them?"

Zhang Chen said, Xiao Zhao tried to distinguish several times, but felt that his judgment was weak and untenable. Zhang Chen was right, he was really monitoring and controlling them. If he had the ability, I really hope I can fly over them all day long and watch them.

"Think about it again, if you were outside and received so many phone calls a day, and the phone calls still had no content, would you feel irritated? Would you still be in the mood to have fun?"

Zhang Chen continued to ask, Xiao Zhao looked at him and said: "I..."

I waited for a long time, but still couldn't speak.

"Zhang Chen, what do you mean? Why did you ask them to turn off the phone?" Tan Shuzhen walked in from outside the door. Looking at the posture, she was here to question the crime.

Zhang Chen said: "In order for them not to be driven crazy by you, and for their safety, Tan Shuzhen, please sit down and let us talk clearly about this matter today."

"Just say it." Tan Shuzhen sat down on the sofa next to Xiao Zhao.

"Do you know that your phone call is not about concern at all, but has become a kind of harassment?" Zhang Chen asked.

"What did you say? It's a joke, Zhang Chen. Nannan is my daughter and I am her mother. It is only natural that I call her and care about her. When did it turn into harassment?" Tan Shuzhen asked.

"You are still harassing. There is a limit to everything. If you make one or two phone calls a day to inquire, that is concern. If you call more than ten times a day, what is it if it is not harassment? Lao Tan or Mrs. Tan, if you call someone a day What do you think about so many calls to you? How do you feel?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Zhang Chen, can you stop talking nonsense? I am an adult and Nannan is a child. Can this be the same?" Tan Shuzhen shouted.

"It is this concept that makes you confused and do whatever you want. What's wrong with the children? Children also have independent personalities, just like us adults. Children are not dough in your hands. What do you want them to do? Just like us, they have standards for judging things.

"If someone called you in the morning and asked you what you had for breakfast, and in the afternoon asked you what you had for lunch, which dishes were available, and whether they were delicious, would you be annoyed? It would definitely be annoying, right? If you weren't annoyed, you wouldn't be a human being. So what do you think? , Xiang Nan is a child, so she shouldn’t be annoyed. Doesn’t she have the right to be annoyed?

"You think you are caring, but to them, it's just boring and unbearable. They won't have any other feelings. Their feelings are the same as ours."

Tan Shuzhen was silent. She calmed down and thought about it. What Zhang Chen said seemed to make some sense.

Zhang Chen told them about Zhang Xiangbei's phone number. Zhang Chen said, look at how they have been forced by you. They all came to me for help and even said what they begged me for.

"Also, Xiaofang is smarter than you. She knows that she can't show off her wealth outside. It's better for you. If you have something to do, call them all day long. If they don't answer, you will be scolded. Answer it. You know what they are in. environment?

"When they answer your calls, most of the time they are either on the bus or in scenic spots, which are crowded places. A mobile phone costs more than 10,000 yuan, and there are four children. Everyone has a mobile phone, and the person next to him has a mobile phone. Look, you can tell they are rich people.

"What are you doing, are you afraid that no one will know that they are rich? You are making them targets for thieves and robbers, and putting them in a dangerous situation for no reason. Do you understand?"

Zhang Chen's words shocked Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao. Thinking about it carefully, they realized that this was really the case. The two looked at each other and held their hands together. Their faces were no longer angry, but panicked.

"I told them to turn off their phones every day when they go out, and turn them on when they return to the hotel at night. If you want to know what's going on, wait until they return to their rooms. They are not stupid. If something happens during the day, they know how to turn it on and call them. ,do you understand?"

Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao nodded repeatedly.

"Also, they are in Xi'an now, and their mobile phones can still work. When they arrive in Dunhuang in two days, they may not even have a signal in the desert, and the phone won't work at night. Don't make a fuss."

"Ah -" Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao shouted together. They did not expect that such a day would come. If they had known this, they should not have let them go in the first place.

They were all deceived by this guy. He told them to let them know more about you and make you taller! Tan Shuzhen looked at Zhang Chen, and she wanted to pinch him.

Thank you book friend 20171018145748727 for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you for the quiet room, edison, a green fish in the book, pcm600812, blue imagination, ﹉I love purple﹉, lulu6717p11, cup guy Api, Lu, book friend 20190118025224314, I am a fat man with potential stocks Monthly ticket! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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