The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 12 The morning bus at around six o’clock

They bought bus tickets from Yongcheng to Hangcheng at 6:20 in the morning. Zhang Chen and Jin Lili got up at 5 o'clock. Zhang Chen took a towel and toothbrush and was about to go downstairs to wash his face and brush his teeth. Jin Lili called to stop. Got him.

"Pack up your things first, then wash your face and brush your teeth when you leave, so we can solve it all in one trip." Jin Lili said.

Zhang Chen looked at her and asked puzzledly: "Doesn't that mean we have to go upstairs to put the towels and toothbrushes?"

"What are you putting? Throw it away. We are all going to Hainan." Jin Lili said.

"No more than that?"

"Yes, but Zhang Chen, let me tell you, if we go to Hainan and come back in despair, we will be so embarrassed that we won't need a towel, and we won't be able to wash it clean with any number of towels."

Jin Lili said seriously, which sounded like burning the boat, and the air in the room became heavy and tragic. The two stopped talking for a while, and silently packed things. Although they said they were sorting things, in fact, there was nothing to sort out, and there was nothing to sort out. It was sorted out early last night.

The two people carried their bags, towels and toothbrushes filled with toothpaste and went downstairs. When passing by the second floor, the two people went to Liu Ligan's room to take a look. From the transom on the door, they saw that the room was dark.

"Damn, you haven't gotten up yet?"

Zhang Chen knocked on the door, but there was no response. Then he looked at Tan Shuzhen's room diagonally opposite. The lights were also dark. Jin Lili walked over and knocked on the door, but there was no response.

The two stood in the corridor for a while, and Jin Lili laughed. She said that these two guys must be more excited than us and had already gone downstairs.

The two people continued to go downstairs. It was already dawning outside. As soon as they turned the corner of the stairs, they saw a person sitting on the steps of the gate below, with a big backpack beside him.

They walked over and saw Liu Ligan sitting there alone, smoking silently, looking at the messy and dilapidated roofs under Gaofang, thinking about something. Even Zhang Chen and Jin Lili did not hear them coming downstairs.

Zhang Chen kicked Liu Ligan's butt and asked, "Why are you alone, and where is Tan Shuzhen?"

"She went home last night to get some clothes and money. She kept all the money at home." Liu Ligan stood up and said, "Let's go downstairs to her house. She is waiting for us there."

"Okay, one less person." Jin Lili sighed.

"What do you mean?" Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both looked at Jin Lili.

Jin Lili scolded: "You are pigs. Tan Shuzhen went back so late yesterday. Her parents must have heard the news and asked someone to call her back. Did she come out after she went back? Her parents still let her go. Is she going to Hainan with you, Liu Ligan?"

When Jin Lili said this, Liu Ligan became anxious and shouted, "Go, go, go!"

"We haven't washed our faces and brushed our teeth yet," Jin Lili said.

Zhang Chen and Jin Lili walked to the pool and each opened a faucet. Liu Ligan saw it and shouted to them:

"Then I'll leave first. After you wash up, come over and meet downstairs at Tan Shuzhen's house."

Zhang Chen waved his hand, and Liu Ligan ran down the ramp.

Tan Shuzhen's parents have always disagreed with Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan's relationship. They believed that Liu Ligan was slippery and unreliable, and their daughter could not be entrusted to such a person in her life.

Liu Lizhang came to the door twice, but both times her parents kicked her out, and the gifts she brought were thrown down from the stairs.

Her parents were opposed to it, but Tan Shuzhen wanted to do it, and there was not much they could do. The troupe was out of town for most of the year, and they couldn't always follow Tan Shuzhen. Even when they returned to Yongcheng, Tan Shuzhen had to hang her voice every morning. It was impossible to live in the dormitory building of the cultural system, so I had to live in the theater troupe.

They had also heard from people in the troupe that Tan Shuzhen and Liu Ligan had already lived together in the troupe. They were so angry that their teeth were itching, but they were beyond their reach. pole on the bed.

Everyone in the troupe is an old acquaintance, and many are still students of Lao Tan. Their daughter can be shameless, but they cannot afford to be ashamed.

Lao Tan once contacted his old acquaintances and wanted to transfer Tan Shuzhen to the Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe. They also knew Tan Shuzhen there and welcomed her vigorously. However, Tan Shuzhen herself was unwilling. She said that she had gone to Zhejiang Wu Opera Troupe. Xu Jianmei doesn’t even know, why should I go?

