The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1101 Drink this glass of wine

The wedding of Lao Wan and Zheng Huihong will be held in Liu Ligan's Taohuayuan hotel. This is Liu Ligan's decision. Liu Ligan said that it is his own territory. Of course, Lao Wan's wedding must be held in his own territory. It's just like having it in your own home.

Lao Wan and Zheng Huihong were both outsiders. There was no one in Lao Wan's family, except for his two brothers, sister and brother-in-law who came over.

Zheng Huihong came here a lot, more than twenty of them came at once. Zhang Chen saw Zheng Huihong's parents for the first time, and then he learned that Zheng Huihong's parents were teachers in their local middle school, and her father was also a special teacher.

The daughter of two middle school teachers did not get admitted to college. This was a great shame to them, especially Zheng Huihong’s father. This made them feel very embarrassed in front of their school colleagues and their students. Zheng Huihong My father even resigned as the head teacher of the third year of high school because of this. He said, "How can I lead my students to prepare for the college entrance examination if I can't teach my daughter well?"

You can imagine the atmosphere at home next.

Zheng Huihong therefore decided to go out to work alone. She didn’t even have travel expenses, and was too embarrassed to ask her parents for them. She just poured out all the coins in her piggy bank, ran to the train station, and saw many people buying tickets to go to Hangzhou. People say there are jobs in Hangzhou.

She bought a ticket to Hangzhou and ran to Hangzhou.

I followed the people looking for a job and found the Hangzhou Labor Market. I squatted at the entrance of the labor market for three days but couldn't find a job. She didn't have any skills and was thin. She even came here to recruit cleaners. Look at her. She doesn't look like someone who knows how to do hard work, so no one wants her.

The coins in my pocket had long since been spent. Fortunately, the weather was warm at that time, so I could spread out my bedding and sleep under the eaves of a nearby house at night. However, I had no food, and I was already dizzy from hunger. Fortunately, at this time, She met Zhang Chen, Zhao Zhigang, and Lao Wan who came to recruit workers. Fortunately, she was accepted by Zhang Chen and his factory with her excellent English, and then she settled down.

Zheng Huihong was grateful to Zhang Chen and the others, so she worked very seriously and hard. Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang were also very kind to her. She felt that staying in the factory was really better than staying at home, so even during the Spring Festival Didn't go back either.

She met another Lao Wan who was not going back for the Spring Festival, and the two of them stayed in the factory together. Zheng Huihong felt that Lao Wan was a very down-to-earth person. Although he had not read any books, he was very smart and could do almost any job. Nothing can trouble him.

The two of them had been together for a long time, and they got close after going back and forth. After getting close with Lao Wan, Zheng Huihong didn't want to go home anymore.

Both of them thought it was great to stay in the factory like this.

Lao Wan would not have left the Sanbao factory if Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen had not done his job. The same goes for Zheng Huihong. If she had not really liked playing with computers and networks, she would not have left the Sanbao factory. .

Fortunately, Zhang Chen understood her very well and went to work with Teacher Ma. If Teacher Ma had stayed in Hangzhou and not gone to Beijing, Zheng Huihong might not have left the factory. She would go to Teacher Ma's place to help whenever she had time, but not She would resign, but she couldn't bear it.

Until Teacher Ma was about to leave Hangzhou for Beijing, she had no other choice but to make one choice, and then she ran to discuss it with Zhang Chen.

Maybe it's because she's older and wiser, or maybe her life has settled down now. She has her own job and her own home in Hangzhou. Zheng Huihong's heart has slowly begun to become peaceful, and she no longer cares about her parents. There was so much hatred, so when they were getting married on November 11, she called her parents and told them.

To her parents, they felt that their daughter was embarrassed for themselves, but after all, she was their own flesh and blood. How could they not miss her if she just ran away and wouldn't come back for a few years?

The two middle school teachers both have the stinky habit of intellectuals, which is to save face. Even though their daughter didn’t come home, they always knew where she was, but they just couldn’t bring themselves to look at her. This time, their daughter called them. , which was equivalent to giving them a step down. They hurriedly came over with a huge group of relatives and friends.

They saw their daughter's home and felt very satisfied. Such a beautiful house was many times more beautiful than their own home. They met Lao Wan and felt that except for his lower education level, he was good in everything and a very down-to-earth person. , he also does a good job. He is already the general manager of a company, so how can his work performance be poor?

Look at their company again. It is not an ordinary company. Zheng Huihong’s parents looked at their Mishi River, stood in Wulin Square, looked at the construction site and renderings in the center of Hangzhou, and then looked at this paradise-like paradise. I feel that my son-in-law's company is really huge. Their annual output value is several times more than their own county.

Not only Zheng Huihong’s parents, but also other relatives and friends who came with her were frightened.

When they arrived at their daughter's company, Teacher Ma knew that Zheng Huihong's parents were here and received them personally. Zheng Huihong's parents heard that Teacher Ma was a teacher at the university and felt that their daughter's company was also very good.

Lao Wan's brother and sister were always smiling when they arrived in Hangzhou. The happiest thing for them was that their brother didn't have to pay a penny for his wedding.

Before she died, her mother called them all to her bedside and confessed, especially to her two brothers, that for the sake of your marriage, she had spent all her money on the whole family and not given a penny to her husband. Four stayed.

Even if I want to take care of it now, I can't. You are his biological brothers. You can't have a family of your own and live a small life, so you don't care about the fourth child. If you can't provide for the fourth child to study well, tell the fourth child. The last time I got married, I couldn’t bear to die with my eyes closed.

