The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1090 Director of Management Office

Zhang Chen was sitting in the office. When he saw Xiao Zhao coming in with someone, Zhang Chen quickly stood up and shouted: "Sister Guihua!"

Xiao Zhao hugged Sister Guihua and said to Zhang Chen: "I saw Sister down below, so I brought her up. Is there anyone like this who passes by here and doesn't even come up to see us?"

Zhang Chen said yes, Sister Guihua has never been here since we moved here.

Xiao Zhao pulled Sister Guihua and sat down on the sofa. Sister Guihua smiled and said, it's not that I don't come, I always want to come and see you, even my mother, but it's Hagen who doesn't let us come.

"What's wrong with Brother Haigen? Why are you so domineering?" Zhang Chen asked.

Sister Guihua smiled and said: "Haigen said he works here. If I come here often, it will be like going through the back door here to say good things to him, and he won't let us come."

"How can there be such a truth?" Zhang Chen said, "Brother Haigen is the general manager of the market below. Who else needs someone to say good things to him? He doesn't even know how much he has helped me. I don't need him at all in this market." He's in charge of worrying about it, wait a minute, Sister Guihua, I'm going to call him and scold him."

"Scold, scold, just scold him for why he didn't let my sister and aunt come here." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen said he was about to make a call. Sister Guihua said with a smile, "Stop it now. If you want to hit me, I will run away. This Hagen, haha, you don't know. After becoming the general manager, his style also became bigger. That day I asked him if I could come downstairs and sweep the floor, but he got scolded.

Sister Guihua said while laughing, Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao knew that this scolding was not real, but——

"Sister Guihua, what are you talking about? You want to work in the market, what's wrong?" Zhang Chen asked, Xiao Zhao also looked at her.

Sister Guihua said: "The Hongqi Hotel was demolished, wasn't it? The units are gone. Not only the Hongqi Hotel was demolished, but our home was also demolished."

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao both looked at each other, and Zhang Chen asked, how did you arrange it?

"We have paid hundreds of thousands of yuan in compensation, and will be allocated four houses by then, but this job will be gone if we don't have it. It is not a formal unit in the first place, and the village has also moved out of the village and changed its residence. Of course, this job is No matter what, I couldn't stay idle at home, so I asked Hagen if I could come to the market to sweep the floor, but he scolded me, so I didn't want to do it anymore."

"Sister, why didn't you come to me? I can make arrangements here." Xiao Zhao complained.

Sister Guihua and Xiao Zhao said, "Sister won't come. Later I thought about it and realized what Hagen said makes sense. It's not good for these two couples to be in the same unit, let alone him being the general manager here. I'll sweep the floor. Then How can other people take care of me, haven’t I become the deputy general manager?”

Sister Guihua said and laughed.

Zhang Chen remembered it and said, "Sister, let me make arrangements for you, okay? You are not in my unit and have nothing to do with Brother Haigen. He can't control you even if he wants to. He can't let you out." Let's work."

As Zhang Chen spoke, he picked up the phone and told Liu Ligan, "Gangzi, help me arrange for someone to go to your Mishihe Management Office or the property management office of another community."

"Who is he, Zhang Chen? It's so important that you need to arrange it personally." Liu Ligan asked.

"Sister Osmanthus fragrans."


"Sister Guihua, Hagen's wife, her old hotel was demolished and she has no job. Come here, Hagen..."

"Okay, I understand. I told Fan Jianguo, no problem, you let Sister Guihua choose where is convenient for her to go."

Before Zhang Chen finished speaking, Liu Ligan understood. He knew that Sister Guihua was too important to Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao, and he must make good arrangements.

Zhang Chen said okay, then I will ask you clearly and then call you.

Zhang Chen put down the phone, wrote down the locations of Liu Ligan's several projects, told Sister Guihua, asked her where it was convenient to go to work, and told her that you could go to any of the property management offices in these places.

Sister Guihua waved her hands repeatedly and said, "How can I go to work in such a high-end place because I am such a big boss?"

Xiao Zhao said: "Sister, what is the senior level of this property management office? The nature of the work is similar to that of the Hongqi Hotel where you used to be. When you were at the Hongqi Hotel, you were just the person in charge. Even I was under your control. This The property management office is responsible for the many sanitation workers down there, as well as plumbers, electricians, security guards, etc. Sister, you can definitely do it."

Zhang Chen also told Sister Guihua, you can do it, there is nothing difficult.

"Really?" Sister Guihua asked.

Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao nodded repeatedly.

Sister Guihua said, let’s go to Mishi River, which is only a little way away from the original Hongqi Hotel.

Zhang Chen said yes, and he immediately called Liu Ligan. Liu Ligan said yes. Let Sister Guihua take up the post tomorrow as the director of the Mishi River Management Office. I will make other arrangements for the original director.

When Liu Ligan said this, Zhang Chen was startled. He lowered his voice and said, "You will be the director as soon as you go. No need for a familiarization process?"

