The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1226 Men can’t chat, it’s a big deal

Liu Ligan looked at his watch and told them that the time for sitting and talking was over, and now he was going to look for the large intestine pot.

The four people stood up and opened the door. The biting cold wind outside blew into their faces, making them shiver.

There was still snow falling in the sky, but the snow had not accumulated on the ground. The four of them didn't bring umbrellas, so they just ran downstairs and got into Zhang Chen's car.

We drove straight to Xiasha, turned left and drove to the entrance of "Huijuan Local Cuisine Restaurant". We parked on the side and the four of us got out of the car. The restaurant was steaming hot and there was a layer of frosted water vapor on the glass doors and windows. The four of us pushed the door open and went in. , were all stunned. They saw Han Emperor Liu Bang and Wang Minsheng sitting there. When the two saw them, they also laughed.

Huijuan came over and said to Zhang Chen and others: "I asked Brother Liu and others to sit in the box. I told them that the box was reserved for you, but they refused to go."

"I wonder if you have guests." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said with a smile, "Minsheng and I had business in the factory, so we came here to eat, but the little girl refused to order for us and asked us to just sit there."

Huijuan smiled and said: "I'm afraid you will repeat it."

"Good job!" Liu Ligan shouted.

"Let's go, it's just the four of us." Zhang Chen shouted, Han Emperor Liu Bang and Wang Minsheng stood up, and everyone entered the box together.

The air conditioner was turned on, hot wine and hot dishes were served, and the private room was bustling with excitement. Even Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao took cups and ordered a small cup of hot wine, and then drank hot coconut juice.

"Are you ready for the opening of the Sanya Hotel?" Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, asked.

Zhang Chen said, ready. Just as we said that day, important leaders will go to Boao to inspect and cut the ribbon at our place. In line with his schedule, the opening of the hotel will be postponed two days to January 12th. When the number is opened, Hainan provincial and municipal leaders will attend. Here in Hangcheng, Liu Chengcheng will also go. Everything has been arranged.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said, yes, it will be lively then.

"Yes, a group of good friends from Beijing and Macau, including Chen Qihang and the others you met last time, will also come over." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

As they were talking, there was a noise outside. They opened the door to see if there was anything going on. It turned out that the seats outside were already full, and there were two groups of people quarreling over a table. Fortunately, Huijuan quickly took care of it. They stopped.

After walking back and sitting down, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said with emotion that not only Xiasha but also Suzhou Industrial Zone had this problem in the development zones on the mainland. They only knew that the land was being sold to attract investment, but the supporting facilities could not keep up, making life very inconvenient. How many development zones were there? Tens of thousands of people, they all just work and don’t need to eat or live?

Look, there are not only no large shopping malls here, not even a decent hotel. When guests come, if you want to treat them to dinner, you have to go to the city. Not every factory has a staff as big as you guys. In the cafeteria, you are a factory with a lot of people. For those factories with a small number of people, it is good to have someone to cook. If you can’t afford a private room, there is nothing you can do when guests come.

Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, said, and Zhang Chen and the others nodded, thinking that this was indeed the case. This development zone did not have a supporting living area. For those in these factories, especially the executives, as well as the teachers in the university town, It's like this. As soon as evening comes, factory buses and school buses are used to transport them to the city. They don't even have the basic conditions to settle here.

There are no decent primary schools and kindergartens. This is because when we were preparing to build the development zone, we had already imagined that this development zone would usually be a place where bachelors live? Or do you think that since it is a development zone, there must be many foreign companies, and when foreigners come, they will definitely not bring their families with them?

They forgot that since they built the factory here, they already had a long-term plan.

Including Zhang Chen and others, if they don't have a house, they can still provide houses to the managers, but what will they do if they have children in the future?

They can't just run kindergartens and primary schools on their own, right? If this is the case, it will be the same as those large state-owned enterprises. The enterprise must be socialized and provide everything except the crematorium. In the end, it will be dragged down by these burdens.

"How about we do one?" Liu Ligan said, "Let's open a hotel here. Zhang Chen, Sanya is so far away, and you have already opened a hotel. Can't you open a hotel at this doorstep?"

"That's right, don't open a hotel for people to live in. Just open a place like this where you can eat and treat guests. Business will definitely be good." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, also became interested and shouted.

"If you open a hotel like that, based on the characteristics of Xiasha, you don't even need a lobby. Think about it, since it's all about entertaining guests, everyone who goes to sit in the lobby will ask for a box. Just build a hotel with all boxes. ." Zhang Chen said, "There is no lobby, so we can save a lot of money."

"Okay, in this case, let me calculate, we will build thirty-eight private rooms, plus the kitchen, entrance hall, elevator room, fifteen to six hundred square meters, three floors can be built, the land is not counted, the civil engineering With additional decoration, it can be completed within two million," Liu Ligan said.

The three men became excited when they talked about the hotel. Tan Shuzhen and Xiao Zhao said, ignore them, we will eat.

"That's right, Minsheng, let's eat more vegetables and let them go." Xiao Zhao said to Wang Minsheng with a smile.

Those three people became more and more enthusiastic as they talked. They even discussed the location of the hotel. It was at the entrance of the development zone, at the end of Yingbin Avenue, at the big roundabout, at the junction of Yingbin Road and No. 1 Road, where you turn right, across the street. There is a reed marsh next to a small river. Just flatten the reed marsh and build a small bridge across it.

