The Pentium Era - South to North

Chapter 1072 Millennium and Y2K

Zhang Chen's phone rang. He looked at it and saw that it was a second-rate guy. Zhang Chen picked it up. Xiaomei's voice came from the phone:

"Brother Zhang Chen, my work has been arranged."

"Okay." Zhang Chen shouted, "What kind of job do you do?"

"Director Zhang arranged a good job for me, which is to work as a statistician in the production department." Xiaomei said.

"Okay, where is your household registration?" Zhang Chen asked.

"The relocation permit has been obtained from the power plant police station. Let's go back to the township police station and apply for another household registration relocation permit. Director Zhang said that the labor department will help me handle the other procedures."

Xiaomei said, and it could be heard from her tone that she was happy. Zhang Chen couldn't help but laugh as he held the phone in his hand.

"Xiaomei, let the second-rate guy answer the phone. Hey, wait a minute. Xiaomei, I have something else to tell you. Once you enter the power plant, work hard. After you settle down, write a letter to your brother and tell him the good news. Your brother will definitely be happy for you in Qinghai," Zhang Chen said.

"Yeah, brother Zhang Chen, I will work hard and write to my brother to ask him to reform and try to come back as soon as possible."

After Xiaomei finished speaking, she gave the phone to Ergo.

"Instructor, it's me."

"Boss, have you ever called Tan Shuzhen?"

"I was beaten, beaten, but it wasn't us. It was the factory director Zhang who beat me. He also asked me to talk to Mr. Tan on the phone. He was forced to do it. Oh, I'm sorry, little sister. The instructor didn't let me do it in front of women. Talk dirty, fuck...Okay, instructor, why are you talking to me the same as Mr. Tan? Are you wearing the same pair of pants? What brand of pants?" asked the second-hand guy.

"Go away, then you should send Xiaomei back now. Go to the police station first. When you get there, they should not get off work yet." Zhang Chen confessed.

"I know, I'm rude."

"Then go to her house and remember that..."

"I know, it's long-winded. I'll send my little sister off tomorrow and bring her luggage to report. The factory has arranged dormitories here. My little sister said that she and her brother will go home every week. Her brother goes to school here."

"Okay, then you make the arrangements." Zhang Chen said.

Zhang Chen hung up the phone, and his phone rang again. It was Tan Shuzhen, and she was talking about Xiaomei.

Zhang Chen and Tan Shuzhen were still talking when they saw Lao Tan coming with one of his company commanders. The company commander was also the captain. After Lao Tan went to take charge of the construction company, he divided his men into groups. Liu Bang, the great ancestor of the Han Dynasty, laughed at him and said that he wanted to make daily life full of smoke.

Lao Tan and the others came to ask Zhang Chen to go to Qiaosi to see how the place should be modified, and at the same time to measure the foundation of the new factory building to be built. With accurate figures, Lao Tan could arrange the drawings.

Zhang Chen stood up and was about to leave. Jessica suddenly appeared in his MSN contacts. Zhang Chen knew that Jessica was online. When he was hesitating whether to say hello, Jessica's name flashed. Yes, Zhang Chen clicked on it.

Jessica: "Hi"

Zhang Chen thought for a moment and realized that no translation was needed, so he replied "Hi".

"Brother, wait a moment."

Zhang Chen and Lao Tan said that Lao Tan had agreed. Zhang Chen stood there and waited for a minute or two. Jessica didn't respond. Zhang Chen understood that this meant that they had added each other. If there is anything, contact them again. There is nothing wrong. Chatty.

Zhang Chen turned off the computer and went out with Lao Tan and others to Qiaosi.

The falling raindrops are chaotic, blurring people's vision, blurring the boundary between the water surface and the bank of the Jiangnan Canal below, and even blurring the outline of the "Splendid Jiangnan" building opposite.

This continuous rain filled the sky and the earth with water vapor and mist, as well as a kind of turmoil and uneasiness. Entering June of 1999, the entire human race seemed to be in a state of expectation and uneasiness. among.

From newspapers, radio and television to the Internet, people everywhere are talking about the millennium, this and the millennium, and the millennium is so annoying.

It seems that mankind only needs one foot to step from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000, from the 20th century to the 21st century, and a great moment will immediately unfold. When wars are eliminated and disasters are far away, people of different skin colors can be free and bathe in the sunshine of happiness.

Looking at individuals, those stars and celebrities, looking at their beaming expressions when they talk about the millennium, it seems that the moment the bell of the 21st century rings, they are no longer stupid.

Zhang Chen sneered at this. How stupid, greedy and wretched you were before. It will be the same in the millennium. It will not be better or worse.

Those who like to look for a sense of ritual in the days that pile up day by day are either stupid or lazy. They don't even make any efforts to change themselves, and just want to use external forces to make their fantasies soar to the sky, or to find something for their boring mediocrity. Something to impress yourself.

For those who work hard, every second of every day is equally busy. They don’t even have time to think about what a ritual is. Go to hell with your sense of ritual.

