The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1096 The meal for five people is actually eaten by three people

The phone on Chen Yaqin's desk rang. She picked it up, listened for a while, said hello, put down the phone, and said to Meng Ping, Lao Ni asked you to come over and go out for lunch.

Meng Ping stood up and said to Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin: "You two beauties, give me your phone numbers quickly. I can ask you two experts for advice when I need it."

Ren Rongrong gave his business card to Meng Ping, and Chen Yaqin took her business card. Instead of giving it directly to Meng Ping, she said, "Next time we go to Nanjing, will you treat us to dinner?"

Meng Ping said with a smile: "Okay, I can ask you to do whatever you want, let alone eat. What I say is valid for your entire office."

Everyone else in the office applauded.

Chen Yaqin then smiled and gave Meng Ping her business card.

Meng Ping returned to Lao Ni's room. When Liu Ligan saw him, he scolded him, "You and Lao Ni are really a couple now. Once you get into the crowd of women, you can't get out."

Meng Ping scolded back, "Are you talking about me or yourself?"

Liu Ligan smiled and said: "People change. I, Liu Ligan, do have stains in history, but now, I am completely pure and pure. Look at Lao Ni, how righteous and aloof he was before, but now he is. The king of Furong Kingdom."

Lao Ni laughed and said: "Whenever you regret it, when you reach my age, you will know how good women are."

Lao Ni stood up as he spoke, clapped his hands again and said, "Let's go for a walk and have lunch."

When they arrived at the private room of Xin Kaiyuan, they saw that Feifei and Mengyao were already here, and even the dishes had been ordered. Mengyao was a little shy when she saw Meng Ping, but she would be fine soon.

Lao Ni told Meng Ping and Liu Ligan to see what other dishes needed to be added.

Meng Ping quickly said: "No need, there are two smart beauties ordering food, so we don't have to worry about it."

Feifei and Mengyao giggled.

Liu Ligan said to Lao Ni, "No, Lao Ni, you must let me hug you. I have never hugged a stewardess before."

Lao Ni smiled and said, "Go ahead."

Liu Ligan walked behind Feifei's seat, hugged her from behind, and exclaimed, "It smells so good."

Feifei giggled.

Then he walked up to Mengyao, and before he hugged her, he said, "It smells the same, Lao Ni, you are so lucky!"

When Liu Ligan hugged Mengyao from behind, Mengyao raised her head and rubbed Liu Ligan's face with her head.

Liu Ligan sat back in his seat and shouted, "Okay, I'm satisfied. Thank you Lao Ni and the two stewardesses for fulfilling my childhood dream."

The people in the box laughed.

Everyone started drinking and chatting. Meng Ping talked about what happened in the morning and his thoughts on the futures market. Liu Ligan was very interested and regretted that he had not stayed in the financial business department with Meng Ping in the morning.

Meng Ping then talked about futures betting, and Lao Ni's eyes lit up. He felt that Meng Ping was very inspiring to him.

After the Asian financial crisis passed, the currencies of various countries began to stabilize. Lao Ni and the others discussed at their last meeting. Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin both felt that the foreign exchange market should continue to operate, but the focus should be to start operating the domestic futures market. They felt that with the domestic futures market As the economic situation improves, this may be the most dynamic and promising market next.

From another perspective, diversification of investment is also beneficial. They should invest part of the money originally concentrated in the foreign exchange market into the domestic futures market.

Lao Ni believes that their judgment is correct. He can at least understand the domestic futures varieties and can make some judgments. Unlike the foreign exchange market, he is blind and cannot understand anything.

Self-made entrepreneurs like Lao Ni do everything by themselves during the entire process of starting a business, and they will not leave their destiny completely in the hands of others.

Now, the financial business department's business is so big. Although Lao Ni is very relieved about Ren Rongrong and Chen Yaqin, he still feels a little empty in his heart. He feels that if he has to completely stand by and watch, he will not feel at ease.

If it switches to the domestic futures market, it is possible for him to participate more, which is what Lao Ni really wants to do.

However, on the other hand, after all, foreign exchange speculation has brought him so much profit, and now he is asked to shrink this business, no matter what, he feels a little reluctant to give up.

Another important reason is that the money got out with great difficulty. It is very safe in the bank in Hong Kong. Now some of it is coming back. This makes Lao Ni feel a little worried. How many people are coveting him? Money.

This part of the money, unnoticed overseas, really makes a fortune in silence. When it comes to China, his old woman will keep an eye on it, and his son and daughter will also keep an eye on it. Later, Lao Ni may make some moves. They no longer have the right to control, and they are annoyed to death.

Now Lao Ni is different from before. He has Feifei and Mengyao. These two people are good-looking and fragrant, but when it comes to money, they are not ambiguous at all.

The two of them don't ask Lao Ni to divorce his wife now, but relying on him, they are sure that he has already shown his posture. They are both ready to have children with Lao Ni, but Lao Ni has not How could it be possible with a large amount of money prepared?

For Feifei and Mengyao, their scheming is that as long as they have children, even if Lao Ni is not divorced, he will not be able to escape. How dare he ignore his children who are holding him down?

