The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1115 Back to the hotel

A large group of people were at Sullivan's Restaurant, having had enough food and drinks. A minibus came to take them back to the hotel. In the hotel lobby, Chen Qihang gave each of them 20,000 chips and told them that it was a small gamble, but only You can have a little fun. This is for the two nights you stay here. Remember it. Even if you lose, don't buy chips yourself. I will see it. Do you understand?

Everyone has made it clear.

When Chen Qihang said this, he looked at Liu Ligan and Meng Ping. They both had evil intentions and avoided them, but found that Li Yang was also looking at them. I'll go.

"At twelve o'clock, everyone should come back here to gather together. Let's go have a midnight snack together, and eat the frozen crabs that Zhanzhi said. I have asked the boss to prepare more." Chen Qihang told everyone.

Everyone agreed.

While Chen Qihang was talking, a waiter on the side began to hand out chips to everyone. When it was sent to Xiaofang, Xiaofang hesitated and didn't know whether to accept it. Zhang Chen told her, it's okay, you are already As an adult, you should be knowledgeable.

Xiaofang then took the chips from the waiter's hand.

More than 20 people dispersed into the casino. At first, a few people were clustered together, but the casino was too big and there were too many things to play. As everyone was playing, they dispersed. .

The ones who are always together are Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao, Li Yang and Xu Jiaqing, Lao Tang and Lin Shuwan, and even Wei Wenfang and Wu Zhaohui are separated. Wei Wenfang is with Tan Shuzhen and Xiaofang, and Wu Zhaohui and the two Erhui are together. , I don’t know where to go.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao were sitting on the same stool, sharing a slot machine. One put in the coins and the other pressed. They played for more than half an hour. Neither of them felt that it was interesting, so they stood up in the casino. I walked around and looked here and there, but I didn't see anything worth playing.

At Baccarat, I saw Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and Lao Tan standing behind them. After watching them play a few games, they found it boring. Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao said, why don't we go for a walk on the beach? This hotel The opposite side seems to be the sea.

Xiao Zhao said yes.

Before the two of them reached the passage connecting the casino to the hotel lobby, they met Liu Ligan. He was looking for someone everywhere. When he saw Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao, he asked, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Chen said, it’s not interesting, let’s go for a walk.

"Quickly, give me your chips." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chenqi asked: "What about yours, have you lost?"

Liu Ligan chuckled.

"I didn't expect you to be a gambler, but the worst kind."

Zhang Chen cursed and gave him the remaining chips he and Xiao Zhao had, including the game coins that had not yet been played. Zhang Chen thought to himself, anyway, he has seen what the casino is like, and he will not come back tomorrow night. No, there's no use keeping these.

Liu Lipole took the chips and disappeared immediately.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao arrived at the hotel lobby and saw that the staff were already setting up the venue for tomorrow's wedding. The two sat on the sofa and watched for a while, then stood up and walked outside.

Outside the door of the hotel is a golden vault. Through this vault, under the steps, is a large musical fountain. They saw the nanny taking four children to play here. When they walked over, they headed south. Beidu saw them, but Li ignored them and was just playing by himself. However, Chen Qihang's son came over, bowed to them and said:

"Hello, uncle and aunt!"

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and touched the top of his head. Xiao Zhao quickly smiled and said, "Hello."

Passing through the musical fountain is the road leading in and out of the hotel. On the other side of the road is the sea. The two people crossed the road and reached the sidewalk next to the sea. They walked forward along the sidewalk.

At this time in Hangzhou, it is already freezing and snowy, but in Macau, it is the most comfortable day of the year. Although it is winter in Macau, the weather is not cold. Even now at night, it is still 17 or 18 degrees.

Zhang Chen was wearing a casual jacket, and Xiao Zhao was wearing a thin woolen cardigan. Just in time, the sea breeze blew on his face, bringing a slight smell of sea, which was intoxicating and refreshing.

The two people were walking hand in hand. There were very few people walking on the beach. Probably everyone who arrived here had gathered in the casino. Very few people would be like them, arriving at the casino but still walking outside on the beach.

The two people walked and walked, looking at the deep sea outside the stone railing, with fine waves stacked layer by layer. They looked at the night sky above their heads, and the stars were so huge that they seemed to fall into the sea at any time.

It’s been a long time since we were away from work, family or friends. The two of us were alone together, taking a quiet walk like this. Their daily lives seemed to be surrounded by many people and things, and they were always very complicated. Now that we are here, , only at this moment can we really calm down.

The two people were in a happy mood. When they reached the shade of the tree, they couldn't help but stop, hug and kiss. They just walked forward with their arms around each other, stopping from time to time to hug and kiss. They didn't feel like a couple who had been married for many years. More like a couple in love.

Time passed unknowingly. When they returned to the hotel, it was already past eleven o'clock. They passed the musical fountain at the entrance of the hotel and did not see them. When they entered the lobby of the hotel, they saw the nanny with the nanny. Sitting on the sofa in the lobby with four children.

Xiao Zhao asked them, why don't you go to your room to sleep?

The nanny laughed and said they refused to go to bed.

Several children laughed excitedly and said to Nan, "Aunt Xiao Zhao, we are going to have supper too."

Xiao Zhao smiled and said, OK, then you wait here, we will go up for a while and come down later.

With that said, he pulled Zhang Chen's hand.