Second, the troupe and the bureau refused to let go. The old director even personally talked to Lao Tan and told him that if Tan Shuzhen left, the Wu Opera Troupe would collapse. Can you, Lao Tan, still be worthy of the people of Yongcheng? I will always hate you for the rest of my life!

Having said that, Lao Tan had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​transfer.

After Zhang Chen and Jin Lili washed up, Zhang Chen looked at the towel and toothbrush in his hand and asked, "Did you really throw them away?"

"Throw it away, we are all going to Hainan!" Jin Lili said.

Zhang Chen took Jin Lili's towel and toothbrush from her hands, looked at them and said, "I don't want them anymore. Take them with you. You can use them on the road."

He shook the two toothbrushes and stuffed them into his trouser pockets. He put two towels on each side and put them on his shoulders. Jin Lili cursed: "Oh, either put them in the bag, it's so ugly."

Zhang Chen said nonchalantly: "That's it, let it dry before putting it away, otherwise it will stink."

After Jin Lili heard what Zhang Chen said, she stopped fussing with the clothes drying rack. The two of them walked down the ramp to the dormitory of the cultural system.

Tan Shuzhen's family lived on the third floor. It was still early, and there was almost no one in the whole yard. In the dormitory building, there were only a few houses with lights on, including Tan Shuzhen's house. Liu Ligan could see it from a distance. , the light in Tan Shuzhen's room was on, and he quickly quickened his pace.

When he walked downstairs, Liu Ligan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Tan Shuzhen and her parents arguing upstairs.

Tan Shuzhen opened the window with a bang and shouted: "You want to make a quarrel, okay, come on, what's the shame in quarreling? I'm afraid people will hear me."

Her father quickly reached out and closed the window again.

Her father attacked and defended at close range, while her mother blocked the door of her room with tenacity. She said to Tan Shuzhen, "If you want to leave, you can make your parents angry to death first, and then you can step over us. As long as I am still alive, Don't even think about stepping out of this door today.

Tan Shuzhen laughed angrily at her mother, and said, "Then I have to go to the toilet."

Mother shook her head: "No."

Tan Shuzhen: "I have a need to urinate."

Mother: "Pull it on."

Tan Shuzhen: "Then I have to poop."

Mother: "Pull it on me too."

Tan Shuzhen looked at her mother, her eyes widened, and her mother also stared at her:

"At worst, mom will wash it for you. It's not like mom has never washed it before. When I was a kid, I washed it every day after pooping and peeing. I didn't expect that such a heartless thing would come out of the wash."

Tan Shuzhen was attacked by her parents until she couldn't laugh or cry.

When Zhang Chen and Jin Lili arrived, they saw Liu Ligan standing there stupidly, looking up at the window on the third floor. Jin Lili asked:

"Not down yet?"

Liu Ligan shook his head.

"Then scream!" Jin Lili said anxiously.

Liu Ligan held it in for a long time and did not dare to scream. He said: "They are quarreling."

Jin Lili was anxious: "But the time is coming!"

Liu Ligan remembered their old secret code and barked "woof, woof, woof" like a dog upstairs. The quarrel upstairs stopped.

"Come again, come again." Jin Lili said.

Liu Ligan continued: "Woof woof woof!"

The window on the third floor opened with a bang, and then a glass of water was poured down. The three people downstairs would have been splashed if they hadn't dodged quickly.

The sound of quarreling upstairs was intermittent, and the three people downstairs stared at the window, helpless. Jin Lili looked at the watch on her hand from time to time, and once she looked at it, she was so anxious that she put one foot on the ground and circled in place.

The sky was completely bright at this time, and more people were going out to buy fried dough sticks and soy milk. They were all in the same system. Several people who knew Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan heard the quarrel between the old Tan family and knew that they Why are they standing here and still saying:

"So early?"

Some people simply shouted: "Liu Caizi, my mother-in-law's family, why don't you go up?"

"Paper head, paper head!" Jin Lili suddenly shouted.

They saw a paper ball thrown out from Tan Shuzhen's room on the third floor and fell to the ground. Jin Lili quickly ran over to pick it up and handed it to Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan unfolded the paper ball and three heads were squeezed together. , they saw a few scrawls written on the note:

"You go ahead and call me when you get to Hainan."

"What should I do? Zhenzhen can't get down." Jin Lili stamped her feet anxiously.

Liu Ligan looked at his watch, then at Tan Shuzhen's window, and finally, he said harshly:

"let's go!"

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