The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1103: You always have to go back to your home

When Zhang Chen and the others were looking for Tan Shuzhen, Tan Shuzhen drove alone and was already approaching Yongcheng.

Tan Shuzhen saw Zheng Huihong and her parents in the past two days, and she was greatly moved by the settlement of their old suspicions. She always felt that her situation was very similar to Zheng Huihong's. It was just that her parents had too high expectations for their daughter, even to the point of being unrealistic. After the failure, it turned into a huge disappointment.

People's emotions are always relative. The disappointment of parents to their daughters has also caused the daughter's resistance. Do you feel that you have given birth to a failed daughter, and have you forgotten that you are the failed parents? Only failed parents will pass on things that they themselves cannot do to their daughters, hoping that their daughters will do it for them.

Successful parents do not expect their daughters to be as successful as themselves. They only hope that their daughters will be healthy and happy.

This gap between the two generations has accumulated into mutual disdain and hostility, which has led to resentment and incompatibility.

One thing Tan Shuzhen herself may not realize is that she and Zheng Huihong have one thing in common: she now has a stable life and a successful career. A person with a stable life and a successful career will gradually begin to be tolerant and peaceful towards the outside world. I have already got everything I want. Should I ask for more from this world?

On the contrary, those who still have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation every day will be very concerned about the world. He already has almost nothing, and they have to deprive him. How can he not be angry?

When she came to Tan Shuzhen, she subconsciously felt that she was not on the same level as her parents. She already had more capital, could calm down, and could escape and watch their chatter like a bystander. .

Their nagging no longer hurt her, but only made her feel a little funny.

Psychologically, there is actually a new imbalance. Tan Shuzhen is the one who is at the top. Psychologically, she is at the top. Then she will think of other things, such as her parents being older and the time the family spends together. Not much more. Thinking that the son wants to be filial but the relatives are not there, that is the real sadness.

But in fact, you can be filial at any time. When you only have one bowl of rice, you still think of giving half a bowl to your parents. That is filial piety. It does not mean that you have already eaten enough to be able to give to your parents. Giving your parents a bowl of rice is not filial piety, it is charity. It is charity you give to your parents.

Anyone who says that a son wants to be filial but his relatives are absent is either hypocritical or a bastard.

This is a bit like the relationship between men and women. Anyone who cares about how much money or wealth the other person has is a fool. No matter how much the other person has, if he refuses to give it to you, it is still his and has nothing to do with you. You are still That person who can be told to get out at any time, don't look at you being coaxed into becoming a princess today.

On the contrary, those men who only have a bowl of rice and are willing to serve the whole bowl to you are good men to you.

Just like Tan Shuzhen and Liu Lizhan, although they still keep a distance and have never held hands again, from the heart, Tan Shuzhen has completely accepted Liu Lizhan and accepted the existence of such a person in her life.

She was sure that Liu Ligan was the kind of person who would give her everything he had.

This is also the reason why she won't take whatever shares Liu Ligan wants to give her. For a person who is willing to give you everything, what's the difference between putting it in his place and in his place? If you go and ask for it, besides highlighting your greed and weakness, what else can you show?

No, on the contrary, you can maintain your own self-esteem and the respect of others for you, and you will want to give more. Only stupid women will want everything, and make themselves look like a liar, as if they don't want it for free. , it seems that before running away, you want to make a big profit. Are you insecure?

Tan Shuzhen's cell phone rang. She looked at it and saw that it was Liu Ligan. Tan Shuzhen picked up the phone.

"Where have you been? We are looking for you to eat." Liu Ligan asked.

"I'm almost in Yongcheng." Tan Shuzhen said.

"You went to Yongcheng?" Liu Ligan was surprised.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said: "Why, no? It's a legal holiday now. I don't need to ask for leave from my boss, right? By the way, when I got up in the morning and saw that my boss was still sleeping, I didn't bother you and drove out his car privately. ”

Tan Shuzhen drove all the way and thought about it. Now she was in a happy mood and could tease Liu Ligan while driving. Sure enough, Liu Ligan on the other end of the phone started to stutter.

"No, Zhenzhen, no, no, why do you suddenly want to go back to Yongcheng?" Liu Ligan asked.

Tan Shuzhen continued to laugh and said: "It's strange. I'm from Yongcheng. Isn't it normal to go back to Yongcheng?"

Over there, Zhang Chen had already taken the phone and asked, "Tan Shuzhen, why are you going back to Yongcheng?"

"Go and see Lao Tan."

Zhang Chen was taken aback and asked quickly: "What's wrong with Old Tan?"

Based on the relationship between Tan Shuzhen and Lao Tan, Zhang Chen thought that unless Lao Tan had some unexpected situation, such as being hospitalized, then Mrs. Tan would call Tan Shuzhen regardless of anything, even if Tan Shuzhen was right No matter how much Lao Tan thinks, as his daughter, he has to go back at this time, so Zhang Chen asked this.

"No, nothing happened." Tan Shuzhen said.

"Is that because your conscience is still intact and you suddenly realize that you still have parents and you are still a daughter? You need to go back and see them?" Zhang Chen teased.

Tan Shuzhen sighed: "Maybe I think the time has come."

"Okay, then you drive well and say hello to Lao Tan when you see him." Zhang Chen said.

"Okay, Zhang Chen."

Zhang Chen turned around and asked Liu Ligan: "Zhangzi, do you want Tan Shuzhen to ask Lao Tan for you?"

