The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1249 Master refuses to nod

Huijuan looked at the time and felt that the potatoes were almost cooked. She took off the pressure cooker, put it under the faucet, and quickly cooled it down with water. When the temperature dropped, she took off the cap on the pressure cooker and breathed her last breath.

Huijuan opened the lid of the pressure cooker, took out the potatoes from inside, peeled off the potatoes while they were hot, found a stainless steel bowl, and mashed the potatoes into puree.

Put the wok on the stove, light the fire and bring the water to a boil. Add a little oil to the pot. Put the diced celery in a colander and quickly blanch the water to remove the odor. After adding oil to the pot, the blanched celery will still be green. Put it in Set aside.

Then blanch the diced pork and take it out with a slotted spoon. This diced pork does not need to be marinated with cornstarch. Instead, heat the oil pan, put the diced meat in the pan when the oil temperature is the highest, fry the diced meat until it is a little burnt, add raw Add sugar, sugar, and fry the diced meat into a shiny sauce. Pour it into a plate and set aside. Add water and stock to the casserole, bring it to a boil on the stove over high heat, and add pepper and salt.

Taste the saltiness and it feels almost ready. Turn the high heat to low, add the diced meat and simmer for five minutes. Here, add cornstarch and water to mix with the mashed potatoes. After stirring evenly, open the lid of the casserole, pour it in, turn to medium heat and simmer. Thick, add diced celery and it's ready.

Huijuan stood there and looked around. She saw Fatty Fu standing not far away and looking at him. Huijuan shouted, Master Fu, it's okay.

Fatty Fu came over and took a look first. The soup was thick and the celery was diced green, which was eye-catching. He took a spoon, scooped a little, tasted it, and put the spoon down. Huijuan looked at him, her heart pounding. , seeing Fatty Fu put down the spoon, Huijuan asked quickly:

"Master Fu, how are you?"

Fatty Fu didn't say a word, but shouted towards the other end of the kitchen. The master who was standing in front of the stove cooking and chopping vegetables turned his head and looked this way. Fatty Fu waved to them. There were two cutters. The waiter put down the knife in his hand and came over, and the two cooks also came over after putting the vegetables in the pot on the plate, turning off the fire.

These few people are the inner circle of this kitchen.

After they came over, like Fatty Fu, they took a look first, then picked up the spoon and tasted it. After putting down the spoon, they smiled at Huijuan and walked back. Huijuan got a little anxious and shouted, "Masters, how does it taste?" Like? Oops, they're all gone anyway, please give me some advice.

With Fatty Fu here, how could it be their turn to comment, but everyone knew in their hearts that this little girl had passed the exam. They turned around, smiled at Huijuan again, and then pointed at Fatty Fu.

Every time someone comes to their hotel to apply for a job as a chef, Fatty Fu always gives him these three things and asks him to cook them. Most of the people don't know what to do and they make a mess, and some people do it reluctantly. I fried it in a plate and the color looked okay, but the taste was just average.

They have never seen anyone who can do something as beautiful and delicious as this little girl.

These three things seem simple, but in fact they are quite complicated. Celery can be fried directly with shredded pork. Anyone can fry it. The problem is, then potatoes are useless. If potatoes are added to stir-fry, when the potatoes are cooked, the celery will also be stir-fried. Already old and yellow.

If you beat the potatoes in the pressure cooker before frying them, the potatoes will fall apart as soon as they enter the frying pan, and the whole dish will be mushy.

The key to making this dish is that you have to find a way to bring out the characteristics of these three ingredients and make use of their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, so that you can succeed.

Fortunately, Huijuan's casserole is made of mashed potatoes and cornstarch, and the soup is rich, thick, and delicious. The diced celery is crisp and delicious, and it also plays a decorative role. The fried diced meat, Although after stewing, it is a bit rotten but still a bit crispy, and it has a sauce aroma, which makes it taste very special.

Huijuan looked at Fatty Fu. Fatty Fu didn't say yes or no, but asked her, among the dishes you cook, which one is ordered the most by customers?

Huijuan said, tofu pot.

Fatty Fu said, "Then can you make it for me to try?"

Huijuan said: "I want to see the tofu first."

Fatty Fu said "Oh". This answer was beyond his expectation. He became interested and asked: "Is tofu important when making tofu pot?"

Huijuan said: "It's important to make it with salt-marinated tofu to make it delicious. Gypsum tofu is not delicious."

Fatty Fu laughed: "Then there must be gypsum tofu here, not salt-marinated tofu."

"If I can find brine, I can make tofu myself." Huijuan said, "I used to make tofu a lot. Is there any tofu here?"

"Yes." Fatty Fu took Huijuan to the water platform. Huijuan saw tofu soaked in water in a basin.

Huijuan reached out and picked up a piece of tofu, put it in front of her nose and smelled it, frowned, shook her head, walked to the faucet again, turned on the water, took it with her hand, tasted it, and said to Fatty Fu:

"Master Fu, we can't even make tofu here."

"Why?" Fatty Fu asked.

"The water is not good," Huijuan said. "The tofu made with this water will not taste good no matter what you do, even homemade tofu and mapo tofu will not taste good."

"Yes, you are right." Fatty Fu nodded and said, "The water in Hainan is not good, and the tofu in Hainan is not delicious. Not only Sanya, but also Haicheng is not delicious. The tofu here is made into stinky tofu." None of them taste good. The stinky tofu in our store is all flown in from Changsha."

Huijuan said yes, tofu looks ordinary, but in fact it is the most delicate and requires very high water. Even in our county, the tofu made in this village and that village is different. We used to have During banquets, my father always made tofu at home and brought it over, so I have been making tofu since I was a child.

