The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1138 Xiang Nan is missing

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao arrived at the company. Zhao Zhigang, Zhao Zhilong, Liang Fen, Zhao Jingjing and the "working class" had all arrived, and even Ge Ling came with Liang Fen.

Zhang Chen told them about the matter. Two points and three of them said that there was no problem. The three people immediately began to divide the work. Who should tell and call which ones? After the division of labor was completed, the three of them went out. Two points and the "working class" , and Zhao Jingjing went to the financial center to call, and notified all the phones they could find, including BB machines and PHS phones. If they couldn't be notified, they would call at their door.

Ge Ling asked Zhang Chen if I could notify many of the pattern makers and sample workers here if they would like to come over and help.

Before Zhang Chen opened his mouth, Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong said they wanted it. They wanted it very much. The pattern maker could help put the patterns out, so that the garment workers could go to the workshop. Some roads were far away and they couldn't make it in the past two days, and there were some that couldn't be notified. In the absence of the supervisor, the sample workers can help and manage the production line. The sample workers are originally selected from among the workers with good skills.

They also make the sample clothes, and they are very familiar with the products.

Ge Ling said okay, then I will inform you.

Ge Ling went back to the design center. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang said that they would eat here later. Today is the sixth day of the lunar month. The canteen below has started construction. Xu Qiaoxin will arrive at about eleven o'clock. We will wait for her.

Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong both agreed.

Xiao Zhao said, "I'll go say hello to the canteen. Not many are open today and they haven't prepared much."

Zhang Chen said yes.

Xu Qiaoxin spent the whole night in an Internet cafe last night. People nearby were playing games. She translated the orders, each style, and Jessica's requirements, and sent an email to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen printed the email. He came out and gave Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong a portion each.

Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong sat at the conference table and began to fill out the craft sheets one by one based on the sample workers' records and Jessica's requirements.

The "working class" walked in and said to them: "Mr. Zhang, the two factory directors, Zhao, I have notified everyone who can be notified by phone here. I will leave first. If there are still others who have not been notified, I will ride to them." Home.”

Zhang Chen said: "Eat lunch before leaving."

"No, no, thank you, Mr. Zhang. It's still early, and we can still notify several companies in the morning." The "working class" quickly waved his hands and said, "On a day like this, for lunch or not, I just hang out at whichever house I go to."

Zhang Chen and the others all laughed, and Zhang Chen said, well, thank you for your hard work.

"It should be, it should be. What happens in this factory is our own business." The "working class" said and went out.

After a while, Zhao Jingjing and Liangfen also came. They also finished making phone calls and were going to the home of the person they hadn't called. Zhang Chen left them to eat, but they said they wouldn't eat. Liangfen said it was more important to find someone. , let’s go first.

Ge Ling has also finished the phone call. She came over to help Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong sort out the craft sheets. Some sample workers were not good at expressing themselves in words and the writing was not very clear, but Ge Ling knew what it meant. After Ling read it, she reorganized her words and told Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong.

Zhang Chen sat there and felt that the entire company had recovered from the Spring Festival and started to operate at a high speed. This was really gratifying.

Originally, according to the plan, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were going to Shanghai today. It was an annual practice for Xiao Zhao to go to Shanghai. After going to Shanghai, he would go to Beijing from Shanghai.

Zhang Chen is going to go today. Firstly, he will drive Xiao Zhao there. Secondly, he will pass by Songjiang when going to Shanghai. They also want to visit Erhuo. After Xiao Zhao goes to Beijing, Zhang Chen will drive back to Hangzhou alone.

Because of the sudden interruption of Target's order, they had no choice but to postpone today's schedule to tomorrow.

Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was Tan Shuzhen. Zhang Chen was wondering, isn't Tan Shuzhen coming back this afternoon? Why are you still calling?

Zhang Chen picked up the phone, and Tan Shuzhen was on the phone, calling anxiously: "Zhang Chen, Nannan can't be found!"

"Ah!" Zhang Chen was shocked and asked quickly: "Tan Shuzhen, tell me quickly, what's going on?"

"She went down alone in front of her, saying she was going to a small shop to buy bubble gum. However, after going down, she didn't come back for more than 20 minutes, so I went down to look for her. The owner of the small shop said that Nan Nan had never been there at all. …”

"Don't worry, don't worry, Tan Shuzhen, Nannan is so old that she can't be lost. She may not be going to this store, but to another store..."

