The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1215: Total Loss (Thank you for being ranked third from top to bottom and becoming the leade

Ma Li was left to keep track of the market in the office, while everyone else went home to have a good rest and prepare to fight again tomorrow.

Chen Yaqin returned home, took a shower, and just lay on the bed when her cell phone rang. It was Ma Li. Chen Yaqin asked: "Ma Li, what's wrong?"

Ma Li said: "Sister Yaqin, I don't know if this matter is important, but I think I should tell you that just now, several oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have announced that they will guarantee the supply of oil. "

"Do you see any changes on the board?"

"The board has not changed yet, but..."

"Yes, I can't tell now." Chen Yaqin said, "I understand, Ma Li, if there is anything new, please call me."

"Okay, sister Yaqin, bye."

Putting down the phone, Chen Yaqin lay there, but the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. OPEC had been unable to make a decision to reduce production. The price of crude oil had risen in the past two days. These American guys, the main members of OPEC, would immediately I came out and announced this statement with only one purpose, which is to tell everyone that oil prices cannot rise.

Especially at this time, when Big Brother America is furious and looking for enemies all over the world, we cannot stimulate him.

The more Chen Yaqin thought about it, the more she felt that her original judgment was correct. She sat up, got out of bed, and walked to the living room outside. Without turning on the light, she walked to the water dispenser and poured a glass of water in her hand. .

She walked over barefoot and opened the balcony door. It finally started to rain outside, and some raindrops were already floating into the balcony. Chen Yaqin did not go out, but leaned against the door, drank some water, and then stared outside blankly.

The rain is hitting the water of the Mishi River below, the rain is hitting the tops of the trees on both sides of the river, and the rain is floating in the dim light. This rainy day is like Chen Yaqin's mood, erratic.

From time to time, lightning would suddenly light up, illuminating everything in sight pale, and then sink into darkness for a moment, and then from the darkness, everything that was dim and dark would be washed out again by rain.

Thunder rolled faintly in the far horizon, but there was no gap to fall, and it turned into Chen Yaqin and their neighbor's dog. When Chen Yaqin was a child, every time Chen Yaqin came back from school, the dog would give Chen Yaqin such a low voice. It grunted incomprehensibly while retreating back. As long as Chen Yaqin stamped her foot, it would make a "woof" sound and run away far away.

Chen Yaqin stamped her feet, but the thunder was still in the sky, neither disappearing nor coming down.

Chen Yaqin walked back to the living room and sat on the sofa. After thinking for a while, she got up, took off her sweatshirt, put on a nightgown, put on slippers, took the room key and mobile phone from the table, and walked out. The lights in the corridor came on.

Chen Yaqin walked to the opposite side and rang the doorbell. After a long time, Ren Rongrong's confused voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

"Let me open the door quickly." Chen Yaqin said.

There was a rustling sound from the door, followed by the safety chain that opened the door, and then the latch of the door was opened. The door opened, and Chen Yaqin walked in.

"What's wrong?" Ren Rongrong asked.

"I think something is going to happen, something big."

Chen Yaqin said that she then told Ren Rongrong Ma Li's phone number. Ren Rongrong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

"What did I think, just this? What's the big deal? These big-nosed countries say this today and say that tomorrow. What's so strange? They think they are important, but in fact they are bullshit. The international situation is basically It’s not up to them to decide, they just want to make their presence felt.”

"No, Rongrong, we thought of this and that, but we ignored the most fundamental factor, which is the political factor." Chen Yaqin said.

"What political factors?" Ren Rongrong asked.

"Political correctness. They came out to make such a statement at this time because they are panicked. For the sake of political correctness, the current low oil price is political correctness. Anyone who raises oil prices will rub salt into the wounds of Americans, and Americans, They are angry now. Whoever their president wants to punish now, the American people think it is politically correct.

"Why is Saudi Arabia so active in expressing its stance? Don't forget that Bin Laden is a Saudi. Was the single-day increase in oil prices within 10% less than that before? Why has it only been rising for two days now? These little brothers in the United States are going to express their stance. , want to curb the rise in oil prices? Rongrong, think about it carefully."

As Chen Yaqin said, Ren Rongrong stopped talking, and Chen Yaqin continued:

"If you look at the market in the past two days, as long as there is a rise, it will fall back a little, and then it will be sideways for a long time. Why, it shows that everyone has no bottom in their hearts. The mood of the entire market is very fragile. As long as At the slightest sign of trouble, everyone will run away."

"It's normal for both longs and shorts to be in a stalemate. In the United States, if a decision is made tomorrow about which oil-producing country will be punished, oil prices will skyrocket." Ren Rongrong said.

"Okay, I don't deny the possibility, but as for those countries in the Middle East, no matter who the United States wants to punish, it will be a small-scale war. Such a war will not cause large-scale turmoil in the Middle East.

"If the United States attacks Iraq, countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates will immediately announce an increase in production, and other OPEC countries will also follow suit. The increase in production of these countries will be able to make up for the small amount of oil production in Iraq. It is impossible to cause a disruption in the energy market. Supplies are in short supply.”

Chen Yaqin looked at Ren Rongrong and said, "I mean, to be on the safe side, we will at least reduce our position by half, and would rather make less money."

