The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1203 The plane flies and flies

Two airport staff pushed the luggage cart in front, followed by Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen and Xiang Nan.

They entered the door, but did not go to the check-in counter. Instead, they went directly to the security check. Tan Shuzhen asked Liu Ligan: "Our luggage doesn't need to be checked in?"

The woman walking in front heard Tan Shuzhen's words and turned around and said to her: "No need to check it in, just take it directly to the plane."

Can such a big suitcase fit in the luggage compartment on the plane? Tan Shuzhen felt strange, but she thought about it and understood. They must have arrived too late. Their luggage had already been packed and loaded into the car. Their luggage could only be placed in the aisle of the cabin.

Tan Shuzhen had seen those checked luggage, which were all piled up tightly with large nets and towed away on flatbed trucks. It would definitely be too late to pack them when they arrived.

However, even if the luggage does not need to be checked, do they not even need to change the boarding pass?

When Tan Shuzhen was about to ask, Liu Ligan seemed to know what she was thinking, and came over and whispered to her, just follow them.

The two men took them to the security checkpoint, which once again puzzled Tan Shuzhen.

They did not take them to the VIP channel at the end, which was the first-class passenger. Instead, they continued to walk forward and walked into a door on the side. Tan Shuzhen saw that there was also a security check here, but it seemed to be for the airport. Accessible to insiders.

The security check here is very loose. They only looked at their ID cards and their luggage passed the infrared monitor. Even after the inspection was completed, there was not even a body scan, and no one asked them for a boarding pass.

The group of them continued walking forward, walked to an elevator, and took the elevator downstairs. A van was parked at the entrance of the elevator. The staff loaded their luggage into the van and invited them to get on.

The man got into the driver's seat, and the woman followed them into the car, and the car immediately drove toward the tarmac outside.

Tan Shuzhen saw that the car did not drive towards any plane parked on the tarmac, but took them to a very remote place. When Tan Shuzhen was confused, the woman told them that they had arrived.

Only then did Tan Shuzhen see that there was a small plane parked in front of where they were going. The cabin door had been opened and the ramp was lowered. There was a flight attendant standing on the edge of the ramp. Her hair was messed up by the wind. .

The van drove to a stop in front of the plane, and the three people got out of the car. Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan with wide eyes. Only then did Liu Ligan couldn't help laughing. Liu Ligan said:

"How about it? Lao Ni's Prime Minister No. 1 made a special trip to send us to Sanya."

Only then did Tan Shuzhen understand why Liu Ligan had been procrastinating earlier. It turned out that he had done it on purpose. They didn't have to catch a flight today at all, but had to take a private plane. No wonder Liu Ligan said, "It won't be there until we arrive." fly.

How can a private plane fly without a single passenger, considering itself a kite?

Tan Shuzhen looked at Liu Ligan and thought to herself, this guy never told her, what does this mean, is it a surprise?

Tan Shuzhen glared at Liu Ligan and cursed: "Childish devil!"

Liu Ligan asked Xiang Nan: "Nan Nan, how are you? We are going to Sanya on a special plane. There are only three of us passengers on this plane."

Xiang Nan was so happy that he nodded "Yeah".

The three people got on the plane. Xiang Nan saw the door of the cab in front open and the two pilots sitting there. Xiang Nan was very interested. She asked the stewardess:

"Sister, can I go and have a look?"

The stewardess nodded and said yes.

The two staff members who sent them here helped them carry their luggage onto the plane, said they wished you a pleasant journey, got off the plane and drove away.

Walking south to the door of the cockpit, she saw that the cockpit of the aircraft was full of square instrument panels and display screens. The pilot on the left looked back at her, smiled at her, and then asked the stewardess:

"Are all the guests here?"

The stewardess finished speaking.

"Okay, then I'll be in line to apply," the pilot said.

Xiangnan stood there, chirping and asking them, and they patiently explained one by one. Xiangnan's questions were all kinds of strange. The first thing she asked was, why do you need two people to fly a plane? Is it difficult to fly a plane?

The pilot on the right thought for a moment and said to her: "The plane is in the sky, what if you want to go to the toilet? Go away, there will be no pilots here."

"Haha, then the plane will fly around." Xiang Nan said.

The pilot on the left is right, so smart.

Xiang Nan looked at the front of the two of them. There were no steering wheels, only two curved handlebars. Xiang Nan asked, does the plane not have a steering wheel?

The pilot on the right pointed to the curved handlebar and told her that this was the steering wheel of the aircraft.


"Yes, both."

"Is there a speaker? I didn't see a speaker on it," Xiang Nan said.

Both pilots laughed, and one of them told her that the plane didn't have a horn, and there was no one in the sky, so why did she need a horn?

"What about the little bird?" Xiang Nan said, "Don't you want the little bird to go away?"

The pilot on the left said: "That makes sense, I should install a horn next time."

The notification from the tower came, telling them to prepare for takeoff. The pilot on the right turned around and said to Xiangnan, "Kids, go sit in the back seat, we are about to take off."

Xiang Nan walked into the cabin and saw a couch, so she lay down on it. Opposite her, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen sat face to face on two large sofas.