"Oh, we have asked about the small shops nearby, and they all said that we have never seen her." Tan Shuzhen shouted, almost crying: "It has been more than an hour, we have searched everywhere, and there is no one." I found it, Zhang Chen, what should I do? If Nannan is lost, I don’t want to live anymore."

"Stop talking nonsense, we can't throw it away. She may be down there, and she happened to meet her classmates and friends and went to play with them." Zhang Chen said.

"Zhang Chen, are you..." Tan Shuzhen swallowed the word "nonsense" and said, "Nan Nan has grown up in Hangzhou since she was a child. Who will she know here, and what classmates will she meet? friend?"

When Zhang Chen heard this, he thought it made sense. He immediately felt that the matter was serious and felt a little panicked.

Tan Shuzhen called Zhang Chen while standing at the door of the dormitory of the cultural system. She saw her parents coming from another road and asked quickly:

"Has anyone seen it?"

Both Lao Tan and Mrs. Tan shook their heads together. Mrs. Tan's eyes were red, and she kept saying, Nannan, Nannan, where will Nannan go?

Lao Tan remembered it and said, Nannan went for a walk with us by the river yesterday. Will she go to the river to play?

Tan Shuzhen rushed to the phone and said, Zhang Chen, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to the river.

Zhang Chen said: "Okay, Tan Shuzhen, don't worry, pole and I will be here soon."

Zhang Chen hung up Tan Shuzhen's call and immediately called Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan was probably still asleep and rang the phone without even looking.

"Fuck you!"

Zhang Chen cursed and saw Zhao Zhigang and the others looking at him. Zhang Chen said, "Just wait here for Xu Qiaoxin. Do you know what to do?" I have to go out in a hurry. If you need anything, call me.

Zhao Zhigang said: "You go ahead, I know what to do."

Zhang Chen walked to the door and met Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao saw him in a hurry and asked quickly, what's the matter?

"Nan Nan is gone. Tan Shuzhen is almost going crazy with anxiety. I'm going to call the pole and let's go to Yongcheng together." Zhang Chen said.

Xiao Zhao was shocked and said quickly: "I'll go with you!"

The two people walked out quickly and reached the stairs. Zhang Chen suddenly laughed. Xiao Zhao looked at him. Zhang Chen couldn't help it. He smiled and said to Xiao Zhao:

"I'm so stupid, I'm a pig, I should have thought of that."

Seeing the suspicion on Xiao Zhao's face, he added: "I know where Nan Nan went. She went to find her father."

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Zhang Chen took out his mobile phone and found the number of Yongcheng Wu Troupe from the address book. He dialed it and the call went through, but no one answered. He then blocked Feng Laogui's BB phone, and Feng Laogui never responded. .

The two of them walked back to the office. Zhang Chen found the address book in the drawer and rummaged through it. It turned out that except for Xiao Wu and Xiao Jin, none of the people in it were related to the troupe. Now they can't be contacted.

Who else can I contact about this troupe?

Tan Shuzhen and the others were going back to Hangzhou today. Zhang Chen concluded that Xiangnan must have used this time in the morning to make up a reason to run out. In fact, she was going to see Feng Laogui. In the past, when the second-rate goods sent them there , the second-rate guy will take her there. This year she went back with Tan Shuzhen, and Tan Shuzhen will definitely not take her to see Feng Laogui.

"Call Sister Shuzhen directly." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen shook his head and said, "The person who should not be beaten the most right now is Tan Shuzhen. Their family is very anxious right now. If they know that Xiang Nan is at her father's place, how can they rush over and not make a big fuss? Find Xiang Nan first."

Xiao Zhao thought about it, it was really like this. If it were him, he would be angry.

Xiao Zhao sighed and said, "What should we do?"

Zhang Chen's mind was spinning, and names were passing through his mind one by one. He thought of it and asked Xiao Zhao:

"When your parents moved here from Yongcheng, did you remember to bring a Yongcheng phone book?"

"Remember, the phone book is still in my parents' room, and they still use it," Xiao Zhao said.

