The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 111 It’s really not that difficult

After the waiter served Mr. Qin tea, he exited the door and closed the door gently. Zhang Chen turned around and looked at the door, thinking, while there was no one in the box, should he give the paper bag to Mr. Qin?

Zhang Chen stole a glance at Mr. Qin. Mr. Qin not only looked very kind, but also seemed to be a very decent person. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, a bit like the fat Zhu Shimao. When he spoke, he had a loud voice and a hearty laugh. He is the kind of person who makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

Zhang Chen suddenly became nervous. He felt that if he gave him the money, he would probably scold him angrily and walk away, which would be embarrassing.

Zhang Chen put his hands under the table and squeezed them. He felt that his palms were sweaty. At this time, he wished he were Liu Ligan. This guy seemed to be able to remain calm no matter whether the other party was a peerless hero or a treacherous villain. , dealt with it calmly, but myself...damn it, why can't I get on the stage like this?

Zhang Chen couldn't help but look outside the door again.

Mr. Qin thought Zhang Chen was checking whether Mr. Fu was here. He also looked at his watch and said to Zhang Chen: "Your uncle is too busy, haha. It's always like this. It's hard to arrange time for meetings. No." It’s easy.”

uncle? Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that it must be Xiao Xu or Mr. Fu who told Mr. Qin that Mr. Fu was his uncle.

Of course, Mr. Fu would not tell Mr. Qin about his true relationship with Mr. Fu, but if Mr. Fu said that he was just a friend of the company and Mr. Fu personally came forward to sell such a big face, then people would definitely be suspicious and suspect that he was involved in it. Got a lot of benefits.

It's different if they are relatives, and if they are like my uncle, Mr. Fu will be able to help him no matter what. If he has any harsh requirements for Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin will think it's normal because he is his uncle.

The biggest advantage of saying he is an uncle is that Gu Shufang is also from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, so he can get along with Zhang Chen. If he is an uncle, then Zhang Chen must be from Hainan, and his surname must be Fu, even if Mr. Fu doesn't show it. It's dew-like, but in fact, he has taken into consideration even such details.

"That's right, it happens to be expanding, so there are a lot of miscellaneous things." Zhang Chen said quickly.

"Is Mrs. Fu the elder sister or younger sister of Mr. Zhang's mother?"

"Sister." Zhang Chen said. According to Gu Shufang's age, she is indeed much younger than her mother.


"Yes, there are three sisters, and my mother is the eldest." What Zhang Chen said was not a lie. His mother did have three sisters, and she was indeed the eldest. However, none of her sisters was Gu Shufang.

Zhang Chen looked back and saw that the waiter was still standing outside the door. The door was still closed. Zhang Chen was worried. He wanted to go to hell. Anyway, if he extended his head with a knife, he would also cut his head with a knife. Or he could send him out now. It didn't matter whether he was dead or alive, he stood up after thinking about it. He suddenly remembered that Xiao Xu had told him to remember to give it to him when he sent Mr. Qin to the car.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and could only pretend to go outside to see if Mr. Fu was here. He opened the door and asked the waiter in a low voice, "Has Mr. Fu come yet?"

The waiter shook his head.

Zhang Chen left the door open, walked back and sat down, secretly relieved, and secretly glad that he finally didn't have to worry about this now. Let's talk about it later.

Zhang Chen felt a lot of cold sweat not only on his palms, but also on his back.

Damn it, I didn’t expect money to be such a tormenting thing.

Zhang Chen and Mr. Qin said, "I'm sorry for keeping Mr. Qin waiting for so long. Mr. Fu...oh, my uncle must have been delayed by something."

Mr. Qin waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm used to it."

As soon as Mr. Qin finished speaking, there was a burst of "Hello, Mr. Fu!" in the corridor. Mr. Qin stood up and said with a smile: "The busy man is finally here."

Mr. Qin and Zhang Chen walked to the door, and Mr. Fu happened to come in. He laughed when he saw Mr. Qin, and the two shook hands warmly.

The waiter came in and served Mr. Fu tea, then immediately left and closed the door.

"I'm sorry, Lao Tan, that person just now, Director Luo of the Planning Department, was sitting with me and couldn't get off," Mr. Fu said.

"Then why not together?" Mr. Qin said.

