The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1107 This long vacation

During this long holiday, even for Zhang Chen and the others, some people are happy and some are sad. The most worried ones are Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong. They are still rushing to deliver Jessica's goods. This seven-day pause will All their originally planned production arrangements were disrupted, and the two of them were as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

He rested for three days from the 1st to the 3rd. On the evening of the 3rd, Zhao Zhilong called Zhang Chen and said, I don't care, Mr. Zhang, I can't wait for that long here.

Zhang Chen was also helpless. He understood Zhao Zhilong's anxiety. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhilong said that either way, you let the workers choose voluntarily, and those who are willing to work can go to work, and you will give them subsidies.

Zhao Zhilong said yes, put down the phone, and immediately informed him. As a result, except for those workers in the dormitory who used this time to go home, everyone else ran to the workshop to go to work that night.

They said that this scenic spot is full of people, and they can’t even get on the bus that goes by here, and they can’t run out. There is nothing to do in this dormitory, so they might as well go to the workshop to work and earn more money.

Zhang Chen and Benjamin and Lin Sheng, who came to inspect the factory from WAC, were right. The workers who came out to work at that time were really focused on making more money. Making more money could change the conditions at home. They were not allowed to work overtime. The opinions will be great.

It was not until two thousand years later that successive generations of workers came out of the countryside. They were desperate to make more money, and their desire to change their family conditions faded. Their parents and brothers and sisters had already improved their family conditions. For them, it is more about thinking about it, looking at the outside world, and looking for more opportunities to make money.

As soon as the workers in the Qiaosi factory went to work, the news immediately spread to the Sanbao factory. The workers in the Sanbao factory quit. They came to Zhao Zhigang and asked to open the workshop door so that they could go to work. Zhao Zhigang asked Zhang Chen I didn’t even ask for instructions, so I was happy to follow what was good.

Not only the workers in the factory, but also Ge ​​Ling and several other designers couldn't stay at home for a few days. They ran to the company and were overjoyed to see He Hongmei.

Ge Ling said, there is no way out here, there are people everywhere, and if you stay at home every day, eating and sleeping, you are almost like a pig, and you can't stay in prison.

He Hongmei used this holiday to design more than a dozen styles of clothes. She proudly told Zhang Chen and Ge Ling, "I feel that my work efficiency has never been so high."

Liu Ligan cursed from the side, Sichuan girl, do you have a conscience? That's because I raised you well. I work as a breeder every day. Ge Ling didn't become a pig, you are already a pig.

He Hongmei smiled and said, "Well, you don't have to raise it."

Since they went to Sichuan Food Temple at noon that day and experienced the experience of grabbing a meal, they no longer dared to go out to eat during this holiday. They ate in Zhang Chen's office every day, and the task of buying food fell behind. When it came to Liu Ligan, Tan Shuzhen, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao took on the task of cooking.

He Hongmei had nothing to do, so besides eating, she really just wanted to eat.

She herself told Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao that I was living like a pig here and it was so comfortable.

During this long holiday, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen were the ones who made them feel a little overjoyed. They also did not expect that the number of customers at several sales offices in Hangzhou would increase several times, and more people would come to see the houses than on any previous holiday. many.

It seems that the locals in Hangzhou, since they can't go to West Lake, Lingyin, Hupao and Jiuxi, just go to various real estates and sales offices as a National Day holiday trip for their whole family.

The performance of Liu Ligan and his company's sales office in Hangzhou was rising steadily. Lao Wan looked at it and regretted it. He said, if I had known this, I would not care if he reached the third floor in Shanghai. We will wait for the housing authority to open the market first. When we found us after the holiday, we were almost on the third floor.

But he had no choice but to look at Hangcheng Company with envy.

The National Day holiday is different from the Spring Festival holiday. During the Spring Festival holiday, everyone feels that they haven’t finished eating yet, and haven’t finished gathering with relatives and friends yet. How come this holiday is over? When everyone goes to work, they are still Ai Ai every period.

During this National Day holiday, as long as people stayed at home and did not travel, everyone felt that they had a lot of free time. In the last few days, I was a little tired of leisure and felt like I had nothing to do. It’s the 7th , everyone is waiting for the 8th to arrive soon, and is eager to go to work.

The groom, Lao Wan, drove to Shanghai on the 6th and had nothing to do at home. Zheng Huihong was extremely busy and went to work on the 5th. Lao Wan also felt that he needed to go back to Shanghai as soon as possible.

He Hongmei also returned to Beijing in the evening on the 7th. In comparison, she was not as anxious as Lao Wan. She felt that she had been working all the time, both in Beijing and in Hangzhou. When she returned to Beijing, her work continued. Neither stopped.

She showed the clothes she designed in Hangzhou to Zhang Chen. Zhang Chen thought they were very good and had almost no changes, so he gave them to Ge Ling and asked her to make clothes according to the American standard sizes. These were all provided to Jesse. The card they choose.