That piece of reed marsh is almost 2,000 square meters, and next to it is the Xiasha Stone Market. It is enough to build a hotel like they said on this piece of reed marsh. A hotel, a two-story building. There is also a large parking lot available for the staff dormitories.

This location is the only place to go in and out of the development zone. If a hotel stands there, it will be seen by everyone entering and leaving the development zone. It can be said to be an excellent place to open a hotel.

Liu Ligan immediately called Xu Wenhui and told Xu Wenhui that it was right here at the big carousel. That's right. Turn left on No. 1 Road to Zhang Chen's factory. Turn right on the No. 1 Road, opposite the river.

"The reed marsh past the Yingbin Avenue Stone Market?" Xu Wenhui asked.

"Smart." Liu Ligan said, "Is this the middle sand or the lower sand?"

"Going from Hangcheng, on the left side of Yingbin Avenue are Dongsha, Xiasha and Zhongsha, but not on the right. On the right are Touge Village and Qige Village. That should be Zhige Village. What's wrong?"

"You want to know what's going on in this reed swamp," Liu Ligan said.

"Are you ready to take it?" Xu Wenhui asked.

"Yes, take it and build a hotel."

"Okay, then I'll call and ask."

Liu Ligan put down the phone, and Tan Shuzhen asked, what, are you really planning to open a hotel here?

"Okay, this kind of small hotel doesn't cost much, and the investment will be returned in two or three years." Liu Ligan said, "The key is that it is convenient to eat by yourself."

"Is it inconvenient for you to eat now?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Tan Shuzhen said with a smile: "The point is, I said before that I was getting poorer and poorer. Now listen to me, you can say that even millions are not much money."

Everyone laughed.

"The most important thing in a restaurant or hotel is what it is made of and how the food tastes, right?" Zhang Chen said, "This kind of hotel relies on word of mouth. If your food is not delicious, people will be scared away after just one visit. "

"Here, just make this. Partner with this little girl and make this local dish. I guarantee that even the people in the market will come to eat it." Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, said with his fingers on the table.

"We just came here from the city to eat." Xiao Zhao said, "The food here is indeed delicious, but can this little girl be able to build such a big hotel?"

"Yes, you can call his father over." Zhang Chen said, "The little girl learned her skills from her father. Her father is the kind of chef who would be invited to the countryside for weddings and weddings."

"That's really a folk master, that's what a big occasion is." Liu Ligan shouted, "In that kind of occasion, if the food is not delicious, or the food never comes, maybe the table will be turned over on the spot. , it seems that her father has been through a big event, hey, Zhang Chen, how do you know?"

"We usually chat when we come here to eat. Just listen to what she says." Zhang Chen quickly put it off.

Liu Ligan's cell phone rang. It was Xu Wenhui. He picked it up. Xu Wenhui said to him, Mr. Liu, I have found the village chief of Zhige Village. That piece of wasteland is indeed theirs, but they have no right to sell it in the village. , can be rented out, and the stone market next to it is their land that has been rented for twenty years.

"How much is the rent?" Liu Ligan asked.

"Fifty to sixty thousand a year." Xu Wenhui said, "This can be negotiated. It's a piece of wasteland that will be left vacant without rent. He offered a price of fifty to sixty thousand, so we can negotiate from fifty thousand down."

Liu Ligan hung up the phone and told them that the land would not be sold, only rented, for 20 years, with a maximum rent of 50,000.

"That's more than two million, and we can buy the entire hotel." Zhang Chen said, "The investment is really not big."

"Twenty years is enough. A hotel can be opened for twenty years, which is already a long time." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said.

"How about it, Your Majesty, let's do it together?" Liu Ligan said.

Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, shook his head and said: "No, we are friends. Friends don't do things together. They can help each other. When we do things together, we often end up doing it later, and we can't even make friends. Business is temporary, and friends are It’s not worth it to spend your whole life working for business and not even have a single friend in the end.”

Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, said that Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan also thought it was reasonable. There are many brothers who would fight for a little family property, let alone friends.

Zhang Chen remembered that for so many years, he, Liu Ligan, and Meng Ping had actually been subconsciously avoiding such things. They never said which project they would cooperate on. Between them, the guarantee was a guarantee, and they borrowed money. It's borrowing money, but it's all out of friendship, and there is no connection between each other's interests.

Liu Ligan thought about it. Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, helped him go to Xiamen to settle matters in Xiamen. At that time, he also invited the emperor to join his Xiamen company, but Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, also declined.

It seems that he has been in society for a long time and has a clearer understanding of worldly affairs than they do.

"You two little brothers, you can do it. If you don't do it, I will do it again." Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, said.

"You go ahead, it's right in front of your house. If you don't have money, I'll lend it to you." Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen said, and the others laughed.

Zhang Chen said: "We are just wishful thinking. We don't know yet whether this little girl is willing to join the gang."

Zhang Chen already felt that this was a good thing. Of course he hoped to be able to do it. He was even willing to lend money to Huijuan and let her do it. But Xiao Zhao was here, so he couldn't say it, and he couldn't Secretly, he lent such a large sum of money to someone else in private, and it was a girl.

"After eating, you two, take the emperor's car to the factory. Xiao Zhao and I will stay here, and I will talk to Huijuan. This is a good thing." Tan Shuzhen said.

Thank you for the reward for ranking third from top to reading the book every day! Thank you for your monthly votes for Wonderful on the Road, Xiao Li Feidao, Li Ruijin, Qingbo, and Xu Yuenian! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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