"They are in another box with some friends from Beijing." Mr. Fu said.

Mr. Qin understood and nodded.

"How is it? Are things going smoothly next time?" Mr. Fu asked Zhang Chen, "I was busy today and didn't even go down to take a look."

Zhang Chen hurriedly said: "Thanks to Mr. Qin's help, everything went smoothly. The walls and work sheds have been erected. In half a day tomorrow, the scaffolding will be erected. The mixers and formwork are also in place. I have arranged for people to be on duty at the construction site at night. .”

"Really, so fast? Then why don't you thank Mr. Qin." Mr. Fu said.

Zhang Chen quickly said thank you, Mr. Qin!

Mr. Qin waved his hand: "You're welcome, Lao Fu, your business is not my business. Besides, your Wanghai Building expansion is a key government project. We don't support anyone."

"Okay, with your words, Lao Qin, I feel relieved." Mr. Fu said with a smile, "My nephew is young and has just arrived on the island. He doesn't understand many things. Mr. Qin, you need to give me more advice."

"Anyway, I just came in and was shocked when I saw Mr. Zhang. He is really young and promising." Mr. Qin also smiled.

"Little sister." Mr. Fu called, and the waiter outside the door quickly came in.

"Why don't you pour wine and serve the food?" Mr. Fu asked.

The waiter knew in his heart that all the things that should be discussed here with Mr. Fu have been discussed, and they can come in to serve. The waiter called at the door, and the supervisor and foreman who had been waiting in the corridor hurried in and served them personally. The waiter , hurriedly ran over to inform the kitchen that Mr. Fu’s food was ready to be served.

The three of them ate until about nine o'clock. During this period, they did not talk about the project anymore. Most of the time, Mr. Fu and Mr. Qin were talking. Zhang Chen listened silently. They chatted about this and that. They were all acquaintances, both praised and criticized, and most of them spoke in Hainanese. Zhang Chen was standing nearby, so confused that he had no idea what they were talking about.

Mr. Fu asked Mr. Qin, did you eat well today?

Mr. Qin patted his belly and laughed: "It's almost full."

Mr. Fu stood up and said to Mr. Qin, "How about we do this first?" Mr. Qin said yes.

Mr. Fu said that I still have something to do in the office and asked Xiao Zhang to send you off.

Mr. Qin smiled and said, "Lao Fu, we two, why are you so polite? If you don't want to send anything away, I can just go down by myself."

Mr. Fu said how could this be done and asked Xiao Zhang to deliver it.

Mr. Fu turned around and said to Zhang Chen, Mr. Qin has been so helpful, you can send Mr. Qin off for me.

Zhang Chen said he understood, this is what he should do.

The waiter came in, took out the paper bag from the cupboard, and handed it to Zhang Chen. The three of them walked to the elevator to say goodbye. Mr. Fu went up, and Mr. Zhang Chen and Mr. Qin went down. Zhang Chen saw Mr. Qin off to the parking lot. Zhang Chen was uneasy all the way. Yes, he was thinking about what he should say when he handed the paper bag to Mr. Qin later, and what he should say if Mr. Qin refused.

The two of them walked to Mr. Qin's car. Mr. Qin opened the door. It was too late if Zhang Chen didn't say anything. He mustered up the courage and said, "Mr. Qin, thank you for what happened today. This is just a small thing."

Zhang Chen felt that when he spoke, his mouth was dry, his voice was dry, his heart was in his throat, his face was burning, and his mind was blank. If Mr. Qin refused, Zhang Chen could only act like an idiot. He stood there dumbfounded, speechless.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Qin just smiled softly. Why should Mr. Zhang be so polite when he talked about trivial matters.

He took the paper bag from Zhang Chen's hand with his right hand, patted Zhang Chen's shoulder with his left hand, and said to him: "Thank you, you have my phone number. If anything happens next time, just call me directly. Don't bother me." Your uncle."

After Mr. Qin finished speaking, he put the paper bag on the passenger seat, got in the car and left. He didn't forget to roll down the window and waved goodbye to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen stood there and let out a long breath. It turned out that what he thought was difficult and complicated turned out to be so simple.

Zhang Chen stood in the dimly lit parking lot and looked up at the sky. He felt that he had suddenly matured a lot.

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