"Come on, let's go home." Zhang Chen shouted.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao returned to "Splendid Home", and sure enough, they found the phone book in Zhang Chen's parents' room. It was a Yongcheng phone book from 1994. Zhang Chen quickly looked for it. Well, the telephone directory at that time printed everyone's home phone number in alphabetical order by surname.

Anyway, there are only a few hundred people in Yongcheng who have telephones at home.

Zhang Chen quickly found Ding Baigou's phone number. The number at that time was still seven digits, but it didn't matter. The entire Yongcheng number had been upgraded, that is, an "8" was added in front.

Zhang Chen calmed down and then dialed the phone. The phone rang twice and was picked up. A slow and somewhat sarcastic voice sounded: "Hello, who's there?"

Zhang Chen knew right away that the other party was Ding Baigou. Zhang Chen said:

"Happy New Year, Director Ding, I am Zhang Chen from the Wu Opera Troupe. Please ask Xu Jianmei to answer the phone. I have something urgent to call her."

When he heard that the other party was Zhang Chen, Ding Baigou was stunned for a moment. His first reaction was to hang up the phone, but Zhang Chen was no longer the young man from the theater troupe, but even the secretary and the county magistrate. Treat him as a guest.

Immediately, Ding Baigou also laughed: "Happy New Year, Mr. Zhang, it's so rare."

When Ding Baigou saw Xu Jianmei coming out of the room, he quickly held up the phone and said, "I'm looking for you."

"Who is it?" Xu Jianmei asked as she walked over.

Ding Baigou was too lazy to say anything and just frowned.

Xu Jianmei answered the phone and said, "I'm Xu Jianmei, who is this?"

"I'm Zhang Chen." Zhang Chen said.

"Oh Zhang Chen, is it really you? It's so rare, I thought you had forgotten me. How are you, Zhang Chen?"

"Okay, Xu Jianmei, I need your help."

"Say what you say, Zhang Chen."

"This Feng Laogui, how do you find him?"

"Him? It's best to find him. He's in the office every day, like an old hen hatching eggs."

"I just called the troupe's office, but no one answered, and he didn't even answer the phone."

"Maybe I went to someone's house to chat. They will definitely be in the theater, and they will seize the phone? He even threw it in the drawer."

"Who else in the troupe has a phone at home?"

"Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang has a PHS, you give her a PHS."

"Okay, give me her number quickly."

Xu Jianmei told Zhang Chen Xiangxiang's PHS number, and then asked: "Zhang Chen, why are you looking for Feng Laogui? Are you going to donate money to the group again?"

"The group can't get rid of the pot again?" Zhang Chen asked.

"When has there ever been a pot in the group? A broken bowl, waiting for you to fill it up."

Zhang Chen laughed and said, okay, this dead old man didn’t tell me even if he didn’t have money. I thought the troupe had had a better life in the past two years, so I told Feng Laogui.

Zhang Chen called Xiangxiang's PHS. When Xiangxiang received Zhang Chen's call, she was also yelling. Zhang Chen asked her to help find Feng Laogui. Xiangxiang said:

"Okay, Zhang Chen, don't hang up the phone. I'll go find him right now. Don't hang up the phone. I'm a PHS phone and there will be no signal when I get to the stairs."

Zhang Chen said yes, I'll wait.

Xiangxiang held up her PHS and went to the team leader's office on the first floor. The door was open and there was no one inside. Xiangxiang kicked open the doors of every house on the first floor with her toes. When she didn't find them, she ran away from the first floor. On the fifth floor, Zhang Chen heard that all the people Xiangxiang asked him on the phone said they had never seen Feng Laogui.

"This old man is always stuck in the office like Mu Bodhisattva. It's strange, where is he going now?" Xiangxiang muttered to Zhang Chen on the phone.

Zhang Chen sighed. He couldn't find it after searching like this. Lao Gui should be no longer in the troupe. Zhang Chen and Xiangxiang said, thank you, Xiangxiang. This guy probably went out. If you see him later, ask him to call me right away.

"Okay, Zhang Chen, when will you come back to the group to play? Everyone in the group misses you..."

Xiangxiang said, looking out the window, she saw someone moving in the practice room behind, Xiangxiang shouted:

"Wait a minute, Zhang Chen, Lao Gui seems to be in the practice room. I'll go over and take a look."

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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