The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1229 Sometimes there is snow

Huijuan woke up very early. She didn't need to open the curtains. She also knew that the snow outside should have accumulated very thickly, because the curtain was much brighter than usual. Only snow can have such power to bring all the people together. The lights are painted brighter and newer than they usually are.

When they came home from get off work at around two o'clock in the morning, there was already a thin layer of snow on the ground. Snow always seems to like to accumulate very thickly at night, when people are sleeping, waiting for you to wake up. It will scare you when it comes.

It was cold outside and warm inside the bed. Huijuan wanted to sleep for a while, but she knew she couldn't. She knew that if she stayed in bed and continued to sleep, she would probably sleep for more than an hour. , it was too late to get up and do anything.

Huijuan really wants to have a day when she can sleep until she wakes up naturally. Instead of waking up naturally, she always wakes up at this time. She will wake up naturally without the need for an alarm clock. However, she is still very sleepy after waking up and her brain is groggy. Yes, Huijuan really wanted to wake up one day, think about it, she had nothing to do today, she could continue to sleep, and then fell asleep.

Counting the days, this day is coming soon. I can just go home during the Spring Festival. When I get home, I really have nothing to do every day. My parents will do everything, and I can sleep as long as I want. Those days are really Very comfortable.

When Huijuan was thinking so wildly, her eyelids had already drooped and she was about to fall asleep. She suddenly sat up from the bed and reached around under the quilt with her toes. She reached the place where she slept last night. There were knitted pants under the quilt. I opened the quilt, put my feet into the knitted pants, and then put on jeans.

Then I put on my woolen sweater, put on my down sweater, walked over and opened the curtains. Sure enough, it was still bright outside, but the snow no longer allowed it to remain bright, and there was white everywhere.

Huijuan picked up the hot water bottle and shook it. There was still half a bottle of water in it. Huijuan put the towel, toothpaste and toothbrush into the basin, walked over and opened the door, then held the basin in one hand and the other Carrying a hot water bottle, I went to wash up.

After washing, she came back and looked at the door next door. After recruiting a new waiter, Huijuan asked the landlord to rent the room next door. Now Ah Qiao and the others live next door, and Huijuan herself lives in one room. Huijuan passes by When Ah Qiao and the others were in their room, she thought for a while and didn't call them. Let them sleep a little longer.

Huijuan hung the backpack with the wallet on her neck and carried it on her chest. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and there were more thieves in crowded places. Huijuan reminded herself to be careful every day. She put on her woolen gloves and went out to buy groceries. .

She walked to the vegetable market and first went to a stall. Huijuan bought her vegetables every day from her. Huijuan picked out the vegetables she wanted to buy today and walked away. She didn’t need to give orders, the stall owner would give her what she wanted. The vegetables were weighed and put into a basket.

Huijuan doesn't have to worry about the weight. She will definitely be able to weigh enough, and she won't worry about the price. The price she calculated for Huijuan will definitely be a few points cheaper than others. Huijuan only needs to press her button when she leaves. Just make the payment and that's the benefit of being an old customer.

Huijuan was walking around the market. Almost everyone in the market knew Huijuan. As long as she was not busy or doing business, everyone would say hello to her and watch her pass by. This little girl had a nice smile and would joke with her. , is a very comfortable thing.

Huijuan soon had many bags in her hands, so she walked back to the stall in front. The stall owner immediately took out another empty basket. Huijuan put the things in her hands into the basket, and then walked away again. After four or five times, she finally bought everything she wanted to buy today.

The stall owner looked at Huijuan and said every day, Huijuan, your business is so good. In other stores, buy something and carry it back with you. Only you have to pick it back.

Huijuan smiled.

As the stall owner spoke, he took out a pole and helped Huijuan straighten the rope on the basket. He put a noose on the end of the rope into one end of the pole, and then put the noose on the other basket into The other end of the pole.

When the stall owner's husband is here, he will help Huijuan pick it up in the store. Today, if he is not here, Huijuan will pick it up in the store herself.

Huijuan stood up with a pole on her shoulders. When the stall owner saw her husband wandering in, he quickly shouted, "Boil, burn, burn!"

He also told Huijuan, "Let it go, let it go!"

The stall owner's husband quickly ran over, took the pole from Huijuan's hand, put it on his shoulders, and helped her carry it over.

It was about 300 meters from the market to Huijuan's shop. After delivering it to the shop, she picked it up directly by the pool at the back. Huijuan said to him, "Thank you, brother, for the basket and pole. I will call Aqiao later." return.

The eldest brother waved his hand and said there was no hurry, no hurry, stepped on the snow with high rain boots, and went back to the market.

Huijuan opened the back door, walked in, took off her down sweater, and put it in a cabinet. She walked back, took off her work clothes hanging behind the door, and put them on. She had been busy at the market for a while, and her body felt warm early. At this time, even if you are wearing a single coat with a woolen sweater and knitted underwear underneath, you will not feel cold.

Huijuan walked out of the door and started to sort the vegetables out of the basket one by one. She stretched out her foot and kicked a large plastic basin standing next to the sink. It fell down. Huijuan put a plastic pipe into the plastic basin. , turned on the faucet, and the water flowed gurglingly. Huijuan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the water pipes had not frozen today. If they did, they would have to use boiling water to pour the pipes little by little.

The first thing Huijuan took out from the basket was a black vest bag containing fish and loaches. She poured the fish and loaches inside into a plastic basin and kept them like this.

