The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 122 This money has to take a detour

Liu Ligan finished his meal at Zhang Chen's place and left. He said he was going to Liu Yun's company. Zhang Chen gave him the keys to his motorcycle and told him to ride here. I won't go out in the afternoon.

Shortly after Liu Ligan left, Xiao Xu came. He asked Zhang Chen and Manager Pan if their things had arrived. Zhang Chen said no, I had been waiting, and I would check and accept them when they arrived and let them move them upstairs.

Xiao Xu said yes, and when Xiao Xu was about to leave, Zhang Chen stopped him. Xiao Xu asked what happened, Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Xu said that they have something to ask, that is, can I get a discount for staying in your hotel?

"Who lives there?" Xiao Xu asked.


Xiao Xu didn't understand: "You? You're not..."

Zhang Chen quickly explained, "That's it, doesn't my girlfriend work at the China World Trade Center? She usually lives in the company and comes to see me every Saturday..."

Xiao Xu laughed: "You want a better atmosphere, right? This is a big deal."

Xiao Xu picked up the walkie-talkie and called: "Manager Mao, Manager Mao from the housekeeping department?"

Manager Mao immediately replied: "I'm here."

Xiao Xu: "Please explain to the front desk, Mr. Zhang from the Panshi Company who decorated us, Zhang Chen, Gong Changzhang, morning morning, do you remember it?"

Manager Mao: "Remember, Zhang Chen, Mr. Zhang."

Xiao Xu: "In the future, he will register for accommodation in person and ask the front desk to charge the lowest group rate. Remember, arrange a double bed room, but it will be calculated as a single person in a standard room."

Manager Mao: "Okay, I understand. Let them know immediately."

Xiao Xu and Zhang Chen said: "Mr. Zhang, we have arranged it. The lowest group price for a standard room is one hundred and eighty-one. I will ask them to arrange a double bed room and charge a single person in a standard room. Ninety-one nights, that's fine." Really? Otherwise, I’ll go find Mr. Fu and ask him to waive the bill.”

Zhang Chen quickly said: "Okay, thank you Assistant Xu, there is no need to bother Mr. Fu about this, Jiushi has already shocked me."

"Okay, that's it. When you need it, just go to the front desk. If anything happens, just hold me or use this." Xiao Xu said, pointing to the walkie-talkie in his hand.

Zhang Chen said yes, thank you, thank you!

After Xiao Xu left, Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He lived in Wanghai Tower for one night and was only ninety. If he had known this, he wouldn't have had to live back yesterday. Zhang Chen thought to himself that Jin Lili would be very happy when he knew the news. She was in bed since yesterday. Just know the performance.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Chen heard the sound of a truck outside and walked out. Manager Pan was also coming down from upstairs and told Zhang Chen, "It's here, this is the truck."

Manager Pan directed the truck and stopped at the winch. Zhang Chen walked over with the list. Manager Pan asked the driver, why did it take so long? The driver complained to them that they arrived at Hai'an Pier last night and it was blocked, and it was their turn to board the boat this morning.

Zhang Chen thought to himself that the scene when he first arrived last year would probably happen again in Hai'an. It's no wonder that there is only one entrance and exit on the entire island. The migrant workers who want to return to the island after the Spring Festival must have crowded the Hai'an pier.

They unloaded one item, Zhang Chen looked at each item and ticked it off on the list. They loaded the goods onto the winch and moved them upstairs one by one.

After the inspection was completed, Zhang Chen returned to the office. He put the list into his drawer and locked it. This list could not be handed over to the material manager, nor could it be taken back to Gu Shufang.

Zhang Chen thought for a while, picked up the phone, called Boss Lin, and told him that there was a sum of 248,700 yuan from you, and he wanted to take it from you and call a company in Guangzhou. , can Boss Lin help?

Boss Lin didn't even ask what the money was, he just said okay, you can arrange it how to get there.

"It will be credited to your account in the next two days. After about half a month, I will notify you and you can just transfer it out." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, what else do you need me to do, Mr. Zhang?" Boss Lin asked.

"You can help me make a delivery note for this amount of imported stone, and give it to me with an invoice. By the way, you will deduct the invoicing fee from that amount."

"This is a small amount of money, what do you care about?"

"It's not my money. You can serve the people without deducting it?" Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, listen to Mr. Zhang, when do you want it?" Boss Lin asked.

"The sooner the better."

"Okay, I'll deliver it to you before dinner. Let's have dinner together?"