The stewardess came over and said to Xiangnan, "Kid, the plane is about to take off. Can I help you fasten your seat belt?"

Xiang Nan lay there and nodded.

The stewardess pulled out the seat belt on the couch, pulled it on Xiang Nan's chest and his knees, and shouted to Xiang Nan:

"Mom, mom, look, I'm tied into a rice dumpling."

All three adults laughed.

The stewardess returned to her seat. Tan Shuzhen remembered it, looked at Liu Ligan, and cursed softly:

"If you wanted to take this flight, you didn't tell me earlier. As a result, I didn't get a refund for my three tickets, which cost more than 10,000 yuan."

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "I told you, there will be no surprises, Nannan, are you right?"

Xiang Nan giggled, and Tan Shuzhen scolded: "It's not just a surprise, but a shock."

After scolding, she laughed herself.

The plane began to taxi.

The plane landed at Sanya Phoenix International Airport and taxied to a stop far away from the big planes. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen looked outside the plane and were puzzled. They saw many people standing outside the plane, holding hands. with flowers.

Behind the crowd, there were several cars parked.

Liu Ligan asked the flight attendant, who are these people?

The stewardess shook her head, she didn't know either.

The cabin door opened. As soon as Liu Ligan and the others stepped out of the plane, they heard a banging sound. Many colorful ribbons were shot into the sky above their heads. People standing in a row applauded together. Someone came over immediately and held Liu Ligan's hand. Tell him, welcome, welcome, Sanya welcomes you!

A girl on the side said, this is the general manager of our Phoenix Airport, followed by the second one, who is the leader again, after four or five leaders passed by, then someone presented flowers, each of the three people held a big bag in their arms. Bouquet.

Then the general manager presented them with gifts. Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen each received a bottle of Lafite, and Xiang Nan received a large box of Belgian truffle chocolates.

After delivering it to the passengers, it was then delivered to the crew.

Liu Ligan and the other three were ignorant. From the beginning to the end, they only heard the welcome and no one explained to them. They had no idea what was going on. At this time, the flight attendant learned about it from the pilot and came over to talk to Liu Ligan. They said that we were the first private plane to land at Sanya Phoenix International Airport.

Only then did Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen suddenly realize.

The second, third, and third... private planes that landed at Phoenix International Airport arrived immediately. That was a month later, on February 27, when the first Boao Forum for Asia was held. Liu Ligan and the others He was lucky enough to get in front of the dignitaries and wealthy people from various countries. Of course, Liu Ligan didn't know this until later.

Their luggage and people were all put into a Mercedes-Benz car. They left the tarmac and drove to Jinling Resort amid the crowds of people greeting them.

Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen got off the car at the gate of Jinling Resort, walked into the hotel lobby, and saw Li Yang, Xu Jiaqing, He Hongmei and Xiaofang sitting there.

Liu Ligan saw He Hongmei and shouted, "Sichuan girl, why are you here?"

He Hongmei scolded: "Why, you can come, but I can't? I'm here to collect debts. I only came when I knew you were coming. Let's start the first meal tonight."

Others laughed.

Xiang Nan called Aunt Hongmei and ran towards He Hongmei. He Hongmei hugged her. Tan Shuzhen asked He Hongmei: "When did you come?"

"This morning." He Hongmei said.

Xu Jiaqing looked outside the door and saw no one else. She asked Liu Ligan in confusion: "Where are Lao Meng and Zhang Chen?"

Liu Ligan said: "How would I know if I didn't see us just arriving?"

"No, no," Xu Jiaqing shouted, "They, Xiao Zhao, and Qian Fang went to the airport to pick you up. Are they all dead? They didn't see you three living people coming out?"

"You can't see it." Liu Ligan said proudly, "We are a special car and drove here directly from the apron without taking the passenger exit."

The few people looked at them and didn't know what Liu Ligan was talking about. Tan Shuzhen told them and they finally understood.

Liu Ligan asked them: "Should we call them now and tell them we have arrived, or should we let them continue waiting and wait at the airport for a day?"

"Childish devil!"

Tan Shuzhen cursed, picked up her phone, and immediately dialed Zhang Chen. As soon as the call came through, Zhang Chen on the other end was surprised and shouted:

"Tan Shuzhen, your flight hasn't arrived yet. Where did you get out? Did you make the call on the plane?"

"We have all arrived at Jinling Resort." Tan Shuzhen said with a smile, "we are with Hongmei and Jiaqing."

"No way, who are you monsters?" Zhang Chen asked.

"We came here on Lao Ni's private plane, Zhang Chen didn't take that flight." Tan Shuzhen said.

"I'm going to go, then you didn't tell me earlier." Zhang Chen scolded.

"I think that childish guy didn't tell me until I got on the plane. I wanted to make a phone call, but he refused to let me go." Tan Shuzhen complained to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen said, "Okay, we'll be back right away. Just ask him to wait. He must drink five mouthfuls of sea water today."

"Five mouths are not enough, eight mouths!" Meng Ping shouted from the side.

Thank you Xu Yuenian, I am a fat man with potential stocks for your monthly ticket! Thank you for all the votes and reading, and I wish you all a happy life!

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