Ge Ling shouted: "That's great. As soon as Master takes action, the pressure here is relieved a lot. Master, ancestor, it's up to you."

Zhang Chen took out a stack of his design drafts, handed them to Ge Ling and said, do you think I have been idle?

Lao Wan went back to Shanghai. On the 8th, he called Zhang Chen and told him, Mr. Zhang, people from the city, as well as the district’s United Front Work Department and the government office were here today.

"What are they here for?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I don't know. I just looked around and asked about the situation here. I told them and they said that if you have time to come to Shanghai, they would like to meet you." Lao Wan said.

"Did they say anything?"

Zhang Chen thought to himself, what is the United Front doing to him? He has no overseas connections, and he is not a Hong Kong compatriot or a Taiwan compatriot. Only Liu Bang and Lin Shuwan, the great ancestors of the Han Dynasty, would be asked by the United Front to attend meetings and ask them if they had any difficulties on the mainland. , and would also come to visit during the holidays.

Even if I have something to do, I can get along with the United Front Work Department. The United Front Work Department here in Hangzhou is looking for me, and the people in Shanghai are looking for me. What kind of thing is this?

"No, they didn't say anything." Lao Wan said, "Let me tell you that if you have time to come to Shanghai in the near future, let me inform them."

Zhang Chen thought for a while and said, Lao Wan, in that case, I will come the day after tomorrow.

Lao Wan said yes, I will inform them.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Chen's cell phone rang. He picked it up. It was Lao Wan. Lao Wan told him that we had made an appointment. At two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, you go directly to the conference room of the United Front Work Department of Luwan District and find a person. A man named Ding.

Zhang Chen said yes.

In the evening, Liu Ligan and Tan Shuzhen came back. Zhang Chen told Liu Ligan Lao Wan's phone number, and Liu Ligan said, I will go with you the day after tomorrow.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Chen asked.

"These two departments are looking for you together, and the matter will definitely not be trivial. I can help you with my advice. In addition, I would like to treat the one who said "Oh" to a meal and see if he can help me get the pre-sale certificate early. Come out, Lao Wan is very anxious." Liu Ligan said.

"He is right to be anxious. For a new company, he will feel at peace if the cost is recovered. In this way, he will have more time and energy to consider projects in Puxi." Tan Shuzhen said.

Liu Ligan added: “We will continue to acquire land in Shanghai.”

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan arrived in Shanghai. At 1:50, they arrived at the conference room of the United Front Work Department of Luwan District. In the conference room, four or five people were already sitting there waiting for them.

Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan walked in. Before they spoke, someone inside saw them and stood up and said, hello, hello, which one of you is Mr. Zhang from Half an Acre of Field?

Zhang Chen said I am, I will come to find...

"My surname is Ding."

The man introduced himself before Zhang Chen finished speaking, and then came over to shake hands with Zhang Chen. Someone next to him introduced him and said, this is our Vice Minister Ding.

Zhang Chen quickly shook hands with him.

Next, everyone introduced each other. Present here were Deputy Director Ding of the United Front Work Department of Luwan District, a deputy director of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau of the Municipal United Front Work Department, and a director of the Municipal Government General Office.

After sitting down, Vice Minister Ding got straight to the point and told Zhang Chen that they had visited the church on Jiande Road a few days ago and learned some things on the ground.

Deputy Minister Ding said: "The thing is, in order to implement our religious policy, the city has decided to renovate and reopen a group of old churches. Your church is also among them. You may not know it. That church has a certain reputation at home and abroad.

"Now we know that the church, although it still belongs to Chaoyang Underwear Factory, is actually under the name of your company, Mr. Zhang. We hope that, Mr. Zhang, you can cooperate with our work."

"How to cooperate?" Zhang Chen asked.

Deputy Minister Ding said: "After our coordination with the city government and the consent of relevant leaders, we decided to replace it. Although the church building has been used as a factory since Chaoyang Underwear Factory, it is not a factory after all. We It has been decided to replace your church with fifty acres of industrial land in Songjiang, Jinqiao or Minhang."

Zhang Chen thought to himself that this matter is really troublesome. Although the church is of no use for the time being, Liu Ligan and the others are using it, but the house is in the urban area after all, and the three places like Songjiang, Jinqiao or Minhang I also know that this is an industrial land in the suburbs of Shanghai. Why do I want industrial land in the suburbs of Shanghai? It is impossible and will not move the factory to Shanghai.

Liu Ligan saw Zhang Chen's hesitation and asked: "Can't currency collection be done?"

Vice Minister Ding smiled and shook his head and said, "We also know that is the easiest way, but we don't have the funds."

The director of the city government office said: "This matter is not urgent. We have many similar projects to deal with, but the general direction has been decided. I know you also need to consider the time and work. Look at where these three places are, right?”

Liu Ligan was right, the leader was right.

"These three places are centralized resettlement sites that we have vacated. Enterprises like yours will be relocated there. Minister Ding will give you the information on the three places later. You will notify us after you have considered it. us."

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen both agreed.

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