The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1220 A fair perspective

"Chen Yaqin, Ren Rongrong was fired this time. Do you feel sorry for her in any way? Did you say something about her in front of Lao Ni?" Meng Ping asked.

Chen Yaqin shook her head and said no.

"Then why are you sad?" Meng Ping asked.

"I just feel that she did nothing wrong this time and it is very unfair to get such a result." Chen Yaqin said.

Meng Ping nodded: "I understand your feelings. I think back then, I saw those who were mediocre than me were promoted one by one, but I was not. I also felt unfair. At the beginning, I also felt very angry. But then I figured it out. I wanted to climb up, and others also wanted to climb up. If others climbed up, but I didn’t, it was not the person who climbed up that I should hate.

"He just has the same idea as me. He is not wrong. It is not him who can decide who can go and who cannot go, but the higher-ups. It is the higher-ups that I should hate, but later, I felt that the higher-ups also There is nothing wrong. The people chosen above are the people they think are correct. I have no right to ask them to set standards based on me.

"If there is a mistake, it is my own fault. Whether it is the standard or the unspoken rules, they have always been there and have never changed. I claim to be a smart person. Don't I even understand this?

"I understood but did not change myself because of it, and was eliminated. Of course, I was the only one to blame. After thinking about it this way, I became calm and could live in peace with everyone.

"Since I can't change myself, I can only choose to leave, because I already know that I am not suitable to stay there. If I don't leave, I will still complain about everything. Isn't that funny?

"I say this not to say that you are wrong, but to tell you that there is nothing fair or unfair in this world. It is more about the perspective of looking at the problem. If you give 100 yuan to ten people, each person will get ten dollars. Block, it seems fair, but let me tell you, most of these ten people must think it is unfair, and very few people will think it is fair.

“Some people feel that they are more capable and deserve more than others. The problem is that most people have blind spots and feel that they are stronger than others, and few admit that they are weaker than others.

"Even if someone is self-aware and doesn't feel that he is better than others, he looks at the worst person and thinks, this kind of rubbish gets ten yuan, why am I still the same as him? He doesn't know, then he feels that he is Although he is very capable, he looks like trash, and I feel that he does not deserve to receive ten yuan.

"So I said, this is just a matter of perspective. You are not the boss. You don't know and have no right to decide who can stay in this company and who should leave. The boss is the one who decides. The boss makes such a decision. There is no boss. You won't know the reason. Even if he just feels that there are too many people in the department and needs to lay off one person to save money, it is reasonable.

"No company retains people for the sake of fairness, which will cause greater unfairness. If nothing else, take some state-owned enterprises as an example. There are indeed problems of superfluity and low efficiency, but these problems are not caused by workers. Yes, what does it have to do with workers, but they still have to be laid off. You are right and you have to be laid off. Is it fair or unfair?

"Of course it's unfair from a worker's point of view, but it's fair from a social point of view. Why, because such an enterprise won't lay off workers, transform or go bankrupt, and society can't stand it. Where are you going to get it?" So much money to maintain this fairness?

"So I think, as far as Ren Rongrong is concerned, you can sympathize with her, but there is no need to feel angry, and there is no need to feel guilty. Lao Ni must have Lao Ni's considerations. If Lao Ni thinks that she is indispensable , I will definitely keep her, are you right?

"As for you, as long as each of us does it ourselves, we can have a clear conscience if I don't stab others in the back or add insult to injury. We can't change anything else, let alone change the boss's decision. You can only do your best. Be yourself, be yourself, and next time if Ren Rongrong has any difficulties and needs your help, you can help her. This is a friend.

"Instead of saying now, okay, you are fired, I will quit with you. This is loyalty, but it is not a rational behavior. If this is the case, then it is best for you to make fewer friends in the future, because You may lose your job at any time because of a friend. Or, conversely, when you lose your job, your friend will not be with you. Will it only make you more sad?

"How can we make friends like this? It's better to come naked and leave naked. Work is work. It's important to separate it from friendship. Don't confuse it with friendship. Believe me, you work hard and are capable. It can help more people.”

Chen Yaqin laughed and asked, "Is this what you have been thinking about all this time?"

Meng Ping also laughed and said no, this is what I thought of saying now. I have forgotten what I thought about along the way. Anyway, you didn't want to give up your choice, so those words are not important.

"I'm going to see if Rongrong is back." Chen Yaqin said, "If she comes back, I will ask her to come over for dinner. You are so good at talking, so you can enlighten her."

Meng Ping said yes.

Chen Yaqin stood up and walked out of the door. Meng Ping also followed. He stood at the door of Chen Yaqin's room and watched Chen Yaqin ring the doorbell and knock on the door. She shouted "Rongrong, Rongrong". When it was over, she turned her head and faced Meng Ping. Shaked his head.

Meng Ping said: "If I guessed correctly, she should have returned to her hometown. For her, she was indeed injured this time. It can be said to be an unforeseen disaster. The instinct of animals is that when they are injured, they will always return to their hometown. go."

