The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1244 A tail to the north

Adults say that Xiang Nan is the nemesis of Xiang North. Zhang Chen’s parents said that it is a medicine.

When Zhang Xiangbei was alone, he was a very naughty little boy, but as long as Xiang Nan was around, he behaved. Even Zhang Xiangbei's class teacher knew that Zhang Xiangbei was really noisy in the class. When talking, the head teacher only needs to tell the class leader, "Go and call Xiangnan for me," or directly tell Zhang Xiangbei, "Go and call your sister."

Zhang Xiangbei immediately became honest.

Xiangnan only had one move to deal with Zhang Xiangbei, which was to lift his ears, and the preparatory movements before lifting his ears, "I count one, two, three, one, two..." Zhang Xiangbei obeyed obediently.

Sometimes, Xiao Zhao felt a little distressed when he saw Xiang Nan lifting Zhang Xiangbei's ears. Zhang Chen smiled and said, It's okay. If you lift the ears, the most you can do is make the earlobes bigger. Liu Bei's ears hang down from his shoulders, which is a sign of good fortune. You are already an emperor. If Xiang Nan can make your son an emperor, you will be lucky as the Queen Mother.

Xiao Zhao glared at him, and Zhang Chen said, "It's best to use the ears. If you think about it, hit him on the head. It's easy to hit someone stupid. Hit him on the body. It's easy to get internal injuries. Then, if you use the ears, you won't be able to find anything wrong with him."

Xiao Zhao thinks about it, and it makes sense.

Zhang Chen's mother, who is supposed to love Zhang Xiangbei the most, also said at this time that Beibei is just the sky that won't take control of him. Fortunately, Xiangnan is holding him down. Otherwise, both of our lives will be ruined. If he gets out of his way and becomes naughty, he can even be on the Xinwen Network.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao laughed.

Zhang Chen's mother was surprised. She told Xiao Zhao that Chenchen was naughty when he was a child, but not like Beibei. I can't hear it at all, so I'll just keep to myself.

Zhang Chen looked outside the door and told his mother that there is no way to pass the inheritance from generation to generation. You didn't see his grandfather, he is still so naughty at such an old age. After the pond is built, I guess he will drill holes to extract oil.

Zhang Chen’s mother and Xiao Zhao laughed wildly.

On the badminton court, Zhang Xiangbei was in the same situation. Liu Jun took them out to compete. Xiao Zhao asked him what results Beibei would probably get this time. Liu Jun looked at her and said with embarrassment that his results were the best. Difficult to estimate.

"Why?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The quality of Zhang Xiangbei's score depends on Xiang Nan's score. If Xiang Nan's score is good, Zhang Xiangbei's score will not be very good. If Xiang Nan's score is in the first round, he will encounter a formidable opponent. If he is eliminated, Zhang Xiangbei's performance will be better." Liu Jun said.

Zhang Chen was surprised and asked: "They are not playing mixed doubles. What does their performance have to do with each other?"

Liu Jun sighed and said: "If Xiangnan's performance is good, when Xiangbei is competing, she is also competing and has no time to come over. Xiangbei's performance will be a mess. If Xiangnan stands on the side, Xiangbei will be like a replacement. As individuals, they will perform at a super level."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao understood and couldn't laugh or cry. Liu Jun couldn't laugh or cry either. He had nothing to do with Zhang Xiangbei.

Zhang Xiangbei is the son of Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao. No matter what, Liu Jun can't scold him like he does to other team members, or simply go over and kick him. Therefore, Zhang Xiangbei Unlike other team members who are afraid of him, they are more relaxed in front of him.

Even when it's time to play, it's the same. He lowers his head and you don't even know if he's listening to what Liu Jun says to him. Sometimes he performs better on the court. Liu Jun knows that he was listening just now. If it's still the same. , Liu Jun understood that he was wasting his words in front of him, Zhang Xiangbei was not listening at all.

If there is no competition for Xiang Nan, Liu Jun will take Xiang Nan with him. The two of them stand in front of Zhang Xiangbei. At this time, Zhang Xiangbei no longer dares to lower his head, but looks at them, although his eyes are wandering. Yes, at least he pretended to be listening attentively.

Liu Jun said a few words, and Xiang Nanhui asked: "Do you understand what Coach Liu said? I'll count one, two, three, one, two..."

Zhang Xiangbei nodded quickly and said, "I understand, I understand."

"Repeat it again." Xiang Nan ordered.

Zhang Xiangbei repeated it obediently, and he was indeed listening.

Liu Jun watched from the side and couldn't help but want to laugh, but he knew that the effect was really different.

When he encountered Zhang Xiangbei on the court, as if he was sleepwalking, Liu Jun would whisper to Xiang Nan, nod to Xiang Nan, and shout loudly: "Zhang Xiangbei, pay attention to receiving the serve!"

Or shouted: "Zhang Xiangbei, position three!"

This was their code. Liu Jun divided the court into several small blocks, and each block was numbered. Position three was his own left backcourt, or the opponent's left backfield. This was to remind Zhang Nan. Go north and pay attention to the defense of the third position, or attack the opponent's third position.