The two people walked through the lobby, went upstairs, opened the door and entered the room. The door just clicked, and the two people were already hugging and kissing, moving, and moved to the bed and fell down.

Such a beautiful night must end like this.

Xiao Zhao smiled and said to Zhang Chen, hell, I feel like tonight, maybe Zhang Xiangbei will have a little sister.

Zhang Chen said yes, then I will prepare a fine.

The two people sat up on the bed and chatted together. Xiao Zhao and Zhang Chen said, dear, tell me, if it really happened, could I hide here with Lin Yiyan and survive?

Zhang Chen laughed and said yes. When the child is two years old, he will take it back and say that you picked it up.

"Go!" Xiao Zhao scolded, and he laughed after scolding.

"Actually, I have feelings." Xiao Zhao said without thinking.

Zhang Chen didn't understand and asked, "What did you say?"

"It was the time when I was pregnant with Zhang Xiangbei. In fact, I had feelings that day. I heard a voice that seemed to be telling me that you are going to have a baby today."

"No way?" Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao and asked, "It's so magical, who told you?"

"I just don't know who told me, but I just heard someone say this to me." Xiao Zhao said, "I couldn't remember who that person could be no matter how I thought about it."

"Don't think about it, it must be God. You are so awesome that you can meet God on a pile of coal." Zhang Chen said with a smile.

"Is God male or female?" Xiao Zhao asked.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. I haven't seen anyone explain this clearly before. God created men, women, and all things, but is he himself a man or a woman? However, Zhang Chen thought that he could impregnate Maria, probably with a boy.

"That's not him." Xiao Zhao shook his head and said, "It's a female voice."

Zhang Chen said: "That is Guanyin who gives birth to children. If you watch the TV series "Journey to the West", the voices of Guanyin are all female."

Xiao Zhao laughed.

The phone on the bedside rang. Xiao Zhao blushed when she picked it up. On the phone, it was Tan Shuzhen asking, why did you go upstairs and not come down?

When the two of them saw that it was already twelve o'clock, they quickly got out of bed, washed themselves in a hurry, and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw a dozen people gathered here, and everyone was counting their scores. As soon as Wei Wenfang saw them, she shouted, come on, come on, this Xiaofang is too awesome, come and see.

They walked over and saw Xiaofang's face flushed. It turned out that Xiaofang, Tan Shuzhen, and Wei Wenfang were together all night. This night, they won more than 630,000.

Tan Shuzhen and Zhang Chen Xiaozhao said that it was so amazing. Xiaofang was simply the god of gambling. We bet ten times, and seven or eight times we bet correctly. The dealer was dumbfounded.

Xiaofang smiled shyly: "This is actually nothing. It's just a question of probability, just like doing a math problem."

Just as he was talking, Chen Qihang and Lin Yiyan also came over. When Chen Qihang saw Xiaofang, he also smiled and said, you alarmed our entire casino, and everyone below reported to me.

Xiaofang said embarrassedly: "Why are you reporting here?"

Lin Yiyan smiled and said: "The probability of you winning is too high. If you are not our guest, we will check immediately to see if you are cheating."

Xiaofang was frightened and asked: "Brother Qihang, if we win so much, will it cause you to deduct your bonus?"

Everyone laughed, Chen Qihang said with a smile, no, don’t worry, no matter how much you win, I will not have my bonus deducted. Among so many people, in general, there must be more losers than winners. few.

The people standing here immediately counted up. Lao Tan and Liu Bang, the emperor of Han Dynasty, neither lost nor lost. Qu Tianlin and Xiao An lost more than 10,000 yuan. Li Yang and Xu Jiaqing won more than 50,000 yuan. Cao Xiaohe, Ye Yilan and Qian Fang All three of them had dozens of game coins left. Each of them bought three thousand game coins, and the other chips were taken away by Meng Ping.

Old Tang and Lin Shuwan's chips were also taken away by Liu Ligan. Erhui and Wu Chaohui, one lost 8,000 and the other lost 5,000.

While everyone was talking, they saw He Hongmei and Wang Minsheng coming over. People here asked them how the battle was going. He Hongmei said, we won more than 10,000, but now we have no points.

"Did Lao Meng or the pole take away the chips?" Chen Qihang asked.

"Pole." He Hongmei scolded, "This liar, he said he didn't believe we won, and asked us to show it to him. We showed it to him, and he ran away with our chips."

Chen Qihang frowned as he listened. He looked at Lin Yiyan, who shook her head slightly.

They waited for another ten minutes. Meng Ping and Liu Ligan came back. As soon as Liu Ligan approached, He Hongmei cursed: "Liar, where are our chips? Give me back the chips!"

Liu Ligan chuckled: "Sichuan girl, our friendship is not worth a few chips?"

"Yes, it's not worth it. This is different. This is a sense of accomplishment." He Hongmei scolded.

"What sense of accomplishment? I even borrowed your sense of accomplishment and lost it all." Liu Ligan said.

Zhang Chen looked at Meng Ping and Liu Lipole and asked suspiciously: "You two took so many people's chips and lost them all? It seems that what I said before is right, pole, you are just a gambler, or are you the best?" The rotten kind, I didn’t expect Lao Meng to be the same.”

Meng Ping laughed loudly and said, "Isn't this a casino? When you go to a casino, of course you have to gamble. If you lose, you are not as good as others."

Chen Qihang interrupted them. He clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone is here. Let's go and have supper."

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you for your monthly ticket to Not Impossible World! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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