"This is also her nest." Chen Yaqin said.

"I'm still crying to find my mother. There is no mother here," Meng Ping said.

The two came back and sat down. Chen Yaqin asked Meng Ping, when you are injured, do you also cry for your mother?

Meng Ping shouted: "How is it possible? How could I do such a thing? I am already independent."

"Me neither. If it were me today and something like Rongrong happened, I would definitely not go back to Keqiao. I would rather stay here alone." Chen Yaqin muttered, "I don't think Rongrong will either."

"That means there is a new place to go. People like you will usually have a lot of people coming to contact you, right?" Meng Ping asked.

Chen Yaqin was silent.

"Let's see, maybe she can heal faster than you. You are still working for her and haven't gone to work. She has already gone to work in a new position in a new place." Meng Ping said, "Don't worry, I have the ability." People don’t have to worry about where to go, especially in today’s society.”

Chen Yaqin sighed and said, "I hope so."

The two of them ate until about ten o'clock. Chen Yaqin felt that she was very full. The two of them cleared the coffee table. Chen Yaqin asked, which hotel are you staying in today?

"I don't know yet. Let's go out and look for it now." Meng Ping said.

Chen Yaqin looked at the sofa and said, "If you don't mind it..."

Meng Ping quickly said: "If you let me sleep on the sofa, I will definitely not mind it."

The two of them laughed, and Chen Yaqin said, "That's wronging you, big boss."

"What a grievance. It's great to have a sofa. I've lived in an office for several years."

Meng Ping said, thinking, I haven't told you yet, I squatted in a pit with my head on my head and slept for a long time.

The next morning, when Meng Ping woke up, he saw that Chen Yaqin had already gotten up, and ran out to buy soy milk and flatbread and fried dough sticks. Meng Ping turned over and sat up, saying to Chen Yaqin, "Great, I'm done." Haven't had this for a long time.

"The big boss eats delicacies from all over the world every morning when he gets up?" Chen Yaqin said with a smile.

"Eat air." Meng Ping said, "Really, I am busy every day. However, I get up late. After working for a while, I have lunch. It has been a long time since I even had breakfast."

As Meng Ping said this, he was about to grab the fried dough sticks to eat. Chen Yaqin patted his hand lightly and said, "No one will compete with you. Go wash your face and brush your teeth first."

Meng Ping chuckled and went to the bathroom.

After breakfast, the two of them went downstairs. Meng Ping drove Chen Yaqin to "Splendid Jiangnan". When they got downstairs, Chen Yaqin looked at Meng Ping and said with a smile:

"Why do I feel like I was escorted to work by you? But thank you!"

"Thank me for what?" Meng Ping asked.

"Thank you for yesterday's dinner, and I'll keep your cold medicine for later use."

Meng Ping said okay, then I want to thank you for the breakfast and your sofa.

"I'm not going up, are you okay?" Meng Ping asked.

"It's okay, don't worry, amateur boss, I will work hard for you." Chen Yaqin smiled.

"Really?" Meng Ping asked.

Chen Yaqin nodded: "Really."

"Then I'll go back to Nanjing." Meng Ping said.

"Okay, drive slower on the road and pay attention to safety." Chen Yaqin said.

When Chen Yaqin gets off work every day, when she gets out of the elevator, she will first go to Ren Rongrong's door, ring the doorbell a few times, and then go back to her room. No matter how late she gets off work, this has become her habit, but every time, there is silence inside the door. Later, Chen Yaqin herself did not expect anything to happen inside after ringing the doorbell.

But you still have to press it.

On this day, Chen Yaqin got off work at around nine o'clock. When she got out of the elevator, she walked to Ren Rongrong's door and rang the doorbell. This time, there was a rustling sound in the door. Chen Yaqin's heart almost jumped into her throat. In my eyes, Rongrong is back!

Sure enough, Chen Yaqin then heard the sound of taking off the safety chain and the sound of the latch turning. The door opened. People inside and outside were stunned for a moment. Chen Yaqin saw that it was a young man who opened the door. The young man asked:

"Who are you looking for?"

Chen Yaqin quickly said: "Is Rongrong here?"

"Rongrong, who is Rongrong?" the other party asked, and Chen Yaqin was confused by the question.

"Honey, who is it?"

A girl's voice came from inside the room, and then appeared at the door, looking Chen Yaqin up and down. Chen Yaqin quickly pointed to the opposite side and said to them:

"I live across the street, here, this is not..."

The girl breathed a sigh of relief and smiled: "My sister turns out to be a neighbor. Hello, we just moved here today."

"Then this is your house?"

"We rented it."

"Oh, is it Ren Rongrong who rented the house to you?"

"No." Both of them shook their heads, and the girl said, "We don't know Ren Rongrong. We rented from Yuxing Real Estate."

Chen Yaqin understood that Ren Rongrong didn't want to see her at all.

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