The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1120: Nothing to do this afternoon

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping met with Mr. Qiao, and then with Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin. They felt that they had been taught two lessons. Not only did these people in finance have good brains, but they also had many problems in everything they did. One characteristic is that they cannot see the money, or do not need to see the money, but what they are doing is big money.

Compared with them, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping feel that they are just a little better than a contractor and a real estate developer. Compared with them, not only do their knowledge reserves always feel insufficient, but the things they do are also a bit rustic. No wonder The whole world will pay attention to Wall Street. Those guys in suits and ties are the ones who determine the lifeline of the global economy, not their real estate developers.

No matter how awesome they brag about "demolition and demolition to create a new China", it is impossible for them real estate developers. On the contrary, if they leave these financial people, they will die quickly.

This meal made the two of them a little short of breath, especially when Lao Ni took advantage of Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin to go to the bathroom and hinted to them that in the second half of last year, he made a lot of money by doing long crude oil in the external market. He is considering buying a "Prime Minister One" private jet.

Damn it, Liu Ligan cursed in his heart, I, Liu Ligan, am already a slut, but you, Ni, are more than ten times more fucking slut than me when you buy an airplane.

Two years ago, I was a man who opened a factory in Hengchihengchi, Keqiao. He thought carefully about building a small real estate. He was scared to death. Now he actually wants to buy an airplane. This is something Liu Ligan would not dare to do no matter how much money he had. Even Lao Ni would not have dared to think about things two years ago. Or is it because doing finance makes people bolder?

"Old Ni, why do you want to buy a plane?" Meng Ping asked.

"My mother is 80 years old and has never flown on a plane. I just want my mother to fly on her son's own plane." Lao Ni said.

"Go away, don't use me as a shield." Liu Ligan scolded, "Are your two former stewardesses the devil?"

Lao Ni laughed loudly and accepted it.

Two months later, Lao Ni really bought a "Prime Minister No. 1" business jet and became the first entrepreneur in the country to own an airplane. In the pictures in the media, the enchanting one on the left is Feifei, and the one on the right is Feifei. The enchanting one is Mengyao. Nothing to say later.

After saying goodbye to Lao Ni and the others, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping went to Zhang Chen's office. Zhang Chen was not there and accompanied He Hongmei to Keqiao to select fabrics. Xiaofang's vacation was not over yet, so she sat at the conference table in Zhang Chen's office. Currently surfing the Internet.

Seeing them coming in, Xiaofang stood up and called Brother Zhanzi and Brother Mengping.

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping became interested as soon as they saw Xiaofang. They hurried over and asked her, why was she so powerful when she was in the casino?

Xiaofang smiled and said, I don’t know. I just think it’s not easy to make money. My parents have been playing Bangbang for the smallest bargaining chip for several days, so I feel like I can’t lose. It’s special. Serious and careful, that's what I am.

"What is it, Xiaofang?" Liu Ligan asked.

"As long as I am serious, the results will always be better than I expected. I just thought I couldn't lose, but I never thought I would win so much." Xiaofang laughed.

"How much did you win in the end?" Meng Ping asked.

"More than 1.3 million," Xiaofang said.

"Unfortunately, if you bet bigger, you would win more." Liu Ligan said.

"What if we lose?" Xiaofang asked, and Liu Ligan was stunned.

"When we just went there, Sister Shuzhen and Sister Wenfang and I had a total of 60,000 chips between the three of us. I stood on the side and watched, but I was actually betting on it in my heart. I bet ten chips in my heart. It's a win of seven and a loss of three.

"In this game, you either win or lose, and the probability is 50% each. I know that if I really bet, the chance of winning will be greater, so when I sat down, I divided the 60,000 into two times. I felt that even if If I lost this one, I might win the next one, so I bet 30,000. I didn’t expect that I won the first one and it would be easy after that.”

Liu Ligan asked: "Then you don't have a lot of chips on the second day, why don't you raise your bet?"

Xiaofang shook her head: "I'm used to 30,000. If it's more or less, there will be waves in my heart. As long as there are a little waves, it will affect my performance."

Meng Ping sighed and said, it is true that he has strong self-control ability, not just average. By the way, Xiaofang, when you were in school, were you a test-oriented player?

Xiaofang smiled and said: "The thing is, my grades are usually above average in the class, but every time I take the test, I do better than myself and the teacher expected. Many questions that I usually think are difficult, when it comes to the test, I feel very uncomfortable." It’s easy, our teacher, every time before a big exam, when we talk about the precautions for the exam, the first sentence is always, Xiaofang, don’t listen.”

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan both laughed. Meng Ping said that as a teacher, he must be very proud to be able to teach such students.

Xiaofang chuckled and didn't answer.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei walked in from the outside. He Hongmei was holding a plastic bag with two fast food boxes in her hand. Xiaofang shouted when she saw it: "Stinky tofu?"

He Hongmei nodded and said yes.