"What are you familiar with? Can't I just send someone familiar to her to be her assistant? The character of people in this company is more important than their ability. Sister Guihua's character is definitely endorsed by you Zhang Chen and Xiao Zhao. No problem, other abilities can be cultivated. Your Zhao Zhigang, Zhao Zhilong, and me, Lao Wan, don’t have much culture. If they don’t work well, they just need to strengthen their culture.”

Liu Ligan said, Zhang Chen also thought it made sense, he said okay, then I will let her go there tomorrow.

"I'll go to your place tomorrow. Tan Shuzhen and I will take her there and announce that with our escort, Sister Guihua will have no problem." Liu Ligan said and laughed.

Zhang Chen said yes, then I’ll leave it to you.

"Please, you have introduced a talent to me. Just watch it, Zhang Chen. You will definitely regret it when the time comes." Liu Ligan smiled and hung up the phone.

Zhang Chen told Sister Guihua that she should be the director of the Mishi River Management Office. Sister Guihua was frightened when she heard that. She quickly said, no, no, I can't do such an important job.

Xiao Zhao quickly said, "You can do it. Sister, you are so smart. I used to think that I couldn't even calculate the accounts of this family clearly. But now you see, it is not necessary to take care of the finances of so many places."

Zhang Chen also said, Sister Guihua, you have no problem. The pole will also assign an assistant to you. If there is anything unclear at the beginning, just ask the assistant. You can take care of the real estate and attractions in Mishi River. , just be the room manager of the Red Flag Hotel, what’s the problem?

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Zhao and said, "You are too humble. You always take care of the family's accounts. You even know where to go to have a good meal."

Sister Guihua laughed after hearing this, and Xiao Zhao stared at Zhang Chen.

Sister Guihua said, should I discuss it with Hagen first?

"It's not about discussing, it's about informing him. You have to go to work tomorrow and don't have much time to serve him, so just inform him about this." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen picked up the phone, dialed a few numbers, and told Hagen on the other side of the phone, "Come to my office."

After a while, Haigen ran up and walked to the door. He saw Sister Guihua sitting in Zhang Chen's office. He was stunned for a moment. Before he could speak, Xiao Zhao called:

"Brother Haigen, tell me honestly, why didn't you let my sister and aunt come to see me? If I hadn't met my sister on the road below, I wouldn't have known why she hadn't come here."

Hagen scratched his head and smiled: "Women, just stay at home. Why do you run around outside when you have nothing to do?"

"Okay, Brother Haigen, I didn't expect you to have such serious machismo ideas." Xiao Zhao said.

Zhang Chen was smiling on the side. After Xiao Zhao finished speaking, Zhang Chen and Hagen said:

"Brother Haigen, I asked you to come up here just to inform you that Sister Guihua will take up a post at the Mishi River Management Office starting tomorrow."

Monk Hagen Zhanger was confused and looked at Zhang Chen, wondering what he was talking about. Zhang Chen continued:

"Sister Guihua is going to be the director of the Mishihe Management Office tomorrow. As a director, she is on the same level as your general manager. Don't be dissatisfied."

Sister Guihua and Xiao Zhao laughed, and Hagen said disdainfully: "How can she be the director of a woman's family?"

When he said this, Sister Guihua became hardened and refused to admit defeat. She said: "Who said I can't be a player? If you say so, I will still be a player, and I will do it well."

"That's right, sister, even if we piss him off to death, we won't pay with our lives." Xiao Zhao said.

It was decided that Sister Guihua would become the director of the Mishi River Management Office.

Zhang Chen thought of another thing and asked: "By the way, Brother Haigen and Sister Guihua, your house has been demolished, so where did you live? Did the government provide temporary resettlement?"

"No, the government has given subsidies, so we can go to relatives and friends. We now live in Sanbao." Sister Guihua said, "It's the same house you lived in before."

Zhang Chen looked at Haigen and complained: "How can that be done? Brother Haigen, why didn't you tell me about this earlier? We still have a house here, don't you know? I just don't care about Sister Guihua, it's just you, the company As a senior executive, if something like this happens, the company should help arrange it."

"Yes, Brother Haigen, you are treating us like outsiders." Xiao Zhao also said, "No, move here immediately."

Sister Guihua said with a smile: "No, no, you really can't blame Hagen. It's his cousin and cousin-in-law. As soon as they heard that our place was going to be demolished, they came over and insisted that we live in their house. They told everyone We are so lively together, and even if we want to move out, the couple will definitely not let go.

"Oh, you didn't see how happy his cousin was when we moved here. These two old cousins ​​ate wine together every day and ate so enthusiastically. One meal lasted an hour or two. food."

Hagen chuckled, and Zhang Chen also remembered that where he lived, every time his cousin saw him, he would tell him to eat old wine. He didn't have time, and his cousin always had a look of disappointment in his eyes. Now that Hagen has gone over, he is of course happy to have someone to drink wine with him every night.

Zhang Chen said okay, I don't care. One day when I go to the factory, when it's dinner time, I'll come over and drink old wine.

"Boil it, boil it," Hagen said.

Thank you winsonliu, for reading the book every day, ranking third from top to bottom, and 131 on the shore for the reward! Thank you Qingbo, Tang Wei, Fanfan, and Muren for your monthly votes! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all a happy life!

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