The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1077 People in tall buildings

Meng Ping and Xiao Ning sat down, and the result of their discussion was that Xiao Tao was sent to continue to contact Zhao Jinhua. This time, she was not only a family member of the patient in the next ward, but also an employee of Meng Ping's company. , Xiao Tao wanted to show his sympathy for Zhao Jinhua's situation.

At the same time, they must grasp the appropriate timing and reveal it inadvertently, saying that the boss of their company is a good person and often does some charity work.

In a situation like Zhao Jinhua's, she can talk to her boss, but for the specific situation, Zhao Jinhua and the others need to go to the company to discuss it themselves to see if her boss will agree to help. If her boss agrees to help, Zhao Jinhua's son's medical expenses will be covered. , it won’t be a problem.

The two people went over the plan several times and felt that this way of entry was natural. If Zhao Jinhua came, Li Gancong would definitely come with him. In this way, it would not be Meng Ping who went to Li Gancong, but Li Gancong who would come to beg Meng Ping. , Li Gancong will definitely not doubt that there are other reasons for this.

He would definitely not be wary of Meng Ping at all.

"Next, it depends on your Lao Meng's ability and how you move him." Xiao Ning said with a smile.

Meng Ping nodded.

Xiao Ning looked around and thought of a question. She said to Meng Ping: "Lao Meng, do you feel that your place doesn't look like a company at all? In other words, it doesn't look like a normal company at all. Then Li Gancong, will Are you getting suspicious just because you’re going to come in?”

Meng Ping took a look, and he didn't think it was like a company. How could there be such an empty company? The boss of this company often did some charity work. What a scam.

"No, before you do this, you must first make your place normal, with employees and projects, so that it looks like a normal company."

Xiao Ning said: "Don't forget, once you come into contact with Li Gancong, everything about you will be exposed to the sun, and also to the eyes of those who may be watching Li Gancong closely. Although we are still No trace of these people was found, but nothing can be done carelessly.”

After Xiao Ning finished speaking, she looked at Meng Ping. Meng Ping nodded, thinking what she said made sense.

"Moreover, there is no airtight wall in this world. Once you donate to Li Gancong's son, maybe the news media will know about it immediately, and some media will come to your door." Xiao Ning said, "For them, this is too much. Good news material.”

"It's okay." Meng Ping said, "I'll start recruiting people tomorrow. There are tons of people signing up. It's just a matter of recruiting a few people. What a big deal."

"What if the people we recruit are overcrowded and spoil our business?" Xiao Ning said, "There are no people who are recruited in this society. Can you ensure that there are no people with ulterior motives mixed in?"

Meng Ping was stunned, it was really possible.

"Like this, Lao Meng." Xiao Ning muttered, "We have to publish it in the newspaper and recruit people, but those recruited must be our people. I will let our people mix among these applicants, including Xiao Tao , I will give you a list, and when you actually admit, you will admit these people.

"In this way, Xiao Tao will really become a member of your company. Even if someone wants to investigate her, they can't find any flaws. By the way, I will also sign up. Lao Meng, you have to admit me too."

Meng Ping smiled and said: "Okay, I'm recruiting a general manager, and you can apply for this general manager."

"As a polished commander, are you someone who can help you with such chores as signing up?" Xiao Ning asked.

Meng Ping said yes.

"That's good. You alone have control of the list. By the way, it includes your friends. You must have a reasonable explanation for them. They will definitely be very concerned about your company when they know that your company is recruiting people. There are still others who may If you want to introduce some friends to work in your company, you have to think about how to decline them politely."

Meng Ping said yes, "I know what to do, I have a way."

Xiao Ning looked at Meng Ping and asked, "Do I need to give you time to think about it again? Once you have thought about it, I will report our plan to Lao Cha."

Meng Ping nodded and said, "Don't think about it, I've already thought about it."

"Okay, I'll call Lao Cha." Xiao Ning stood up, walked to an empty office, and closed the door.

After more than twenty minutes, Xiao Ning came out and said to Meng Ping:

"Lao Meng, Lao Cha agreed to our plan, but he made a request, let us not ignore our opponents. All this must be done flawlessly. Although everyone is ours, you must do it immediately. It operates like a real real estate company. Everyone who is recruited must buy insurance for them and pay them a salary every month.

"Also, there will be a land auction in Nanjing next month. Even if we don't bid, we have to pay a deposit and sign up to participate in the auction. Where is the real estate company? If we are absent from the land auction, we can go to the scene without raising placards, or When the auction starts, raise your name twice, and don’t compete with others. It’s okay if you don’t actually make a deal, but you can’t not even register your name.”

Meng Ping said yes, and Lao Cha was right to consider it.

"By the way, Lao Cha also asked, is there any money in your company's account?" Xiao Ning asked.

"Of course." Meng Ping said.

"Lao Cha asked you to find a way to transfer all the money tomorrow, transfer it to a friend's company you trust, or transfer it to your personal card." Xiao Ning said.

"What?" Meng Ping was confused.

"Lao Cha said that I must be responsible for you. After all your money is transferred, a sum of five million will come in for Xiao Tao. By the way, Xiao Tao is the treasurer in the unit. Here, you let her Let's continue with the finances. Lao Cha said that he would ask Xiao Tao to create a separate account. Once the five million is received, all the company's expenses will come from it.