Liu Ligan looked at him speechless, while Tan Shuzhen giggled on the phone.

When she arrived in Yongcheng County, Tan Shuzhen did not go home directly. Instead, she drove to the non-staple food store next to the Cultural Square, got off the car and bought four bottles of Maotai and four boxes of Qingchunbao. Maotai was for Lao Tan, and Qingchunbao was for her mother. Yes, among the young people at that time, everyone liked the girl playing tennis in the Qingchunbao advertisement, but those who were eating Qingchunbao were all old people.

In particular, there is no middle-aged or elderly woman who does not love Qingchunbao tablets.

After buying Maotai and Qingchunbao, she walked out of the grocery store. A lot of people had gathered around the white car. Tan Shuzhen walked out, smiled at them, put her things in the back seat, and got in. Got the car.

She heard someone in the crowd saying, isn't this the one, that one, the singing Zhenzhen?

Tan Shuzhen felt a little proud. After leaving Yongcheng for so long, it seemed that she still had some reputation here.

Tan Shuzhen pretended not to hear anything, started the car and left.

She drove around the square, turned the car around, and when she drove out of the Cultural Square, she saw the door of the ICBC Cultural Square branch opposite the Cultural Square was open. Tan Shuzhen parked the car at the door and walked in. .

The two little girls inside must be newcomers. They don't know Tan Shuzhen, who was famous in ICBC back then, and Tan Shuzhen doesn't know them either. Otherwise, their personnel files would have to pass through her hands.

Tan Shuzhen looked inside. She saw that Wang Linghua's office door was closed, and she felt a little disappointed. The last time she saw Wang Linghua was at the Ban Mu Tian store on Yan'an Road in Hangzhou. Zhang Chen said, "I'll call you President Wang." A phone call can tell you to get out of ICBC, which frightened Wang Linghua.

Tan Shuzhen really wants to see Wang Linghua here today. If she is arrogant, Tan Shuzhen can tell her now that with just one phone call, I can ask both of you to leave ICBC.

Tan Shuzhen withdrew 100,000 yuan and put the money into a large paper bag that the teller gave her. Tan Shuzhen asked:

"The director of your branch is still Wang Linghua?"

"No, our director's surname is Shen."

Tan Shuzhen's heart moved and she thought of someone. She asked: "Shen Linlin?"

"Yes, do you know our Director Shen?" the teller asked.

Tan Shuzhen smiled and said, "Yes, I know her. When you see her, say hello for me. My name is Tan Shuzhen."

Tan Shuzhen walked out, and another teller also stood up. Both of them watched Tan Shuzhen walk out of the branch, watched her get into the white Mercedes-Benz, and watched her drive away.

The two people looked at each other and said almost in unison: "This is Tan Shuzhen, she is so beautiful."

Although Tan Shuzhen had already left when they joined ICBC, as a legend, Tan Shuzhen still stayed in Yongcheng County ICBC. Especially in the chats of female employees, every new girl who joined ICBC knew that she had experienced such a thing. A senior.

Putting down the phone, Liu Ligan looked at Zhang Chen and said blankly: "Strange, what's wrong with Tan Shuzhen? Why did she think of going home?"

"Why, are you afraid that Lao Tan will beat us again?" Zhang Chen said with a smile, "Don't worry, you are now more powerful than the joint reporters of six media outlets. You are more than enough to deal with Lao Tan. They can't beat you."

He Hongmei and Xiao Zhao looked at them, wondering what they were talking about.

"Fuck you, I don't worry about this." Liu Ligan cursed.

"Then what are you worried about?" Zhang Chen asked.

"I'm not worried, I'm not worried about anything." Liu Ligan said, "I'm just curious. Is it okay to be purely curious?"

But in fact, he is still worried in his heart. He feels that Lao Tan is his old enemy. Whenever Lao Tan appears, nothing good will happen. Of course, that Lao Tan is Tan Shuzhen's father, Teacher Tan, not this Lao Tan, the elder brother Tan.

"Okay, you can continue to be curious. I'm hungry and need to eat." Zhang Chen said.

"I want to eat too, Sichuan Weiguan." He Hongmei shouted.

"I want it too." Xiaofang shouted, Xiaozhao patted her on the back of the head, and Xiaofang stuck out her tongue.

Xiao Zhao looked at He Hongmei and Xiao Fang and asked, "You are at home and haven't had lunch?"

He Hongmei said: "Didn't you just get up earlier? How much can you eat for breakfast? Now that I see this fat pig, I suddenly have a huge appetite. I can eat two portions of the belly."

He Hongmei said, pointing to Liu Ligan, Liu Ligan said okay, anyway, I owe Sichuan girl, which is probably tens of thousands of meals now, right, Sichuan girl?

He Hongmei nodded repeatedly: "That's right, our children and grandchildren won't be able to eat enough, so my He family will have to rely on you to support me."

"Shameless, you should find a boyfriend first to save your children and grandchildren," Xiao Zhao scolded.

He Hongmei giggled and said, "Aren't you trying to scare him? This square-headed guy can't escape when trouble comes."

Xiao Zhao and Xiao Fang laughed, Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan looked at them, wondering what they were laughing at.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you for your monthly votes for a safe journey, sinful orchid finger, book friend 20190104201758318, commoner, humor tribe, and old cat who doesn’t drink! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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