"You're welcome, I already have an appointment, otherwise, I should be the one to invite you." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen did have an appointment. Liu Ligan called him from Liu Yun's company and said that they would have dinner together in the evening. Liu Yun was treating him. Liu Yun and his club were still preparing to open. What Lin Yiyan said last time was right. Liu Yun was attracted by them. The owner appointed him as the club's general manager.

Zhang Chen said yes, but it's a pity...

"It's a pity that Lily is not here again and has gone to Sanya. Liu Yun has already called her and won't be back at night. Liu Yun said it's okay. When the club opens, we will invite everyone anyway." Liu Ligan said.

Two hundred and forty-eight thousand, seven hundred yuan, this is all the money that should be paid to Manager Pan and the others. Mr. Fu has confessed that even Gu Shufang cannot know this amount. The biggest projects on the construction site are steel, cement and marble. They bought steel and cement from state-owned material companies, which were public entities, and it was very troublesome to pay the bills, so Zhang Chen thought of Boss Lin.

Now is the peak period for the construction site to purchase materials. Gu Shufang will not doubt that the money is arranged at this time, so Zhang Chen still thinks that the money should be transferred to Boss Lin's account first, and after Manager Pan and the others finish the project, Then forward it to Manager Pan and the others. He has already told Mr. Fu about this path, and Mr. Fu also thinks this arrangement is good.

Just after six o'clock, Boss Lin sent over the invoice and delivery order. Zhang Chen thought for a moment and signed his name on the delivery order imitating the material manager's handwriting, and then signed his own on the invoice. Name them, then sandwich them among many documents and put them in your bag.

Zhang Chen asked Boss Lin, how did you get here?

Boss Lin said, ride a motorcycle.

"Is it easy to go to Hele Seafood?" Zhang Chen asked.

"Let's go around a bit. Why, you want to go to Hele Seafood? Let's go then."

Zhang Chen stood up, put on his bag, and walked out with Boss Lin.

Everyone had to go to work tomorrow. After dinner, they did not continue. Chen Qihang, Li Yong and Lin Yiyan left in a car. Liu Yun asked Zhang Chen and Liu Lizhang to get into her car. She told the driver to go to Wenmingdong first. Send Zhang Chen off, then go to Binya Village to see off Liu Ligan.

Zhang Chen said you just give me the pole, and I’ll ride the motorcycle back.

Zhang Chen parked his motorcycle at the construction site and walked back. When he got home, he saw that the office door was open and Gu Shufang was sitting there. Zhang Chen wanted to walk over, but thinking of the smell of alcohol all over his body, he retreated to the room, so he went first. I brushed my teeth in the bathroom, took a shower, changed my clothes, and then went to the office.

Gu Shufang was sitting there. This time, she was not reading a book, but making a report. Zhang Chen remembered that it was already early March and it was time to make the February report.

Zhang Chen walked to his desk and sat down. Gu Shufang did not raise her head, minding her own business. Zhang Chen took out the stack of receipts from his bag, pushed it over, and said to her: "Accountant Gu, these days You can arrange the money tomorrow."

Gu Shufang read the documents one by one, then put them in the drawer and continued making reports.

Zhang Chen read the book for a while and stood up to go out. Gu Shufang said, "Wait a moment, I'll be ready here soon. You sign."

Zhang Chen said "Oh" and sat down again. He sat there and looked at Gu Shufang. He found that as long as Gu Shufang lowered her head, her posture still looked very docile and peaceful when doing things. As soon as she raises her head and looks at you, her cold gaze will quickly cool down her entire face and person.

Gu Shufang finished the report and checked the numbers one last time. Like Jin Lili, she did not like to use a calculator, but an abacus. Her white fingers kept moving on the black abacus. Zhang Chen looked at it and felt like It's like a group of elves dancing.

After the accounting was completed, Gu Shufang laid out the carbon paper layer by layer and pushed the "balance sheet" over. Zhang Chen signed his name at the bottom of the statement with the person in charge of the unit.

Gu Shufang took back the "Balance Sheet" and then passed the "Profit and Loss Statement" and "Cash Flow Statement", and Zhang Chen signed them one by one.

When Zhang Chen pushed the "Cash Flow Statement" back, he said: "Accountant Gu's handwriting is really beautiful."

Zhang Chen saw a slight smile on Gu Shufang's lips, which disappeared in an instant.

Neither of them mentioned what happened the night before, as if nothing happened the night before.

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