Brother and sister, they have sworn to their mother, don't worry, we will definitely take care of the fourth child.

But after his mother really left, not only was there no one to take care of Lao Wan’s studies, but no one was taking care of Lao Wan’s meals. Lao Wan was still in junior high school at that time and lived in the dilapidated house left by his mother. When he was really hungry, , if you go to the house of your two elder brothers for food, you will be disliked by your sister-in-law. The second sister-in-law will say why your elder brother doesn't care about you, and the elder sister-in-law will say why your second brother doesn't care about you.

The two sisters-in-law have one thing in common, that is, whatever food is on the table, they both hid it quickly when they saw Lao Wan coming.

When Lao Wan got married, the two sisters-in-law were too embarrassed to come, so they had no choice but to hide themselves.

Lao Wan couldn't get food at his brother's house, so he had to go to his sister's house to get some food. But my sister's house lived far away, more than ten miles away. Later, my brother-in-law saw how Lao Wan was doing, and he was really not a good person. The solution is to tell Lao Wan that he should stop studying and become a mason with his brother-in-law.

Lao Wan just left school and worked around with his brother-in-law. Later, when he had some money, he hired a few people and set up a maintenance team to do odd jobs here and there. But the money for the work was really hard to come by. The maintenance team He couldn't survive anymore, so he went to Hangzhou to work, and was recruited by Zhang Chen and Zhao Zhigang into the factory.

Now that Lao Wan is getting married, not only do they not need to spend a penny on it, but they also see that Lao Wan already has his own home in Hangzhou. The two brothers know in their hearts that the old house and homestead in their hometown will not be enough for Lao Wan. Wan Yi won't come to fight, how can the two of them be unhappy?

With so many relatives and friends coming for both the man and the woman, Tan Shuzhen arranged for them to stay at the company's Taohuayuan hotel, and the wedding was held in the hotel's banquet hall.

Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen sent more than a dozen buses and vans to attract customers. Liu Ligan and his company, Tan Shuzhen, Lao Tan, and Fan Jianguo came with all the middle-level managers of their company, as well as Lao Wan's subordinates and good friends from the maintenance team, Ying Ying and others also rushed back from Suzhou.

Dozens of people came to Zhang Chen's factory, not to mention Zhao Zhigang and Zhao Zhilong, but also the chief executives Fu and Caidi, Liangfen and the "working class" came, as well as Zheng Huihong's colleagues from the distribution center, they all rushed come over.

In the company, Ge Ling and Zhao Jingjing also came.

While Zheng Huihong was in Beijing, she got along very well with He Hongmei and Xiaoli. Zheng Huihong got married and the two of them rushed back from Beijing.

Here in Hangzhou, Wei Wenfang and Wu Chaohui, the couple Liu Bang and Lin Shuwan, the great ancestors of the Han Dynasty, and Qu Tianlin and Wang Minsheng also came over.

Zheng Huihong's company, with a total of more than thirty people, all came, including Teacher Ma and the new Taiwanese CFO. This Taiwanese had just helped Teacher Ma and others finalize a deal with Goldman Sachs, Investor AB and the Singapore government. US$5 million in angel financing from the Science and Technology Development Foundation and others.

Zhang Chen didn’t know what angel financing was. He thought that it was probably similar to the venture capital that Zheng Huihong mentioned, which could be blown away by a gust of wind. Anyway, this company has no factories and no assets, and the office is still rented. They can raise so much money. Zhang Chen feels that these people are still very powerful.

Zhang Chen's table is a big table for eighteen people. That's because Tan Shuzhen feels that with so many good friends, it's not good to assign them to other tables, so she might as well have a big table and sit with these good friends. , that is, Mr. Ma, the CEO and CFO of Zheng Huihong Company, that Taiwanese.

The Taiwanese CFO heard that the founders of Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, Lin Shuwan, and Wang Minsheng were also from Taiwan. Naturally, they started chatting about things in Taipei. As they chatted, they found out that in Taipei, he We are acquaintances with Liu Bang, the founder of the Han Dynasty, and Lin Shuwan. In this way, everyone feels closer.

The wedding was hosted by Liu Ligan. It was half earthy and half foreign. Anyway, it was lively. Zheng Huihong appeared in a wedding dress designed by Ge Ling and won everyone's applause. However, there was an episode, that is, Lao Wanyi Zhang Chen, as the man's parent, must be the one to witness their marriage, not his brother.

Although his two brothers had their own objections, when they arrived in Hangzhou and saw such a big scene between Liu Ligan and Zhang Chen, their relationship with Lao Wan seemed to be closer than his relationship with Lao Wan. If you can give Lao Wan a house, hold such a big wedding for them, and give them a car, what can you give them?

Now that we're here, do you still have the right to speak? They just have to keep quiet.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao gave Lao Wan and Zheng Huihong a red Santana. Lao Wan had a car in Shanghai, so he left it with Zheng Huihong. Zheng Huihong didn't even have a driver's license, so what kind of car did she drive?

For a long time, Zheng Huihong gave it to her company as a reception car. Teacher Ma used it to pick up and drop off many guests.

The bridegroom and the bride toasted table after table. After toasting their relatives, they arrived at Zhang Chen’s table. Lao Wan raised his wine glass and suddenly became speechless. Then he burst into tears. Zhang Chen and Liu Ligan both Knowing what he was doing, the two people hugged him on one side and toasted with him on the other.

"Come on, I'm happy today, let's drink this glass of wine together!" Liu Ligan shouted.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you Xu Yuenian, Yuan Xi, and Shuyou 20180720125920875 for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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