Just like Zheng Huihong who ran out at noon to install cameras for them.

Zhang Chen really felt that she was changing every day, and every time he saw her, there was a new Zheng Huihong.

From her changes, we can see that their company and Teacher Ma are amazing. Zhang Chen thinks that guy is quite amazing. He can talk about something that no one can understand in such a eloquent way, and he also makes people who follow him understand. After believing it, everyone becomes divine.

He felt that they were like a group of believers who were pursuing their cause persistently. They had to be as religious as believers towards something they couldn't understand. Such a company and such a group of people were terrifying.

Along with the expectation for the millennium, there is also the uneasiness of all mankind. From newspapers, radio and television to the Internet, a word called "millennium bug" has begun to appear one after another. The frequency of its appearance is about the same as "millennium bug". "The same height, as if the world will be swallowed up by the "Millennium Bug" in the first second of January 1, 2000.

"Zheng Huihong, tell me, what is this millennium bug? Why do I feel that being mentioned by some people is more terrifying than a world war." Zhang Chen said, "But it seems that even after I watched it for a long time, no one said it It’s clear.”

"I can't explain it clearly. It's very simple. In the 1960s, computer storage equipment was very expensive. In order to save storage space, programmers at that time used the last two digits to indicate the year. 1961 used 61, and 1962 used 61. Using 62, later programmers were taught by programmers in the 1960s from generation to generation, and this habit has been maintained.

"Every year, so many programs are written all over the world, and to put it bluntly, many of the newly written programs are copied from the old ones. In this way, the roots of the disease planted in the 1960s will become more and more serious. He was buried deeper and deeper, and in the 1990s, he had an attack. Oh, no, he hadn't had an attack yet, but he had been discovered.

"Everyone thinks that the century is about to cross. If the year 2000 ends up being 00, the computer will not be able to tell whether it is 1900 or 2000. This is a problem that only occurs after a thousand years, so it is called the millennium bug. But in fact, it It was a problem created by those old masters in the 1960s, but computers don’t know it anymore, and they were confused by us.”

"Why are you confused?" Zhang Chen asked without thinking.

"There will be calculation errors. For example, if a child was born in 1998, in 2002, is 2002 minus 1998 equal to 4 years old? Then if you need to calculate it with a computer, it is 02 minus 98, which is equal to -96 years old. He has to return The mother’s womb will not be born until 96 years later.”

Zheng Huihong said, and Zhang Chen laughed. He said okay, you are better than the experts. As soon as you said it, I understood everything. Then tell me, what is the harm?

"Not to mention the harm, but also because of this, in many computer systems, even if the year 2000 is a leap year, in the calendar of such computer systems, there is no day of February 29, 2000, but directly from the year 2000 February 28, jump to March 1, 2000, is that a mess?”

"Yes, it's definitely not right to steal the whole day away." Zhang Chen said.

"Before the Y2K came, there was another 9999 bug. It would strike before the year 2000." Zheng Huihong said.

"9999 bug? What the hell is this?" Zhang Chen was curious.

"In some older computer systems, they will use the numeric string 99 or 99 slash 99, etc. In the program, it is used to indicate the end of the file, permanent expiration, deletion and other special automatic operations.

"In this way, when September 9, 1999, or April 9, 1999, which is the 99th day of 1999, comes, the computer system will encounter 99 or 99 when processing a file with a date in the content. Numeric strings such as slash 99, etc. will mistake the file as expired or delete the file, automatically perform incorrect operations, and cause system confusion or even crash."

Zheng Huihong said, Zhang Chen nodded and asked: "Is this also left by those old guys in the 1960s?"

Zheng Huihong nodded: "So we are unlucky and have to wipe their butts."

"So April 9 has passed, has its harm happened?" Zhang Chen asked.

"There is no harm. That's because everyone was aware of this problem in 1997 and has already carried out prevention and repair." Zheng Huihong said, "The bigger test will be September 9, and the bigger one will be the millennium bug."

"What's their harm?" Zhang Chen still asked this old question.

"One is causing system chaos. Most systems have a time sequence. If the time is wrong, everything else will be wrong, such as banks, aircraft aviation systems, railway systems, etc., including each of our computers. may be affected.

"There are also many embedded devices that are equipped with smart chips, such as elevators, medical equipment, city traffic lights, etc., all of which will go wrong."

Zhang Chen understood and said, "In this way, the impact is indeed huge, so what can be done?"

"There is no other way. The programs that need to be rewritten will be rewritten one by one, and the equipment that needs to be replaced will be replaced immediately." Zheng Huihong said.

"Let me go, isn't that a lot of work? The butts of the 1960s were too big! These bastard old guys." Zhang Chen scolded.

"They don't care about you, they can't see you anyway." Zheng Huihong said with a smile.

Thank you for the tip from the third one from top to bottom, 131 on the shore! Thank you for your monthly votes for Fantasy in the Wind and No Bugs Flying! Thanks for all the votes and reading! Have a good evening everyone!

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