Huijuan said this, and Fatty Fu felt a little respect for the country chef whom he had despised. He knew that he was also a fastidious person, and the dishes made by such a person should also be fastidious.

"Master Fu, is there a large intestine here?" Huijuan asked.

Fatty Fu nodded and said, yes.

"Then let me make a large intestine stew?" Huijuan said.

"Okay." Fatty Fu looked at his watch and said to Huijuan: "It's done at eight o'clock. We'll finish work at almost half past eight and have dinner. I'll eat your large intestine pot in the evening. Now, you can just wander around in the kitchen, right?" Now, if you have time, go to the restaurant in front. As the general manager, you have to take care of more than just the kitchen."

Huijuan quickly said: "Thank you, Master Fu!"

Fatty Fu smiled and then said to her, "The dish in front is pretty good."

After Fatty Fu finished speaking, he turned around and left. Huijuan let out a long breath.

Huijuan looked around in the kitchen alone, curious about everything she saw, and her mind was spinning rapidly, wishing she could imprint everything in the kitchen in her mind.

After finishing the kitchen tour, she walked to the front restaurant and saw the restaurant manager standing in front of the cashier. She walked over to chat with her and took out a small book from her pocket. She needed to know the staffing structure of the entire restaurant.

They were all young people, so we had no grudges when chatting with her. The manager answered almost every question she had, and told her how to differentiate between different positions in terms of clothing.

Huijuan knew that the person in the suit was the supervisor, and that the person wearing the same clothes as the waiters, but with different colors, was the foreman, who was also a waiter, and was divided into waiters on duty, order takers and food passers.

Each waiter on duty serves six tables. If it is a private room, one person serves one box. The waiter on duty patrols back and forth in his service area to see which table needs to be poured wine or replaced with bone plates. The waiter immediately came forward to serve.

In the restaurant, the people walking around holding trays are food passers. They are responsible for delivering the dishes from the food delivery station at the door of the kitchen to the corresponding table in the hall. The waiters on duty will help serve the dishes.

If a customer needs to order or add food, the waiter on duty will call the order taker. The order taker will come over with the menu, drink list and order menu. Those who lead the guests to the seafood pool and game restaurant are also the order takers. .

The manager and Huijuan said that in the restaurant, the order clerk is very important and cannot be done by stupid people. She is not only responsible for ordering dishes according to the needs of the guests, but also being able to sell the dishes.

Seeing that Huijuan didn't understand very well, she told her that every time the order clerk went to work, she had to go to the seafood pool and game hall to have a look. There are a lot of them, so she has to try her best to sell safflower crabs to her customers.

For another example, you also know that whether it is seafood or game, it cannot be raised for a long time. When there are a lot of species in stock or have been raised for several days, the ordering staff must find a way to keep them. Market them as quickly as possible before they die and cause losses.

Also, when the kitchen introduces new dishes, the ordering staff must also be very familiar with these new dishes. You can't have customers ask you. If you don't know anything about this dish, then what are you selling?

Huijuan wrote them down one by one in her notebook and felt that this was indeed important.

Huijuan looked at the time. At 7:40, she went back to the kitchen and started preparing ingredients. She was going to make not only a large intestine pot, but also a radish and beef brisket pot, and stir-fry two more vegetables.

At half past eight, most of the guests in the front restaurant have left. In the back kitchen, everyone has also started to clean up. In addition to leaving a pier and a wok on duty, in case there are still guests, especially the guests in the private rooms. We need to add more food, and everyone else is getting ready to eat and get off work.

Huijuan brought the prepared dishes to Fatty Fu's office and ran to the restaurant in front to buy a bottle of deer turtle wine. Huijuan found that many of the guests here liked to drink deer turtle wine and aphrodisiac wine. Juan was embarrassed to buy the latter one, so she decided to buy the former one.

The restaurant manager saw Huijuan holding a bottle of wine in her hand and came over to ask if she was honoring Fatty Fu?

Huijuan nodded.

"Change, change, Fatty Fu wants to drink Xiangquan wine." The manager told her, Huijuan walked back to the cashier and exchanged a bottle of Xiangquan wine.

Huijuan put the wine on the table, and Fatty Fu walked back to the office, looked at it, and shouted, "The food is good."

Huijuan poured the wine and said to Fatty Fu, "Master Fu, it's time to eat."

Fatty Fu pushed the wine glass aside and told her, "Wait a minute."

He took out the purchase list from the drawer and told Huijuan while writing it, this is something you will have to do every day in the future. When you are about to get off work, you should go to every place in the kitchen to check what needs to be purchased tomorrow. Don't expect them to come and tell you on their own. These people become confused when they get off work and can't remember anything. You have to see it yourself.

Huijuan said yes.

Huijuan watched from the side and was secretly surprised. She saw that Fatty Fu didn't bring a notebook or anything. He wrote without thinking. He first wrote a three-page purchase order for ingredients. He even wrote clearly the quantity that needed to be purchased. Clearly.

Then came the spices, dry goods and frozen goods, which also took two pages.

As soon as he finished writing here, the purchaser came in. As if he had finished the calculation, he took the purchase order and went out.

"Okay, now we can start dinner."

Fatty Fu rubbed his hands and said. Huijuan quickly moved the cup in front of him. Fatty Fu asked, "Where's yours?"

Huijuan said: "I don't know how to drink."

"After get off work, let's have a drink with Master."

Fatty Fu said that when Huijuan heard this, she felt ecstatic in her heart. She heard the word "master" from Fatty Fu's mouth. It seemed that he accepted her. Huijuan quickly said:

"Okay, Master."

Thank you May and elberking for your monthly pass! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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