Xiaofang jumped up quickly, ran to the door, and called out "Sister". After a while, Xiao Zhao also ran over and saw the two boxes of fried stinky tofu that He Hongmei brought back. She was overjoyed, and she and Xiaofang hurriedly When they started eating, Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, even though they had just finished eating, couldn't help but grabbed a piece from their snack box and ate it.

Shaoxing’s stinky tofu is so delicious.

Xiao Zhao asked He Hongmei, "You don't want to eat?"

He Hongmei smiled and said, we ate too much, and he could eat four pieces of the braised pork with prunes and vegetables from the food stall in the market.

He Hongmei pointed at Zhang Chen and said, Liu Ligan shouted, "Well, I can also eat four pieces."

Liu Ligan and Meng Ping sat down on the sofa. Zhang Chen asked, "You two are just idle, are you okay this afternoon?"

"It's already been a new millennium. Everything is recovering, the weather is renewed, the wind is sunny, and the world is peaceful. What can we do?" Liu Ligan shouted.

Meng Ping said with a smile: "I have nothing to do in the afternoon. I will have dinner with Lao Qiao in the evening."

Zhang Chen agreed, and he said to Liu Ligan: "It's a new millennium. Be kind to yourself and pour yourself a glass of water. Be kind to Lao Meng and pour him a glass of water."

Meng Ping laughed, and Zhang Chen said to him: "Sit down, let's go work for a while first."

Meng Ping said yes.

Zhang Chen and He Hongmei walked out and went to the design center. They wanted to take a look at the clothes that He Hongmei designed for Jessica and the others during the last National Day. The samples were already printed and they wanted to see if there was anything that needed to be modified.

As for the ones designed by Zhang Chen and Ge Ling, I also want to ask He Hongmei to see if she has any good suggestions. In another week, they will send all these sample clothes to the United States.

When Zhang Chen and He Hongmei walked into the design center, the people inside applauded, and someone shouted: "It's really a gathering of stars today, the ancestors and the master's wife all appeared together."

Zhang Chen smiled and scolded: "Stop being so talkative, let's get started."

All the sample clothes are made according to the American standard M size. Their company's fitting models will look too big if they are worn on them, so today Ge Ling specially invited two people with similar figures to Jessica from outside. Russian model, came to help try on clothes.

After the Hangzhou-style women's clothing in Hangzhou became famous across the country, it also promoted many surrounding industries. In Hangzhou, there are a group of Chinese and foreign models who specialize in performances, fittings, and photography.

Zhang Chen asked the model to try on Lao Tang's T-shirts first, and then began to try on the series designed by He Hongmei. After wearing them one by one, Zhang Chen found that He Hongmei's designs were not only more grand than before, but also seemed to be a demonstration of clothing. , the effect is better than the actual wearing, that is, the design is more bold and exaggerated.

This may be because she has been designing performance costumes for a long time. Just like Zhang Chen himself, when he first started designing costumes, all costumes will have stage effects, and the samples will be particularly beautiful and outstanding.

Zhang Chen told them this feeling of his, and Ge Ling and others also felt it. He Hongmei became frightened and asked, "How about it? Isn't it okay?"

Zhang Chen shook his head and said: "If it is sold in our domestic specialty stores, I would suggest recycling it a little bit. If it goes to the United States, maybe this is just right. Americans are different from us Chinese in restraint. They pay more attention to personal expression, so in Regarding the shape of the clothing, I would like it to be a bit exaggerated, but I don’t know if I’m right.

"Of course, the most important thing is comfort."

Zhang Chen asked the two Russian models if they were comfortable to wear.

Both men nodded.

"To be honest, do you personally like it?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I like it." Both said.

Zhang Chen smiled and said to He Hongmei, if you see it, at least the Russian people can accept it.

Then they tried on Ge Ling's and Zhang Chen's clothes. He Hongmei and Zhang Chen both put forward many opinions, and Ge Ling recorded them one by one.

When she wore the clothes designed by Zhang Chen, He Hongmei couldn't help laughing while looking at them. Zhang Chen asked, "Why are you laughing?"

He Hongmei didn't say anything, just kept laughing, and also put forward some suggestions for modification. Zhang Chen thought it was right, so he asked Ge Ling to write it down and let the sample worker make changes.

However, He Hongmei kept laughing, which made Zhang Chen's hair stand on end. He couldn't help it anymore, looked at her and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

He Hongmei came closer, leaned into Zhang Chen's ear and asked, "Master, do you like Jessica?"

Zhang Chen glanced at her and cursed: "What are you talking about?"

"That's right." He Hongmei nodded and said, "You just like it. Every piece of clothing you wear is custom-made for her."

Zhang Chen blushed. He felt that at least He Hongmei's words were correct. When he was designing these clothes, all that flashed in his mind was Jessica. There was no way to deny this.

"It's okay, Master. There's nothing wrong with liking her. I also like Chow Yun-fat." He Hongmei said.

Thank you Shouwang for the reward! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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