"Including the money to be donated to Li Gancong's son, it all comes from here. As long as you grasp it, the accounts are clear, and it complies with the financial system, he will eventually be reimbursed." Xiao Ning said.

Meng Ping said: "This donation is only a small amount. I have donated the money myself and it will be regarded as a good deed."

Xiao Ning smiled and said: "No, with this fund, your money should be used to treat me to dinner."

Meng Ping also smiled: "You can eat as much as you have seven forks."

"Here, give me your company account number." Xiao Ning said.

Meng Ping wrote her the company account number, and Xiao Ning said: "Remember, transfer the money in the account tomorrow."

"There is no need to transfer it, as long as the five million is created separately." Meng Ping said.

"No, it must be transferred." Xiao Ning said, "Old Cha clearly stated that he must be responsible for you. If there is money in your account, if something goes wrong, he cannot bear this responsibility."

"Okay." Meng Ping said.

Xiao Ning sat there, tilted her head and thought for a moment, then laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Meng Ping asked.

Xiao Ning smiled and said: "I laugh, this is really a perfect plan. Lao Meng, tell me, are we geniuses?"

"Don't brag, it's dinner time, tell me, which expensive restaurant do you want to eat at tonight?" Meng Ping asked.

"Just the Cantonese restaurant at noon, I think it will also be very expensive." Xiao Ning said.

"Okay, let's go."

Meng Ping and Xiao Ning went to the Cantonese restaurant. The problem that had been nagging them seemed to be solved, especially since their plan had been approved by their superiors. The two of them relaxed and even had a drink at dinner. Order wine.

Meng Ping found that Xiao Ning became a little naughty and cute after she relaxed. It turned out that it was probably because of the nature of her work. She kept a straight face and acted seriously every day. This rare relaxation and casualness was just for her. As if he had stolen it, he felt so relaxed and immersed in himself, and so joyful from the bottom of his heart. These all infected Meng Ping.

After the two of them finished eating, they returned to Meng Ping's office and entered the door. Meng Ping was about to turn on the light when Xiao Ning shouted: "Lao Meng, don't turn on the light!"

As she spoke, she ran towards the floor-to-ceiling glass, looked at the lights outside, and shouted, "This is so beautiful, Lao Meng, come and take a look!"

Meng Ping walked over, and the two stood side by side, looking outside.

At that time, there were not so many high-rise buildings in Nanjing. All the lights were scattered on the ground instead of standing in the sky. They were all dim and had a pyrotechnic atmosphere that made people dizzy. The lights, instead of the blue and bright lights of high-rise buildings, make people feel the indifferent light.

Every street and alley is meandering in this area of ​​lights. You can see people's heads moving in the alleys, and you can see the traffic passing through the streets. Standing here and looking down, it is as if you are overlooking the world from the sky, giving you a sense of wonder. A kind of trance and dizziness, people are in a daze.

Although Meng Ping had experienced many nights in this office, he seemed to have never looked outside so seriously, especially when he looked outside in the dark. The lights outside became particularly bright, especially when it was so peaceful. People stand side by side, side by side.

This gave Meng Ping a different experience.

In the darkness, Meng Ping stretched out his hand to grab something. He moved his right hand, and the other hand seemed to be looking for him. The two hands held each other naturally. Then, he turned around, Meng Ping Seeing her slightly upturned lips and her slightly upturned face, she was a little frightened and a little expectant. The light outside brightened half of her face, giving off a warm luster.

Meng Ping's heart skipped a beat.

He heard a sigh, coming from her, as if coming up from the bottom of a very deep well.

The two couldn't help hugging each other and kissing.

When Meng Ping picked her up and wanted to take her to the sofa, Xiao Ning was shocked and shouted:

"No, no, Lao Meng, this is against discipline, we can't."

Xiao Ning broke away from Meng Ping and ran to the sofa to sit down. Meng Ping followed and Xiao Ning shouted:

"Lao Meng, go turn on the light."

Meng Ping stood there for a while, then walked to the switch next to the door and turned on the light.

Xiao Ning sat there, covering her face with her hands, hanging her head.

Meng Ping walked over and sat down on the sofa on the side.

Xiao Ning kept shaking her head and said, "No, no, Lao Meng, I want to apply to Lao Cha to be transferred from this position."

"It's not necessary." Meng Ping said, "We are all adults. I think we can control our emotions."

Xiao Ning's head stopped shaking, but she still covered her face with her hands and lowered her head. After a long time, Xiao Ning raised her head and looked at Meng Ping. Meng Ping saw her face was blushing and there were tears in her eyes.

"You're right, Lao Meng." Xiao Ning murmured, "You're right, we are all adults, Lao Meng, we can control ourselves, right?"

Meng Ping nodded.

Xiao Ning smiled miserably: "Okay, I want to hug you one last time, and then we will be comrades."

Meng Ping said yes.

The two embraced, not only hugged, but kissed, not only kissed, but continued.

Xiao Ning said: "Okay, Lao Meng, I want you to remember me, but tomorrow..."

"We are colleagues." Meng Ping said.

Thank you to Doll Tin Soldier and Ri Ri Shu Shu for the reward! Thank you for your monthly passes to Smiling and Running Y and Yuanxi! Thanks for all the votes and reading! I wish you all good health!

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