She then took a plastic bucket, filled half the bucket of water, poured the other two shrimps in the black vest bags into the bucket, then took another bucket, put three pairs of pig intestines in, and soaked them in water first. With.

Then he took out the pig's feet, washed them in the sink, put in a pressure cooker, turned on the gas stove, and used the pressure cooker to beat the pig's feet.

Ah Qiao and another waiter also rushed over at this time. Ah Qiao said, sister, why didn't you call us?

Huijuan scolded, "It's not good for you to sleep a little longer. Then I'll wake you up tomorrow."

Ah Qiao and the others were laughing and sticking out their tongues.

The three of them got busy together, putting the things in the basket that should be put in the refrigerator, putting the things that should be placed on the shelves inside, and putting the remaining vegetables to be washed by the sink outside the door.

Huijuan left the doorman to Ah Qiao and the others. She went inside, turned on the light, turned on the faucet of the pool inside, and began to wash the chickens that had been killed and shed their feathers one by one. After washing them, they put them into the casseroles. , sit on the gas stove and stew first.

The chickens are all stewed, and the time for the pig's feet in the pressure cooker is almost up. Put the pressure cooker aside to dry, put a stainless steel bucket on the stove, throw in three chicken racks and a few pork bones, and start boiling the stock.

There was a bicycle bell ringing outside. Huijuan knew that the tofu delivery person was coming. She walked out of the door. The tofu delivery person had already arrived at the door. She stopped the car on tiptoe and stepped down. Huijuan walked over and helped him hold on. When you turn off the bicycle faucet, you curse, "You can't change the bracket. I have to help you hold the faucet every day. I am very busy myself."

Ah Qiao and another waiter, one of them is washing vegetables and putting them into plastic baskets, and the other is washing large intestines with flour. Large intestine pot is one of Huijuan's signature dishes, served every day There are many people ordering it. Huijuan is very strict about cleaning the large intestine, so it must be washed thoroughly.

Both of them are very busy, so Huijuan has to do the job of helping the bicycle faucet.

The tofu deliveryman chuckled and didn't tell the difference. He untied the leather rope tied to the back seat of the bicycle and began to move the tofu to the shelves inside step by step. There were three plates of old tofu, one plate of tender tofu, and one plate of old tofu. It makes tofu in a pot, and the soft tofu makes home-style tofu and mapo tofu. Here in Huijuan, a large amount of tofu is used every day.

She wouldn't use tofu made by a soybean product factory because her gypsum tofu didn't taste good. Instead, she chose a salt-braised tofu that suited her needs and delivered it to her every day.

The tofu deliveryman put the four boards of tofu on the shelf, picked up yesterday's board standing on the edge of the shelf, walked out, tied the board with a leather rope on the bicycle bag rack, took the bicycle faucet, and put the tofu on the shelf. He took off the two vest bags hanging on the faucet and handed them to Huijuan. In the vest bags, one bag contained stinky tofu, and the other bag contained fried tofu and dried fragrant seeds.

"I won't help you tomorrow." Huijuan scolded.

The tofu delivery man responded casually, turned his bicycle around, got on the bus and left. He knew that tomorrow would be the same, Huijuan would still run out as soon as he heard his ringtone.

The tofu delivery man kicked his pedals hard, but before the person could get on, the car slipped in the snow. The person hid to the side, but his feet slipped and he sat down on the snow.

The three girls laughed loudly, and Huijuan hurriedly came over and asked, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." The tofu delivery man blushed, stood up, got in the car and left without even brushing the snow off his pants.

Huijuan walked back to the kitchen. When the tofu arrived, she sat a large pot on the diesel stove, added water, turned on the fire, and took down the boards of tofu from the shelf. Two squares of old tofu were just right. Make a tofu stew, but you need to blanch the tofu in water first to remove the beany smell, otherwise the tofu stew will not taste good.

After blanching the tofu, put it on the shelf in a large stainless steel basin, and stand the board with the tofu on the edge of the shelf.

Huijuan took a large piece of pork hind leg meat and divided it into several small pieces according to the texture of the muscle. Then, she cut the pieces suitable for shredding and the pieces suitable for slicing, and placed them in two small pieces. In a stainless steel basin, marinate it with cornstarch, cooking wine, sugar, white pepper and light soy sauce. This is Huijuan's experience. The more thoroughly the meat is marinated, the more flavorful it will be and the more fragrant it will be when fried.

After marinating, drizzle a little vegetable oil on top to keep the meat moist and prevent it from seeping out.

There was a small piece of meat left on the chopping board. Huijuan cut it into slices, took a winter bamboo shoot and cut it into slices, and cut two pickled mustard seeds and green garlic sprouts into sections.

Lighting the fire, Huijuan added a lot of oil to the pot, stir-fried the meat until it was a little charred, controlled the oil, set up another oil pan, stir-fried the mustard mustard and winter bamboo shoots twice, took them out, and added water to the pot. She was Prepare to make breakfast for the three of them.

On a snowy day, they had to eat a delicious bowl of Sichuan noodles alone before they had the strength to clear the snow at the front door.

Thank you for reading the book every day, and for the reward of two fishes at three o'clock in the middle of the night! Thank you to Haining Auto Parts, Niu Hua Ba Po Chuan Chuan, Xiang Zhi, Mo Shui Lan, and Shuyou 20180720125920875 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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