Xiangnan's voice was so loud that the entire stadium heard it. Even the referee turned his head to look. Zhang Xiangbei suddenly felt like he was waking up from a dream.

Their combination has been going on for a long time, and some opponents in Liancheng have also known about it. Some of them were drawn to compete with Zhang Xiangbei. The opponent's coach felt his scalp go crazy when he saw Liu Jun leading Xiangnan to the sidelines. Feeling numb, he came over to Liu Jun and said, half jokingly and half seriously:

"What, Liu Jun, you brought Zhang Xiangbei's wet nurse again?"

Xiang Nan glared at him.

Time flies by quickly. In the blink of an eye, Xiang Nan is in fifth grade and Zhang Xiangbei is in fourth grade. For girls of this age, the circle begins to get smaller. There are always three or four people who play together every day. classmate.

Children don't have the concept of best friends yet, but psychologically, it's the same. They like to form small groups and start to consciously isolate themselves from other people.

Xiang Nan also had such a small group. After having such a small group, Zhang Xiangbei still followed her like a tail every day, which began to make Xiang Nan feel a little annoying, but Zhang Xiangbei didn't notice it, no matter Xiang Nan Whether she was avoiding him or hiding from him, he always found a way to find her, and then stubbornly insisted on following her, which made Xiang Nan lose his temper.

Fortunately, when Zhang Xiangbei is with girls, he is far less naughty and annoying than when he is with boys, especially with Xiang Nan. He is still relatively well-behaved, and he is not too talkative. Several girls While they were chattering, Zhang Xiangbei sat aside, playing his game console and not participating in their conversation.

He had no interest in what they were talking about. He seemed to just want to know that he and Xiang Nan were together, and everything else didn't matter.

After doing this several times, Xiangnan and the girls felt that it didn't matter whether Zhang Xiangbei was there or not. Anyway, they said and did whatever they said, just treat him as air, and Zhang Xiangbei did act like air.

And this air can be put to use immediately when it comes time to use it. When they want to dance with rubber bands, Zhang Xiangbei can stand there, serving as a permanent pillar for them while playing his own game. On the machine, the girls danced steamingly in front of him:

"Little ball, kick it with your feet, Malan blossoms twenty-one, two-five-six, two-five-seven, two-eight-two-nine-thirty-one, three-five-six, three-five-seven, three-eight-three-nine forty-one, four five-six, Four five seven, four eight four nine fifty one, five five six, five five seven, five eight five nine sixty one, six five six, six five seven, six eight six nine seventy one..."

Or: "Malanhua, Malanhua, don't be afraid of wind or rain. Hard-working people come to speak, please bloom immediately..."

On the pillar opposite, people kept changing. On Zhang Xiangbei's side, it was always him, standing there, concentrating on playing his own game, with the rubber bands rising from his ankles to his calves, knees, thighs, hips, and waist. ...Every time it went up, either Xiang Nan or other people would come over and move the rubber band up on Zhang Xiangbei's body.

Zhang Xiangbei let them do what they did, as if it had nothing to do with him and he just provided them with a standing human form.

When they were about to play hopscotch, Zhang Xiangbei took the chalk and immediately drew grids on the cement floor. The grids he drew were square and clear, and he could draw them very quickly. They were very popular with the girls. After that, he walked aside and found a place to sit down. He still played his game console and never participated in their games.

The girls got excited about dancing and took off their cotton-padded clothes and sweaters one by one. They came over and called out "Zhang Xiangbei". Zhang Xiangbei took it without raising his head and placed it on his knees. Put your hands on your clothes and continue playing the game console.

There were more and more clothes, and Zhang Xiangbei couldn't fit them on his knees. At this time, the girls came over, and even Zhang Xiangbei stopped shouting and put the clothes on him directly. Zhang Xiangbei felt that he was getting more and more As it got hotter, the weight seemed to increase, but he didn't care and continued to play the game.

Wait until Xiangnan or another girl shouts: "Zhang Xiangbei, I'm thirsty."

At this time, Zhang Xiangbei would look around, find a clean place, put the clothes on his body and knees, put the game console on top of the clothes, stand up, brush the floor and run away.

He ran back after a while, holding several rows of Wahaha AD calcium milk or Wangzai milk, as well as chocolates. The girls gathered around him, drank the milk, ate the chocolates, and returned the empty bottles and boxes. Give it to him and go ahead and dance their house.

Zhang Xiangbei found a trash can and threw all these things into the trash can. He walked back, put the clothes on his body one by one, sat down, and then put the clothes on his knees back. On his knees, he picked up his game console and continued playing, as if he had rewinded the tape and never stood up.

If there is a small group of other girls nearby and they are playing hopscotch, Xiangnan and her friends will especially like to shout loudly: "Zhang Xiangbei, I'm thirsty!"

Then they watched him run away and come back again. They were drinking drinks around him, and out of the corner of their eyes, they saw envious glances coming from the side.

At this time, they couldn't help but feel proud.

Thank you for your monthly passes from Fatty, Guo Lichen, I Am a Potential Stock, Seeing the Original Intention Without Seeing the Future, and Polar Bear 2018! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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