Ren Rongrong was a little moved by Chen Yaqin, and she said: "But this purchase was decided by Lao Ni. He seems to be determined. We can't make arbitrary decisions in this situation, right?"

"Call him to convince him that there is still time now. There are still some sporadic transactions in the market. We can ship some of the goods. But when the market opens in Singapore, I am afraid it will be too late and there will be no chance." Chen Yaqin said.

"Fight now?" Ren Rongrong asked, "You hit me?"

"Of course you fight. Needless to say, he knows my attitude. Now I need to let him know that you have changed your mind. This is very important. You are more convincing than me." Chen Yaqin said.

Ren Rongrong hesitated for a moment, but thinking that this matter was too important, she said yes, I will fight.

Ren Rongrong put the mobile phone on the coffee table, pressed the speakerphone first, and then dialed Lao Ni's number. After the phone rang for a while, it was connected. Lao Ni asked breathlessly:

"What's going on? The United States has started to attack. Where?"

Ren Rongrong quickly said, no, no, Mr. Ni, several major oil-producing countries in OPEC, held a meeting and issued a statement saying that they would ensure the world's oil supply...

"What does this have to do with us?"

"Mr. Ni, I want to talk about our positions..."

"Oh, it's a big deal. Let's talk about it tomorrow." Lao Ni said and hung up the phone.

Chen Yaqin said that he didn't know the seriousness of the matter and continued to fight.

Ren Rongrong pressed the redial button, and the phone rang twice before being pressed down.

"This old bastard." Chen Yaqin scolded, "I'll fight him."

Chen Yaqin picked up her cell phone and called. The phone was ringing and no one answered. Chen Yaqin kept calling. Finally, the call was picked up. Lao Ni yelled on the phone: "You don't have to look at whether you are finished or not." point?!"

Then, she hung up the phone, and Chen Yaqin was stunned.

After a long time, Ren Rongrong sighed and said: "Forget it, if you fight again, you will be asking for trouble."

Chen Yaqin's face turned red with anger, but what forced her more than anger now were the thoughts in her mind.

"Rongrong, how about we do it again?" Chen Yaqin asked Ren Rongrong.

"I don't dare, and it's not in line with the rules."

Ren Rongrong said: "This time is no better than last time. At that time, he let us do it. This time, he has clear intentions and instructions. What is the most important responsibility of our traders? That is, the capital side always is correct, and his instructions are also correct. Under his clear instructions, we have no right to fail to implement or make our own decisions.

"Yaqin, think about what he said yesterday, haven't you been scolded enough?"

"But if you do this, you will miss important events." Chen Yaqin said anxiously.

"Yaqin, we can't guarantee that we are 100% correct. What if our judgment is wrong? We have reduced half of our positions today, and oil prices will rise sharply tomorrow. You and I can afford this loss. Of?

"Since Lao Ni has decided to issue trading instructions himself, Yaqin, we can only be qualified traders and strictly follow his instructions. This is the only correct choice."

Chen Yaqin felt that what Ren Rongrong said was right, and she didn't even have the possibility to refute her. Who are you, and what qualifications do you have to think that you are above the financial side?

At nine o'clock, the market opened in Singapore. After the market opened, crude oil continued to fall. Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin stared at the market, but there was nothing they could do.

At half past nine, Lao Ni arrived. Everyone in the office was silent. Lao Ni looked at the computer and smiled, 29.87, we still made money.

"Can I close my position?" Chen Yaqin asked.

"Close the position? Close what position?" Lao Ni said, "Don't think you are the only ones watching the news. I am watching the news too. In the United States, the first shot will be fired at any time. As soon as the gun fires, there will be thousands of gold."

"But, I think..." Before Chen Yaqin could finish her words, Lao Ni interrupted her: "I have decided that as long as the gunshots don't sound, the positions are not allowed to be closed. This time, the Americans will definitely take action. "

Lao Ni skipped Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin and said directly to Baojuan: "Did you hear clearly?"

Baojuan said in a low voice: "I know."

In the following days, the news was very confusing. The timetable for the US military operations against terrorists was still uncertain. International oil prices continued to decline. By September 24, they fell by US$3.74/barrel in one day.

On September 26, the OPEC Oil Ministers' Meeting was held in Vienna. However, the meeting did not make the expected decision to reduce production by 700,000 to 1 million barrels, and oil prices continued to fall.

At this time, the accounts of Ren Rongrong, Chen Yaqin and the others had already turned from profit to loss. If they closed their positions at this time, they would have to bear a loss of more than 50 million. Lao Ni couldn't bear it. He had always believed that the United States would definitely take action and the oil price would definitely turn green. Turn red and all the losses will be back.

By November 2, the day after Halloween, oil prices had fallen for seven consecutive weeks, falling below the price of 18 US dollars per barrel. Finally, even Lao Ni couldn't hold it anymore. He said to Chen Yaqin in a hoarse voice, "Ping." The warehouse is all flat.

In this battle, they lost 323 million yuan.

Thank you for the rewards from the third one from the top, Doll Tin Soldier, and Reading Books Every Day! Thank you for your monthly votes from No. 3 from top to bottom, Lao Chen Tang, 854***479, and Big Eyed Dragonfly! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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