Lao Ni is now in charge of the factory, and his daughter is in charge. Every cent of money in the factory is moved through his daughter. In the company, except for the financial business department, all other parts can be said to be entirely for the factory. As for supporting facilities, even the expenses here are arranged by the factory. Old Ni occupies the general manager's office, but in fact, his daughter is in charge of everyone below.

Lao Ni's autonomy has been restricted. The only thing he doesn't let others get his hands on is the financial business department. This is what Lao Ni made clear when he handed over the factory to his daughter. This is a department that belongs only to him. Lao Ni's independent kingdom.

They all knew that his financial business department made money, but no one else knew how much it made. Lao Ni also told Chen Yaqin that matters in the department must not be disclosed to people in his hometown.

But now if a part of the money is transferred back, it is impossible for others to not know about this part of the money.

What secrets are there about domestic bank accounts? If you just find an acquaintance in the bank, whoever you want will have his or her account, and they will help you pull it out right away.

Therefore, Lao Ni is still hesitating and the money has not been transferred back yet.

But after hearing what Meng Ping said just now, Lao Ni thought this was a great idea. Being a banker in the futures market is a sure-fire way to make money without losing any money. But if you want to be a banker, the amount of money is not a small amount, not even 300 to 400 million. You can't do it. It's a pity for Lao Ni to transfer such a large amount of money back.

Lao Ni looked at Liu Ligan and Meng Ping, and suddenly had an idea. Lao Ni asked them both: "How about it? Let's do it together?"

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan were startled and looked at Lao Ni. Liu Ligan asked, "Lao Ni, what do you mean?"

"That's what Lao Meng said, let's make a bank in the futures market." Lao Ni said, "The three of us will do it together as a partnership."

Lao Ni's plan in his mind was that if the three of them were to work together and make money and lose money, it would not matter even if other people knew how much money was in his account. It belonged to three people, not just him. Who would If you want to use the money, you can't.

"How much does it cost?" Liu Ligan asked.

"If you want to be a banker, for small varieties, three to four hundred million is enough. I think each of us will contribute 1.5 billion, totaling 450 million. How about opening a joint account?" Lao Ni said, "The operation is just It's better to leave it to Rongrong and Yaqin, they have experience."

Liu Ligan shook his head and said: "No, it's okay to get one or two million, but I can't get more than one hundred million. I don't even have enough money to get the land now. There are so many projects, and each project requires money. I don’t have that much spare money.”

Liu Ligan said, Meng Ping looked at him and kept laughing, Liu Ligan cursed: "Why are you laughing?"

"It's not that you don't have so much money, and it's not that you can't take out so much money. It's because you have to transfer so much money that you can't pass the test of being a noble wife, right?" Meng Ping made the point.

Liu Ligan chuckled.

Lao Ni understood and asked: "The one who sings Wu opera, is it so good?"

"If he's not so powerful, he can be pure and pure now. When he sees a beautiful woman, he only dares to smell her fragrance?" Meng Ping said, and Lao Ni laughed.

Liu Ligan looked at Meng Ping and cursed, "You are so powerful. Why don't you vote? You and Lao Ni do it together."

Meng Ping also shook his head and said: "I can't do it. I really have no money. I still have a sixty-story house waiting for me to build it. If I don't have enough funds, it's not impossible. I won't hesitate to reduce my shares. I won’t do this kind of thing, and I won’t have the right to speak if I surrender.”

Meng Ping and Liu Ligan both refused, so Lao Ni had to give up and everyone continued drinking.

After drinking for a while, Lao Ni still felt unwilling to give up. He said to the two of them, I tell you, it would be a pity if you don't do this. I tell you, there are not many people doing futures now, and the plates are still there. It's not big. Three to four billion can still make it a banker. If the market gets bigger, I'm afraid one billion won't be able to hold it back.

Meng Ping thought about what Lao Ni said, and it made sense. He had been feeling itchy since the morning. After a while, he asked Liu Ligan:

"Pole, tell the truth, do you want to do this?"

"Of course I want to do things with you." Liu Ligan said, "I don't know anything about futures and foreign exchange markets. Isn't there an expert like Lao Ni and the two golden roosters below him?"

"Okay, if you want to do it, there is actually a way. I don't have to use my capital, and you can bypass your wife." Meng Ping said.

"What can we do?" Liu Ligan asked.

"I called Old Qiao over. I'll lend you a guarantee. For the sake of our two people's reputation, the three-billion-dollar Old Qiao will definitely have nothing to worry about. He won't ask for any mortgage from us. It's just a matter of stamping an official seal. Your official seal can always do it." Steal it and build it?"

Meng Ping laughed as he spoke. Lao Ni looked on and shook his head. Lao Ni asked Liu Ligan: "Does the opera singer have shares in your company?"

"No, I wanted to give it to her, but she refused to take it." Liu Ligan said.

"Is your company yours alone?" Lao Ni asked.

Liu Ligan nodded: "Of course."

"You are a one-man company, and you don't even fart loudly? As a boss, you are pretty good at it." Lao Ni said.

"You have to let him go secretly." Meng Ping said with a smile, "His noble wife is very powerful and she pesters him to death. Look, she doesn't even want shares, but even if she can be the head of the family, this guy has already been ignored. ”

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